Liberals upset at Hobby Lobby now over transgender issue

I was gonna' say she needs to keep her hands off the donuts until I read further. :lol:

But management refused to budge on one issue: They insisted that Sommerville continue to use the men's restroom. According to Sommerville, she was told she would only be allowed to use the women's restroom if she provided proof that she had undergone genital reconstructive surgery. Neither the state of Illinois nor the federal government require this surgery for a person to legally change his or her gender.
The State and Feds may not require it but a Private Business does. Sounds reasonable to me.

You girls really want someone going into the Female Bathrooms and "whipping it out"? You sure about that? Little girls use that Female restroom too ya' know.
It seems like Hobby Lobby was quite happy to have him use the women's bathroom, they just wouldn't let him use the women's bathroom as long as he had a penis. That's VERY reasonable.
This whole restroom transgender thing seems a bit strange to me. If somebody looks like a woman and they gop in the ladies room, I wouldn't think it would raise an eyebrow. I wouldn't really be interested in having a crotch inspector at every public restroom. And if you mistake one of those ugly old ladies for a man, that sounds to be a nasty scenario.

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