Liberals.., why the whining over BatFleck ??

Another Batman movie? Can't they come up with something original??

It's actually not just a Batman movie.....the sequel to Man of Steel is apparently going to be a Superman/Batman movie.

So Superman will use his super powers and Batman won't because he doesn't have any.


Batman and Superman have worked together many, many times. Superman has power, Batman is the world's greatest detective.
the thing i find amazing here is the liarberals are totally ignorant of their fellow whiners complaining to their messiah to force the producers of the new BM movie to replace him with someone more in character with a "real" Batman, didn't the writers make BM a qweer a year or so ago ? along with Superman ? if this is true.........., well is there any need for a porno movie about two qweers getting it on ?

What in the hell does the casting of Affleck as Batman have to do with political leanings?
you really do not know ?

Sorry stupid bastard, but we liberals do not control what a private corporation does.

sorry stupid qweer boy, but if you were reading the news lately , you might know liarberals are demanding your messiah step in and make the producers replace ol BatFleck.

The online backlash got so intense that two petitions were even started in an attempt to convince both president Barack Obama and the powers that be at Warner Bros. studios that Affleck, despite his recent award season nods, just isn’t cut out to don a cape and protect the residents of Gotham City.
Ben Affleck White House Petition: Fans Don't Want Star to Be Batman

liberal stupidity and ignorance is absolutely limitless. :up:
the thing i find amazing here is the liarberals are totally ignorant of their fellow whiners complaining to their messiah to force the producers of the new BM movie to replace him with someone more in character with a "real" Batman, didn't the writers make BM a qweer a year or so ago ? along with Superman ? if this is true.........., well is there any need for a porno movie about two qweers getting it on ?

What in the hell does the casting of Affleck as Batman have to do with political leanings?
you really do not know ?

Sorry stupid bastard, but we liberals do not control what a private corporation does.

sorry stupid qweer boy, but if you were reading the news lately , you might know liarberals are demanding your messiah step in and make the producers replace ol BatFleck.

The online backlash got so intense that two petitions were even started in an attempt to convince both president Barack Obama and the powers that be at Warner Bros. studios that Affleck, despite his recent award season nods, just isn’t cut out to don a cape and protect the residents of Gotham City.
Ben Affleck White House Petition: Fans Don't Want Star to Be Batman

liberal stupidity and ignorance is absolutely limitless. :up:

Yes, you clearly are the one with the intelligence and education. :lol:

What does this have to do with political leanings? Do you think conservatives like Affleck as an actor and liberals do not? Only liberals enjoy comic book movies? Conservatives would never voice their displeasure on social media?

Tell us please, how is this about political leanings? :popcorn:
Who really cares about the choice of actors for childish fantasy movies? For all that most thinking people care, they could cast Governor Christie as Batman.

I'd like that. Obama as Robin?

Holy deadlock, Batman! Let's cooperate.
I had no idea that Afleck is being considered for the part. Nor was I aware that as a liberal, I'm supposed to be outraged over this. Could somebody direct me to the nearest protest?
the thing i find amazing here is the liarberals are totally ignorant of their fellow whiners complaining to their messiah to force the
Believe me I find it far more amazing that you would be attuned to a political ideology having an opinion about a movie role choice, and would start a thread about it to attack them.

You need a life dude.
the thing i find amazing here is the liarberals are totally ignorant of their fellow whiners complaining to their messiah to force the
Believe me I find it far more amazing that you would be attuned to a political ideology having an opinion about a movie role choice, and would start a thread about it to attack them.

You need a life dude.

you need to get a condom and go fuck yourself.............., i wouldn't want you get AIDS :up:
Who really cares about the choice of actors for childish fantasy movies? For all that most thinking people care, they could cast Governor Christie as Batman.

take the stick out of your ass dont have to be a kid to like fantasy movies.....
Liberals might want to say that conservatives are complaining, but that, like everything else liberals have to say, isn't true. The complaints are coming from Batman fans, many of whom are liberal themselves. Ben Affleck is a bad actor. Fans do not think he will do their hero justice. Affleck, no matter what else he does, is not escaping his performances in Daredevil and Gigli.

Do the Batman fans have a right to complain? Sure they do. You don't think these silly superhero movies are driven by politics do you? They are driven by fans who will see a fan fave a half a dozen times or more.

many are conservatives too.....and they are bitching just as much.....geezus....
Funny..people were complaining loudly when Heath Ledger was cast as the Joker.


I think the chances of Affleck pulling off a performance like Ledger's Joker are incredibly small. That's just setting the bar way too high.

I do remember a lot of complaints when Keaton was cast as Batman in Tim Burton's first movie in the franchise (I was one of the complainers). He ended up doing a surprisingly good job with it.

Affleck might make a good Batman. I think the bigger issue is why they decided to cast a 41 year old if this is supposed to be the beginnings of a larger DC cinematic universe. Batman is obviously one of the must-have major characters, shouldn't they have gone after someone younger who can stay with the part for the long haul? :confused:

they apparently are going to base it on Frank Millers Graphic Novel which has an older Batman then the original Worlds Finest which had Batman and Superman about the same age and were good sure they will get flack about that too....
The Dark Knight Returns was great.....I'm not sure how it works with Man of Steel, though.

Still, Cavill is only 30 years old. He can play Superman for quite a few movies, stand-alone films and team films. Affleck will be probably be 50 by the time they have a third movie with him as Batman.
this is so fucking outrageously funny it shows the utter ignorance/stupidity of you whackos :up:

if you can, please explain why the whine.., is because no one is serving wine and cheese ??

:lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao: ... :lmao:

Can anyone translate this OP for me?

hurry there are only a few left.....

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