Libertarians should support the wal mart strike.

Legalize Gold and Silver --- untaxable --- and all of a sudden local businesses will be able to easily compete with Walmart, because everyone will be dealing with the same currency, and not receiving fractional reserve banking benefits --- cough --- Walmart.

You'd also have to repeal many regulations on small businesses that Mega Corps seem to be immune to.
Libertarians do not believe in using force against innocent civilians in an attempt to combat theft.

My question for you, however, is do you believe there are some jobs that are not worth a "living wage," whatever that means?
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No I do not. If you want people to work for you then you should be paying them a livable wage. Obviously if you have a company you are making a profit so pay your employees a decent wage...if the company wasn't profitable it wouldn't be in business any longer...stop taking all the profit for yourselves and show your workers you give a shit about them instead of just using them for cheap labor.
No I do not. If you want people to work for you then you should be paying them a livable wage. Obviously if you have a company you are making a profit so pay your employees a decent wage...if the company wasn't profitable it wouldn't be in business any longer...stop taking all the profit for yourselves and show your workers you give a shit about them instead of just using them for cheap labor.

So if I hire a high school student to sweep up my shop for a few hours after school every week day I should be paying them a wage that they could comfortably live on with no outside assistance?
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Does a high schooler need the money to make sure he pays rent? Bills? Adults do a teen doesn't. Do you think wal mart isn't practicing capitalism but crony capitalism...or at the very least they are perverting what true capitalism should be...using and abusing its workers instead of treating them with just a bit of respect.
Does a high schooler need the money to make sure he pays rent? Bills? Adults do a teen doesn't. Do you think wal mart isn't practicing capitalism but crony capitalism...or at the very least they are perverting what true capitalism should be...using and abusing its workers instead of treating them with just a bit of respect.

You're creating an arbitrary distinction. Either every job deserves a living wage, or they don't. It doesn't matter what bills any worker in particular has. So I'll repeat the question: If I hire a high school student to sweep up my shop for a few hours after school every week day I should be paying them a wage that they could comfortably live on with no outside assistance?

Crony capitalism is defined as big business and big government working together against market forces for their mutual benefit. Paying unskilled labor below a so-called "living wage," which they've agreed to work for, is not an example of crony capitalism.
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Then what do you call wal mart? It sure in the hell ain't true capitalism....I believe every adult should make a livable wage. I remember making 5.15$ at pizza hut my first job...I didn't mind it...shitty checks and all but I bought my own school clothes that year...I didn't expect more money because I was a teen I had no bills,rent,car payment etc. Adults do.
I honestly really don't give a fuck. If I did give a fuck, I'd go after the source of the problem, not start from the ass end and spend eternity wasting my life not getting anywhere fixing the issue.
Then what do you call wal mart? It sure in the hell ain't true capitalism....I believe every adult should make a livable wage. I remember making 5.15$ at pizza hut my first job...I didn't mind it...shitty checks and all but I bought my own school clothes that year...I didn't expect more money because I was a teen I had no bills,rent,car payment etc. Adults do.

What you believe should be means nothing in terms of whether something is or is not capitalism. What you believe in is not capitalism. Furthermore, you've just repeated yourself without addressing my response. It doesn't matter whether you had bills, rent, or car payments. Should you have been paid a living wage at Pizza Hut when you were in high school? If not, then you've created a distinction whereby not every job is worth a living wage.
Libertarians do not believe in using force against innocent civilians in an attempt to combat theft.

My question for you, however, is do you believe there are some jobs that are not worth a "living wage," whatever that means?

Every one has 24 hours in a day. If they are being paid too little, they need to find another job, because that means the business that they work for (overall) is not doing well.
Libertarians do not believe in using force against innocent civilians in an attempt to combat theft.

My question for you, however, is do you believe there are some jobs that are not worth a "living wage," whatever that means?

Every one has 24 hours in a day. If they are being paid too little, they need to find another job, because that means the business that they work for (overall) is not doing well.

That's not necessarily what it means.
Libertarians do not believe in using force against innocent civilians in an attempt to combat theft.

My question for you, however, is do you believe there are some jobs that are not worth a "living wage," whatever that means?

Every one has 24 hours in a day. If they are being paid too little, they need to find another job, because that means the business that they work for (overall) is not doing well.

That's not necessarily what it means.

Correct. I pay as little as I can and still be competitive. Two weeks ago my main guy went on a golf trip. I had to assume his role and remembered how tough a job it was. First thing I said to him when he came back was thank you and here is a 2.00 raise.

Win/win for both of us.

Then you have whining freeloaders like the tc. Whatcha gonna do?
Why the hell would I boycott a store that sells me the same products for a cheaper price in a consumer based economy? If Wal-Mart is so horrible to work for and can't pay a decent wage, the workers have a right to find a different job with the competition. It seems that the market has spoken as Wal-Mart finds plenty of employees willing to work in it's many stores. When there is a shortage of labor, then wages will rise, that is Capitalism.
Then what do you call wal mart? It sure in the hell ain't true capitalism....I believe every adult should make a livable wage. I remember making 5.15$ at pizza hut my first job...I didn't mind it...shitty checks and all but I bought my own school clothes that year...I didn't expect more money because I was a teen I had no bills,rent,car payment etc. Adults do.

What you believe should be means nothing in terms of whether something is or is not capitalism. What you believe in is not capitalism. Furthermore, you've just repeated yourself without addressing my response. It doesn't matter whether you had bills, rent, or car payments. Should you have been paid a living wage at Pizza Hut when you were in high school? If not, then you've created a distinction whereby not every job is worth a living wage.
I already answered your question you just refuse to accept that.
Every one has 24 hours in a day. If they are being paid too little, they need to find another job, because that means the business that they work for (overall) is not doing well.

That's not necessarily what it means.
There was a site I read that was talking about the hours workers at wal mart work that they can't really work a 2nd job...I remember my wife's unless she was going to work a night shift and never be home it was impossible.

Correct. I pay as little as I can and still be competitive. Two weeks ago my main guy went on a golf trip. I had to assume his role and remembered how tough a job it was. First thing I said to him when he came back was thank you and here is a 2.00 raise.

Win/win for both of us.

Then you have whining freeloaders like the tc. Whatcha gonna do?
Maybe you should be running wal mart then. You seem to realize what wal mart doesn't. The work is hard but wal mart just takes advantage of the workers instead of giving a crap about them.

Why the hell would I boycott a store that sells me the same products for a cheaper price in a consumer based economy? If Wal-Mart is so horrible to work for and can't pay a decent wage, the workers have a right to find a different job with the competition. It seems that the market has spoken as Wal-Mart finds plenty of employees willing to work in it's many stores. When there is a shortage of labor, then wages will rise, that is Capitalism.

Wal Mart is not true capitalism. Its cronyism at its best. It gets slave labor to make their crap not a real surprise that they then transfer that slave labor with a tiny bit of an upgrade to the people selling their crap.
Then what do you call wal mart? It sure in the hell ain't true capitalism....I believe every adult should make a livable wage. I remember making 5.15$ at pizza hut my first job...I didn't mind it...shitty checks and all but I bought my own school clothes that year...I didn't expect more money because I was a teen I had no bills,rent,car payment etc. Adults do.

What you believe should be means nothing in terms of whether something is or is not capitalism. What you believe in is not capitalism. Furthermore, you've just repeated yourself without addressing my response. It doesn't matter whether you had bills, rent, or car payments. Should you have been paid a living wage at Pizza Hut when you were in high school? If not, then you've created a distinction whereby not every job is worth a living wage.

I already answered your question you just refuse to accept that.

Your answer contradicts your original assertion, but if you say so.

So my next question is simply to clarify: Is it your position then that employers should tailor the wage they pay to every individual's particular circumstances, rather than the job itself? For example, a high school student working at Pizza Hut can make $5/hour since they have no bills, rent, car payments, etc... However, if a 30 year old adult were to work the exact same job with the exact same skill level they should make your "living wage," correct?
I say a teen aka anyone under 18 doesn't need to worry about bills/rent/car notes etc...they are their parents problem until 18. Once they turn 18 a livable wage should be paid. Employers keep shitting on its employees they are gonna get bit.
I say a teen aka anyone under 18 doesn't need to worry about bills/rent/car notes etc...they are their parents problem until 18. Once they turn 18 a livable wage should be paid. Employers keep shitting on its employees they are gonna get bit.

Alright, so a 17 year old works at Pizza Hut for $5/hour, and the day of his birthday he should get a raise to at least what, $12/hour doing the same job with the same skill set?

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