Libs always deny they are commies, yet they always defend communism. Lets test that statement.

Interesting factoid. The Communist Party USA has backed every Democratic Party Presidential nominee since the 80's. This is a group that venerate people like Mao and Stalin. None of the nominee's have disavowed that support.
That is what they want. They want government to control everything. They do not give one damn shit if the masses don't have electricity. The globalist elites say FUCK THE MASSES.

Except the masses only have electricity in this country because the government builds the infrastructure. In a "free market", they would only electrify the areas it is profitable to do so.
Odd that ConEd builds the electric grid here in NY.
So let's get this straight meth head Joe in your world the light bulb was created by the government?

No, but the wiring to make it work is created by government. The first thing that Edison did right after inventing the light bulb was start lobbying for his kind of electricity to be pumped into every home.
So Coolidge started federal programs to bring electricity to Main street?
Trust me, every single pathetic doosh nozzle left winger that posts here are trust fund elitists. All of them are rich, and all of them have no clue what opportunity means. None of them have a clue.
First of all, no.

Second, didn’t you vote for and support an elitist who leads an elitist party?
So let's get this straight meth head Joe in your world the light bulb was created by the government?

No, but the wiring to make it work is created by government. The first thing that Edison did right after inventing the light bulb was start lobbying for his kind of electricity to be pumped into every home.

No they regulated it..damn you stupid meth head joe..btw the first electric city was Anderson south Carolina
Defending COMMUNISM? They sure are. Attacking American free market? They sure are.

Do they deny they are commies? Sure do...most of them

Proven right again. Ty, for playing.
Commies MUST hide their real intentions. Otherwise, they would be largely rejected Their current re-brand is "Progressive" and "Liberal" but that's just to cover up their goose-stepping tendencies.

They are Commie Chameleons

Hit it, Boy George:

Commie Commie Commie Commie
Commie Chameleons
You come and goooooo
But you never really gooooooo

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That is what they want. They want government to control everything. They do not give one damn shit if the masses don't have electricity. The globalist elites say FUCK THE MASSES.

Except the masses only have electricity in this country because the government builds the infrastructure. In a "free market", they would only electrify the areas it is profitable to do so.

The government has nothing to do with power production other than granting a monopoly to the local power utility. Government does not "build the infrastructure."

And, yes, private companies would only electrify areas where it is profitable to do so. Why should they do anything else?

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