Liberals Who Oppose Travel Ban Put Lives in Danger

Did you also notice that Chuck Schumer didn’t cry for the 8 dead newest victims of Islamic hate, but he did cry for the Terrorist on Trump's travel ban.
If your a Muslim you should not be allowed in this nation.
NYC 'terror' attack leaves 8 dead, several injured

But he's not from a country where the travel ban covers. Go figure.

Basically you people made war on Muslims and Muslims are fighting back which gives you an excuse for taking away people's rights.

they have NO right to come to the US
you are out of your mind

the US can limit anyone they want to come to the US
you think in WW2 they let the Japanese and Germans ''COME ON OVER''????!!!!!!??

Well, they do if they become citizens and the 2.6 million US Muslims also have rights.

Yes, the US can limit whoever they want. However at the same time if the US annoys Muslims who are US citizens then the US might find more people willing to kill people.
so you MURDER people when you get annoyed??
if everyone MURDERED when they were annoyed, we wouldn't be around
Liberals make it sound like America is a Muslim Refugee's only option. That is false. The refugee problem needs to be solved with local solutions in the Middle East.

The other countries don't want them either is the problem. Some Arab states have refused to take them. That should be a HINT to us.
The Diversity immigration program must be ended immediately and all given it should be returned to their home country.
What's funny is a guy a few weeks ago killed 60 people, hurt over 600, and he was a citizen with family going back generations.

My point is there are crazy people of every race and religion.

There's steep differences in the proportions of good, and bad, crazy, and non crazy, even between Poland, and Germany which share a border.
If your a Muslim you should not be allowed in this nation.
NYC 'terror' attack leaves 8 dead, several injured

But he's not from a country where the travel ban covers. Go figure.

Basically you people made war on Muslims and Muslims are fighting back which gives you an excuse for taking away people's rights.

they have NO right to come to the US
you are out of your mind

the US can limit anyone they want to come to the US
you think in WW2 they let the Japanese and Germans ''COME ON OVER''????!!!!!!??

Well, they do if they become citizens and the 2.6 million US Muslims also have rights.

Yes, the US can limit whoever they want. However at the same time if the US annoys Muslims who are US citizens then the US might find more people willing to kill people.
Fuck their minority status. 2.6 million Democrats who hate America and Christianity.
If your a Muslim you should not be allowed in this nation.
NYC 'terror' attack leaves 8 dead, several injured

But he's not from a country where the travel ban covers. Go figure.

Basically you people made war on Muslims and Muslims are fighting back which gives you an excuse for taking away people's rights.

Then expand the fucking ban for national security reasons.

Maybe we need to get rid of the ban as a useless tool. If they are properly vetted then the ban is not needed. This is another case of politicians saying they have tried to fix the problem when they have not.
If your a Muslim you should not be allowed in this nation.
NYC 'terror' attack leaves 8 dead, several injured
In the meantime Trump should round them all up and put them safely in camps surrounded by concertina wire while they all wear yellow crescent arm bands. The Final Solution we could call it.

Sounds good to anyone who flunked History, like your average Trumpian mouth breather.
If your a Muslim you should not be allowed in this nation.
NYC 'terror' attack leaves 8 dead, several injured
Tell that to people in Las Vegas.

Oh these white man mass murderers.

Deport the fukers.
o good argument--so because we have murderers in the US, we should let foreigners that want to murder Americans into the US :rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41:

They have 1 thing in common. Liberals tried to use the tragedy in Vegas for political purposes and Republicans use what happened in NY for political gain. You are just as disgusting.
Liberals make it sound like America is a Muslim Refugee's only option. That is false. The refugee problem needs to be solved with local solutions in the Middle East.

The other countries don't want them either is the problem. Some Arab states have refused to take them. That should be a HINT to us.
The Diversity immigration program must be ended immediately and all given it should be returned to their home country.

You are a good little Nazi. The fact is that these people with 1 or 2 exceptions have become hard working Americans. You should be rounded up and thrown out.
Democrats: “Come to America you poor Muslim can drive a cab...or work in food service industry.”

There is a white kid and at 44 seconds two white girls without scarves walking by. Doesn't seem very Islamic. And a guy in speedo's on a bike.

How do we know this isn't some homeless guy?
The hypocrisy is strong in this thread. Just last month a white American killed 59 people and injured 100s of others. When gun restrictions were proposed you ring wingers whined about the media politicizing the massacre. Now you hypocrites are doing the same exact thing.

You say restricting guns is unfair to gun owners because most aren't like that. Well most Muslim immigrants don't commit acts of terror either.

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