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Lies, Damn Lies, and Liberals

You can always measure the degree to which a scandal is fake by how many threads the RWnuts start about it.

It's an inverse proportion (look it up, 'nuts).

That makes no sense at all.

Adversely, Democrats have a tendency to create multiple threads in an attempt to convince people of the authenticity of their lies. The administration supplies the talking-points to the media, the media reports it, and you Democrats parrot it as if it were fact. Doesn't matter if it's believable or even makes any sense. You stupid liberals still maintain in the face of undeniable proof that Obama is full of shit that his lies are genuine. Nothing is important unless the media says it is so facts are ignored in favor of more lies by this criminal administration.

Hyperbolic blather.

A forum search shows that there have been 197 threads with 'Benghazi' in the title, and I assure you by far they were rightwing propaganda threads. And that doesn't even count the Benghazi propaganda threads without the word in the title.

That is what I'm talking about.

I wonder how many threads have been created over Obamacare savings, or Man-made Climate-Change, or Amnesty, or any number of other Bullshit arguments from the left based on outright lies? How about this fake war on women? Anti-gun stories? The issues never end.
So you quote a site as bullshit as Fox News and expect us to be impressed with your assessment about liberals? You have the worst critical thinking skills. Do you even know any liberals? I mean putting us in two categories makes you sound like a computer from the 1980s.

Showing how stupid you are, I admit, is beating a dead horse....but, it is fun.

"OBAMA: No. I -- I did not. Uhhh, I just heard about this... I -- I get well briefed before I come out here. Uh, th-th-the fact that some advisor who never worked on our staff, uhh, expressed an opinion that, uhh, I completely disagree with wuh, uhh, in terms of the voters, is no reflection on the actual process that was run.

RUSH: (laughing) This is unbelievable. This little sound bite of 23 seconds may be more jam-packed with lies than any 23-second presidential sound bite I've ever played for you. "I did not. I just heard about this just now. I get well briefed. I just heard about this. The fact that some advisor who never worked on our staff..." He was in meetings with Obama! Gruber has been bragging about them!

Obama has talked about Gruber being in meetings. Someone who "never worked on our staff, expressed an opinion I completely disagree with." He was not just a member of the staff, he was paid 400 grand alone just for this! We have done the numbers, by the way. Gruber has made almost $6 million in government contracts advising them on various things. Gruber even has his hands in..."
Obama Tells Us How Stupid He Thinks We Are - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Billy's kneejerk response validates Silva's point ... that there are 2 kinds of libs and both are stupid.
But we had to pass the bill before we knew what was in it. Now we know.


LIARS... end of story.

Look, folks like us always knew the truth...both about Obama, and about ObamaCare.

But the death knell for America is that 65 million voted for this scam artist.....and now they are either still supporting him, or complaining that they really, really aren't like that.
Keep in mind that the sanctimonious hand wringers over this 'scandal' are the same ones who have never found anything wrong with the Bush administration lying us into the Iraq War.

All Bush was doing was taking the advice from these two leading Democrats that had received the same intel he was getting. Do you find anything wrong with these statements?

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..." - Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons." - Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source
You can always measure the degree to which a scandal is fake by how many threads the RWnuts start about it.

It's an inverse proportion (look it up, 'nuts).

That makes no sense at all.

Adversely, Democrats have a tendency to create multiple threads in an attempt to convince people of the authenticity of their lies. The administration supplies the talking-points to the media, the media reports it, and you Democrats parrot it as if it were fact. Doesn't matter if it's believable or even makes any sense. You stupid liberals still maintain in the face of undeniable proof that Obama is full of shit that his lies are genuine. Nothing is important unless the media says it is so facts are ignored in favor of more lies by this criminal administration.

Hyperbolic blather.

A forum search shows that there have been 197 threads with 'Benghazi' in the title, and I assure you by far they were rightwing propaganda threads. And that doesn't even count the Benghazi propaganda threads without the word in the title.

That is what I'm talking about.

More whistling past the graveyard. Ya know, you're allowed to open your eyes.
Oh and let's not forget the recent attempt to blame Obama for Ebola. lol

Obama brought undocumented and unvetted children into the country, ....

"....However, a study published in Virology Journal, found EV-D68 among some of the 3,375 young, ill people tested in eight Latin American countries, including the Central American nations of El Salvador and Nicaragua, in 2013. (See Fig. 3)

Though the U.S. government is keeping secret the locations of the illegal immigrant children, there are significant numbers of them in both cities in which the current outbreak was first identified, Kansas City, Missouri and Chicago, Illinois, according to local advocates and press reports."
Obama Is Complicit In The Murder of Five Children 8211 Illegal South American Immigrants Introduce Deadly Virus To U.S. Children 8230 The Last Refuge

"At least five children infected with the respiratory illness known enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) have died in the U.S. in the past month.
I call BS on that one. They know DAMN well its coming from the influx of illegal immigrant children from South America. D68 is very common in South America."
Polio-like illness claims fifth life in U.S. Sharyl Attkisson (comment)
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4. “Call it the stupidity of the American voter,” Gruber said.

In another video, in which Gruber is discussing what is known as the Cadillac tax, which taxes expensive health care plans, the economist told the audience “It’s a very clever, you know, basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter.” Obama Addresses Gruber s Comments The Daily Caller

All you Libs who bought the ObamaCare lies.....

"he was a handsome man
and what i want to know is
how do you like your blueeyed boy
Mister Death"
From "Buffalo Bill's defunct," E.E. Cummings
So you quote a site as bullshit as Fox News and expect us to be impressed with your assessment about liberals? You have the worst critical thinking skills. Do you even know any liberals? I mean putting us in two categories makes you sound like a computer from the 1980s.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute what you said, but I hate it anyway. So I'll attack the messenger instead, call them names, denigrate them(still with no actual basis given for my attacks), and hope somebody somewhere believes me instead of you.
Oh and let's not forget the recent attempt to blame Obama for Ebola. lol

Obama brought undocumented and unvetted children into the country, ....

"....However, a study published in Virology Journal, found EV-D68 among some of the 3,375 young, ill people tested in eight Latin American countries, including the Central American nations of El Salvador and Nicaragua, in 2013. (See Fig. 3)

Though the U.S. government is keeping secret the locations of the illegal immigrant children, there are significant numbers of them in both cities in which the current outbreak was first identified, Kansas City, Missouri and Chicago, Illinois, according to local advocates and press reports."
Obama Is Complicit In The Murder of Five Children 8211 Illegal South American Immigrants Introduce Deadly Virus To U.S. Children 8230 The Last Refuge

"At least five children infected with the respiratory illness known enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) have died in the U.S. in the past month.
I call BS on that one. They know DAMN well its coming from the influx of illegal immigrant children from South America. D68 is very common in South America."
Polio-like illness claims fifth life in U.S. Sharyl Attkisson (comment)

1. No children from anywhere brought Ebola into the US.

2. EV-D68 has been around for decades

3.. There is no record of EV-D68 outbreaks in Latin America in the recent past.

But thanks for helping prove my point of the day.
The sort of sleight of hand that the Left uses is evident in the following, blurring a tax increase as a tax break.

5. " In an effort to add a cost-control measure to Obamacare, former Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, who Gruber called a “hero,” successfully pushed through a 40 percent excise tax on insurance companies for plans that cost more than $10,200 for individuals and $27,000 for families.

This was an alternative to putting a cap on tax breaks employers provide employees for health insurance plans, which, according to Gruber, the public mistook for a tax increase rather than the removal of a tax break.

“You just can’t get through, it’s just politically impossible,” Gruber said during his talk." Obamacare Architect Talks About Exploitation Of Voters The Daily Caller

Yet, the liar-in-chief claimed this:
"... -- it's fair to say there was not a provision in the health care law that was not extensively debated and was fully transparent. Now, there were folks who disagreed with some of the various positions. It was a tough debate."
Obama on Gruber Comments I Just Heard About This Video RealClearPolitics
Although the author Daniel Silva used this description in a different connection, nothing could be more appropriate as a description of Liberals:
They come in two varieties- those willing to be used, and those too stupid to realize that they are being used.

Actually, the difference is a fine line, as when the truth is revealed.....Liberals of either description simply shrug.

Case in point, the constellation of lies told by Obama and his Democrats to ram through ObamaCare.....now clearly exposed by Jonathan Gruber.

1. " ED HENRY, FOX NEWS: At your Burma townhall a couple of days ago, you tried to inspire young leaders by saying, "governments need to be held accountable, need to be responsive to the people." I wonder how you square that with your former adviser, Jonathan Gruber claiming you were not transparent about the health law because in his words the American people, the voters are stupid. Did you mislead Americans about the taxes, about keeping your plan in order to get the bill passed?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: No, I did not. I just heard about this. I get well-briefed before I come out here. The fact that some adviser who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion that I completely disagree with in terms of the voters, is no reflection on the actual process that was run. We had a year-long debate, Ed. I mean, go back and look at your stories. The one thing we can't is that we did not have a lengthy debate about health care in the United States of America. Or that it was not adequately covered. I would just advise -- every press outlet here, go back and pull up every clip, every story, and I think it will -- it's fair to say there was not a provision in the health care law that was not extensively debated and was fully transparent. Now, there were folks who disagreed with some of the various positions. It was a tough debate." Obama on Gruber Comments I Just Heard About This Video RealClearPolitics

In that paragraph is the total disregard the Democrat/Liberal has for truth.

2. "President Obama dismissed ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber yesterday as just some adviser who was never on his staff and with whom he doesn’t agree.

In a 2006 speech, however, Obama said that he has stolen ideas liberally from Gruber. '..... Obama said Gruber’s name without looking down at the paper, suggesting he already knew him and didn’t have to reference his name."
Obama in 2006 I ve Stolen Ideas from Jonathan Gruber Liberally Fox News Insider

Such is the nature of the lowly relativist and WHY it is so DANGEROUS to allow those suffering this perversion of human reasoning, anywhere NEAR GOVERNMENT. Either in office or to vote for those who sit in office.

Great post! Spot on!
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So...the liar says "I just heard about this. I get well-briefed before I come out here. The fact that some adviser who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion that I completely disagree with in terms of the voters..."


6. " President Crafted Obamacare Deception With Gruber At White House Meeting

President Obama personally crafted a major Obamacare deception with Jonathan Gruber at one of Gruber’s numerous White House meetings,according to a 2012 Gruber interview with PBS.

MIT professor Gruber, who served as a top Obama administration consultant during the writing of Obamacare, garnered national condemnation this week after The Daily Caller published a video in which he credited a lack of transparency for Obamacare’s passage. Gruber said the law survived an existential threat posed by “the stupidity of the American voter.”

... the professor admitted that he worked together with the president in the Oval Office to conceal the political impact of their plan to get more tax revenue out of employer-sponsored health insurance plans by imposing a new “Cadillac tax” on companies.

The Gateway Pundit also confirmed that Gruber checked into the West Wing for a meeting with the president on July 20, 2009, according to White House visitor logs." Obama Gruber Worked Together To Deceive The Daily Caller

I challenge supporters to defend these Obama lies.

C'mon.....let's see more than a shrug.
In addition to reminding all what the "stupid folks" voted for, let's deal with the dolts who deny that the media is a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberalism, Inc.
The federal government paid Gruber over $400,000....and he made even more from other agencies....some $6 million.

He exposes the lies of Obama and ObamaCare,......
An important news story?

7. " It's the deception, stupid: Mainstream media ignores ObamaCare 'architect' Gruber's comments

Yet if you relied on the mainstream media, you would have a hard time learning about the inside story from one of the law's architects. For days, ABC, CBS and NBC ignored the story altogether. The New York Times finally addressed it days after it made international news through new media, The Washington Times and Fox News.

How did The New York Times approach it? With a snarky, dismissive blog post, only online. If you rely on the paper version of the Gray Lady, you'd never know this was happening.

Fortunately for the American people, it has been brought to our attention by a thing called the "Internet," and so-called conservative media outlets,..."The national media ... have largely reacted to the Gruber story like it is a virus that should be carefully quarantined." To its credit, The Washington Post covered the story very quickly, yet at this time, not a word in The Los Angeles Times or USA Today.

The exposure of this important story highlights the monumental impact that new media allow the individual. Dave Weigel at Bloomberg produced an excellent profile of the "mild-mannered investment advisor who's humiliating the Obama administration over ObamaCare."
It s the deception stupid Mainstream media ignores ObamaCare architect Gruber s comments Fox News

8. Of course, the new media is anathema to folks like the NYTimes
Thomas Friedman, on ‘Meet The Press,’ he described ‘The internet is an open sewer of untreated and unfiltered information.’

a.If the internet existed in 1933, the NYTimes and Walter Duranty would not have been able to bury the story of he millions of Ukrainian farmers who were starved to death by Joseph Stalin and the Communists.

b.If there had been an internet in 1957-1959, Herbert Matthews and the NYTimes would not have been able to claim that Fidel Castro was the new George Washington.

c. And today, we wouldn't know that everything the Right said about Obama and ObamaCare was correct.
9. " The American people aren't stupid, but the mainstream media work very hard at keeping us ignorant. They're failing at that, too.

In various videotapes, Mr. Gruber didn't limit his confessions to his opinion about cognitive acuity of the American people. He also let spill the attitude fueling the development of ObamaCare in general: a strange combination of arrogance, cluelessness and, ultimately, deceit.

Paraphrasing Mr. Gruber, the American people were too stupid to accept a massive redistribution of wealth disguised as health insurance, so they had to be lied to.

They just said that to the American people because they saw in a poll that it was important to stupid, silly voters.

Most normal people could never imagine a president lying so specifically about things so dramatically important, but he did.

....To be so brazen about something that will be discovered as a lie means this is how you're doing business in general. Now we know deception is at the heart of the very foundation of the law itself."
It s the deception stupid Mainstream media ignores ObamaCare architect Gruber s comments Fox News
So you quote a site as bullshit as Fox News and expect us to be impressed with your assessment about liberals? You have the worst critical thinking skills. Do you even know any liberals? I mean putting us in two categories makes you sound like a computer from the 1980s.

BillyBS just can't get over the fact that his Affirative Action Failure is on tape.

It's just the

Fox News...
Fox News...
Fox News...


Good job BillyBS......nobody cares if you are impressed.

In fact nobody really cares about you at all.

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