Libs love polls. Here's one. CNN: Trump Approval Spikes After Kavanaugh


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 22, 2016
New York
/----/RUSH: CNN is not happy. They have a poll out showing Trump’s approval ratings have spiked and gone up at the conclusion of the Kavanaugh confirmation fight. Not cool. Also, independents disapprove of the Democrats’ handling of the Kavanaugh nomination by a 28-point margin in the CNN poll. That’s not how it was supposed to be. That’s not what people were supposed to conclude. People were supposed to conclude that Kavanaugh is unfit!
/----/RUSH: CNN is not happy. They have a poll out showing Trump’s approval ratings have spiked and gone up at the conclusion of the Kavanaugh confirmation fight. Not cool. Also, independents disapprove of the Democrats’ handling of the Kavanaugh nomination by a 28-point margin in the CNN poll. That’s not how it was supposed to be. That’s not what people were supposed to conclude. People were supposed to conclude that Kavanaugh is unfit!

Fake news. That picture has been Photoshoped.
/----/RUSH: CNN is not happy. They have a poll out showing Trump’s approval ratings have spiked and gone up at the conclusion of the Kavanaugh confirmation fight. Not cool. Also, independents disapprove of the Democrats’ handling of the Kavanaugh nomination by a 28-point margin in the CNN poll. That’s not how it was supposed to be. That’s not what people were supposed to conclude. People were supposed to conclude that Kavanaugh is unfit!

Fake news. That picture has been Photoshoped.
/----/ Go pound sand loser.
CNN poll: Trump's approval rating spikes at conclusion of Kavanaugh confirmation fight
/----/RUSH: CNN is not happy. They have a poll out showing Trump’s approval ratings have spiked and gone up at the conclusion of the Kavanaugh confirmation fight. Not cool. Also, independents disapprove of the Democrats’ handling of the Kavanaugh nomination by a 28-point margin in the CNN poll. That’s not how it was supposed to be. That’s not what people were supposed to conclude. People were supposed to conclude that Kavanaugh is unfit!

Fake news. That picture has been Photoshoped.
/----/ Go pound sand loser.
CNN poll: Trump's approval rating spikes at conclusion of Kavanaugh confirmation fight

Yea good luck spiking (to amazing 41% no less) for a month.
Trump is considered to be "spiking" at 41 percent?

I thought "spiking" was a term to reflect a sharp uptick. 41 percent is still less than half approval of the country.
41% in a CNN poll....You can bet it's closer to 50-50.
That is what I thought. Fifty percent of citizens support Trump and 50% made up of eccentric, mentally deficient citizens and illegals promised a phone for a vote.
/----/RUSH: CNN is not happy. They have a poll out showing Trump’s approval ratings have spiked and gone up at the conclusion of the Kavanaugh confirmation fight. Not cool. Also, independents disapprove of the Democrats’ handling of the Kavanaugh nomination by a 28-point margin in the CNN poll. That’s not how it was supposed to be. That’s not what people were supposed to conclude. People were supposed to conclude that Kavanaugh is unfit!

You can’t be serious.

Trump ‘spikes’ with 52 percent of Americans disapproving of his job as ‘president.’

It’s remarkable how stupid conservative are.

Too funny.
41% in a CNN poll....You can bet it's closer to 50-50.
prove it sweet heart.....

Here in LA is 90% disapproval rate for sure.....I'm yet to find a **** who supports him lately lol.
The anniversary of President Trump’s inauguration is Saturday, and he is ending his first year on an upswing. The FiveThirtyEight Trump job approval tracker puts his approval rating at about 40 percent — matching its high-water mark since his first few months in office. His disapproval rating is 55 percent.
That’s not good, but it has markedly improved over the past few weeks.


(You can see the rest here.)
The economy is booming!!! But 60% of Americans are morons and don't approve of Trump!

How weird!
Bout the same as his approval rating BEFORE he won the presidency!

How weird!

How can you eat with that little thing in your mouth all the time?
Facts bitch slap you and you go with juvenile insults for a response?


41%. I'm very upset. It's gonna be a red wave.

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