Libs always deny they are commies, yet they always defend communism. Lets test that statement.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Make no mistake, when I say LIBS I am not talking about classical liberals. No, when I say libs, I am referring to American commies. I have said it, and I maintain it, the American socialists/commies, are the dumbest people on earth. Not close either.

Now, lets test my statement. Watch folks how they will defend communism. Oh, they might try to placate it and pretend to be outraged by the realities of communist rule, but make no mistake. The conditions of NK is exactly what they want.

That is what they want. They want government to control everything. They do not give one damn shit if the masses don't have electricity. The globalist elites say FUCK THE MASSES.

The left do not want any competition. Remember, they despise the free market and they blame ALL things that are wrong in the world ON the FREE MARKET. That is what all of the regulations are about. That is what every government expansion is all about. They seduce the MASSES with fairy tales and lies. Meanwhile, do not worry. The RICH ELITE LEFT won't have their electricity taken away.

You would think you birdbrains would get tired of this. 'no, you are a communist' response? You don't even know what communism is, you're like trained seals with no brain at all. Read a bit and get back to us when you've advanced past stupid schoolyard banter.

The Rise and Fall of Communism - Archie Brown

The Rise and Fall of Communism by Archie Brown

Oh and if you really want to understand America today see these:

'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein

"Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" Jane Mayer

"My own view is that the American conservative movement's embrace or defense of torture was the moment its intellectual collapse became irrecoverable. When conservatism abandoned core values of American decency in favor of pure force, exemplified by torture techniques designed by Communists and Nazis, then it ceased to be conservative in the sense that Burke or Hayek or Oakeshott or Kirk would begin to understand. And watching the intellectual dishonesty of the right on this issue in the last few years has been a watershed for me. It has been, in my judgment, one long, awful surrender of truth to power. Take a moment with me to review what one leading light of the Republican blogosphere wrote when the Abu Ghraib scandal first hit the news in the spring of 2004." Andrew Sullivan The Right And Abu Ghraib I
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You would think you birdbrains would get tired of this. 'no, you are a communist' response? You don't even know what communism is, you're like trained seals with no brain at all. Read a bit and get back to us when you've advanced past stupid schoolyard banter.

The Rise and Fall of Communism - Archie Brown

The Rise and Fall of Communism by Archie Brown

Oh and if you really want to understand America today see these:

'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein

"Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" Jane Mayer

"My own view is that the American conservative movement's embrace or defense of torture was the moment its intellectual collapse became irrecoverable. When conservatism abandoned core values of American decency in favor of pure force, exemplified by torture techniques designed by Communists and Nazis, then it ceased to be conservative in the sense that Burke or Hayek or Oakeshott or Kirk would begin to understand. And watching the intellectual dishonesty of the right on this issue in the last few years has been a watershed for me. It has been, in my judgment, one long, awful surrender of truth to power. Take a moment with me to review what one leading light of the Republican blogosphere wrote when the Abu Ghraib scandal first hit the news in the spring of 2004." Andrew Sullivan The Right And Abu Ghraib I
Yes......conservatives believe in relatively tame interrogation tactics on our enemies that communists use consistently on average citizens that don't obey the party.
Communists believe in strict punishment for minor offenses. "Let's send them to a work camp that is essentially a death sentence for watching Western movies."
That is what they want. They want government to control everything. They do not give one damn shit if the masses don't have electricity. The globalist elites say FUCK THE MASSES.

Except the masses only have electricity in this country because the government builds the infrastructure. In a "free market", they would only electrify the areas it is profitable to do so.
I think midcan is saying the free market (capitalism) is communism.

He apparently does not think NK is under communist rule.

Is that what that fuck is saying?
That is what they want. They want government to control everything. They do not give one damn shit if the masses don't have electricity. The globalist elites say FUCK THE MASSES.

Except the masses only have electricity in this country because the government builds the infrastructure. In a "free market", they would only electrify the areas it is profitable to do so.

So let's get this straight meth head Joe in your world the light bulb was created by the government?
You would think you birdbrains would get tired of this. 'no, you are a communist' response? You don't even know what communism is, you're like trained seals with no brain at all. Read a bit and get back to us when you've advanced past stupid schoolyard banter.

The Rise and Fall of Communism - Archie Brown

The Rise and Fall of Communism by Archie Brown

Oh and if you really want to understand America today see these:

'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein

"Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" Jane Mayer

"My own view is that the American conservative movement's embrace or defense of torture was the moment its intellectual collapse became irrecoverable. When conservatism abandoned core values of American decency in favor of pure force, exemplified by torture techniques designed by Communists and Nazis, then it ceased to be conservative in the sense that Burke or Hayek or Oakeshott or Kirk would begin to understand. And watching the intellectual dishonesty of the right on this issue in the last few years has been a watershed for me. It has been, in my judgment, one long, awful surrender of truth to power. Take a moment with me to review what one leading light of the Republican blogosphere wrote when the Abu Ghraib scandal first hit the news in the spring of 2004." Andrew Sullivan The Right And Abu Ghraib I
Yeah, putting people who wanted to kill US citizens in pink panties and have barking dogs scare the begezzus out of them, was real torture.. Of course their peaceful way of showing their love to US is removing our heads from out shoulders by knife, which is quite painful. Liberals are the stupidest people in the universe.

Make no mistake, when I say LIBS I am not talking about classical liberals. No, when I say libs, I am referring to American commies. I have said it, and I maintain it, the American socialists/commies, are the dumbest people on earth. Not close either.

Now, lets test my statement. Watch folks how they will defend communism. Oh, they might try to placate it and pretend to be outraged by the realities of communist rule, but make no mistake. The conditions of NK is exactly what they want.

That is what they want. They want government to control everything. They do not give one damn shit if the masses don't have electricity. The globalist elites say FUCK THE MASSES.

The left do not want any competition. Remember, they despise the free market and they blame ALL things that are wrong in the world ON the FREE MARKET. That is what all of the regulations are about. That is what every government expansion is all about. They seduce the MASSES with fairy tales and lies. Meanwhile, do not worry. The RICH ELITE LEFT won't have their electricity taken away.


Good Grief! How can one not picture a raving rabid maniac, veins popping and spit flying, as you vent your bile onto an audience of readers hypnotized by the insanity that controls you, Dr. Lizardo! As Spock would say...Fascinating! Like watching a train wreck!
That is what they want. They want government to control everything. They do not give one damn shit if the masses don't have electricity. The globalist elites say FUCK THE MASSES.

Except the masses only have electricity in this country because the government builds the infrastructure. In a "free market", they would only electrify the areas it is profitable to do so.

So let's get this straight meth head Joe in your world the light bulb was created by the government?
Not at all, but it was distributed and made available to 'the masses' by the government, as were the roads, the mail, safety inspections and a whole bunch of other stuff you wouldn't have without a government, and without government we'd still have smallpox and polio and diphtheria epidemics, be eating mad cows, and selling bump stocks to nutjobs...oh, wait!
Yeap, and not one of them are condemning communism. They have not even attempted to show any concerns for the masses in NK.

What the fuck do they care. No electricity? Good, fuckem. "The planet."

These fucking morons managed to attack America and showed more fucking concern for fucking BROWN sand fleas at Abu Ghraib. Meanwhile, ignoring all of the people tortured under the short fat fucking YELLOW Trump hater in NK.

Proving me right about these fucking deranged losers again.
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Make no mistake, when I say LIBS I am not talking about classical liberals. No, when I say libs, I am referring to American commies. I have said it, and I maintain it, the American socialists/commies, are the dumbest people on earth. Not close either.

Now, lets test my statement. Watch folks how they will defend communism. Oh, they might try to placate it and pretend to be outraged by the realities of communist rule, but make no mistake. The conditions of NK is exactly what they want.

That is what they want. They want government to control everything. They do not give one damn shit if the masses don't have electricity. The globalist elites say FUCK THE MASSES.

The left do not want any competition. Remember, they despise the free market and they blame ALL things that are wrong in the world ON the FREE MARKET. That is what all of the regulations are about. That is what every government expansion is all about. They seduce the MASSES with fairy tales and lies. Meanwhile, do not worry. The RICH ELITE LEFT won't have their electricity taken away.


You want to stop them?

May the odds be in your favor.
Yeap, and not one of them are condemning communism. They have not even attempted to show any concerns for the masses in NK.

What the fuck do they care. No electricity? Good, fuckem. "The planet."

These fucking morons managed to attack America and showed more fucking concern for fucking BROWN sand fleas at Abu Ghraib. Meanwhile, ignoring all of the people tortured under the short fat fucking YELLOW Trump hater in NK.

Proving me right about these fucking deranged losers again.

Do you want the US to go to war to liberate the North Korean people? what will your sacrifice be?
Yeap, and not one of them are condemning communism. They have not even attempted to show any concerns for the masses in NK.

What the fuck do they care. No electricity? Good, fuckem. "The planet."

These fucking morons managed to attack America and showed more fucking concern for fucking BROWN sand fleas at Abu Ghraib. Meanwhile, ignoring all of the people tortured under the short fat fucking YELLOW Trump hater in NK.

Proving me right about these fucking deranged losers again.
Derp thread is now extra derp
So let's get this straight meth head Joe in your world the light bulb was created by the government?

No, but the wiring to make it work is created by government. The first thing that Edison did right after inventing the light bulb was start lobbying for his kind of electricity to be pumped into every home.
Yeap, and not one of them are condemning communism. They have not even attempted to show any concerns for the masses in NK.

Like you guys care about them? Give me a break.

If they can't overthrow these clowns on their own, it's their own fault, not ours.
Yeap, the pathetic left wingers sure did not disappoint, did they. All of them are fucking losers. By far the dumbest people on earth.

Also, it rather obvious (we have known this about these fucking losers for a while now) they only pretend to give a flying fuck about victims of tyranny only if the victims are a different color than a pinkish hue (white) and ONLY if the perpetrators have a pinkish hue (white.)

They dont give one flying fuck about black on black crimes, yellow on yellow, red on black, brown on black, brown on brown.......they don't give a shit.

The only thing is the NARRATIVE. It is all about the NARRATIVE. White people bad, free market bad, capitalism bad, and the world needs to do away with all of it.

That is all they know, and yes. FUCK THE MASSES.

Trust me, every single pathetic doosh nozzle left winger that posts here are trust fund elitists. All of them are rich, and all of them have no clue what opportunity means. None of them have a clue.
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Yeap, the pathetic left wingers sure did not disappoint, did they. All of them are fucking losers. By far the dumbest people on earth.

I just wish they were dumb enough to actually go and live in some of the socialist "utopias" that are already established.
Yeap, the pathetic left wingers sure did not disappoint, did they. All of them are fucking losers. By far the dumbest people on earth.

I just wish they were dumb enough to actually go and live in some of the socialist "utopias" that are already established.
Oh trust me, they could. The ones that post here are trust fund elitist lefties. If you are rich, you can have a good time anywhere, including Venezuela So, when they come back from those socialist paradises, they think it is great. Why? Cause they had a "great time."

You have to understand what we are dealing with. For example, that short fat yellow fuck in NK, had his electricity. Fuck the masses.

It is why they don't give a flying fuck about Al Gores "CARBON footprint." For him and his types, that's fine. The masses though? Fuck em.

Leonardo DiCaprio gives a big fucking speech to the UN ( proving it is a sell job) and then takes a 300 million dollar yacht, rented from a ME oil tycoon down to Brazil for orgy parties right after that.

What the fuck do they care? Perfectly fine. The masses though? Fuck em.

Have they even attempted to show any concern for the yellow victims in NK? Not one fucking word. They bring up Abu fucking Ghraib.

Hate them yet? See why they deserve to be kicked in the teeth yet?
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Have they even attempted to show any concern for the yellow victims in NK? Not one fucking word. They bring up Abu fucking Ghraib.

Hate them yet? See why they deserve to be kicked in the teeth yet?

I think you need a shrink, buddy.

Here's the thing. We were responsible for Abu Ghaib. We let that happen. Our troops did it.

The bad shit that goes on in North Korea, that's on them.

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