Libs love polls. Here's one. CNN: Trump Approval Spikes After Kavanaugh

The economy is booming!!! But 60% of Americans are morons and don't approve of Trump!

How weird!
Bout the same as his approval rating BEFORE he won the presidency!

How weird!

Presidential job approval polls for Trump didn't exist before he became President. Because he wasn't President yet. I can't believe I have to explain that to an adult.

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Among the entire sample,31% described themselvesas Democrats,25% described themselves as Republicans, and 44% described themselves as independents or members of another party

Yep....more like 50-55% approve...poll sample is skewed.

Hey dummy, did you know that there are not equal number of Republicans and Democrats in this country?
/——-/ Gallup. As of October 2017, Gallup polling found that 31% of Americans identified as Democrat, 24% identified as Republican, and 42% as Independent. ... There have been less significant partisan shifts among the U.S. states since 2011. So why oversample democRATs ?
/----/RUSH: CNN is not happy. They have a poll out showing Trump’s approval ratings have spiked and gone up at the conclusion of the Kavanaugh confirmation fight. Not cool. Also, independents disapprove of the Democrats’ handling of the Kavanaugh nomination by a 28-point margin in the CNN poll. That’s not how it was supposed to be. That’s not what people were supposed to conclude. People were supposed to conclude that Kavanaugh is unfit!
The question is do you actually have something with a credibile verifiable link that you can post to this erroneous poll, or do you just think the rest of us are as STUPID AS YOU ARE---:auiqs.jpg:

I assume you got these erroneous numbers from misogyny central the Rush Limbaugh show and are just repeating it. Anyone can post a picture of a CNN page with Anderson Cooper in the background. So nice try, but you failed MISERABLY.

And if you actually think 41% is a good showing for a Presidential approval rating going into the midterm election cycle, you've got your head shoved up your ass so tight it's going to take a jack hammer to get it out.


Here is a FOX NEWS poll with a real link.
Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination

And here's what is coming at you.


With pictures & links--(before Kavanaugh)
Blue wave coming this November 2018
/——/ When you can’t refute the facts, attack the messenger
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Saturday, “It’s been a great political gift for us. The tactics have energized our base. I want to thank the mob, because they’ve done the one thing we were having trouble doing, which was energizing our base.”

Trump Republicans seem to have serious problem with reality. The leader of the Republican Party, Donald Trump, has consistently been the least popular President in American history. Worse, Trump makes no attempt to broaden his base. Every time he speaks he is talking to his base. To him, the majority of Americans can go to hell. His popularity rating hovers between 38 to 42%, using the average of polls, including Trump friendly Rasmussen. That means 60% of Americans do not approve of the Republican party leader, and he losing support of independents. Trump firmly believes the free press is the enemy of the people, and often his decisions are based on that belief.

Then Trump nominated a partisan, highly emotional, and angry hot head to the Supreme Court. As usual, McConnell and the other Trump Republicans totally ignored Kavanaugh's out-of-control performance and did Trump's bidding and approved the nut job to the Supreme Court.

This will energize the critics of Trump to a fever pitch. Never mind the Democrats. There are many conservatives, independents, even moderate Republicans who still believe in the sanctity of the Supreme Court. Judging by Kavanaugh's performance, they strongly feel Kavanaugh should not have been picked for the Court.

How do I know? I am one of them.

Losing the House is guaranteed. The Senate?

The Bull Shit left wing spin is strong with the libtards...

It's okay for shills to lie, it's what they do.

Common tactic: "I'm a (blank) but...(insert leftist talking point here)."
The economy is booming!!! But 60% of Americans are morons and don't approve of Trump!

How weird!
Bout the same as his approval rating BEFORE he won the presidency!

How weird!

Presidential job approval polls for Trump didn't exist before he became President. Because he wasn't President yet. I can't believe I have to explain that to an adult.

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Never claimed otherwise. Apparently you are just the latest troll to join USMB.
Among the entire sample,31% described themselvesas Democrats,25% described themselves as Republicans, and 44% described themselves as independents or members of another party

Yep....more like 50-55% approve...poll sample is skewed.

Hey dummy, did you know that there are not equal number of Republicans and Democrats in this country?
/——-/ Gallup. As of October 2017, Gallup polling found that 31% of Americans identified as Democrat, 24% identified as Republican, and 42% as Independent. ... There have been less significant partisan shifts among the U.S. states since 2011. So why oversample democRATs ?

Most polls still use a 2004 methodology and oversample Democrats. Rasmussen doesnt use the same methodology which is why the have bullseyed last two presidential elections while almost all others were off by a mile.

If you are a Democrat most polls are going to give you a nice fuzzy feel good moment!! HAPPY NOW!!!!:113::113::113:
/----/RUSH: CNN is not happy. They have a poll out showing Trump’s approval ratings have spiked and gone up at the conclusion of the Kavanaugh confirmation fight. Not cool. Also, independents disapprove of the Democrats’ handling of the Kavanaugh nomination by a 28-point margin in the CNN poll. That’s not how it was supposed to be. That’s not what people were supposed to conclude. People were supposed to conclude that Kavanaugh is unfit!
So you know it’s 3-4 times higher.
You just said Trump's approval is 123%.Only Trump supporters are this dumb.

There is NO ONE in the Universe that can match the ignorance of a Trump Tard. Here we see the opt trying to promote a poll that probably does not exist--calling it a CNN poll with no link, and is tryiing to convince his audience that since he has posted a picture of Anderson Cooper & CNN logo--(it's real).

There are actually 10 other Trump tards that took the bait, and pushed winner, agree, & thumbs up so far without seeing a single credible verifiable link to the credibility of this erroneous poll & just bought into the "picture." They'll be another 20 that do the same by tommorrow morning---:th_believecrap: They believe it.

This is clearly what Rush Limbaugh- at-(misogyny central told them) that this idiot opt is now trying to repoduce on a political board that requires credibile verifiable links, otherwise it's not believed. This is what you call real FAKE news.


/-----/ I posted the link yesterday while you were passed out. CNN poll: Trump's approval rating spikes at conclusion of Kavanaugh confirmation fight
Donald Trump's Approval Rating Has Dropped in Every State: Poll - You have to look at the big picture;

"President Donald Trump's approval rating has dropped in every state since he was inaugurated, and in three states it fell from at least 50 percent to majority disapproval, according to a new poll.

Trump saw the biggest loss in Utah, where about 58 percent of residents approved of him when he took office, and now 50 percent disapprove of his job performance and just 45 percent continue to support him, a Morning Consult poll on the 50 states updated last Thursday shows.

“Trump’s presidency has been largely about what people are willing to overlook for what they think is most important,” Jason Perry, director of the University of Utah’s Hinckley Institute of Politics, told the Salt Lake Tribune on Monday.

“Right now we are seeing that even with a conservative Supreme Court nominee, new trade deals and the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, the balance has shifted in the minds of many voters as they react to some of the president’s more controversial qualities,” Perry continued.

In New Mexico, Trump's 52 percent approval rating in January 2017 sunk to 41 percent in September 2018 and his disapproval rating sat at 55 percent. In Arizona, the president's 55 percent approval rating when he entered office fell to 47 percent last month and his disapproval rating was at 50 percent."
Donald Trump's Approval Rating Has Dropped in Every State: Poll - You have to look at the big picture;

"President Donald Trump's approval rating has dropped in every state since he was inaugurated, and in three states it fell from at least 50 percent to majority disapproval, according to a new poll.

Trump saw the biggest loss in Utah, where about 58 percent of residents approved of him when he took office, and now 50 percent disapprove of his job performance and just 45 percent continue to support him, a Morning Consult poll on the 50 states updated last Thursday shows.

“Trump’s presidency has been largely about what people are willing to overlook for what they think is most important,” Jason Perry, director of the University of Utah’s Hinckley Institute of Politics, told the Salt Lake Tribune on Monday.

“Right now we are seeing that even with a conservative Supreme Court nominee, new trade deals and the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, the balance has shifted in the minds of many voters as they react to some of the president’s more controversial qualities,” Perry continued.

In New Mexico, Trump's 52 percent approval rating in January 2017 sunk to 41 percent in September 2018 and his disapproval rating sat at 55 percent. In Arizona, the president's 55 percent approval rating when he entered office fell to 47 percent last month and his disapproval rating was at 50 percent."
/-----/ so why do you reject Rasmussen who samples the same way? From your link: Morning Consult conducted more than 1.6 million surveys with registered American voters from January 20, 2017, to September 30, 2018, to find Trump's approval ratings every month.
/-----/ so why do you reject Rasmussen who samples the same way? From your link: Morning Consult conducted more than 1.6 million surveys with registered American voters from January 20, 2017, to September 30, 2018, to find Trump's approval ratings every month.

#1 - I never mentioned Rasmussen, nor did the article. Where did that come from?

#2 - The article, which you did not read, dealt with all polls, not just one. Meta data from this source (another link you'll ignore) Tracking Trump: The President's Approval State by State, Month by Month
The economy is booming!!! But 60% of Americans are morons and don't approve of Trump!

How weird!
Bout the same as his approval rating BEFORE he won the presidency!

How weird!

Presidential job approval polls for Trump didn't exist before he became President. Because he wasn't President yet. I can't believe I have to explain that to an adult.

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Never claimed otherwise. Apparently you are just the latest troll to join USMB.
Yes you did. No pollster asked anyone about Trump's job approval before he became President. Are you saying people were asked if they approved oh his "job as a candidate"?
Weird. You didn't think before you typed your erroneous comment.

Fun fact - when president polls 41% his party losses midterms.

Fun fact - When the economy is on fire the incumbent party fairs better than most midterms and sometimes gain seats.

As of 10/9/18..... 26 of 34 house seat races are now +2 for republicans. The other 8 are +2 democrat. With most polls admittedly +4 for democrats due to disparity of those polled this is an expanding lead.. No wonder democrats are totally unhinged... We could not only pick up seats in the House but the Senate is almost assured pick ups of 2-3 as well..
Last edited:
Among the entire sample,31% described themselvesas Democrats,25% described themselves as Republicans, and 44% described themselves as independents or members of another party

Yep....more like 50-55% approve...poll sample is skewed.

Hey dummy, did you know that there are not equal number of Republicans and Democrats in this country?
/——-/ Gallup. As of October 2017, Gallup polling found that 31% of Americans identified as Democrat, 24% identified as Republican, and 42% as Independent. ... There have been less significant partisan shifts among the U.S. states since 2011. So why oversample democRATs ?
You over-sample Democrats to get the answer you want...

Its looking like a massive tidy bowl wave...
/-----/ so why do you reject Rasmussen who samples the same way? From your link: Morning Consult conducted more than 1.6 million surveys with registered American voters from January 20, 2017, to September 30, 2018, to find Trump's approval ratings every month.

#1 - I never mentioned Rasmussen, nor did the article. Where did that come from?

#2 - The article, which you did not read, dealt with all polls, not just one. Meta data from this source (another link you'll ignore) Tracking Trump: The President's Approval State by State, Month by Month
And your pollster over samples democrats by 14 -points... why?
The economy is booming!!! But 60% of Americans are morons and don't approve of Trump!

How weird!
Bout the same as his approval rating BEFORE he won the presidency!

How weird!

Presidential job approval polls for Trump didn't exist before he became President. Because he wasn't President yet. I can't believe I have to explain that to an adult.

Sent from my iPhone using
Never claimed otherwise. Apparently you are just the latest troll to join USMB.
Yes you did. No pollster asked anyone about Trump's job approval before he became President. Are you saying people were asked if they approved oh his "job as a candidate"?
Weird. You didn't think before you typed your erroneous comment.
You're an idiot.

If all you have are semantics games in every thread you're well on you way to ignore.
/-----/ so why do you reject Rasmussen who samples the same way? From your link: Morning Consult conducted more than 1.6 million surveys with registered American voters from January 20, 2017, to September 30, 2018, to find Trump's approval ratings every month.

#1 - I never mentioned Rasmussen, nor did the article. Where did that come from?

#2 - The article, which you did not read, dealt with all polls, not just one. Meta data from this source (another link you'll ignore) Tracking Trump: The President's Approval State by State, Month by Month
And your pollster over samples democrats by 14 -points... why?
Prove it.

Fun fact - when president polls 41% his party losses midterms.

Fun fact - When the economy is on fire the incumbent party fairs better than most midterms and sometimes gain seats.

As of 10/9/18..... 26 of 34 house seat races are now +2 for republicans. The other 8 are +2 democrat. With most polls admittedly +4 for democrats due to disparity of those polled this is an expanding lead.. No wonder democrats are totally unhinged... We could not only pick up seats in the House but the Senate is almost assured pick ups of 2-3 as well..

It's entirely possible to do a bit better than that, especially if the commies keep attacking people in public. If I were running I'd be running ads on that crap 24/7, saying here's an example of commiecrat leadership.


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