Libs love polls. Here's one. CNN: Trump Approval Spikes After Kavanaugh

So a Rasmussen poll that recently came out and put his approval rating at 50% is just garbage?

In a word - yea.

They robocall landlines and guesstimate the rest. You know anyone under age of 40 with a landline?
41% in a CNN poll....You can bet it's closer to 50-50.
prove it sweet heart.....

Here in LA is 90% disapproval rate for sure.....I'm yet to find a **** who supports him lately lol.
Cali 90% mental cases.
I wonder why California is the largest most innovative state in the union and the 5th largest economy in the world....keep on hating. look around your trailer, lot of things come from California.
I wonder why California is the largest most innovative state in the union and the 5th largest economy in the world....keep on hating. look around your trailer, lot of things come from California.
Yeah, like its business people, fleeing the crushing bureaucracy, idiotic regulations, and the most brutal tax collection agency this side of the IRS
/----/RUSH: CNN is not happy. They have a poll out showing Trump’s approval ratings have spiked and gone up at the conclusion of the Kavanaugh confirmation fight. Not cool. Also, independents disapprove of the Democrats’ handling of the Kavanaugh nomination by a 28-point margin in the CNN poll. That’s not how it was supposed to be. That’s not what people were supposed to conclude. People were supposed to conclude that Kavanaugh is unfit!

He is back to where he was. Trump slipped badly in the last poll. Now he is back to where he has been for months, 41 or 42%. There is a far larger factor.

On October 3rd, before a crowd in Southaven, Mississippi, Trump imitated Ford's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, mocking her for not knowing the answers to certain vital questions.

"I had one beer. Well, do you think it was -- nope, it was one beer," Trump said.

"How did you get home? I don't remember. How'd you get there? I don't remember. Where is the place? I don't remember. How many years ago was it? I don't know."

Trump's comments were met with laughter and applause from the crowd of southerners.

Perhaps the most popular member of Trump's staff, one of Trump's most senior female advisors, the U.N. ambassador for the United States, Nikki Haley, wrote her letter of resignation.

The letter of resignation was dated October 3rd.

I do not believe in coincidence.

Her resignation became public today, Tuesday. It is very odd for a very high profile member of an administration to resign four weeks before a crucial national election.

Haley's staff was informed earlier today. The White House, including John Kelly, James Mattis, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton were taken completely by surprise.

I do not believe in coincidence!

He was already losing the female vote. Now this.
I wonder why California is the largest most innovative state in the union and the 5th largest economy in the world....keep on hating. look around your trailer, lot of things come from California.
Yeah, like its business people, fleeing the crushing bureaucracy, idiotic regulations, and the most brutal tax collection agency this side of the IRS

I would love to believe you....but all the numbers don't back your claim. You can believe your alternative facts if that makes you happy.
But think of it for a bit:
California is 14% of US GDP and 12% of the population. On average Californians are about 17% more productive than the US average. California provides the US with 13.3% of its taxes— roughly 11% more per capita than the US average. It receives about $350B in Federal spending for $400B in Federal taxes so the US would lose about $50B in tax revenue per year. Losing California would be a serious loss but the United States is still pretty large without California. The US would do okay and California would do fine as well— probably better.

The red states are holding California back , I would love for the state to break off....since the regressive in those states, all they want to do is sit on their asses all day and run their mouth about minorities and clinging to their stupid guns instead of being innovative, creative and productive.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Saturday, “It’s been a great political gift for us. The tactics have energized our base. I want to thank the mob, because they’ve done the one thing we were having trouble doing, which was energizing our base.”

Trump Republicans seem to have serious problem with reality. The leader of the Republican Party, Donald Trump, has consistently been the least popular President in American history. Worse, Trump makes no attempt to broaden his base. Every time he speaks he is talking to his base. To him, the majority of Americans can go to hell. His popularity rating hovers between 38 to 42%, using the average of polls, including Trump friendly Rasmussen. That means 60% of Americans do not approve of the Republican party leader, and he losing support of independents. Trump firmly believes the free press is the enemy of the people, and often his decisions are based on that belief.

Then Trump nominated a partisan, highly emotional, and angry hot head to the Supreme Court. As usual, McConnell and the other Trump Republicans totally ignored Kavanaugh's out-of-control performance and did Trump's bidding and approved the nut job to the Supreme Court.

This will energize the critics of Trump to a fever pitch. Never mind the Democrats. There are many conservatives, independents, even moderate Republicans who still believe in the sanctity of the Supreme Court. Judging by Kavanaugh's performance, they strongly feel Kavanaugh should not have been picked for the Court.

How do I know? I am one of them.

Losing the House is guaranteed. The Senate?
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Saturday, “It’s been a great political gift for us. The tactics have energized our base. I want to thank the mob, because they’ve done the one thing we were having trouble doing, which was energizing our base.”

Trump Republicans seem to have serious problem with reality. The leader of the Republican Party, Donald Trump, has consistently been the least popular President in American history. Worse, Trump makes no attempt to broaden his base. Every time he speaks he is talking to his base. To him, the majority of Americans can go to hell. His popularity rating hovers between 38 to 42%, using the average of polls, including Trump friendly Rasmussen. That means 60% of Americans do not approve of the Republican party leader, and he losing support of independents. Trump firmly believes the free press is the enemy of the people, and often his decisions are based on that belief.

Then Trump nominated a partisan, highly emotional, and angry hot head to the Supreme Court. As usual, McConnell and the other Trump Republicans totally ignored Kavanaugh's out-of-control performance and did Trump's bidding and approved the nut job to the Supreme Court.

This will energize the critics of Trump to a fever pitch. Never mind the Democrats. There are many conservatives, independents, even moderate Republicans who still believe in the sanctity of the Supreme Court. Judging by Kavanaugh's performance, they strongly feel Kavanaugh should not have been picked for the Court.

How do I know? I am one of them.

Losing the House is guaranteed. The Senate?

The Bull Shit left wing spin is strong with the libtards...
Yeah normal and civil people didn't agree with the demoquacks witch hunt, idiot dems keep doing the same stupid shit again again and again.

Likely why they've went to owning Congress and the Presidency to losing it and SCOTUS ....keep it up losers
Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll [Trump at 51%]

Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 38% who Strongly Approve of the president is performing and 39% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -1. (see trends).

This is Trump’s highest Presidential Approval Index rating since early March of last year, shortly after he first took office.By comparison, Barack Obama earned a presidential approval index rating of -11 on October 5, 2010, in the second year of his presidency.
Once again no one is polling the silent majority. You know, the ones that showed up and voted in our President....
The economy is booming!!! But 60% of Americans are morons and don't approve of Trump!

How weird!

The filthy fucks here in Mexifornia hate him, the wackos in Loon York hate him.....Good Americans that matter are still smiling ear to ear.
Any time mob rule is the top story in the news, the President gets a nice bump as real Americans say to themselves, :wtf::wtf::wtf:
Among the entire sample,31% described themselvesas Democrats,25% described themselves as Republicans, and 44% described themselves as independents or members of another party

Yep....more like 50-55% approve...poll sample is skewed.
Question 2b
2B. Is your disapproval of Trump's job so far driven more by the positions he takes on the issues or more by his
personality and leadership qualities?
Base: Respondents who disapprove of the way Donald Trump is hand
ling his job as president
Trump Trump
Total Men Women White white prove prove
===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== =====
More by the positions he takes on the issues 38% 40% 36% 35% 42% 0% 38%
More by his personality and leadership qualities 52% 50% 54% 56% 48%
0% 52%
Don't know/Undecided/Refused 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 0% 10%
Sampling Error (+/
) 5.4 7.9 7.3 7.0 8.4 .0 5.4

More proof people like what Trump's policies are the snowflakes just don't like his personality....REAL Americans love his personality.
41% in a CNN poll....You can bet it's closer to 50-50.
That is what I thought. Fifty percent of citizens support Trump and 50% made up of eccentric, mentally deficient citizens and illegals promised a phone for a vote.
CNN is fake news and normally just polls leftist traitors. Trump is most likely closer to 60 percent.

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