Libs Try Tear Jerker Approach on Border...Why am I I’m Supposed to Care

Nothing like the tragic deaths of migrants to expose the phony pro-lifers as to the kind of people they really are. If there`s such a place as hell they`ll be there for masquerading as Christians. Would Jesus celebrate the deaths of this guy and his daughter?
It’s always amusing when the godless baby butchers that are okay with severing babies spines before and during birth want to preach about what “ Christians” should do and what “ Jesus “ would or wouldn’t approve of.
If you know where babies are being butchered get off your ass and do something about it. This thread is about migrants not fetuses. Nice try.

You are the one who decided to bring up pro lifers. So deal with it.

Hey...btw... Godless moron. I have fed, clothed and helped pay the utilities of a NA family with 2 FAS kids,Several low income seniors and made care pkgs for military. I have also both donated food and my time to the food banks and United Way.

Get off your ass and house some refugees if you care so much.

It’s not my job to do YOUR charity work
Why don't we all get off our asses and solve the problem entirely by giving these people their countries, governments, jobs, and resources back, instead of stealing it all from them? Right now, Trump's got aircraft sitting over there in the Galapagos Islands chomping at the bit to go over there and steal Venezuela's Oil, Gold, and Diamond riches. Charities are worth nothing as a long game, especially if we don't stop the US pirates from stealing everything they have.
Are you drunk?
Nothing like the tragic deaths of migrants to expose the phony pro-lifers as to the kind of people they really are. If there`s such a place as hell they`ll be there for masquerading as Christians. Would Jesus celebrate the deaths of this guy and his daughter?
It’s always amusing when the godless baby butchers that are okay with severing babies spines before and during birth want to preach about what “ Christians” should do and what “ Jesus “ would or wouldn’t approve of.
If you know where babies are being butchered get off your ass and do something about it. This thread is about migrants not fetuses. Nice try.

You are the one who decided to bring up pro lifers. So deal with it.

Hey...btw... Godless moron. I have fed, clothed and helped pay the utilities of a NA family with 2 FAS kids,Several low income seniors and made care pkgs for military. I have also both donated food and my time to the food banks and United Way.

Get off your ass and house some refugees if you care so much.

It’s not my job to do YOUR charity work
Why don't we all get off our asses and solve the problem entirely by giving these people their countries, governments, jobs, and resources back, instead of stealing it all from them? Right now, Trump's got aircraft sitting over there in the Galapagos Islands chomping at the bit to go over there and steal Venezuela's Oil, Gold, and Diamond riches. Charities are worth nothing as a long game, especially if we don't stop the US pirates from stealing everything they have.
Are you drunk?

No...just incredibly stupid and duped
Dear Bush92
To put it simply
If we want pro-immigration advocates to start
then it works BETTER to SHOW BY EXAMPLE
where WE CARE and express concerns for victims of illegal trafficking.

If we want others to care, we have to make it clear we do care and want this carnage to stop!
ESPECIALLY if we want others to INCLUDE BOTH SIDES not just theirs!

Put the blame for that child's death exactly where it's father
If if that child remained in El Salvador & killed by drug lords?
/——/ What if the child was killed in Detroit by MS13? Would that be OK with you?
/——-/ OMG OMG OMG Not Drug Lords!!!!! OMG OMG OMG The most violent MS-13 crimes of 2017 so far
OMGOMGOMG, who buys the drugs again? The enablers that's who. Sound familiar?
/——/ Mexicans buy drugs. What’s your point?
If they were comng for asylum, it was not illegal.
/---/ Asylum from where? They already had it when the entered Mexico.

You are wrong. The caravans & others are fleeing the dangers in Central America.
to come to a country with a high murder rate ------
BULLSHIT---a lot of the world is a SHITHOLE--we can't take in the whole world
......and you just make the problem worse [ by letting them in ] when you don't try to fix the ROOT of the problem--the problem continues's like the dumbshit of blaming the police when the criminals are the problem because of the failed culture-----the ROOT of the problem is the failed culture

....we gave billions to latin America to help them--but it failed
learn some history please
WE created the shitholes;CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor
sure we did--sure :rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41:

Liberals said their wasn't a humanitarian crisis on the border. President Trump has been trying to fix this without any help from Democrats. smh
the dumbass Dems have been fighting tooth and nail to LET illegals/etc in
And the the US fought tooth and nail, and won the invasions into these countries with the exception of Venezuela. And they are working on that one now.
won invasions-----???!!!!!!!???
the brown people and the black people can't get anything done
the yellow people and the whites are the ones who get it done/better living/etc
poverty/sanitation/clean water/starvation/etc--I can provide proof of all these

I've been to Mexico several times you walk or drive across the bridge and go in a building and fill out paperwork and they ask you if you want Mexican insurance cause you insurance is no good senior...You hand them the papers they stamp them and you get into yer car and drive..
/—-/ Well Heel’s Bella why did you just sneak across? What could possibly go wrong?
I don't like walking I'd rather drive...

I walk across all the time. I live less than 10 miles from Tijuana. I visit frequently.

We even have our own special crossing from San Diego directly into Tijuana airport. Cross Border Xpress. I've used it several times. I drive a few miles. Park on the U.S. side. Walk across an enclosed pedestrian bridge right into the Tijuana airport. It was a joint project between the U.S. and Mexico. $100 round trip from TJ to Mexico City. I'm all over those cheap flights because Mexico is fun!
/——/ You’re avoiding the obvious question about entering Mexico illegally. Somehow you can’t distinguish legal from illegal or you’re just playing stupid again to get attention.
Calm down cowpoke. I was responding to Moonglow about traveling legally in Mexico. It's super simple.

The easiest way for me to get across illegally where I live drive about 10 minutes and go around the wall where it ends at the Pacific Ocean. Nobody on either side will care if I do that.

Alternatively, there are many places I can cross by land if I wanted to. Just climb a few fences. The Mexican side will not be there to stop me on the other side, lol. Have you ever been to Tijuana or any other part of the Cali/Mexico border?
Put the blame for that child's death exactly where it's father
If if that child remained in El Salvador & killed by drug lords?
/——/ What if the child was killed in Detroit by MS13? Would that be OK with you?
/——-/ OMG OMG OMG Not Drug Lords!!!!! OMG OMG OMG The most violent MS-13 crimes of 2017 so far
OMGOMGOMG, who buys the drugs again? The enablers that's who. Sound familiar?
/—-/ Because people buy drugs it’s ok for illegals to Rob, rape and murder Americans. Ok, I get your point.

Liberals said their wasn't a humanitarian crisis on the border. President Trump has been trying to fix this without any help from Democrats. smh
the dumbass Dems have been fighting tooth and nail to LET illegals/etc in
And the the US fought tooth and nail, and won the invasions into these countries with the exception of Venezuela. And they are working on that one now.
won invasions-----???!!!!!!!???
the brown people and the black people can't get anything done
the yellow people and the whites are the ones who get it done/better living/etc
poverty/sanitation/clean water/starvation/etc--I can provide proof of all these

If you understood how dark monies and the IMF operate you'd know why it seems like they get nothing done. They can't afford to.
This is an excellent thread to show exactly what the "humanity" of CRCs is really all about. And we wonder how the Germans got to where they did.......

Stupid comparison dipshit

No, that comparison is VERY relevant. Especially the vilifying of the "other". In Germany it was the Jews. For Trump, it's the Central Americans, blacks, latinos, Muslims. Really, anyone who isn't white, and nominally Christian. Although I think that Trump loves the fundamentalists. Mainstream protestants, not so much. But the Fundies are easily manipulated, and their so-called ministers direct their flocks to vote for Trump.

Even as you denounce and accuse vilification of the "other", you vilify some other(s). Think before you ______, also applies when ya let your fingers to the walking to do the talking.

I don't recall every saying that fundamentalists aren't free to live their own best lives. I'm saying they should keep their hate fueled religion and agenda to themselves, and the rest of us should not have their biases and bigotry inflicted on us. If you don't want to serve some classes of people, don't open a public business. Otherwise, you serve the people who come through the door.

Christian fundamentalists have a LOT to answer for. Separation of church and state means that ministers and church leadership are not supposed to be preaching politics from the pulpit. That is why churches don't pay taxes. It's an acknowledgement of their benefit to the community in providing charity and comfort for the poor and the struggling. Instead, you have fundy churches who locked their doors against the poor in their communities in times of crisis - like Joe Osteen in Houston.

Franklin Graham and other ministers who instruct their adherents to vote for one party or the others should have their non-profit status stripped.

While claiminig to be siding with Christians, Trump has repeatedly sided with extreme radical positions held by fundamentalists in regard to employee health care insurance, and their right to bigotted discrimination. Trump is prepared to violate EVERYONE'S RIGHTS, to allowed fundamentalists to abuse and discriminate against others, in violation of the constitutional rights of all citizens to be free of hate and discrimination.
Most illegal immigrants in US receive government benefits, costing taxpayers billions: experts
This week, the U.S. Supreme Court considers whether to count self-identified illegal immigrants in the 2020 census. Cities worry adding the citizenship question could undercount 6.5 million people. Their argument, however, isn't just about political power but billions of dollars in federal funds states expect.

The case underscores what experts say is a growing cost to taxpayers from the surge of Central American families and unaccompanied minors.

"We're talking about billions of dollars in taxpayer benefits over the next few years," said Dan Stein, director of the right-leaning think tank, Federation for American Immigration Reform. "The payout for the taxpayer is enormous and income to the Treasury is miniscule."

A FAIR study in 2017 found illegal immigrants are a net consumer of taxpayer benefits worth more than $100 billion a year, not including the cost of enforcing the border.

While federal benefits are supposed to be off limits, in practice many are not. More than 25,000 undocumented workers receive subsidized housing, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Children receive free education and most qualify for English lessons and free school breakfast and lunch.Most illegal immigrants in US receive government benefits, costing taxpayers billions: experts

At this rate, how can we survive as a nation if we continue to let this happen?

I think the important thing to note is that the writer is extremely biased and is arguing against immigration. He says NOTHING about the taxes that illegals pay. All employees pay a 15% withholding tax on their paychecks, even though they don't qualify for SS or earned income credits, so all of the deductions from their paychecks go straight into government coffers.

Try these for more balanced look:

4 myths about how immigrants affect the U.S. economy

Immigrants as Economic Contributors: Immigrant Tax Contributions and Spending Power - National Immigration Forum

Undocumented Immigrants Contribute Over $11 Billion to Our Economy Each Year
There is no freedom when you have the federal government running all business.

Where in the constitution does it say separation of church and state? Times up… Because it doesn’t you fucking bitch. Lol

“Joe osteen” does not represent Christians you fucking whore.

The collective never has the best interest of the individual in mind… In fact they have the opposite.

Illegal aliens costs this country billions of dollars every year, And tax money never goes to where supposed to go... End of story
This is an excellent thread to show exactly what the "humanity" of CRCs is really all about. And we wonder how the Germans got to where they did.......

Stupid comparison dipshit

No, that comparison is VERY relevant. Especially the vilifying of the "other". In Germany it was the Jews. For Trump, it's the Central Americans, blacks, latinos, Muslims. Really, anyone who isn't white, and nominally Christian. Although I think that Trump loves the fundamentalists. Mainstream protestants, not so much. But the Fundies are easily manipulated, and their so-called ministers direct their flocks to vote for Trump.

Even as you denounce and accuse vilification of the "other", you vilify some other(s). Think before you ______, also applies when ya let your fingers to the walking to do the talking.

I don't recall every saying that fundamentalists aren't free to live their own best lives. I'm saying they should keep their hate fueled religion and agenda to themselves, and the rest of us should not have their biases and bigotry inflicted on us. If you don't want to serve some classes of people, don't open a public business. Otherwise, you serve the people who come through the door.

Christian fundamentalists have a LOT to answer for. Separation of church and state means that ministers and church leadership are not supposed to be preaching politics from the pulpit. That is why churches don't pay taxes. It's an acknowledgement of their benefit to the community in providing charity and comfort for the poor and the struggling. Instead, you have fundy churches who locked their doors against the poor in their communities in times of crisis - like Joe Osteen in Houston.

Franklin Graham and other ministers who instruct their adherents to vote for one party or the others should have their non-profit status stripped.

While claiminig to be siding with Christians, Trump has repeatedly sided with extreme radical positions held by fundamentalists in regard to employee health care insurance, and their right to bigotted discrimination. Trump is prepared to violate EVERYONE'S RIGHTS, to allowed fundamentalists to abuse and discriminate against others, in violation of the constitutional rights of all citizens to be free of hate and discrimination.
Most illegal immigrants in US receive government benefits, costing taxpayers billions: experts
This week, the U.S. Supreme Court considers whether to count self-identified illegal immigrants in the 2020 census. Cities worry adding the citizenship question could undercount 6.5 million people. Their argument, however, isn't just about political power but billions of dollars in federal funds states expect.

The case underscores what experts say is a growing cost to taxpayers from the surge of Central American families and unaccompanied minors.

"We're talking about billions of dollars in taxpayer benefits over the next few years," said Dan Stein, director of the right-leaning think tank, Federation for American Immigration Reform. "The payout for the taxpayer is enormous and income to the Treasury is miniscule."

A FAIR study in 2017 found illegal immigrants are a net consumer of taxpayer benefits worth more than $100 billion a year, not including the cost of enforcing the border.

While federal benefits are supposed to be off limits, in practice many are not. More than 25,000 undocumented workers receive subsidized housing, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Children receive free education and most qualify for English lessons and free school breakfast and lunch.Most illegal immigrants in US receive government benefits, costing taxpayers billions: experts

At this rate, how can we survive as a nation if we continue to let this happen?

I think the important thing to note is that the writer is extremely biased and is arguing against immigration. He says NOTHING about the taxes that illegals pay. All employees pay a 15% withholding tax on their paychecks, even though they don't qualify for SS or earned income credits, so all of the deductions from their paychecks go straight into government coffers.

Try these for more balanced look:

4 myths about how immigrants affect the U.S. economy

Immigrants as Economic Contributors: Immigrant Tax Contributions and Spending Power - National Immigration Forum

Undocumented Immigrants Contribute Over $11 Billion to Our Economy Each Year
There is no freedom when you have the federal government running all business.

Where in the constitution does it say separation of church and state? Times up… Because it doesn’t you fucking bitch. Lol

“Joe osteen” does not represent Christians you fucking whore.

The collective never has the best interest of the individual in mind… In fact they have the opposite.

Illegal aliens costs this country billions of dollars every year, And tax money never goes to where supposed to go... End of story
You should not be talking about your mother like that.
This is an excellent thread to show exactly what the "humanity" of CRCs is really all about. And we wonder how the Germans got to where they did.......

Stupid comparison dipshit

No, that comparison is VERY relevant. Especially the vilifying of the "other". In Germany it was the Jews. For Trump, it's the Central Americans, blacks, latinos, Muslims. Really, anyone who isn't white, and nominally Christian. Although I think that Trump loves the fundamentalists. Mainstream protestants, not so much. But the Fundies are easily manipulated, and their so-called ministers direct their flocks to vote for Trump.

Even as you denounce and accuse vilification of the "other", you vilify some other(s). Think before you ______, also applies when ya let your fingers to the walking to do the talking.

I don't recall every saying that fundamentalists aren't free to live their own best lives. I'm saying they should keep their hate fueled religion and agenda to themselves, and the rest of us should not have their biases and bigotry inflicted on us. If you don't want to serve some classes of people, don't open a public business. Otherwise, you serve the people who come through the door.

Christian fundamentalists have a LOT to answer for. Separation of church and state means that ministers and church leadership are not supposed to be preaching politics from the pulpit. That is why churches don't pay taxes. It's an acknowledgement of their benefit to the community in providing charity and comfort for the poor and the struggling. Instead, you have fundy churches who locked their doors against the poor in their communities in times of crisis - like Joe Osteen in Houston.

Franklin Graham and other ministers who instruct their adherents to vote for one party or the others should have their non-profit status stripped.

While claiminig to be siding with Christians, Trump has repeatedly sided with extreme radical positions held by fundamentalists in regard to employee health care insurance, and their right to bigotted discrimination. Trump is prepared to violate EVERYONE'S RIGHTS, to allowed fundamentalists to abuse and discriminate against others, in violation of the constitutional rights of all citizens to be free of hate and discrimination.
Most illegal immigrants in US receive government benefits, costing taxpayers billions: experts
This week, the U.S. Supreme Court considers whether to count self-identified illegal immigrants in the 2020 census. Cities worry adding the citizenship question could undercount 6.5 million people. Their argument, however, isn't just about political power but billions of dollars in federal funds states expect.

The case underscores what experts say is a growing cost to taxpayers from the surge of Central American families and unaccompanied minors.

"We're talking about billions of dollars in taxpayer benefits over the next few years," said Dan Stein, director of the right-leaning think tank, Federation for American Immigration Reform. "The payout for the taxpayer is enormous and income to the Treasury is miniscule."

A FAIR study in 2017 found illegal immigrants are a net consumer of taxpayer benefits worth more than $100 billion a year, not including the cost of enforcing the border.

While federal benefits are supposed to be off limits, in practice many are not. More than 25,000 undocumented workers receive subsidized housing, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Children receive free education and most qualify for English lessons and free school breakfast and lunch.Most illegal immigrants in US receive government benefits, costing taxpayers billions: experts

At this rate, how can we survive as a nation if we continue to let this happen?

I think the important thing to note is that the writer is extremely biased and is arguing against immigration. He says NOTHING about the taxes that illegals pay. All employees pay a 15% withholding tax on their paychecks, even though they don't qualify for SS or earned income credits, so all of the deductions from their paychecks go straight into government coffers.

Try these for more balanced look:

4 myths about how immigrants affect the U.S. economy

Immigrants as Economic Contributors: Immigrant Tax Contributions and Spending Power - National Immigration Forum

Undocumented Immigrants Contribute Over $11 Billion to Our Economy Each Year
Stupid comparison dipshit

No, that comparison is VERY relevant. Especially the vilifying of the "other". In Germany it was the Jews. For Trump, it's the Central Americans, blacks, latinos, Muslims. Really, anyone who isn't white, and nominally Christian. Although I think that Trump loves the fundamentalists. Mainstream protestants, not so much. But the Fundies are easily manipulated, and their so-called ministers direct their flocks to vote for Trump.

Even as you denounce and accuse vilification of the "other", you vilify some other(s). Think before you ______, also applies when ya let your fingers to the walking to do the talking.

I don't recall every saying that fundamentalists aren't free to live their own best lives. I'm saying they should keep their hate fueled religion and agenda to themselves, and the rest of us should not have their biases and bigotry inflicted on us. If you don't want to serve some classes of people, don't open a public business. Otherwise, you serve the people who come through the door.

Christian fundamentalists have a LOT to answer for. Separation of church and state means that ministers and church leadership are not supposed to be preaching politics from the pulpit. That is why churches don't pay taxes. It's an acknowledgement of their benefit to the community in providing charity and comfort for the poor and the struggling. Instead, you have fundy churches who locked their doors against the poor in their communities in times of crisis - like Joe Osteen in Houston.

Franklin Graham and other ministers who instruct their adherents to vote for one party or the others should have their non-profit status stripped.

While claiminig to be siding with Christians, Trump has repeatedly sided with extreme radical positions held by fundamentalists in regard to employee health care insurance, and their right to bigotted discrimination. Trump is prepared to violate EVERYONE'S RIGHTS, to allowed fundamentalists to abuse and discriminate against others, in violation of the constitutional rights of all citizens to be free of hate and discrimination.
Most illegal immigrants in US receive government benefits, costing taxpayers billions: experts
This week, the U.S. Supreme Court considers whether to count self-identified illegal immigrants in the 2020 census. Cities worry adding the citizenship question could undercount 6.5 million people. Their argument, however, isn't just about political power but billions of dollars in federal funds states expect.

The case underscores what experts say is a growing cost to taxpayers from the surge of Central American families and unaccompanied minors.

"We're talking about billions of dollars in taxpayer benefits over the next few years," said Dan Stein, director of the right-leaning think tank, Federation for American Immigration Reform. "The payout for the taxpayer is enormous and income to the Treasury is miniscule."

A FAIR study in 2017 found illegal immigrants are a net consumer of taxpayer benefits worth more than $100 billion a year, not including the cost of enforcing the border.

While federal benefits are supposed to be off limits, in practice many are not. More than 25,000 undocumented workers receive subsidized housing, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Children receive free education and most qualify for English lessons and free school breakfast and lunch.Most illegal immigrants in US receive government benefits, costing taxpayers billions: experts

At this rate, how can we survive as a nation if we continue to let this happen?

I think the important thing to note is that the writer is extremely biased and is arguing against immigration. He says NOTHING about the taxes that illegals pay. All employees pay a 15% withholding tax on their paychecks, even though they don't qualify for SS or earned income credits, so all of the deductions from their paychecks go straight into government coffers.

Try these for more balanced look:

4 myths about how immigrants affect the U.S. economy

Immigrants as Economic Contributors: Immigrant Tax Contributions and Spending Power - National Immigration Forum

Undocumented Immigrants Contribute Over $11 Billion to Our Economy Each Year
There is no freedom when you have the federal government running all business.

Where in the constitution does it say separation of church and state? Times up… Because it doesn’t you fucking bitch. Lol

“Joe osteen” does not represent Christians you fucking whore.

The collective never has the best interest of the individual in mind… In fact they have the opposite.

Illegal aliens costs this country billions of dollars every year, And tax money never goes to where supposed to go... End of story
You should not be talking about your mother like that.

You shouldn't be talking about anyone's mother period :th_avatar107484_8:
This is an excellent thread to show exactly what the "humanity" of CRCs is really all about. And we wonder how the Germans got to where they did.......

Stupid comparison dipshit

No, that comparison is VERY relevant. Especially the vilifying of the "other". In Germany it was the Jews. For Trump, it's the Central Americans, blacks, latinos, Muslims. Really, anyone who isn't white, and nominally Christian. Although I think that Trump loves the fundamentalists. Mainstream protestants, not so much. But the Fundies are easily manipulated, and their so-called ministers direct their flocks to vote for Trump.

Even as you denounce and accuse vilification of the "other", you vilify some other(s). Think before you ______, also applies when ya let your fingers to the walking to do the talking.

I don't recall every saying that fundamentalists aren't free to live their own best lives. I'm saying they should keep their hate fueled religion and agenda to themselves, and the rest of us should not have their biases and bigotry inflicted on us. If you don't want to serve some classes of people, don't open a public business. Otherwise, you serve the people who come through the door.

Christian fundamentalists have a LOT to answer for. Separation of church and state means that ministers and church leadership are not supposed to be preaching politics from the pulpit. That is why churches don't pay taxes. It's an acknowledgement of their benefit to the community in providing charity and comfort for the poor and the struggling. Instead, you have fundy churches who locked their doors against the poor in their communities in times of crisis - like Joe Osteen in Houston.

Franklin Graham and other ministers who instruct their adherents to vote for one party or the others should have their non-profit status stripped.

While claiminig to be siding with Christians, Trump has repeatedly sided with extreme radical positions held by fundamentalists in regard to employee health care insurance, and their right to bigotted discrimination. Trump is prepared to violate EVERYONE'S RIGHTS, to allowed fundamentalists to abuse and discriminate against others, in violation of the constitutional rights of all citizens to be free of hate and discrimination.
Most illegal immigrants in US receive government benefits, costing taxpayers billions: experts
This week, the U.S. Supreme Court considers whether to count self-identified illegal immigrants in the 2020 census. Cities worry adding the citizenship question could undercount 6.5 million people. Their argument, however, isn't just about political power but billions of dollars in federal funds states expect.

The case underscores what experts say is a growing cost to taxpayers from the surge of Central American families and unaccompanied minors.

"We're talking about billions of dollars in taxpayer benefits over the next few years," said Dan Stein, director of the right-leaning think tank, Federation for American Immigration Reform. "The payout for the taxpayer is enormous and income to the Treasury is miniscule."

A FAIR study in 2017 found illegal immigrants are a net consumer of taxpayer benefits worth more than $100 billion a year, not including the cost of enforcing the border.

While federal benefits are supposed to be off limits, in practice many are not. More than 25,000 undocumented workers receive subsidized housing, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Children receive free education and most qualify for English lessons and free school breakfast and lunch.Most illegal immigrants in US receive government benefits, costing taxpayers billions: experts

At this rate, how can we survive as a nation if we continue to let this happen?

I think the important thing to note is that the writer is extremely biased and is arguing against immigration. He says NOTHING about the taxes that illegals pay. All employees pay a 15% withholding tax on their paychecks, even though they don't qualify for SS or earned income credits, so all of the deductions from their paychecks go straight into government coffers.

Try these for more balanced look:

4 myths about how immigrants affect the U.S. economy

Immigrants as Economic Contributors: Immigrant Tax Contributions and Spending Power - National Immigration Forum

Undocumented Immigrants Contribute Over $11 Billion to Our Economy Each Year
"Illegal immigration costs our nation $275 billion a year."
This is an excellent thread to show exactly what the "humanity" of CRCs is really all about. And we wonder how the Germans got to where they did.......

Stupid comparison dipshit

No, that comparison is VERY relevant. Especially the vilifying of the "other". In Germany it was the Jews. For Trump, it's the Central Americans, blacks, latinos, Muslims. Really, anyone who isn't white, and nominally Christian. Although I think that Trump loves the fundamentalists. Mainstream protestants, not so much. But the Fundies are easily manipulated, and their so-called ministers direct their flocks to vote for Trump.

Even as you denounce and accuse vilification of the "other", you vilify some other(s). Think before you ______, also applies when ya let your fingers to the walking to do the talking.

I don't recall every saying that fundamentalists aren't free to live their own best lives. I'm saying they should keep their hate fueled religion and agenda to themselves, and the rest of us should not have their biases and bigotry inflicted on us. If you don't want to serve some classes of people, don't open a public business. Otherwise, you serve the people who come through the door.

Christian fundamentalists have a LOT to answer for. Separation of church and state means that ministers and church leadership are not supposed to be preaching politics from the pulpit. That is why churches don't pay taxes. It's an acknowledgement of their benefit to the community in providing charity and comfort for the poor and the struggling. Instead, you have fundy churches who locked their doors against the poor in their communities in times of crisis - like Joe Osteen in Houston.

Franklin Graham and other ministers who instruct their adherents to vote for one party or the others should have their non-profit status stripped.

While claiminig to be siding with Christians, Trump has repeatedly sided with extreme radical positions held by fundamentalists in regard to employee health care insurance, and their right to bigotted discrimination. Trump is prepared to violate EVERYONE'S RIGHTS, to allowed fundamentalists to abuse and discriminate against others, in violation of the constitutional rights of all citizens to be free of hate and discrimination.
Most illegal immigrants in US receive government benefits, costing taxpayers billions: experts
This week, the U.S. Supreme Court considers whether to count self-identified illegal immigrants in the 2020 census. Cities worry adding the citizenship question could undercount 6.5 million people. Their argument, however, isn't just about political power but billions of dollars in federal funds states expect.

The case underscores what experts say is a growing cost to taxpayers from the surge of Central American families and unaccompanied minors.

"We're talking about billions of dollars in taxpayer benefits over the next few years," said Dan Stein, director of the right-leaning think tank, Federation for American Immigration Reform. "The payout for the taxpayer is enormous and income to the Treasury is miniscule."

A FAIR study in 2017 found illegal immigrants are a net consumer of taxpayer benefits worth more than $100 billion a year, not including the cost of enforcing the border.

While federal benefits are supposed to be off limits, in practice many are not. More than 25,000 undocumented workers receive subsidized housing, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Children receive free education and most qualify for English lessons and free school breakfast and lunch.Most illegal immigrants in US receive government benefits, costing taxpayers billions: experts

At this rate, how can we survive as a nation if we continue to let this happen?

I think the important thing to note is that the writer is extremely biased and is arguing against immigration. He says NOTHING about the taxes that illegals pay. All employees pay a 15% withholding tax on their paychecks, even though they don't qualify for SS or earned income credits, so all of the deductions from their paychecks go straight into government coffers.

Try these for more balanced look:

4 myths about how immigrants affect the U.S. economy

Immigrants as Economic Contributors: Immigrant Tax Contributions and Spending Power - National Immigration Forum

Undocumented Immigrants Contribute Over $11 Billion to Our Economy Each Year
"Illegal immigration costs our nation $275 billion a year."
And what's the cost of the wall the Democrats say is too expensive?
Democrats, particularly Obama, created DACA, which led to this crisis in the first place.
Democrats refused to attend meetings dealing with the issue before it became a crisis.
Then they made sure less beds were allowed in detention camps.
Now that too many people are coming here at one time, they have to release them into the population because they can't separate the children from their families. Children that can only be held for a set number of days.
They made Mexicans unqualified to enter but intentionally left out Central Americans.
So when all of their plans come to fruition they start bawling because people end up dead in all of the chaos they've caused.
This is the Democrat Party.
DACA has ZERO to do with this border mess.

Democrats passed fundfng assshole & your Asshole Presidernt vetoed it,.

Here is what created this mess.

1`) Trump changed the policy to zero tolerance which called for the holding of thousands more border crossers.

2) Trump ordered the separation of families that created more of a mess because we had no where to keep them

Trump wanted all these people held in custody without even knowing that there was no space.

But hey, you & your assfuck buddy Trump keep blaming Democrats.

Everyone outside of Trumpville knows it is total bullshit.
DACA is an invitation for others to come here. Catch and release is an invitation for others to come here. Sanctuary cities, and the fact that Democrats will not let trump secure the border. Other than detaining them is to release them. Funding was only for taking care of the children and not border security.
Stupid comparison dipshit

No, that comparison is VERY relevant. Especially the vilifying of the "other". In Germany it was the Jews. For Trump, it's the Central Americans, blacks, latinos, Muslims. Really, anyone who isn't white, and nominally Christian. Although I think that Trump loves the fundamentalists. Mainstream protestants, not so much. But the Fundies are easily manipulated, and their so-called ministers direct their flocks to vote for Trump.

Even as you denounce and accuse vilification of the "other", you vilify some other(s). Think before you ______, also applies when ya let your fingers to the walking to do the talking.

I don't recall every saying that fundamentalists aren't free to live their own best lives. I'm saying they should keep their hate fueled religion and agenda to themselves, and the rest of us should not have their biases and bigotry inflicted on us. If you don't want to serve some classes of people, don't open a public business. Otherwise, you serve the people who come through the door.

Christian fundamentalists have a LOT to answer for. Separation of church and state means that ministers and church leadership are not supposed to be preaching politics from the pulpit. That is why churches don't pay taxes. It's an acknowledgement of their benefit to the community in providing charity and comfort for the poor and the struggling. Instead, you have fundy churches who locked their doors against the poor in their communities in times of crisis - like Joe Osteen in Houston.

Franklin Graham and other ministers who instruct their adherents to vote for one party or the others should have their non-profit status stripped.

While claiminig to be siding with Christians, Trump has repeatedly sided with extreme radical positions held by fundamentalists in regard to employee health care insurance, and their right to bigotted discrimination. Trump is prepared to violate EVERYONE'S RIGHTS, to allowed fundamentalists to abuse and discriminate against others, in violation of the constitutional rights of all citizens to be free of hate and discrimination.
Most illegal immigrants in US receive government benefits, costing taxpayers billions: experts
This week, the U.S. Supreme Court considers whether to count self-identified illegal immigrants in the 2020 census. Cities worry adding the citizenship question could undercount 6.5 million people. Their argument, however, isn't just about political power but billions of dollars in federal funds states expect.

The case underscores what experts say is a growing cost to taxpayers from the surge of Central American families and unaccompanied minors.

"We're talking about billions of dollars in taxpayer benefits over the next few years," said Dan Stein, director of the right-leaning think tank, Federation for American Immigration Reform. "The payout for the taxpayer is enormous and income to the Treasury is miniscule."

A FAIR study in 2017 found illegal immigrants are a net consumer of taxpayer benefits worth more than $100 billion a year, not including the cost of enforcing the border.

While federal benefits are supposed to be off limits, in practice many are not. More than 25,000 undocumented workers receive subsidized housing, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Children receive free education and most qualify for English lessons and free school breakfast and lunch.Most illegal immigrants in US receive government benefits, costing taxpayers billions: experts

At this rate, how can we survive as a nation if we continue to let this happen?

I think the important thing to note is that the writer is extremely biased and is arguing against immigration. He says NOTHING about the taxes that illegals pay. All employees pay a 15% withholding tax on their paychecks, even though they don't qualify for SS or earned income credits, so all of the deductions from their paychecks go straight into government coffers.

Try these for more balanced look:

4 myths about how immigrants affect the U.S. economy

Immigrants as Economic Contributors: Immigrant Tax Contributions and Spending Power - National Immigration Forum

Undocumented Immigrants Contribute Over $11 Billion to Our Economy Each Year
"Illegal immigration costs our nation $275 billion a year."
And what's the cost of the wall the Democrats say is too expensive?
Democrats do not want to fund any kind of wall or border security.
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Two things are true at once:

1. the death of this husband and daughter is a tragedy and a heartbreak

2. Those deaths still don't mean we should open our borders to legions of people trying to make it across illegally...or what they did was wise

Liberals think the first is true but not the second, for the most part. Conservatives think the second is true but they should dismiss the first.

No, I think both can be true at the same time.
Since I've seen this horror for nearly 4 decades, I have a different perspective than many Conservatives. No one should die in a river with their daughter or worse yet die in a burning hot desert with no water. What I find completely reprehensible is this is just the latest manufactured crisis by the Demogogues. They finally got JUST THE RIGHT PICTURE of immigrant death that they could use as a political tool, so NOW it's important.

They and their Media have completely ignored the border deaths and as recently as 2008, were in 100% AGREEMENT WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP!!! They have no principles, they have no true beliefs and they have no true compassion. Democrats should disgust any human with true compassion for these poor ignorant people being duped by Coyotes and smugglers. And yes you can thank Obama and his "Come on In!" welcoming messages that gave the smugglers the bait to tempt the migrants.

Two things are true at once:

1. the death of this husband and daughter is a tragedy and a heartbreak

2. Those deaths still don't mean we should open our borders to legions of people trying to make it across illegally...or what they did was wise

Liberals think the first is true but not the second, for the most part. Conservatives think the second is true but they should dismiss the first.

No, I think both can be true at the same time.
Since I've seen this horror for nearly 4 decades, I have a different perspective than many Conservatives. No one should die in a river with their daughter or worse yet die in a burning hot desert with no water. What I find completely reprehensible is this is just the latest manufactured crisis by the Demogogues. They finally got JUST THE RIGHT PICTURE of immigrant death that they could use as a political tool, so NOW it's important.

They and their Media have completely ignored the border deaths and as recently as 2008, were in 100% AGREEMENT WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP!!! They have no principles, they have no true beliefs and they have no true compassion. Democrats should disgust any human with true compassion for these poor ignorant people being duped by Coyotes and smugglers. And yes you can thank Obama and his "Come on In!" welcoming messages that gave the smugglers the bait to tempt the migrants.
Democrats are the blame those deaths and the death of Americans who have died at the hand of illegals because of the open borders rhetoric, automatic birthright citizenship, sanctuary cities, and refusal to secure the border and enforce our immigration laws, etc. It causes the crisis on the border and the mess was dumped in Trump's lap when he took office. Before Trump took office people were dying in the desert trying to cross illegally knowing if they cross they can stay and we will take care of them. And then they can bring the entire family here. I stand with Trump.
I do not have any compassion for criminals breaking the law. Roman 13;5... So you must obey the government, not just because you might be punished, but because you know it is the right thing to do.

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