Liberals suspend 8th grader for shirt that says “Standing for those who stood for us,”

I just don't have a problem with a dress code at school. As long as it's enforced across the board. The boy can put the shirt on the second he steps off school grounds.
I know kids pretty well and I can see how allowing kids to display representations of weapons...even in the context of supporting the troops...could be problematic. Kids are manipulative, crave excitement and drama...I'm all about limiting their ability to do so when they should be attending their lessons.
I just don't have a problem with a dress code at school. As long as it's enforced across the board. The boy can put the shirt on the second he steps off school grounds.

BS. If the school banned confederate flags on shirts you'd say great. If they banned rainbow flags. you'd say the school is censoring the kids.
I just don't have a problem with a dress code at school. As long as it's enforced across the board. The boy can put the shirt on the second he steps off school grounds.

BS. If the school banned confederate flags on shirts you'd say great. If they banned rainbow flags. you'd say the school is censoring the kids.
Again, where the HELL did you get the idea I'm a lefty??? I think you're confused.
If liberals don't like America in its current state they can go to Sweden where everyone is a muslim homosexual.
No, my real world is He who holds the gold makes the rules. And In Loco Parentis, which all schoolchildren are subject to. Obey or find yourself sitting at home, which is entirely appropriate.
nice statist :thup:
Why should this kid be above the rules?
Did I say he should? :dunno:
This is just selective outrage and you know it.
Yes. It seems like selective outrage from those complaining about the punishment.
Punishment for wearing a shirt with a design on it? What EXACTLY was disrespectful, disorderly or threatening about the logo?
Yeah if this continues even the military will begin having a dress code.

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