Liberals.., why the whining over BatFleck ??


Gold Member
Mar 19, 2013
this is so fucking outrageously funny it shows the utter ignorance/stupidity of you whackos :up:

if you can, please explain why the whine.., is because no one is serving wine and cheese ??

:lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao:
Right on! So early in the morning and the "stupidest thread of the day" award is all be locked up!

Today we will be attacking the evil liberals over what we perceive is their opinion of actor choices.
Who really cares about the choice of actors for childish fantasy movies? For all that most thinking people care, they could cast Governor Christie as Batman.
Liberals might want to say that conservatives are complaining, but that, like everything else liberals have to say, isn't true. The complaints are coming from Batman fans, many of whom are liberal themselves. Ben Affleck is a bad actor. Fans do not think he will do their hero justice. Affleck, no matter what else he does, is not escaping his performances in Daredevil and Gigli.

Do the Batman fans have a right to complain? Sure they do. You don't think these silly superhero movies are driven by politics do you? They are driven by fans who will see a fan fave a half a dozen times or more.
What in the hell does the casting of Affleck as Batman have to do with political leanings?! :confused:
What in the hell does the casting of Affleck as Batman have to do with political leanings?! :confused:
Hell if I know.

I've seen some really feeble attempts at attacking a political spectrum before, but this one takes stupid to a new level. I didn't even know a certain political ideology had registered as being in support or against who plays batman.
Funny..people were complaining loudly when Heath Ledger was cast as the Joker.

this is so fucking outrageously funny it shows the utter ignorance/stupidity of you whackos :up:

if you can, please explain why the whine.., is because no one is serving wine and cheese ??

:lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao:

Sorry stupid bastard, but we liberals do not control what a private corporation does. Just like conservatives do not get to pick who performs at the Super Bowl.
Funny..people were complaining loudly when Heath Ledger was cast as the Joker.


I think the chances of Affleck pulling off a performance like Ledger's Joker are incredibly small. That's just setting the bar way too high.

I do remember a lot of complaints when Keaton was cast as Batman in Tim Burton's first movie in the franchise (I was one of the complainers). He ended up doing a surprisingly good job with it.

Affleck might make a good Batman. I think the bigger issue is why they decided to cast a 41 year old if this is supposed to be the beginnings of a larger DC cinematic universe. Batman is obviously one of the must-have major characters, shouldn't they have gone after someone younger who can stay with the part for the long haul? :confused:
Liberals might want to say that conservatives are complaining, but that, like everything else liberals have to say, isn't true. The complaints are coming from Batman fans, many of whom are liberal themselves. Ben Affleck is a bad actor. Fans do not think he will do their hero justice. Affleck, no matter what else he does, is not escaping his performances in Daredevil and Gigli.

Do the Batman fans have a right to complain? Sure they do. You don't think these silly superhero movies are driven by politics do you? They are driven by fans who will see a fan fave a half a dozen times or more.

You still counting daisies? You should be cause you ain't doing nothin' around here but showing us your face/ass.
Ben Affleck sucks as an actor.. I don't care what he does.. he stinks and he's much too feminine to play Batman unless Batman's new cape is the color of the rainbow?
I thought Ben Afleck was pretty good as A.J. Frost in "Armageddon." But everything else not so much. I don't know what pull he has in Hollywood though, because he sure does seem to land a lot of roles.

But I agree with ya'll that he doesn't fit the image of Batman. And I don't even watch Batman movies. :)

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