Libs love polls. Here's one. CNN: Trump Approval Spikes After Kavanaugh

The educated fools believed the polls in 2016....

Per the polls Trump didn't have a chance....

How did that work out for you Tard?

304 to 227...…

Who's your Daddy now?

You Tards are in for a Historic Ass Kicking.....

Decent people don't care for your Scum Bag tactics...

Trump won by a total of 80,000 votes in PA MI and WI combined. This was a razor thin margin election and anyone who tells you otherwise is full of shit (see Trump)

I guess you have to rationalize your failure some way, right? Now your ilk is resulting to violent tantrums, people don't like that shit when they go to the voting booth.


Lol nonsense, stating facts is not “rationalization” - I have no problem with the fact that Trump won, just as you should have no problem with a fact that this was a very close election.
/——/ If Hildabeast beat Trump 306 to 232 would you be calling it a close race.

If the separation was 0.5% margin in the states that ended up desciding the election? OF COURSE!
/-----/ "What difference, after all, what difference does it make?"
Trump won by a total of 80,000 votes in PA MI and WI combined. This was a razor thin margin election and anyone who tells you otherwise is full of shit (see Trump)

I guess you have to rationalize your failure some way, right? Now your ilk is resulting to violent tantrums, people don't like that shit when they go to the voting booth.


Lol nonsense, stating facts is not “rationalization” - I have no problem with the fact that Trump won, just as you should have no problem with a fact that this was a very close election.
/——/ If Hildabeast beat Trump 306 to 232 would you be calling it a close race.

If the separation was 0.5% margin in the states that ended up desciding the election? OF COURSE!
/-----/ "What difference, after all, what difference does it make?"

The difference is it was a close election that could have easily gone the other way - DUH?
The educated fools believed the polls in 2016....

Per the polls Trump didn't have a chance....

How did that work out for you Tard?

304 to 227...…

Who's your Daddy now?

You Tards are in for a Historic Ass Kicking.....

Decent people don't care for your Scum Bag tactics...

Trump won by a total of 80,000 votes in PA MI and WI combined. This was a razor thin margin election and anyone who tells you otherwise is full of shit (see Trump)

I guess you have to rationalize your failure some way, right? Now your ilk is resulting to violent tantrums, people don't like that shit when they go to the voting booth.


Lol nonsense, stating facts is not “rationalization” - I have no problem with the fact that Trump won, just as you should have no problem with a fact that this was a very close election.
/——/ If Hildabeast beat Trump 306 to 232 would you be calling it a close race.

If the separation was 0.5% margin in the states that ended up desciding the election? OF COURSE!

This was the closest election since Bush vs. Gore.
/---/ close only counts in horseshoes BTW you're pointing out statistics that don't determine the president. Sore loser
Trump won by a total of 80,000 votes in PA MI and WI combined. This was a razor thin margin election and anyone who tells you otherwise is full of shit (see Trump)

I guess you have to rationalize your failure some way, right? Now your ilk is resulting to violent tantrums, people don't like that shit when they go to the voting booth.


Lol nonsense, stating facts is not “rationalization” - I have no problem with the fact that Trump won, just as you should have no problem with a fact that this was a very close election.
/——/ If Hildabeast beat Trump 306 to 232 would you be calling it a close race.

If the separation was 0.5% margin in the states that ended up desciding the election? OF COURSE!

This was the closest election since Bush vs. Gore.
/---/ close only counts in horseshoes BTW you're pointing out statistics that don't determine the president. Sore loser

Well if close "doesn't count", then blowout your buddy started out claiming should not matter either.

A win is a win so stfu - right?

You guys start throwing your two useless cents into a conversation you can't even bother to read.
I guess you have to rationalize your failure some way, right? Now your ilk is resulting to violent tantrums, people don't like that shit when they go to the voting booth.


Lol nonsense, stating facts is not “rationalization” - I have no problem with the fact that Trump won, just as you should have no problem with a fact that this was a very close election.
/——/ If Hildabeast beat Trump 306 to 232 would you be calling it a close race.

If the separation was 0.5% margin in the states that ended up desciding the election? OF COURSE!
/-----/ "What difference, after all, what difference does it make?"

The difference is it was a close election that could have easily gone the other way - DUH?
/-----/ Woulda Shoulda Coulda - it sucks to be you
Lol nonsense, stating facts is not “rationalization” - I have no problem with the fact that Trump won, just as you should have no problem with a fact that this was a very close election.
/——/ If Hildabeast beat Trump 306 to 232 would you be calling it a close race.

If the separation was 0.5% margin in the states that ended up desciding the election? OF COURSE!
/-----/ "What difference, after all, what difference does it make?"

The difference is it was a close election that could have easily gone the other way - DUH?
/-----/ Woulda Shoulda Coulda - it sucks to be you

Lets get real - you'd give your right nut (pardon the pun) to be me.
Last edited:
/——/ If Hildabeast beat Trump 306 to 232 would you be calling it a close race.

If the separation was 0.5% margin in the states that ended up desciding the election? OF COURSE!
/-----/ "What difference, after all, what difference does it make?"

The difference is it was a close election that could have easily gone the other way - DUH?
/-----/ Woulda Shoulda Coulda - it sucks to be you

lol idiot, you'd give your right nut (pardon the pun) to be me.
Wonder how the polls will be in Fla after the moron went campaigning instead of checking on them
If the separation was 0.5% margin in the states that ended up desciding the election? OF COURSE!
/-----/ "What difference, after all, what difference does it make?"

The difference is it was a close election that could have easily gone the other way - DUH?
/-----/ Woulda Shoulda Coulda - it sucks to be you

lol idiot, you'd give your right nut (pardon the pun) to be me.
Wonder how the polls will be in Fla after the moron went campaigning instead of checking on them
/——/ What????? Next you’ll be bitching about the First Lady’s polish.
/——/ If Hildabeast beat Trump 306 to 232 would you be calling it a close race.

If the separation was 0.5% margin in the states that ended up desciding the election? OF COURSE!
/-----/ "What difference, after all, what difference does it make?"

The difference is it was a close election that could have easily gone the other way - DUH?
/-----/ Woulda Shoulda Coulda - it sucks to be you

Lets get real - you'd give your right nut (pardon the pun) to be me.
/—-/ Why? I’m not the one whining about losing 24/7
If the separation was 0.5% margin in the states that ended up desciding the election? OF COURSE!
/-----/ "What difference, after all, what difference does it make?"

The difference is it was a close election that could have easily gone the other way - DUH?
/-----/ Woulda Shoulda Coulda - it sucks to be you

Lets get real - you'd give your right nut (pardon the pun) to be me.
/—-/ Why? I’m not the one whining about losing 24/7

Never whined about losing. Calling bullshit on "landslide win for Trump" is not "whining", it is simply pointing out facts.
/-----/ "What difference, after all, what difference does it make?"

The difference is it was a close election that could have easily gone the other way - DUH?
/-----/ Woulda Shoulda Coulda - it sucks to be you

Lets get real - you'd give your right nut (pardon the pun) to be me.
/—-/ Why? I’m not the one whining about losing 24/7

Never whined about losing. Calling bullshit on "landslide win for Trump" is not "whining", it is simply pointing out facts.
/——/ 306 vs 202. is a landslide. Now go out there and enjoy the rest of your day.
I guess you have to rationalize your failure some way, right? Now your ilk is resulting to violent tantrums, people don't like that shit when they go to the voting booth.


Lol nonsense, stating facts is not “rationalization” - I have no problem with the fact that Trump won, just as you should have no problem with a fact that this was a very close election.
/——/ If Hildabeast beat Trump 306 to 232 would you be calling it a close race.

If the separation was 0.5% margin in the states that ended up desciding the election? OF COURSE!

This was the closest election since Bush vs. Gore.
/---/ close only counts in horseshoes BTW you're pointing out statistics that don't determine the president. Sore loser

Well if close "doesn't count", then blowout your buddy started out claiming should not matter either.

A win is a win so stfu - right?

You guys start throwing your two useless cents into a conversation you can't even bother to read.
/——/ Well the 1960 World Series was close so why didn’t the Yankees get the win? Despite losing the series, the Yankees scored 55 runs, the most runs scored by any one team in World Series history, a unique record, and more than twice as many as the Pirates, who scored 27 runs. The Yankees won three blowout games (16–3, 10–0, and 12–0), while the Pirates won four close games (6–4, 3–2, 5–2, and 10–9) to win the series. The Series MVPwas Bobby Richardson of the Yankees, the only time in history that that award has been given to a member of the losing team.
The difference is it was a close election that could have easily gone the other way - DUH?
/-----/ Woulda Shoulda Coulda - it sucks to be you

Lets get real - you'd give your right nut (pardon the pun) to be me.
/—-/ Why? I’m not the one whining about losing 24/7

Never whined about losing. Calling bullshit on "landslide win for Trump" is not "whining", it is simply pointing out facts.
/——/ 306 vs 202. is a landslide. Now go out there and enjoy the rest of your day.

You are clearly an idiot. A common afliction among Trumpsters it seems.
/-----/ Woulda Shoulda Coulda - it sucks to be you

Lets get real - you'd give your right nut (pardon the pun) to be me.
/—-/ Why? I’m not the one whining about losing 24/7

Never whined about losing. Calling bullshit on "landslide win for Trump" is not "whining", it is simply pointing out facts.
/——/ 306 vs 202. is a landslide. Now go out there and enjoy the rest of your day.

You are clearly an idiot. A common afliction among Trumpsters it seems.

And the whining continues.
/-----/ Woulda Shoulda Coulda - it sucks to be you

Lets get real - you'd give your right nut (pardon the pun) to be me.
/—-/ Why? I’m not the one whining about losing 24/7

Never whined about losing. Calling bullshit on "landslide win for Trump" is not "whining", it is simply pointing out facts.
/——/ 306 vs 202. is a landslide. Now go out there and enjoy the rest of your day.

You are clearly an idiot. A common afliction among Trumpsters it seems.
/——-/ I may be an idiot but your candidate still isn’t president and never will be.

I love Rush....

He kicks Tard Ass.....

It's clear you like Rush Limbaugh that's why you don't know jack shit. 3 or more daily hours of reich wing hyperbole, half truths & lies that lead to misconceptions and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling has hit it's mark. YOU


A great article that every listener to right wing talk show hosts and those who watch the FOX NEWS political soap box opera's--should spend the next 20 minutes reading is here.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

It describes how you have been manipulated over the last 20 years

Which created this-- (What's wrong with a Trump supporter's brain?)


The Dunning-Kruger Effect:

Some believe that many of those who support Donald Trump do so because of ignorance — basically they are under-informed or misinformed about the issues at hand. When Trump tells them that crime is skyrocketing in the United States, or that the economy is the worst it’s ever been, they simply take his word for it.

The seemingly obvious solution would be to try to reach those people through political ads, expert opinions, and logical arguments that educate with facts. Except none of those things seem to be swaying any Trump supporters from his side, despite great efforts to deliver this information to them directly.

The Dunning-Kruger effect explains that the problem isn’t just that they are misinformed; it’s that they are completely unaware that they are misinformed. This creates a double burden.

Studies have shown that people who lack expertise in some area of knowledge often have a cognitive bias that prevents them from realizing that they lack expertise. As psychologist David Dunning puts it in an op-ed for Politico, “The knowledge and intelligence that are required to be good at a task are often the same qualities needed to recognize that one is not good at that task — and if one lacks such knowledge and intelligence, one remains ignorant that one is not good at the task. This includes political judgment.” Essentially, they’re not smart enough to realize they’re dumb.

And if one is under the illusion that they have sufficient or even superior knowledge, then they have no reason to defer to anyone else’s judgment. This helps explain why even nonpartisan experts — like military generals and Independent former Mayor of New York/billionaire CEO Michael Bloomberg — as well as some respected Republican politicians, don’t seem to be able to say anything that can change the minds of loyal Trump followers.

Out of immense frustration, some of us may feel the urge to shake a Trump supporter and say, “Hey! Don’t you realize that he’s an idiot?!” No. They don’t. That may be hard to fathom, but that’s the nature of the Dunning-Kruger effect — one’s ignorance is completely invisible to them.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters' brains

So where does your information come from?




When you're attached at the hip to either right or left wing media, radio, T.V. & websites while refusing to either change the channel or READ anything, you're easily manipulated into what you believe, & who you're going to support & vote for.

Don't know why you bother to post all that crap, no one reads it, they just keep scrolling.


Hey I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh and watch FOX NEWS too. Once you get away from their bullshit, it quickly becomes very apparent how much YOU DIDN'T KNOW.

If that bothers you, tough shit.

So you got nothing to address what I actually said, kewl.


There is no poll--it's bogus--it's made up based on what Rush Limbaugh may have said to his audience. No credibile, verfifable link it goes into the :bsflag:file

Ok Ok, now take your meds.

Trump supporters are happy about 41% approval?

Ok then. I guess math is difficult for the uneducated.

The educated fools believed the polls in 2016....

Per the polls Trump didn't have a chance....

How did that work out for you Tard?

304 to 227...…

Who's your Daddy now?

You Tards are in for a Historic Ass Kicking.....

Decent people don't care for your Scum Bag tactics...

Trump won by a total of 80,000 votes in PA MI and WI combined. This was a razor thin margin election and anyone who tells you otherwise is full of shit (see Trump)

I guess you have to rationalize your failure some way, right? Now your ilk is resulting to violent tantrums, people don't like that shit when they go to the voting booth.


Lol nonsense, stating facts is not “rationalization” - I have no problem with the fact that Trump won, just as you should have no problem with a fact that this was a very close election.

Winning 60% of the States isn't close. Pointing out meaningless tidbits will never alter that fact.

/-----/ "What difference, after all, what difference does it make?"

The difference is it was a close election that could have easily gone the other way - DUH?
/-----/ Woulda Shoulda Coulda - it sucks to be you

lol idiot, you'd give your right nut (pardon the pun) to be me.
Wonder how the polls will be in Fla after the moron went campaigning instead of checking on them
/——/ What????? Next you’ll be bitching about the First Lady’s polish.
You mean the lady who says shes the most bullied women in the world ?? That first lady?
The difference is it was a close election that could have easily gone the other way - DUH?
/-----/ Woulda Shoulda Coulda - it sucks to be you

lol idiot, you'd give your right nut (pardon the pun) to be me.
Wonder how the polls will be in Fla after the moron went campaigning instead of checking on them
/——/ What????? Next you’ll be bitching about the First Lady’s polish.
You mean the lady who says shes the most bullied women in the world ?? That first lady?
/----/ Stop lying and quote her accurately then prove her wrong - azzwipe

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