liberals would rather help illegals than help veterans!

One problem, the state coughed up the money but.....proving once again regulations hinder projects

The latest delay stems from the refusal by the federal Department of Veterans Affairs to allow the state to compete for a multimillion-dollar cemetery construction grant until there is a road on the property, not just a bulldozed trail.

The state spent $2 million, but Fairbanks still doesn't have a veterans' cemetery
Good. I lived in Fairbanks, and roads are costly and hard to do there. Build the road, get the cemetery.
You miss the point that real sourdoughs prefer a rough road to something "improved". "Improved" roads are expensive and difficult to maintain in this climate and only attract a bunch of tourist yahoos.
No real Alaskan wants a rough road if they can get an improved one. You know it, and I know it. Fairbanks is not in the outback and should not be treated as such.

One problem, the state coughed up the money but.....proving once again regulations hinder projects

The latest delay stems from the refusal by the federal Department of Veterans Affairs to allow the state to compete for a multimillion-dollar cemetery construction grant until there is a road on the property, not just a bulldozed trail.

The state spent $2 million, but Fairbanks still doesn't have a veterans' cemetery
Good. I lived in Fairbanks, and roads are costly and hard to do there. Build the road, get the cemetery.
You miss the point that real sourdoughs prefer a rough road to something "improved". "Improved" roads are expensive and difficult to maintain in this climate and only attract a bunch of tourist yahoos.
No real Alaskan wants a rough road if they can get an improved one. You know it, and I know it. Fairbanks is not in the outback and should not be treated as such.
Hhmmm...let me see? Where are you living? Where do I live? I'm pretty sure I have better information on this subject than you do. But go ahead, impress us all with your omniscient opinion.

One problem, the state coughed up the money but.....proving once again regulations hinder projects

The latest delay stems from the refusal by the federal Department of Veterans Affairs to allow the state to compete for a multimillion-dollar cemetery construction grant until there is a road on the property, not just a bulldozed trail.

The state spent $2 million, but Fairbanks still doesn't have a veterans' cemetery
There is always an underlying story. It's part of the reason I don't bother with reading links, you get one perspective that very rarely includes the full story.

Well they fought her and won, she turned it down...She also wants to get the vets off of Government support..

Why do you feel that privatizing Veterans affairs would be good..?

Donald Trump, Sarah Palin and the push to privatize the VA
Palin Quote>>>“We should be grateful we’ll soon have a commander-in-chief who will champion our vets and honor the promises our nation made; a pro-private sector individual who surely understands bigger government is NOT the answer.”

Donald Trump, Sarah Palin and the push to privatize the VA
Why do I feel it would be good? Do you watch the news?

Yes and I see the Vets are very upset that Trump kicked them in the balls.... Sure there have been some problems but privatizing it will basically put the vets in a situation where they are not getting the right care ( which the Vet doctors understand much more) it is like me going to see a butte doctor when I have an earache..
Trump kicked them in the balls?

Do you realize how ridiculously stupid you sound? Trump is not in office YET. He has NO power over vets YET. And his numbers among vets are higher than Obama's and Hillary's.

Stop drinking the propaganda kool-aid, you'll look less retarded.

One problem, the state coughed up the money but.....proving once again regulations hinder projects

The latest delay stems from the refusal by the federal Department of Veterans Affairs to allow the state to compete for a multimillion-dollar cemetery construction grant until there is a road on the property, not just a bulldozed trail.

The state spent $2 million, but Fairbanks still doesn't have a veterans' cemetery
Good. I lived in Fairbanks, and roads are costly and hard to do there. Build the road, get the cemetery.
You miss the point that real sourdoughs prefer a rough road to something "improved". "Improved" roads are expensive and difficult to maintain in this climate and only attract a bunch of tourist yahoos.
No real Alaskan wants a rough road if they can get an improved one. You know it, and I know it. Fairbanks is not in the outback and should not be treated as such.
Hhmmm...let me see? Where are you living? Where do I live? I'm pretty sure I have better information on this subject than you do. But go ahead, impress us all with your omniscient opinion.
I lived in Fairbanks, for years, and still visit once or twice a year. Go get a beer.
Do you realize how ridiculously stupid you sound? Trump is not in office YET. He has NO power over vets YET. And his numbers among vets are higher than Obama's and Hillary's.

Stop drinking the propaganda kool-aid, you'll look less retarded.

Really dumb comment Gramps

Dude this is my field of work...PTS and Addiction Counseling..And I am telling you there is a problem brewing..

Even suggesting Sarah Palin into that position is a major slap to the Veterans...Is that where Trumps head is at...we are fucked.

It's interesting how many rightwing troll threads are being left in 'politics' nowadays.

Did the OP ever offer any evidence to support his claim?
NYc, there are being 'fascist', which has left and right variations. They are still authoritarian, anti-democracy, nativist, ethnocentric, racist, and culturalist.
Do you realize how ridiculously stupid you sound? Trump is not in office YET. He has NO power over vets YET. And his numbers among vets are higher than Obama's and Hillary's.

Stop drinking the propaganda kool-aid, you'll look less retarded.

Really dumb comment Gramps

Dude this is my field of work...PTS and Addiction Counseling..And I am telling you there is a problem brewing..

Even suggesting Sarah Palin into that position is a major slap to the Veterans...Is that where Trumps head is at...we are fucked.

Get over yourself.

One problem, the state coughed up the money but.....proving once again regulations hinder projects

The latest delay stems from the refusal by the federal Department of Veterans Affairs to allow the state to compete for a multimillion-dollar cemetery construction grant until there is a road on the property, not just a bulldozed trail.

The state spent $2 million, but Fairbanks still doesn't have a veterans' cemetery
There is always an underlying story. It's part of the reason I don't bother with reading links, you get one perspective that very rarely includes the full story.

Well they fought her and won, she turned it down...She also wants to get the vets off of Government support..

Why do you feel that privatizing Veterans affairs would be good..?

Donald Trump, Sarah Palin and the push to privatize the VA
Palin Quote>>>“We should be grateful we’ll soon have a commander-in-chief who will champion our vets and honor the promises our nation made; a pro-private sector individual who surely understands bigger government is NOT the answer.”

Donald Trump, Sarah Palin and the push to privatize the VA
Why do I feel it would be good? Do you watch the news?

Yes and I see the Vets are very upset that Trump kicked them in the balls.... Sure there have been some problems but privatizing it will basically put the vets in a situation where they are not getting the right care ( which the Vet doctors understand much more) it is like me going to see a butte doctor when I have an earache..

Do you actually receive medical care from the VA? I do. While the hospital in my area is rated "good". and there's not a great time lag in getting an appointment, there are still some disturbing issues.

1. I have had a couple of surgeries there. All is well and I don't have any issues with them other than those caused by scarring from ragged, sloppy incisions.

2. I spent 18 months with them trying to resolve a medical. I finally got frustrated with them and went to a civilian doctor and had is figured out within 90 days. After going thru several Rx cocktail with the VA, I found they don't even carry the meds that eventually worked.

3. They have a difficult time recruiting and keeping some medical specialists like ENT's and mental health doctors. (The VA requires me to go to Mental Health once a year because I have PTSD, though well controlled now)

4. They keep trying to foist medication off on me that is documented that I'm allergic to.

I admit that there are some good doctors there. My PCP doesn't happen to be one of them.
Of course your party is the one trying to place the VA under the goddamn private sector

Which is exactly what needs to be done seeing as how the government has been an abject failure in administering VA care
Of course your party is the one trying to place the VA under the goddamn private sector

Which is exactly what needs to be done seeing as how the government has been an abject failure in administering VA care
As much of a failure as it might be it is still better than privatization, where profit is the goal.
Seems that the nation owes its disabled veterans competent care and that might rub Trump followers the wrong way, but it was sort of promised. True, Trump went to military school and wanted to be drafted but for his physical condition, but there it is.
Of course your party is the one trying to place the VA under the goddamn private sector

Which is exactly what needs to be done seeing as how the government has been an abject failure in administering VA care
As much of a failure as it might be it is still better than privatization, where profit is the goal.
Seems that the nation owes its disabled veterans competent care and that might rub Trump followers the wrong way, but it was sort of promised. True, Trump went to military school and wanted to be drafted but for his physical condition, but there it is.
If you want something done right, then rely on a company that can earn a profit only by providing consumers with superior products and services. If you want it done wrong, then rely on government.
Do you know what illegals cost our country each and every year...billions and billions of dollars. Our vets could live like royalty on a fraction of what illegals cost us. Great point OP. :eusa_clap:
One problem, the state coughed up the money but.....proving once again regulations hinder projects

The latest delay stems from the refusal by the federal Department of Veterans Affairs to allow the state to compete for a multimillion-dollar cemetery construction grant until there is a road on the property, not just a bulldozed trail.

The state spent $2 million, but Fairbanks still doesn't have a veterans' cemetery
Good. I lived in Fairbanks, and roads are costly and hard to do there. Build the road, get the cemetery.
You miss the point that real sourdoughs prefer a rough road to something "improved". "Improved" roads are expensive and difficult to maintain in this climate and only attract a bunch of tourist yahoos.
No real Alaskan wants a rough road if they can get an improved one. You know it, and I know it. Fairbanks is not in the outback and should not be treated as such.
Hhmmm...let me see? Where are you living? Where do I live? I'm pretty sure I have better information on this subject than you do. But go ahead, impress us all with your omniscient opinion.
I lived in Fairbanks, for years, and still visit once or twice a year. Go get a beer.
Stop by and I'll stand you a round, but I'm a bit farther South.
Do you realize how ridiculously stupid you sound? Trump is not in office YET. He has NO power over vets YET. And his numbers among vets are higher than Obama's and Hillary's.

Stop drinking the propaganda kool-aid, you'll look less retarded.

Really dumb comment Gramps

Dude this is my field of work...PTS and Addiction Counseling..And I am telling you there is a problem brewing..

Even suggesting Sarah Palin into that position is a major slap to the Veterans...Is that where Trumps head is at...we are fucked.

I'm a veteran and I haven't a problem with Palin in the long as she holds up to the media circus that will accompany her appointment. She does try to protect her family from libtard-leftist "journalists".
VA in Arizona has secret death lists so that the sickest don't get treatment cuz they are too costly to care for.

Obama then fires one man who had nothing to do with it and all is well with the world.
VA in Arizona has secret death lists so that the sickest don't get treatment cuz they are too costly to care for.

Obama then fires one man who had nothing to do with it and all is well with the world.
^^^ Sure.

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