Libtard Hypocrisy on Womens Issues, part 58


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Trump has been called a misogynist for calling Rosie O'Donut a fat pig, even though she actually is a fat pig.

But here all these libtards call Melania Trump a whore repeatedly and call Ann Coulter a c*nt, and it is funny?

Libtards are incapable of critical thought regarding their own ape-stupid behavior.

Ann Coulter Attends Roast for Rob Lowe - Hollywood Elites Call Her a C*nt 19 Times

This is what conservative women have to put up with from the liberal elites.

The beautiful and successful Melania Trump is called a whore.

And Ann Coulter is called a **** – 19 times – by Hollywood elites during a roast… for Rob Lowe...

“Ann describes herself as a polemicist but most people call her a c—” said Pete Davidson of Saturday Night Live, before muttering “a racist c—” under his breath. Comedian Nikki Glaser called Coulter “a real-life super-villain,” and told her, “The only person you’ll ever make happy is the Mexicans that dig your grave.”

This programming shows the degree that hatred sells.

And then when the event was over the liberal media attacked Ann Coulter at not laughing at being called a **** – 19 times – in one evening.

One of the “men” who called Ann Coulter a **** said, “We made her look better.”

Only in the broken libtard world view does a man become a proven misogynist because he calls a fat pig a fat pig, but liberals calling the wife of a Presidential nominee a whore or a female pundit a c*nt get ignored completely.

Welcome to Animal Farm of America.


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same ol same ol from bill barack and hillary but the issues have not been fixed in the last thirty five year.
same with the border wall, immigration, trade, security, vets, education............

Not a gung ho fan of Trump and his loose mouth, but he is more honest and willing to act than we have seen since Reagan.
same ol same ol from bill barack and hillary but the issues have not been fixed in the last thirty five year.
same with the border wall, immigration, trade, security, vets, education............

Not a gung ho fan of Trump and his loose mouth, but he is more honest and willing to act than we have seen since Reagan.

I have other people I think are more fit for office than Trump, but they are not willing to run for office or are too honest to play the game

I like Trump as a person, mostly and as a potential President, but there is no doubt of one thing; he, on his worst day, is better than Hillary on her best day.

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