Libs Lying About Budget Cuts Causing Ebola

USMB libs lying?

What's new?

I think you mean usmb rightwingnuts lying.

try again

nice troll thread, though.

Every time you liars post a barefaced lie in a thread title, expect me or another rational person to post a countervailing TRUE thread because we don't want to keep giving oxygen to you liars and your false threads.

Get it?

Got it?


You know the budget argument surrounding Ebola is a ruse. The lies you people got away with in 2012 will no longer be tolerated. Period.

what's the matter, snookums, you don't like anyone calling out *your* lies?

too bad... you could always stop lying and tell the truth instead of posting rightwingnut talking points.

get it?

got it?


Wow! That was original. Thanks for bumping my thread.

Libs lying about budget cuts for Ebola just like Benghazi lie.

I'll keep you bumped :) Bloody fools thought they could get away with this lie.

Cripes they can't ever come up with anything orginal. This is the blame game for the VA scandal part deux.

It would be nice to see just one freaking lib be pissed off at the money squandered on studies of robot squirrels let alone the development of origami condoms.

My husband has completely lost it over origami condoms. He's still freaking out about it. :lol:
What I tell ya! LMAO.

Back to the topic............Ebola is going to really sink libs for their lying about it.

Look at those polls honey bunnies...
sigh....They arent lying. They are being fast and loose with the facts slightly.

The real answer is a tad more complex than Gop cut funding. The GOP did cut some funding for the CDC, but at the sametime Obama had other methods of money for the cdc coming in. In other years Obama didnt push for more funding and thus the CDC got cut by a few million.

this is nothing more than typical election partisan tactics that both sides use. Again ita little more complex than the Left is lying and the GOP cut funding.

But hey why bother reading up on it....Right?
no sources needed, of course
You need to get up to speed. Even the Washington Post gave this lie 4 full pinnochios.

The Washington Post

The absurd claim that only Republicans are to blame for cuts to Ebola research


The absurd claim that only Republicans are to blame for cuts to Ebola research - The Washington Post

From your link
There’s no doubt that spending has been cut, or at least failed to keep pace with inflation, but the fingerprints of both parties are on the knives. This blame game earns Four Pinocchios.
Lets look at some of these research grants that the RW are slagging:
Lets look at the origami condoms.

Here is the website:

They are going through trails at the moment. The inventor contracted HIV when a latex condom broke.

Origami Condoms Radically Redesigns Almost Century-Old Latex Protection

I am sure that this is a initiative which is there to make condom use more accessible and safer. The Gates Foundation is backing this with it own money as wider acceptance of condoms can reduce sextually transmitted dieases.

For $2.5 million, this could be a good investment considering $16bn has been already spent...
Can you think of anything liberals do not lie about? Go ahead, name one thing.
Funny to hear you anti-government conservatives begging for the government to save you,

and crying because it hasn't already.

Of course it's funny, because it's not true. Note that they're pointing out the democrat talking point is completely bogus. They're not saying it's a good or bad thing that the government does medical research, they're pointing out that any faux CDC "cuts" were first proposed by Obama and replaced with spending increases by Republicans.

Where's the mighty private sector's vaccine for Ebola? You know, the private sector that you RWnuts always say needs to make the maximum profit possible because that is what motivates research and innovation?

Well, where's that innovative Ebola vaccine after 40 years?

Have any of the countries with full blown socialized medicine developed such a vaccine? Are any of them even close, or are they not really pursuing it because most medical innovations still come from the bad ol' US of A because there still is the ability to make a profit from creating things that people want to buy?
You mean like this:
Canada s experimental Ebola vaccine VSV-EBOV How does it work CTV News
UK university starts Ebola vaccine tests - Europe - Al Jazeera English
This says the one we are talking about is from GlaxoSmithKline (a UK company)...

Are you embarrassed yet...
Obama asks for 88$ million .. Chairman Hal Rogers (R-Ky.) agreed as of Tuesday morning to spend a total of $40 million to fight the epidemic in the 2015 spending bill.

using RW math based on their logic, that's not a cut ... the missing 44$ million is simply Obama's fault ...... for being Obama.
Anything to deflect from Obama's incompetence. All over the lib cable networks that Republican budget cuts allegedly caused Ebola (as if anyone would be stupid enough to believe it). Except now their lies being trounced, LOL.

But watch far left libs on USMB try this excuse. Ready....5...4....3....2.....

Are you fucking kidding me?

ROFL - what a pathetic bunch of sewer dwellers.
Obama asks for 88$ million .. Chairman Hal Rogers (R-Ky.) agreed as of Tuesday morning to spend a total of $40 million to fight the epidemic in the 2015 spending bill.

using RW math based on their logic, that's not a cut ... the missing 44$ million is simply Obama's fault ...... for being Obama.

So, the budget was zero, Republicans gave $40 million, but using Communist math, that is a "cut."

Communist Equation: 0+40,000,000<0

It's not that you're stupid.

Wait, yes it is....
it wasn't meant to be original. it was meant to make fun of you.

Wow, what a pathetic fail. :thup:

yes, the poster i responded to is an epic fail... as are you.
Election day is going to be such fun.

indeed, the Republicans gain control of the House and Obama proceeds to veto every piece of legislation they hand him, just like Bush did when the dems had a majority in both houses...

same BS different election cycle ... stand by more nothing to follow .
an international disease morphs into American politics dividing the country to even further extremes ... rather than pull together and act like the World leaders we're supposed to be, and combat a horrific disease that effects everyone, piss and moan politics has become the countrys # 1 defense ..

what a sad, pathetic example the US sets for the world

partisan politics, the cure for Ebola.

Oh, we're gonna pull together, alright. Everyone's sick of far leftie stupidity and incompetence. Ebola just last in longgggggg list.
it wasn't meant to be original. it was meant to make fun of you.

Wow, what a pathetic fail. :thup:

yes, the poster i responded to is an epic fail... as are you.
Election day is going to be such fun.

indeed, the Republicans gain control of the House and Obama proceeds to veto every piece of legislation they hand him, just like Bush did when the dems had a majority in both houses...

same BS different election cycle ... stand by more nothing to follow .
No specifics, just BS. I guess you don't know vetoes can be overridden.
an international disease morphs into American politics dividing the country to even further extremes ... rather than pull together and act like the World leaders we're supposed to be, and combat a horrific disease that effects everyone, piss and moan politics has become the countrys # 1 defense ..

what a sad, pathetic example the US sets for the world

partisan politics, the cure for Ebola.

Oh, we're gonna pull together, alright. Everyone's sick of far leftie stupidity and incompetence. Ebola just last in longgggggg list.

try that again in English
it wasn't meant to be original. it was meant to make fun of you.

Wow, what a pathetic fail. :thup:

yes, the poster i responded to is an epic fail... as are you.
Election day is going to be such fun.

indeed, the Republicans gain control of the House and Obama proceeds to veto every piece of legislation they hand him, just like Bush did when the dems had a majority in both houses...

same BS different election cycle ... stand by more nothing to follow .
No specifics, just BS. I guess you don't know vetoes can be overridden.

you didn't understand his post, huh? too much toking again?

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