Liberty University-Romney delivers deeply spiritual address, but avoids his Mormonism



LYNCHBURG, Va. — Making by far his most spiritual speech of his presidential campaign, Republican Mitt Romney on Saturday offered a fierce defense of Judeo-Christian values and an America that he said “has trusted in God, not man.”

Romney sought to root his candidacy in faith with a commencement address at Liberty University in which he spoke of a shared “Christian conscience” to bridge his Mormon faith with that of evangelical Christians. But the all-but-certain nominee largely sidestepped divisive social issues in his speech to more than 6,000 graduates and some 30,000 of their friends and family members here at one of the nation’s most influential bastions of political and Christian conservatism.

Romney delivers spiritual address at Liberty University, but doesn’t mention Mormonism - The Washington Post

As Blaire pointed out, the Republican proposal aims to change the Child Tax Credit to exclude children of immigrant families, "the large majority of whom are American citizens;" impose cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps), which would affect all poor families and be "a direct threat to their human dignity," according to the bishop; and cut the Social Services Block Grant, "an important source of funding for programs throughout the country" that serve "the homeless, the elderly, people with disabilities, children living in poverty, and abuse victims."

Catholic Bishops Slam Proposed GOP Budget Cuts as 'Immoral'

When I think of Evangelicals, I think of a lack of tolerance, ignorance and homophobia. Republicans say I'm too harsh on them.

Then I remember the Republican debates and "let him die", "applauding executions" "education is for snobs" "abolish the EPA" and "we don't believe in evolution". I think of Republican economic policies and how devastating they've been for this country. I think about all the Americas dead and maimed from Iraq and the cost to the nation that will extend far, far into the future as we have to take care of the tens of thousands maimed for life. I think about Republicans meeting to plan a way to bring down this president before he even served a single day. I think about what they've done to this country in the last three years. I think about the religious police state they clearly want to create while crying for "small government". They only want to the government to stop helping the average American, but they want to police women's bodies and codify discrimination against gay brothers and sisters. I just wonder how this country produced these people? These aren't "American Values". And I think about them taking back control of the government and it scares me. Seems their goal is we "undiscover fire". I just don't understand why.

In the speech, Romney talks about "Christian Values", but if they don't include helping the poor, helping fellow Americans, then where are the values? The largest applause, that brought people to their feet, was "anti gay".

Why can't anyone explain to me why Republicans taking back the government would be a good thing? Can they give us examples of their success from the last 20 years? I would be grateful.
The phrase "Trust in God not man". means you shouldn't go around idolizing false prophets. Like Obama for instance because look where it's taking us.

Besides, Obama has avoided his Muslim religion. I don't see you complaining about it.
The phrase "Trust in God not man". means you shouldn't go around idolizing false prophets. Like Obama for instance because look where it's taking us.

Besides, Obama has avoided his Muslim religion. I don't see you complaining about it.

See what I mean? Your kind had damaged the country terribly.
LYNCHBURG, Va. — Making by far his most spiritual speech of his presidential campaign, Republican Mitt Romney on Saturday offered a fierce defense of Judeo-Christian values and an America that he said “has trusted in God, not man.”

Romney sought to root his candidacy in faith with a commencement address at Liberty University in which he spoke of a shared “Christian conscience” to bridge his Mormon faith with that of evangelical Christians. But the all-but-certain nominee largely sidestepped divisive social issues in his speech to more than 6,000 graduates and some 30,000 of their friends and family members here at one of the nation’s most influential bastions of political and Christian conservatism.

Romney delivers spiritual address at Liberty University, but doesn’t mention Mormonism - The Washington Post

As Blaire pointed out, the Republican proposal aims to change the Child Tax Credit to exclude children of immigrant families, "the large majority of whom are American citizens;" impose cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps), which would affect all poor families and be "a direct threat to their human dignity," according to the bishop; and cut the Social Services Block Grant, "an important source of funding for programs throughout the country" that serve "the homeless, the elderly, people with disabilities, children living in poverty, and abuse victims."

Catholic Bishops Slam Proposed GOP Budget Cuts as 'Immoral'

When I think of Evangelicals, I think of a lack of tolerance, ignorance and homophobia. Republicans say I'm too harsh on them.

Then I remember the Republican debates and "let him die", "applauding executions" "education is for snobs" "abolish the EPA" and "we don't believe in evolution". I think of Republican economic policies and how devastating they've been for this country. I think about all the Americas dead and maimed from Iraq and the cost to the nation that will extend far, far into the future as we have to take care of the tens of thousands maimed for life. I think about Republicans meeting to plan a way to bring down this president before he even served a single day. I think about what they've done to this country in the last three years. I think about the religious police state they clearly want to create while crying for "small government". They only want to the government to stop helping the average American, but they want to police women's bodies and codify discrimination against gay brothers and sisters. I just wonder how this country produced these people? These aren't "American Values". And I think about them taking back control of the government and it scares me. Seems their goal is we "undiscover fire". I just don't understand why.

In the speech, Romney talks about "Christian Values", but if they don't include helping the poor, helping fellow Americans, then where are the values? The largest applause, that brought people to their feet, was "anti gay".

Why can't anyone explain to me why Republicans taking back the government would be a good thing? Can they give us examples of their success from the last 20 years? I would be grateful.

Why are you so fascinated by Mormons, do you want to convert?
The phrase "Trust in God not man". means you shouldn't go around idolizing false prophets. Like Obama for instance because look where it's taking us.

Besides, Obama has avoided his Muslim religion. I don't see you complaining about it.

See what I mean? Your kind had damaged the country terribly.
Impossible! I neither own a Bank nor own a President.
Imagine a candidate making a speech and not mentioning his differences with his audience.

LYNCHBURG, Va. — Making by far his most spiritual speech of his presidential campaign, Republican Mitt Romney on Saturday offered a fierce defense of Judeo-Christian values and an America that he said “has trusted in God, not man.”

Romney sought to root his candidacy in faith with a commencement address at Liberty University in which he spoke of a shared “Christian conscience” to bridge his Mormon faith with that of evangelical Christians. But the all-but-certain nominee largely sidestepped divisive social issues in his speech to more than 6,000 graduates and some 30,000 of their friends and family members here at one of the nation’s most influential bastions of political and Christian conservatism.

Romney delivers spiritual address at Liberty University, but doesn’t mention Mormonism - The Washington Post

As Blaire pointed out, the Republican proposal aims to change the Child Tax Credit to exclude children of immigrant families, "the large majority of whom are American citizens;" impose cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps), which would affect all poor families and be "a direct threat to their human dignity," according to the bishop; and cut the Social Services Block Grant, "an important source of funding for programs throughout the country" that serve "the homeless, the elderly, people with disabilities, children living in poverty, and abuse victims."

Catholic Bishops Slam Proposed GOP Budget Cuts as 'Immoral'

When I think of Evangelicals, I think of a lack of tolerance, ignorance and homophobia. Republicans say I'm too harsh on them.

Then I remember the Republican debates and "let him die", "applauding executions" "education is for snobs" "abolish the EPA" and "we don't believe in evolution". I think of Republican economic policies and how devastating they've been for this country. I think about all the Americas dead and maimed from Iraq and the cost to the nation that will extend far, far into the future as we have to take care of the tens of thousands maimed for life. I think about Republicans meeting to plan a way to bring down this president before he even served a single day. I think about what they've done to this country in the last three years. I think about the religious police state they clearly want to create while crying for "small government". They only want to the government to stop helping the average American, but they want to police women's bodies and codify discrimination against gay brothers and sisters. I just wonder how this country produced these people? These aren't "American Values". And I think about them taking back control of the government and it scares me. Seems their goal is we "undiscover fire". I just don't understand why.

In the speech, Romney talks about "Christian Values", but if they don't include helping the poor, helping fellow Americans, then where are the values? The largest applause, that brought people to their feet, was "anti gay".

Why can't anyone explain to me why Republicans taking back the government would be a good thing? Can they give us examples of their success from the last 20 years? I would be grateful.

I watched the entire speech (including his fellow Christian, non-Mormon presenters) and I found no fault with the speech. Apparently, that lib rag is making something out of nothing anyways.

Let me ask you this? What do we know about Obama's personal Christianity? Why is the Washington Post not concerned with that? Why are they not worried that a man who professes to be deeply religious and had spent 20 years going to a church has intentionally omitted God from historical references or how he has not attended church since he's been in Washington?

Where were they when he professed great love and devotion to the racist tyrant that is Jeremiah Wright?
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Why can't anyone explain to me why Republicans taking back the government would be a good thing? Can they give us examples of their success from the last 20 years? I would be grateful.

Obama has been the hugest failure since FDR if not ever. Who the f cares. I'd vote in a monkey before I'd cast a vote for Obama.
I watched the entire speech (including his fellow Christian, non-Mormon presenters) and I found no fault with the speech. Apparently, that lib rag is making something out of nothing anyways.

Let me ask you this? What do we know about Obama's personal Christianity? Why is the Washington Post not concerned with that? Why are they not worried that a man who professes to be deeply religious and had spent 20 years going to a church has intentionally omitted God from historical references or how he has not attended church since he's been in Washington?

Where were they when he professed great love and devotion to the racist tyrant that is Jeremiah Wright?

Racist tyrant that is Jeremiah Wright? Why would you say such a thing? What is it you think you know about this man?
Why can't anyone explain to me why Republicans taking back the government would be a good thing? Can they give us examples of their success from the last 20 years? I would be grateful.

Obama has been the hugest failure since FDR if not ever. Who the f cares. I'd vote in a monkey before I'd cast a vote for Obama.

So you couldn't think of anything either. Don't you know how pathetic that is?
LYNCHBURG, Va. — Making by far his most spiritual speech of his presidential campaign, Republican Mitt Romney on Saturday offered a fierce defense of Judeo-Christian values and an America that he said “has trusted in God, not man.”

Romney sought to root his candidacy in faith with a commencement address at Liberty University in which he spoke of a shared “Christian conscience” to bridge his Mormon faith with that of evangelical Christians. But the all-but-certain nominee largely sidestepped divisive social issues in his speech to more than 6,000 graduates and some 30,000 of their friends and family members here at one of the nation’s most influential bastions of political and Christian conservatism.

Romney delivers spiritual address at Liberty University, but doesn’t mention Mormonism - The Washington Post

As Blaire pointed out, the Republican proposal aims to change the Child Tax Credit to exclude children of immigrant families, "the large majority of whom are American citizens;" impose cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps), which would affect all poor families and be "a direct threat to their human dignity," according to the bishop; and cut the Social Services Block Grant, "an important source of funding for programs throughout the country" that serve "the homeless, the elderly, people with disabilities, children living in poverty, and abuse victims."

Catholic Bishops Slam Proposed GOP Budget Cuts as 'Immoral'

When I think of Evangelicals, I think of a lack of tolerance, ignorance and homophobia. Republicans say I'm too harsh on them.

Then I remember the Republican debates and "let him die", "applauding executions" "education is for snobs" "abolish the EPA" and "we don't believe in evolution". I think of Republican economic policies and how devastating they've been for this country. I think about all the Americas dead and maimed from Iraq and the cost to the nation that will extend far, far into the future as we have to take care of the tens of thousands maimed for life. I think about Republicans meeting to plan a way to bring down this president before he even served a single day. I think about what they've done to this country in the last three years. I think about the religious police state they clearly want to create while crying for "small government". They only want to the government to stop helping the average American, but they want to police women's bodies and codify discrimination against gay brothers and sisters. I just wonder how this country produced these people? These aren't "American Values". And I think about them taking back control of the government and it scares me. Seems their goal is we "undiscover fire". I just don't understand why.

In the speech, Romney talks about "Christian Values", but if they don't include helping the poor, helping fellow Americans, then where are the values? The largest applause, that brought people to their feet, was "anti gay".

Why can't anyone explain to me why Republicans taking back the government would be a good thing? Can they give us examples of their success from the last 20 years? I would be grateful.


Yea, "so". Got it.

LOL. Kool aid drinker. Who you going to pretend is not an enemy of America next? Louis Frakahn? William Ayers? Amanijinawhocares? The Ayatollas? The Muslim Brotherhood? Hezbollah? Putin? China?
Why can't anyone explain to me why Republicans taking back the government would be a good thing? Can they give us examples of their success from the last 20 years? I would be grateful.

Obama has been the hugest failure since FDR if not ever. Who the f cares. I'd vote in a monkey before I'd cast a vote for Obama.

So you couldn't think of anything either. Don't you know how pathetic that is?

Obama has been a disaster. It'd be grossly irresponsible to give him a second term. Even Bill Clinton got that when he called Obama an "amateur" and urged Hillary to run against him in the 2012 primaries.
I watched the entire speech (including his fellow Christian, non-Mormon presenters) and I found no fault with the speech. Apparently, that lib rag is making something out of nothing anyways.

Let me ask you this? What do we know about Obama's personal Christianity? Why is the Washington Post not concerned with that? Why are they not worried that a man who professes to be deeply religious and had spent 20 years going to a church has intentionally omitted God from historical references or how he has not attended church since he's been in Washington?

Where were they when he professed great love and devotion to the racist tyrant that is Jeremiah Wright?

Jeremiah Wright is hiding under your bed right now....wooooooooooo


And he's wearing that shirt!!!!
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The phrase "Trust in God not man". means you shouldn't go around idolizing false prophets. Like Obama for instance because look where it's taking us.

Besides, Obama has avoided his Muslim religion. I don't see you complaining about it.

See what I mean? Your kind had damaged the country terribly.

Your posts show a depth of ignorance, hypocrisy, exaggeration and disingenuous crap that even TruthMocker looks honest in comparison.

You have the intellect of a peanut.

LOL. Kool aid drinker. Who you going to pretend is not an enemy of America next? Louis Frakahn? William Ayers? Amanijinawhocares? The Ayatollas? The Muslim Brotherhood? Hezbollah? Putin? China?

Rderp is a hack. There is no hope for him... his 'critical thought' is provided by the ObamaNation's Borg.
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