Libs, can you please show us.....

Trump just claimed "...I can only speak for myself, there was there was no collusion between myself and the campaign"

They guy shouldn't wing a news conference.
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Actually it's called obstruction of justice.

My bad. Either way it is an impeachable offense.

We're a long way from impeachment. It's much more likely that Trump will suddenly want to spend more time with his family in New York.

But will his family want to spend with him. Melania hates his fat white ass and Fascist Draft Dodger-In-Chief is all but totally indifferent to Baron.

I know, he will go back to the Mar-A-Lago and find some Russian Hookers to give him a golden shower.
Investigation is ongoing........The evidence has yet to be released

It is at this time, an ongoing investigation.

It was former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation James Comey who revealed the F.B.I. Counter Intelligence Investigation into possible collusion between Russia and Cheeto-Lini's campaign.

In fact, Comey was in charge of that investigation. It's called Obstruction of Justice and the lying Draft Dodger In-Chief be impeached for it.

At this point in time, you want Trump and his minions to run their mouths off, spin their tales and cover their tracks

Once they are on the record.....THEN you reveal your evidence

It is not possible to comment on an ongoing Federal Investigation, especially if that Ongoing Federal Investigation is being by the Counter Intelligence Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The reason fired is because he refused to end the F.B.I. investigation into Michael Flynn and his contacts with the Russian Government. That der GroppenFuhrer would ask such a thing is Obstruction of Justice. That the Orange Faced Lying Fascist would then threaten Comey with "Tapes" is Witness Tampering.

To ask for evidence that cannot be provided proves nothing. It was "Specificity" that in the end was the undoing Tricky Dicky. After requests specific evidence that were at left unfulfilled at first that in the end for Nixon out of office.

The O.P. knows proof cannot be brought forward because of the status of the investigation.

It's called useless noise.

The FBI investigation covers multiple areas

1. Russian hacking of the DNC servers
2. Meetings of Trump campaign staff with the Russians
3. Determining if there was any collusion or offering of policy changes in return for information
4. Determining the extent of involvement of the President

While an investigation is ongoing, there is no need to release evidence as it is being gathered. People need to be interviewed, tapes and other evidence needs to be checked

It is not until an indictment has been issued that evidence needs to be provided
You're forgetting leaks of classified information and Hillary's emails.
1. A single official document naming Donald J. Trump under any investigation criminal or otherwise.

2. Any of his whitehouse or campaign under any criminal investigation for collusion with Russia that influenced the election.

3. Proof that The third party source the reporters are quoting is 100% reliable .

4. That Trump did anything at all other then being liked more then Hillary.
I guess you haven't been reading the papers. Trump and his campaign staff are under investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

You're welcome.
I guess you haven't been reading the papers. Trump and his campaign staff are under investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

You're welcome.

You don't understand his request. He wants you to post certified copies of the evidence the FBI and others have collected. And include copies of the sworn affidavits, and videos of the people signing them. Until then, there is absolutely no proof that Trump or his campaign is under investigation (i'm joking of course)
You said Comey was fired for stopping the investigation of Flynn. Are you sticking to that claim?

I think he left out "NOT" We know that Comey didn't stop the investigation into Flynn (it's still going even stronger than ever with the grand jury in virginia sending out subpeonas) So Comey was fired over the Flynn investigation, because Trump wanted it stopped.
Apparently you are not watching the news.

apparently, he doesn't believe in fake news like trump idiots

Fake news is a well documented fact.
Didn't Hillary expose her emails to Russian intelligence? The leaks were about the so called "Russia hack" so they're in the basket as well.

You don't investigate the victims.

ROFL! She wasn't the victim, moron. She made her emails accessible to Russian intelligence. If we don't investigate the victims, then why are we investigating the Trump administration?
Actually it's called obstruction of justice.

My bad. Either way it is an impeachable offense.

So you're saying Clinton should have gone to prison?

Obstruction of justice is an impeachable offence.
Bill Clinton was impeached.
End of story.
Now take a nap.
Obstruction of justice is a criminal offence for which you can go to prison. When did slick go to prison?
Obstruction of justice is a criminal offence for which you can go to prison. When did slick go to prison?

Good point. But you forgot that BIll Clinton was found NOT GUILTY, of that charge.

You can't throw somebody in jail, who's been found NOT GUILTY of the crime.

Now take nap.
Where were all your high standards for proof when the whole Hillary email thing was going on????

What a fuken moron....
Comey flat out said she broke laws but he claimed she was too stupid to prosecute.
I'd also like to know what emails that Trump or his administration has destroyed so as to render impotent any investigation.

Emails are a two way street . The only ones she could truely delete are her personal ones. Which congress was not entitled too.

Comey was looking at Flynn and Russian ties until trump fired him.

You're serious? What prevented her from deleting incriminating emails?

If she's emailing sec of state employees then the department has those emails on their system .

Not if she's emailing to their private accounts.

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