Liberals suspend schoolkid for having paperclip - Could be bent into a weapon


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Liberals have declared war on everything that is the least bit dangerous - except for cars, the most dangerous instrument of all. !!!

Schoolkids are Now Being Suspended for Carrying Around These Tiny Deadly Weapons in Their Pockets

June 13, 2014

America has suspended kids for allegedly biting Pop-Tarts in the shape of firearms, shooting Hello Kitty bubble guns at the bus stop, and now, we’ve come to the point of no return: A young boy has been punished for bending paperclips.

Sean was brought to the office by a staff member who reported that Sean had a sharp object on him in his right pocket. When asked what he had in his pocket he reported he did not have anything. When asked to empty his pockets he refused. After several minutes Sean emptied his pockets. The contents of his pockets included a cell phone, pen cap, and paper clip. The paperclip was bent in a manner that could allow for use as a weapon.
How do you know the school admin is liberal? Or is everything you don't like in the world liberal? Because nothing in that article says that it was a liberal.

But as an aside, I hate these school suspension story. You only get one side of the story because legally a school can't comment so the media can sell it as that's exactly what happened and it creates animosity toward schools when legally they can't defend themselves and their decisions. It's insanity.
How do you know the school admin is liberal? Or is everything you don't like in the world liberal? Because nothing in that article says that it was a liberal.

But as an aside, I hate these school suspension story. You only get one side of the story because legally a school can't comment so the media can sell it as that's exactly what happened and it creates animosity toward schools when legally they can't defend themselves and their decisions. It's insanity.

Dammit, can you stop being the voice of reason, I want to get angry about these damn librals banning kids from school for breathing and stuff. GRRRR Librals
Yeah let's wonder about the paperclips not the cellphone.
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They should have passed a law requiring the children to register, undergo background checks, and obtain a license before bringing paper clips to school.

They they could make the possession of paper clips without a license a first degree felony with a 25 to life penalty.

To further keep the children, teachers, and school administrators safe, an absolute ban on containers holding more than 5 paper clips could be included in this wonderful new legislation.
They're just conditioning the kid, getting him used to having things taken away from him. Then later, when they do a house to house weapons confiscation in his neighborhood, he won't put up a fight, maybe even turn in his dad (for his own good).
How do you know the school admin is liberal? Or is everything you don't like in the world liberal? Because nothing in that article says that it was a liberal.

But as an aside, I hate these school suspension story. You only get one side of the story because legally a school can't comment so the media can sell it as that's exactly what happened and it creates animosity toward schools when legally they can't defend themselves and their decisions. It's insanity.

More than likely, if we use common sense and reason in looking at this story, there have been incidents in the school of kids poking each other with bent paper clips or other objects.

It's true, we only get one side of the story and it is blown out of proportion, and it assumes all public schools are administered by liberals and that their policies are all extremely foolish and bordering on a psychotic PC agenda.

My experience of schools and incidents like this is that there will be a lot of background to the problem: there has probably been an ongoing problem with kids using such materials to poke others ; and there is the potential for injury. If a child is injured by another child with even a seemingly innocuous tool such as this, the parents can sue the school. The school has to be very careful to avoid such lawsuits, which, BTW, the taxpayer is the one who pays for it.

So, what may seem like silly behavior on the part of the school may very well be reasonable measures taken to prevent a lawsuit which taxpayers have to shell out for.

In any case, we should know the whole picture before we make judgements.
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Why do some retards assume the teacher was a liberal? The teacher could have been a right wing douche bag for all the OP knows.
Why do some retards assume the teacher was a liberal? The teacher could have been a right wing douche bag for all the OP knows.
Conservative teachers are about as common as double yolk eggs. Yeah, they're out there but you don't find them very often. Besides, only a liberal would consider a paper clip a dangerous weapon.
They should have passed a law requiring the children to register, undergo background checks, and obtain a license before bringing paper clips to school.

They they could make the possession of paper clips without a license a first degree felony with a 25 to life penalty.

To further keep the children, teachers, and school administrators safe, an absolute ban on containers holding more than 5 paper clips could be included in this wonderful new legislation.

Weeeeeeeeeeeee! I love snark! Especially the creative, original kind! You should write for Douchey.
How do you know the school admin is liberal? Or is everything you don't like in the world liberal? Because nothing in that article says that it was a liberal.

But as an aside, I hate these school suspension story. You only get one side of the story because legally a school can't comment so the media can sell it as that's exactly what happened and it creates animosity toward schools when legally they can't defend themselves and their decisions. It's insanity.

Dammit, can you stop being the voice of reason, I want to get angry about these damn librals banning kids from school for breathing and stuff. GRRRR Librals

Yeah, they just suck, them libruls.
Why do some retards assume the teacher was a liberal? The teacher could have been a right wing douche bag for all the OP knows.
Conservative teachers are about as common as double yolk eggs. Yeah, they're out there but you don't find them very often. Besides, only a liberal would consider a paper clip a dangerous weapon.

This is patently untrue. You don't even know this; you're just saying it because you want to believe it. If you are going to make such a claim, support it with viable evidence.

The reality is that there is pretty much an even number of teachers in this county who are politically and socially liberal or conservative. If you can prove otherwise, do so.
I fucking hate schools and the U.S. education system and its hierarchy of dictatorial micro-managers.
Sick ass holes.

I rememeber, before the GOP declared war on unions, (and by extension on teachers who are in unions) when Americans liked teachers.

Mr H is a perfect example of the power of propaganda in action.
I fucking hate schools and the U.S. education system and its hierarchy of dictatorial micro-managers.
Sick ass holes.

I rememeber, before the GOP declared war on unions, (and by extension on teachers who are in unions) when Americans liked teachers.

Mr H is a perfect example of the power of propaganda in action.

I'll take that as a compliment. :thup:

Teacher's Unions didn't flourish until the 60's. Before then, America liked teachers.
How do you know the school admin is liberal? Or is everything you don't like in the world liberal? Because nothing in that article says that it was a liberal.

But as an aside, I hate these school suspension story. You only get one side of the story because legally a school can't comment so the media can sell it as that's exactly what happened and it creates animosity toward schools when legally they can't defend themselves and their decisions. It's insanity.

More than likely, if we use common sense and reason in looking at this story, there have been incidents in the school of kids poking each other with bent paper clips or other objects.

It's true, we only get one side of the story and it is blown out of proportion, and it assumes all public schools are administered by liberals and that their policies are all extremely foolish and bordering on a psychotic PC agenda.

My experience of schools and incidents like this is that there will be a lot of background to the problem: there has probably been an ongoing problem with kids using such materials to poke others ; and there is the potential for injury. If a child is injured by another child with even a seemingly innocuous tool such as this, the parents can sue the school. The school has to be very careful to avoid such lawsuits, which, BTW, the taxpayer is the one who pays for it.

So, what may seem like silly behavior on the part of the school may very well be reasonable measures taken to prevent a lawsuit which taxpayers have to shell out for.

In any case, we should know the whole picture before we make judgements.

Exactly. Here is a story from my neck of the woods.

A kid came to a school event after he worked on his family's farm. He had a 3" pocket knife. A teacher confiscated it and he was suspended for 5 days.

Parents call local TV station, complain about it, and the father said "My son wouldn't use it to hurt another student, the school didn't use common sense."

How do YOU KNOW he wouldn't? A school doesn't know that. Even if they assume he wouldnt do anything and then kills another student, the school gets sued. Like you said, money that could be used for teacher salary increases or new equipment goes to a lawsuit. Then people complain that there is no new things at the school. It's a no win situation.

All education documentaries hint around this but never specifically say it. We have an entire culture in this country that doesn't respect the institution of education. Everyone says "it's important to get an education" yet constantly undermine the authority of educators, disrespect their intelligence and fail to give adequate funding to hire the best and brightest to the field. Our public education system fails because we don't respect it at all.

We questioned established science and deny our true history of our country (the civil war wasn't about slavery). Then we wonder why we are so behind in educational rankings. You know why Germany and South Korea have great educational system. They revere the teaching profession, not belittle it. Thus the smartest want to be teachers because that position carries clout in those countries. We don't treat the teaching profession the same way. We treat it as a burden.

You want a better educational system, respect the institution and the people doing their job.
What will they think of next? :eusa_whistle:

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I wonder how much longer until staplers are not allowed anymore. They can be used as a weapon too and so can scissors. :eusa_whistle:
Why do some retards assume the teacher was a liberal? The teacher could have been a right wing douche bag for all the OP knows.
Conservative teachers are about as common as double yolk eggs. Yeah, they're out there but you don't find them very often. Besides, only a liberal would consider a paper clip a dangerous weapon.
Please, this could have happened at a private religious school by a Conservative teacher, for all you know. This thread is nothing but bait by someone who thinks there's a Liberal boogieman hiding under every bed.

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