Libertarian Party Pretty Much Screws Trump

You cant fault them for wanting a place at the table.

They keep fighting for it.

But this time really may have hurt all of us.

The article has the numbers.

No way to know if they break for DJT.... but it's a good bet.

Libertarians if true to their core would have not voted for Trump ever!

Nor would they vote for Biden if they were told that is the only two choices...

A true Christian would never vote for the blob...who bears "false witness" dozens of times a day, pays whores for sex, strips kids from parents as a "deterrent".

Now, Now Candy the fact is Trump is as much of a Sinner as Bill Clinton when it came to sex and lying and let remember Obama was tearing families apart with his Immigration Policy, so Trump is just a piece of trash like them but a bigger one...

Still it does not change the fact a True Libertarian wouldn’t vote for Trump or Biden for fiscal and social reasoning and to believe one would is naive or just plain retarded...
You cant fault them for wanting a place at the table.

They keep fighting for it.

But this time really may have hurt all of us.

The article has the numbers.

No way to know if they break for DJT.... but it's a good bet.

Libertarians if true to their core would have not voted for Trump ever!

Nor would they vote for Biden if they were told that is the only two choices...

A true Christian would never vote for the blob...who bears "false witness" dozens of times a day, pays whores for sex, strips kids from parents as a "deterrent".

Now, Now Candy the fact is Trump is as much of a Sinner as Bill Clinton when it came to sex and lying and let remember Obama was tearing families apart with his Immigration Policy, so Trump is just a piece of trash like them but a bigger one...
Now, now jack...

Have you ever heard of the "Religious Left" as we know there is a coalition called the "Religious Right"?

And, of course you know this but lied about it anyway, Obama never separated kids as a matter of creating a deterrent to coming here.

Please refrain from lying in the future.
You cant fault them for wanting a place at the table.

They keep fighting for it.

But this time really may have hurt all of us.

The article has the numbers.

No way to know if they break for DJT.... but it's a good bet.

This is horsehit, of course. But it's funny. If Trump had won, Dems would be saying the same damned thing. The bottom line is, if either "side" of your little two-party duopoly wants Libertarian votes, they're gonna have to do libertarian stuff. Or continue whining.
No they would not.

One thing the left does not do is blame third parties for their loss. At least I have not seen any real push from the left at any time.

Hmmm, maybe. I do not remember that clearly if the left was crying over votes cast for Nader. 20 years ago I was much younger though and did not pay as much attention to politics and Nader was not a Libertarian either. I defer to your experience there then. Was it as bad as it is now with the right? I swear the right bitches every damn election about Libertarians and the entitlement is supremely annoying. Particularly when the wingnuts are claiming libertarians are pot head leftists in the next breath.
I know trump is not a swamp rat
and he’s hated by the slithering reptiles in washington because he’s not one of them
I have been amazed at how many conservatives waste time responding to the bullshit liberals spew to Tar Baby them into a waste of time.

But have fun if that amuses you, but they do not listen to you, think about anything anyone says to them that isnt verified Marxist.
A true Christian would never vote for the blob...who bears "false witness" dozens of times a day, pays whores for sex, strips kids from parents as a "deterrent".
There is not a biden voter in captivity who is qualified to lecture Christians about anything having go do with morality

Name one thing Joe Biden has done that make Donald John Trump less of a sinner?

Donald John Trump has:

Cheated on all three wives!

Sired a child out of wedlock!!


Lied more times than he has had sex!!!
You cant fault them for wanting a place at the table.

They keep fighting for it.

But this time really may have hurt all of us.

The article has the numbers.

No way to know if they break for DJT.... but it's a good bet.

Libertarians if true to their core would have not voted for Trump ever!

Nor would they vote for Biden if they were told that is the only two choices...

A true Christian would never vote for the blob...who bears "false witness" dozens of times a day, pays whores for sex, strips kids from parents as a "deterrent".

Now, Now Candy the fact is Trump is as much of a Sinner as Bill Clinton when it came to sex and lying and let remember Obama was tearing families apart with his Immigration Policy, so Trump is just a piece of trash like them but a bigger one...

Still it does not change the fact a True Libertarian wouldn’t vote for Trump or Biden for fiscal and social reasoning and to believe one would is naive or just plain retarded...

Did you say something?
There is not a biden voter in captivity who is qualified to lecture Christians about anything having go do with morality
Sired a child out of wedlock!!
Lied more times than he has had sex!!!
And you know that you have never done the same?

I knew a store manager for a company I used to drive deliveries for, and he had attended Woodstock way back in the day, and he had unprotected sex with dozens of women there. He had started having nighttmares that one day a person would walk into the store and tell him he was their father, especially with this girlfriend he had at the time.

At one party some of the guys met the cousin of one of our co-workers who looked so much like this store manager, that they decided to pull a prank and have her walk into the store and tell him such.

When she walked in the next day, before she said a word, the manager looked at her and FROZE. She then said, " Are you so and so who knew my Mom, Such and such?"

At this the cigarette fell from his mouth and he said "Ummm, I, umm, dont know who you are talking about. Never met the guy!" Then he turned the store over to one of us, and went into the back area where he went out the loading dock door, got into his car and disappeared for the rest of the day.

No shit. He said he had to go pick up some paint at another store and would be gone the rest of the day.

Hilarity ensued.
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Libertarian Party Pretty Much Screws Trump

The only person who screwed Trump was himself. Given the close margins in some of these states, he'd have likely won had he not spent the last four years acting like a dick on the Internet. The writing was on the wall after the 2018 midterms when the Republicans lost the votes of suburban women leading to your 41 seat loss in the House. Suburban women went to the Democrats because they don't like Trump and he even knew that. He was joking about it a couple of weeks before the election at his rallies, but he never took it seriously. If he had spent the last couple of years acting like a president instead of a child he could have won enough of those voters back.
A true Christian would never vote for the blob...who bears "false witness" dozens of times a day, pays whores for sex, strips kids from parents as a "deterrent".
There is not a biden voter in captivity who is qualified to lecture Christians about anything having go do with morality

Name one thing Joe Biden has done that make Donald John Trump less of a sinner?

Donald John Trump has:

Cheated on all three wives!

Sired a child out of wedlock!!


Lied more times than he has had sex!!!
And you know that you h ave never done the same?

Never had a kid out of wedlock...

Never cheated on any of my relationships...

Lied like a rug on this site and many others, so I have lied more times than Trump had sex for damn sure!

Still no True Libertarian would vote for Trump or Biden!
Name one thing Joe Biden has done that make Donald John Trump less of a sinner?
Thats very cleverly worded

but no one here has denied that trump is a sinner

and so is biden

True, and I thought you would fall for that poorly worded trap I set...

Still no true Libertarian would vote for Trump or Biden and all humans sin and lie...

Hell, don’t tell the left but all humans suffer from mental illness or is that a secret I have been keeping from the right?
A true Christian would never vote for the blob...who bears "false witness" dozens of times a day, pays whores for sex, strips kids from parents as a "deterrent".
There is not a biden voter in captivity who is qualified to lecture Christians about anything having go do with morality

Name one thing Joe Biden has done that make Donald John Trump less of a sinner?

Donald John Trump has:

Cheated on all three wives!

Sired a child out of wedlock!!


Lied more times than he has had sex!!!
And you know that you h ave never done the same?

Never had a kid out of wedlock...

Never cheated on any of my relationships...

Lied like a rug on this site and many others, so I have lied more times than Trump had sex for damn sure!

Still no True Libertarian would vote for Trump or Biden!
No true Scotsman, eh?

A true Christian would never vote for the blob...who bears "false witness" dozens of times a day, pays whores for sex, strips kids from parents as a "deterrent".
There is not a biden voter in captivity who is qualified to lecture Christians about anything having go do with morality

Name one thing Joe Biden has done that make Donald John Trump less of a sinner?

Donald John Trump has:

Cheated on all three wives!

Sired a child out of wedlock!!


Lied more times than he has had sex!!!
And you know that you h ave never done the same?

Never had a kid out of wedlock...

Never cheated on any of my relationships...

Lied like a rug on this site and many others, so I have lied more times than Trump had sex for damn sure!

Still no True Libertarian would vote for Trump or Biden!
No true Scotsman, eh?


Dude, I did my DNA and I am only 1/8 Scots, 1/8 Norwegian 1/2 French and 1/4 German and that blew my damn mind how much Frog was in my retarded ass!


I was glad I wasn’t Polish!

Long story!

Still no true Libertarian would vote for Trump or Biden or Clinton or Obama or Bush, well hell not for any of those that have ran and won!
A true Christian would never vote for the blob...who bears "false witness" dozens of times a day, pays whores for sex, strips kids from parents as a "deterrent".
There is not a biden voter in captivity who is qualified to lecture Christians about anything having go do with morality

Name one thing Joe Biden has done that make Donald John Trump less of a sinner?

Donald John Trump has:

Cheated on all three wives!

Sired a child out of wedlock!!


Lied more times than he has had sex!!!
And you know that you h ave never done the same?

Never had a kid out of wedlock...

Never cheated on any of my relationships...

Lied like a rug on this site and many others, so I have lied more times than Trump had sex for damn sure!

Still no True Libertarian would vote for Trump or Biden!
No true Scotsman, eh?


Dude, I did my DNA and I am only 1/8 Scots, 1/8 Norwegian 1/2 French and 1/4 German and that blew my damn mind how much Frog was in my retarded ass!


I was glad I wasn’t Polish!

Long story!

Still no true Libertarian would vote for Trump or Biden or Clinton or Obama or Bush, well hell not for any of those that have ran and won!
I was referring to a Logical Falla....

Oh, never mind, lol.
You cant fault them for wanting a place at the table.

They keep fighting for it.

But this time really may have hurt all of us.

The article has the numbers.

No way to know if they break for DJT.... but it's a good bet.

Nah, it just hurt Trump. Trump being out of office helps America.
Putting Biden in office definitely help America. On a traitor could vote tor that douchebag
A true Christian would never vote for the blob...who bears "false witness" dozens of times a day, pays whores for sex, strips kids from parents as a "deterrent".
There is not a biden voter in captivity who is qualified to lecture Christians about anything having go do with morality

Name one thing Joe Biden has done that make Donald John Trump less of a sinner?

Donald John Trump has:

Cheated on all three wives!

Sired a child out of wedlock!!


Lied more times than he has had sex!!!
And you know that you h ave never done the same?

Never had a kid out of wedlock...

Never cheated on any of my relationships...

Lied like a rug on this site and many others, so I have lied more times than Trump had sex for damn sure!

Still no True Libertarian would vote for Trump or Biden!
No true Scotsman, eh?


Dude, I did my DNA and I am only 1/8 Scots, 1/8 Norwegian 1/2 French and 1/4 German and that blew my damn mind how much Frog was in my retarded ass!


I was glad I wasn’t Polish!

Long story!

Still no true Libertarian would vote for Trump or Biden or Clinton or Obama or Bush, well hell not for any of those that have ran and won!
I can think of a stack of reasons that a libertarian would have voted for one or the other. That you may think they are incorrect is not relevant.

That is the thing about libertarians, typically they do with their vote what they feel is right or best - not with what a particular dogma or party leader demands. That you think you can declare what a 'true' libertarian would or would not do tells me you might be misguided on what a libertarian is.
You cant fault them for wanting a place at the table.

They keep fighting for it.

But this time really may have hurt all of us.

The article has the numbers.

No way to know if they break for DJT.... but it's a good bet.

Not true.

Nobody knows what libertarian voters would have done in absence of an LP candidate...They could have voted for another candidate or stayed home...To suggest otherwise is the logical fallacy we know as "mind reading".

You want to "fight the Libertarian Party", quit campaigning like libertarians and then governing like democrats.

I said a good bet.

And yes you can play some probabilities here.

I know few left wingers who really understand what it means to be a libertarian.
It's not even a good bet...The bet to make is that they would stay home....You'll make bank on that one.

You seem to be missing the point.

It's a pragmatic statement.

Always has been.

I voted for GWB......twice...and threw up after both times.

The alternative sucked (at the, not so sure).

I still voted to get closer than I would have been otherwise.
I used to do that. Vote for the "lesser of two evils".

How's voting for evil worked out?

We end up with more and more evil.

It sucked...that is the nature of the federal government.

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