Libs always deny they are commies, yet they always defend communism. Lets test that statement.

That is what they want. They want government to control everything. They do not give one damn shit if the masses don't have electricity. The globalist elites say FUCK THE MASSES.

Except the masses only have electricity in this country because the government builds the infrastructure. In a "free market", they would only electrify the areas it is profitable to do so.

The government has nothing to do with power production other than granting a monopoly to the local power utility. Government does not "build the infrastructure."

And, yes, private companies would only electrify areas where it is profitable to do so. Why should they do anything else?
Partially, you have examples such as TVA or DWP in Los Angeles.. Both government owned.

Also the core ideology of North Korea is Juche aka self reliance. Very much the opposite of what you're discussing. This ideology is under a de-facto
totalitarian dictatorship.
This Juche ideology completely replaced marxist-leninist in the 80's. Its just like "pull yourself up by the bootstraps".

The core ideology of NK is socialism/communism. There is really no distinction between the two. This "Jucha" shit is a meaningless diversion. It's propaganda. There's no evidence whatsoever of it being practiced.
The 2009 North Korean constitution dropped any reference to Marxism–Leninism. It was a slow evolution from communism started in the early 70's, with any trace of marxism gone by the late 80's.
Juche is the core ideology, however its evolved over the decades. Its all about spartan austerity, sacrifice and discipline demanded by the party. Anybody who says differently doesnt know shit about NK.

Venezuela is another authoritarian state primarily dependent on oil. When the price drops, they suffer.
Yeap, the pathetic left wingers sure did not disappoint, did they. All of them are fucking losers. By far the dumbest people on earth.

I just wish they were dumb enough to actually go and live in some of the socialist "utopias" that are already established.
Oh trust me, they could. The ones that post here are trust fund elitist lefties. If you are rich, you can have a good time anywhere, including Venezuela So, when they come back from those socialist paradises, they think it is great. Why? Cause they had a "great time."

You have to understand what we are dealing with. For example, that short fat yellow fuck in NK, had his electricity. Fuck the masses.

It is why they don't give a flying fuck about Al Gores "CARBON footprint." For him and his types, that's fine. The masses though? Fuck em.

Leonardo DiCaprio gives a big fucking speech to the UN ( proving it is a sell job) and then takes a 300 million dollar yacht, rented from a ME oil tycoon down to Brazil for orgy parties right after that.

What the fuck do they care? Perfectly fine. The masses though? Fuck em.

Have they even attempted to show any concern for the yellow victims in NK? Not one fucking word. They bring up Abu fucking Ghraib.

Hate them yet? See why they deserve to be kicked in the teeth yet?

Do I hate them yet?

I believe I've earned enough thread cred to well establish my credentials in that regard.

I refuse to accept the possibility that these are cognizant human beings anymore. Some of the posters are either mindless drones like Lakoturd and RegressiveParasite who do little more than parrot and paste bullshit from moonbat websites, or they're just computers properly programmed to regurgitate leftist dogma with certain algorithms.

Libturds are either insipid, vapid drones or they are the sociopaths that manipulate that fucked up wing.

That is what they want. They want government to control everything. They do not give one damn shit if the masses don't have electricity. The globalist elites say FUCK THE MASSES.

Except the masses only have electricity in this country because the government builds the infrastructure. In a "free market", they would only electrify the areas it is profitable to do so.

The government has nothing to do with power production other than granting a monopoly to the local power utility. Government does not "build the infrastructure."

And, yes, private companies would only electrify areas where it is profitable to do so. Why should they do anything else?
Partially, you have examples such as TVA or DWP in Los Angeles.. Both government owned.

Also the core ideology of North Korea is Juche aka self reliance. Very much the opposite of what you're discussing. This ideology is under a de-facto
totalitarian dictatorship.
This Juche ideology completely replaced marxist-leninist in the 80's. Its just like "pull yourself up by the bootstraps".

The core ideology of NK is socialism/communism. There is really no distinction between the two. This "Jucha" shit is a meaningless diversion. It's propaganda. There's no evidence whatsoever of it being practiced.
The 2009 North Korean constitution dropped any reference to Marxism–Leninism. It was a slow evolution from communism started in the early 70's, with any trace of marxism gone by the late 80's.
Juche is the core ideology, however its evolved over the decades. Its all about spartan austerity, sacrifice and discipline demanded by the party. Anybody who says differently doesnt know shit about NK.

Venezuela is another authoritarian state primarily dependent on oil. When the price drops, they suffer.

I don't give a shit what Pyongyang calls communism, some bullshit made up by the little fat turd's grand dad, or douche, or superhappyfuntime. It's collectivism, period. The people of Pyongyang are little more than mindless ants constantly groveling and doing anything demanded by that rice marshmallow, including mass murder. The peasants in the rest of the country support a single city through constant fear and hunger.

Anyone trying to pretend Marxism did not inspire that Orwellian nightmare is either an apparatchik of the CPUSA...well in any case they're an idiot also.

Rise up in praise of hate, scream swear, disavow any opinion not your own. for who knows more about everything than your self's.
every form of governance has flaws, how could it not as it's assembled by humans. America has tried to form "a more perfect union" you note the Constitution wording ? not perfect but more perfect. working together/balance of power/ no one gets everything they want. it's called DEMOCRACY.
That is what they want. They want government to control everything. They do not give one damn shit if the masses don't have electricity. The globalist elites say FUCK THE MASSES.

Except the masses only have electricity in this country because the government builds the infrastructure. In a "free market", they would only electrify the areas it is profitable to do so.

Very true

It was the government that was responsible for the electrification of rural areas as well as roads, bridges, water systems

Due to the lack of profit, it is unlikely that capitalists would have done it on its own

If farmers were willing to pay the full cost, capitalist would be happy to supply them with electicity. Why should some family living in the ghetto have their rates jacked up to provide stingy selfish farmers with a luxury?

Because it is in the best interests of the country as a whole

What always amazed me was how voters in rural areas rail about big government while their very existence relies on government stepping in and providing them services they do not otherwise warrant

Schools, hospitals, electricity, water, phone, paved roads, bridges, dams all provided by government

It's actually not in the best interests of the country as a whole. How does subsidizing a high cost lifestyle benefit the country as a whole? Before Roosevelt ascended the throne, utilities did not electrify rural areas because the cost was several orders of magnitude greater. How does imposing much higher costs on power consumers benefit them? In reality, it only benefits a small minority of the population. Rural electrificaiton was just another leftwing boondoggle used to buy the votes of farmers.

All the things you list either are already provided by private firms or can be.
I've seen the lefties in here falling all over themselves to make excuses for the regime in Venezuela. According to them, capitalists are to blame for the fact that they are all starving.
Who, like that crazy communist guy who thinks the Soviet Union was not communism?

Anyway, Putin supports the regime in Venezuela and a whole lot of people on here love Putin...
No Republicans support Putin, jackass. That's just one in a long list of snowflake lies.
Make no mistake, when I say LIBS I am not talking about classical liberals. No, when I say libs, I am referring to American commies. I have said it, and I maintain it, the American socialists/commies, are the dumbest people on earth. Not close either.

No- I am pretty sure that would be you.

I don't personally know any communists. I know lots of liberals in America, but not a single communist.

Just like there are lots of Conservatives in America, but I have never met an actual American Nazi.

If you want to see a communist, go look in the mirror.
That is what they want. They want government to control everything. They do not give one damn shit if the masses don't have electricity. The globalist elites say FUCK THE MASSES.

Except the masses only have electricity in this country because the government builds the infrastructure. In a "free market", they would only electrify the areas it is profitable to do so.

The government has nothing to do with power production other than granting a monopoly to the local power utility. Government does not "build the infrastructure."

And, yes, private companies would only electrify areas where it is profitable to do so. Why should they do anything else?
Partially, you have examples such as TVA or DWP in Los Angeles.. Both government owned.

Also the core ideology of North Korea is Juche aka self reliance. Very much the opposite of what you're discussing. This ideology is under a de-facto
totalitarian dictatorship.
This Juche ideology completely replaced marxist-leninist in the 80's. Its just like "pull yourself up by the bootstraps".

The core ideology of NK is socialism/communism. There is really no distinction between the two. This "Jucha" shit is a meaningless diversion. It's propaganda. There's no evidence whatsoever of it being practiced.
The 2009 North Korean constitution dropped any reference to Marxism–Leninism. It was a slow evolution from communism started in the early 70's, with any trace of marxism gone by the late 80's.
Juche is the core ideology, however its evolved over the decades. Its all about spartan austerity, sacrifice and discipline demanded by the party. Anybody who says differently doesnt know shit about NK.

Venezuela is another authoritarian state primarily dependent on oil. When the price drops, they suffer.

So what government policy changed in 2009? Answer: nothing. All they did is change the terminology and create a justification for mass starvation. It's still a top down command economy.
Rise up in praise of hate, scream swear, disavow any opinion not your own. for who knows more about everything than your self's.
every form of governance has flaws, how could it not as it's assembled by humans. America has tried to form "a more perfect union" you note the Constitution wording ? not perfect but more perfect. working together/balance of power/ no one gets everything they want. it's called DEMOCRACY.

What's your point?
Except the masses only have electricity in this country because the government builds the infrastructure. In a "free market", they would only electrify the areas it is profitable to do so.

The government has nothing to do with power production other than granting a monopoly to the local power utility. Government does not "build the infrastructure."

And, yes, private companies would only electrify areas where it is profitable to do so. Why should they do anything else?
Partially, you have examples such as TVA or DWP in Los Angeles.. Both government owned.

Also the core ideology of North Korea is Juche aka self reliance. Very much the opposite of what you're discussing. This ideology is under a de-facto
totalitarian dictatorship.
This Juche ideology completely replaced marxist-leninist in the 80's. Its just like "pull yourself up by the bootstraps".

The core ideology of NK is socialism/communism. There is really no distinction between the two. This "Jucha" shit is a meaningless diversion. It's propaganda. There's no evidence whatsoever of it being practiced.
The 2009 North Korean constitution dropped any reference to Marxism–Leninism. It was a slow evolution from communism started in the early 70's, with any trace of marxism gone by the late 80's.
Juche is the core ideology, however its evolved over the decades. Its all about spartan austerity, sacrifice and discipline demanded by the party. Anybody who says differently doesnt know shit about NK.

Venezuela is another authoritarian state primarily dependent on oil. When the price drops, they suffer.

So what government policy changed in 2009? Answer: nothing. All they did is change the terminology and create a justification for mass starvation. It's still a top down command economy.
In 2009 it was just a change on paper. Juche took hold gradually over since the 70s.
Communism emphasizes common ownership of the means of production, and no social class (everybody is in same class). Today in city center of Pyongyang you have a few thousand well-off people while the rest of the country starves, which is hardly a classless society. Its a Juche society where everybody must fend for themselves.
Its a top down command economy because its a totalitarian dictatorship.
This is another great example of un-sustainability of communism.
The government has nothing to do with power production other than granting a monopoly to the local power utility. Government does not "build the infrastructure."

And, yes, private companies would only electrify areas where it is profitable to do so. Why should they do anything else?
Partially, you have examples such as TVA or DWP in Los Angeles.. Both government owned.

Also the core ideology of North Korea is Juche aka self reliance. Very much the opposite of what you're discussing. This ideology is under a de-facto
totalitarian dictatorship.
This Juche ideology completely replaced marxist-leninist in the 80's. Its just like "pull yourself up by the bootstraps".

The core ideology of NK is socialism/communism. There is really no distinction between the two. This "Jucha" shit is a meaningless diversion. It's propaganda. There's no evidence whatsoever of it being practiced.
The 2009 North Korean constitution dropped any reference to Marxism–Leninism. It was a slow evolution from communism started in the early 70's, with any trace of marxism gone by the late 80's.
Juche is the core ideology, however its evolved over the decades. Its all about spartan austerity, sacrifice and discipline demanded by the party. Anybody who says differently doesnt know shit about NK.

Venezuela is another authoritarian state primarily dependent on oil. When the price drops, they suffer.

So what government policy changed in 2009? Answer: nothing. All they did is change the terminology and create a justification for mass starvation. It's still a top down command economy.
In 2009 it was just a change on paper. Juche took hold gradually over since the 70s.
Communism emphasizes common ownership of the means of production, and no social class (everybody is in same class). Today in city center of Pyongyang you have a few thousand well-off people while the rest of the country starves, which is hardly a classless society. Its a Juche society where everybody must fend for themselves.
Its a top down command economy because its a totalitarian dictatorship.
This is another great example of un-sustainability of communism.

"Jucha" is just another name for the same old shit. Attempts to implement communism have never produced a classless society. There is always a large mass of impoverished workers and a small coterie of well-off party officials.

One thing everyone should note is that you're trying to get communism off the hook by claiming that NK is not truely communist. That's an old commie propaganda technique.
Libs still denying they are commies and they are still defending communism.

Good God they are so fucking stupid. So easy and so fucking predictable.
I've seen the lefties in here falling all over themselves to make excuses for the regime in Venezuela. According to them, capitalists are to blame for the fact that they are all starving.
Who, like that crazy communist guy who thinks the Soviet Union was not communism?

Anyway, Putin supports the regime in Venezuela and a whole lot of people on here love Putin...
No Republicans support Putin, jackass. That's just one in a long list of snowflake lies.
Putin’s favorite congressman

Now you've been proven a liar.
I've seen the lefties in here falling all over themselves to make excuses for the regime in Venezuela. According to them, capitalists are to blame for the fact that they are all starving.
Who, like that crazy communist guy who thinks the Soviet Union was not communism?

Anyway, Putin supports the regime in Venezuela and a whole lot of people on here love Putin...
No Republicans support Putin, jackass. That's just one in a long list of snowflake lies.
Putin’s favorite congressman

Now you've been proven a liar.

So you found one? Hillary supported Putin, moron, and so did Obama.

Furthermore, you snowflake morons don't seem to understand that we are not at war with Russia. Supporting better relations with Russia isn't treason. It's not even a crime.
I've seen the lefties in here falling all over themselves to make excuses for the regime in Venezuela. According to them, capitalists are to blame for the fact that they are all starving.
Who, like that crazy communist guy who thinks the Soviet Union was not communism?

Anyway, Putin supports the regime in Venezuela and a whole lot of people on here love Putin...
No Republicans support Putin, jackass. That's just one in a long list of snowflake lies.
Putin’s favorite congressman

Now you've been proven a liar.

So you found one? Hillary supported Putin, moron, and so did Obama.

Furthermore, you snowflake morons don't seem to understand that we are not at war with Russia. Supporting better relations with Russia isn't treason. It's not even a crime.
You said "No Republicans" which means no exceptions, you ugly stinkin' piece of Trumputinist manure.
I've seen the lefties in here falling all over themselves to make excuses for the regime in Venezuela. According to them, capitalists are to blame for the fact that they are all starving.
Who, like that crazy communist guy who thinks the Soviet Union was not communism?

Anyway, Putin supports the regime in Venezuela and a whole lot of people on here love Putin...
No Republicans support Putin, jackass. That's just one in a long list of snowflake lies.
Putin’s favorite congressman

Now you've been proven a liar.

So you found one? Hillary supported Putin, moron, and so did Obama.

Furthermore, you snowflake morons don't seem to understand that we are not at war with Russia. Supporting better relations with Russia isn't treason. It's not even a crime.
You said "No Republicans" which means no exceptions, you ugly stinkin' piece of Trumputinist manure.
The Soviet Union dropped Scientific Socialism soon after the revolution, then dropped
Marxian communism, it didn't work. Has Marx worked for any nation?
Who, like that crazy communist guy who thinks the Soviet Union was not communism?

Anyway, Putin supports the regime in Venezuela and a whole lot of people on here love Putin...
No Republicans support Putin, jackass. That's just one in a long list of snowflake lies.
Putin’s favorite congressman

Now you've been proven a liar.

So you found one? Hillary supported Putin, moron, and so did Obama.

Furthermore, you snowflake morons don't seem to understand that we are not at war with Russia. Supporting better relations with Russia isn't treason. It's not even a crime.
You said "No Republicans" which means no exceptions, you ugly stinkin' piece of Trumputinist manure.
The Soviet Union dropped Scientific Socialism soon after the revolution, then dropped
Marxian communism, it didn't work. Has Marx worked for any nation?
Hell no..

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