Lies......Democrats Can't Exist Without Them

Without lies Democrats wouldn't exist in government.

Most of what they talk about during political campaigns is based on lies.
They're primary defense against their political opposition is that their opponents are bigger liars than they are.
They can't be honest about what their plans are without losing elections.
The only time they can be honest is when they are firmly in power and there's nothing you can do to get rid of them.
People that have a habit of lying to get ahead in life tend to run as Democrats because they know that Republican voters would reject them...and their primary goal is to convince Republican voters that their leaders are liars.
Their top priority right now is make everything seem racist.....after 3 solid years of lying about Russian Collusion. So the flag is racist. All White people are racist. The founding of this country is racist. Excellence is racist.

Democrats can't cope with life without lying to themselves.
They can't handle reality.
They instead make their own reality to suit themselves.

Diversity is a solution to an America dominated by white people:

"A few years ago, TV celebrity Rachel Maddow was at Rockefeller University to hand out a prize that's given each year to a prominent female scientist. As Maddow entered the auditorium, someone overheard her say, "What is up with the dude wall?"

She was referring to a wall covered with portraits of scientists from the university who have won either a Nobel Prize or the Lasker Award, a major medical prize.

"One hundred percent of them are men. It's probably 30 headshots of 30 men. So it's imposing," says Leslie Vosshall, a neurobiologist with the university and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

"I think every institution needs to go out into the hallway and ask, 'What kind of message are we sending?' "

Leslie Vosshall, neurobiologist, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Vosshall says Maddow's remark, and the word "dude wall," crystallized something that had been bothering her for years. As she travels around the country to give lectures and attend conferences at scientific institutions, she constantly encounters lobbies, conference rooms, passageways, and lecture halls that are decorated with portraits of white men.

"It just sends the message, every day when you walk by it, that science consists of old white men," says Vosshall. "I think every institution needs to go out into the hallway and ask, 'What kind of message are we sending with these oil portraits and dusty old photographs?'"

She's now on a committee that's redesigning that wall of portraits at Rockefeller University, to add more diversity. And this is hardly the only science or medical institution that's reckoning with its dude wall.

At Yale School of Medicine, for example, one main building's hallways feature 55 portraits: three women and 52 men. They're all white.

"I don't necessarily always have a reaction. But then there are times when you're having a really bad day — someone says something racist to you, or you're struggling with feeling like you belong in the space — and then you see all those photos and it kind of reinforces whatever you might have been feeling at the time," says Max Jordan Nguemeni Tiako, a medical student at Yale." Academic Science Rethinks All-Too-White 'Dude Walls' Of Honor


Ask yourself if you want a doctor operating on you that is a product of diversity or a product of excellence.
I'll take excellence any day.

Note that diversity is only at issue when whites are considered the majority. You don't hear of diversity in countries where people of color are the majority. It's not even a consideration. And in those countries...women are almost always second-class citizens. But for some strange reason.....America is the worst country in the world even though everything changed in the 60s and 70s. Women are doing jobs that were male dominated in the past.

This is just one example of how Democrats have to lie to exist. To make themselves feel better about the world around them.
They cannot accept the world as it is because they feel excluded.

Well, instead of bitching and complaining about it, do something about it. Become successful and accomplished at something.
Nope....this isn't what Democrats do. They like shortcuts. They can't appeal to people if they tell them to go out and do something great. They lower the standards instead.
So essentially, Democrats can't exist in a world where reality exists at the same time.
So, if you ever wondered why Democrats always seem so crabby, it's because they cannot exist in a world without lying about it to others and to themselves.

Without lies Democrats wouldn't exist in government.

Most of what they talk about during political campaigns is based on lies.
They're primary defense against their political opposition is that their opponents are bigger liars than they are.
They can't be honest about what their plans are without losing elections.
The only time they can be honest is when they are firmly in power and there's nothing you can do to get rid of them.
People that have a habit of lying to get ahead in life tend to run as Democrats because they know that Republican voters would reject them...and their primary goal is to convince Republican voters that their leaders are liars.
Their top priority right now is make everything seem racist.....after 3 solid years of lying about Russian Collusion. So the flag is racist. All White people are racist. The founding of this country is racist. Excellence is racist.

Democrats can't cope with life without lying to themselves.
They can't handle reality.
They instead make their own reality to suit themselves.

Diversity is a solution to an America dominated by white people:

"A few years ago, TV celebrity Rachel Maddow was at Rockefeller University to hand out a prize that's given each year to a prominent female scientist. As Maddow entered the auditorium, someone overheard her say, "What is up with the dude wall?"

She was referring to a wall covered with portraits of scientists from the university who have won either a Nobel Prize or the Lasker Award, a major medical prize.

"One hundred percent of them are men. It's probably 30 headshots of 30 men. So it's imposing," says Leslie Vosshall, a neurobiologist with the university and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

"I think every institution needs to go out into the hallway and ask, 'What kind of message are we sending?' "

Leslie Vosshall, neurobiologist, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Vosshall says Maddow's remark, and the word "dude wall," crystallized something that had been bothering her for years. As she travels around the country to give lectures and attend conferences at scientific institutions, she constantly encounters lobbies, conference rooms, passageways, and lecture halls that are decorated with portraits of white men.

"It just sends the message, every day when you walk by it, that science consists of old white men," says Vosshall. "I think every institution needs to go out into the hallway and ask, 'What kind of message are we sending with these oil portraits and dusty old photographs?'"

She's now on a committee that's redesigning that wall of portraits at Rockefeller University, to add more diversity. And this is hardly the only science or medical institution that's reckoning with its dude wall.

At Yale School of Medicine, for example, one main building's hallways feature 55 portraits: three women and 52 men. They're all white.

"I don't necessarily always have a reaction. But then there are times when you're having a really bad day — someone says something racist to you, or you're struggling with feeling like you belong in the space — and then you see all those photos and it kind of reinforces whatever you might have been feeling at the time," says Max Jordan Nguemeni Tiako, a medical student at Yale." Academic Science Rethinks All-Too-White 'Dude Walls' Of Honor


Ask yourself if you want a doctor operating on you that is a product of diversity or a product of excellence.
I'll take excellence any day.

Note that diversity is only at issue when whites are considered the majority. You don't hear of diversity in countries where people of color are the majority. It's not even a consideration. And in those countries...women are almost always second-class citizens. But for some strange reason.....America is the worst country in the world even though everything changed in the 60s and 70s. Women are doing jobs that were male dominated in the past.

This is just one example of how Democrats have to lie to exist. To make themselves feel better about the world around them.
They cannot accept the world as it is because they feel excluded.

Well, instead of bitching and complaining about it, do something about it. Become successful and accomplished at something.
Nope....this isn't what Democrats do. They like shortcuts. They can't appeal to people if they tell them to go out and do something great. They lower the standards instead.
So essentially, Democrats can't exist in a world where reality exists at the same time.
So, if you ever wondered why Democrats always seem so crabby, it's because they cannot exist in a world without lying about it to others and to themselves.
Stating facts and the truth that conservatives don’t like isn’t ‘lying.’
It's lying if it's something that Democrats don't matter how true it is.
The phrase "Their own truth" comes to mind.
This is the left's way to explain their lies.
As Joe Biden said...."|we choose truth over facts...."
Without lies Democrats wouldn't exist in government.

Most of what they talk about during political campaigns is based on lies.
They're primary defense against their political opposition is that their opponents are bigger liars than they are.
They can't be honest about what their plans are without losing elections.
The only time they can be honest is when they are firmly in power and there's nothing you can do to get rid of them.
People that have a habit of lying to get ahead in life tend to run as Democrats because they know that Republican voters would reject them...and their primary goal is to convince Republican voters that their leaders are liars.
Their top priority right now is make everything seem racist.....after 3 solid years of lying about Russian Collusion. So the flag is racist. All White people are racist. The founding of this country is racist. Excellence is racist.

Democrats can't cope with life without lying to themselves.
They can't handle reality.
They instead make their own reality to suit themselves.

Diversity is a solution to an America dominated by white people:

"A few years ago, TV celebrity Rachel Maddow was at Rockefeller University to hand out a prize that's given each year to a prominent female scientist. As Maddow entered the auditorium, someone overheard her say, "What is up with the dude wall?"

She was referring to a wall covered with portraits of scientists from the university who have won either a Nobel Prize or the Lasker Award, a major medical prize.

"One hundred percent of them are men. It's probably 30 headshots of 30 men. So it's imposing," says Leslie Vosshall, a neurobiologist with the university and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

"I think every institution needs to go out into the hallway and ask, 'What kind of message are we sending?' "

Leslie Vosshall, neurobiologist, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Vosshall says Maddow's remark, and the word "dude wall," crystallized something that had been bothering her for years. As she travels around the country to give lectures and attend conferences at scientific institutions, she constantly encounters lobbies, conference rooms, passageways, and lecture halls that are decorated with portraits of white men.

"It just sends the message, every day when you walk by it, that science consists of old white men," says Vosshall. "I think every institution needs to go out into the hallway and ask, 'What kind of message are we sending with these oil portraits and dusty old photographs?'"

She's now on a committee that's redesigning that wall of portraits at Rockefeller University, to add more diversity. And this is hardly the only science or medical institution that's reckoning with its dude wall.

At Yale School of Medicine, for example, one main building's hallways feature 55 portraits: three women and 52 men. They're all white.

"I don't necessarily always have a reaction. But then there are times when you're having a really bad day — someone says something racist to you, or you're struggling with feeling like you belong in the space — and then you see all those photos and it kind of reinforces whatever you might have been feeling at the time," says Max Jordan Nguemeni Tiako, a medical student at Yale." Academic Science Rethinks All-Too-White 'Dude Walls' Of Honor


Ask yourself if you want a doctor operating on you that is a product of diversity or a product of excellence.
I'll take excellence any day.

Note that diversity is only at issue when whites are considered the majority. You don't hear of diversity in countries where people of color are the majority. It's not even a consideration. And in those countries...women are almost always second-class citizens. But for some strange reason.....America is the worst country in the world even though everything changed in the 60s and 70s. Women are doing jobs that were male dominated in the past.

This is just one example of how Democrats have to lie to exist. To make themselves feel better about the world around them.
They cannot accept the world as it is because they feel excluded.

Well, instead of bitching and complaining about it, do something about it. Become successful and accomplished at something.
Nope....this isn't what Democrats do. They like shortcuts. They can't appeal to people if they tell them to go out and do something great. They lower the standards instead.
So essentially, Democrats can't exist in a world where reality exists at the same time.
So, if you ever wondered why Democrats always seem so crabby, it's because they cannot exist in a world without lying about it to others and to themselves.

Tl dr dc

Has Mexico sent the check for the wall yet?
Shovel Ready Jobs was Obama's was the lie about keeping your health care.......
All lies that mattered, because they cost the American people trillions of dollars, and for too many, turning their heath care upside down. Trump misstating statistics or getting names or dates wrong do not cause any harm to anyone.
Donald Trump was a second generation crony capitalist Democrat who switched parties because he knew he could never win the POTUS nomination running as a Democrat.

He was in a liberal Democrat state, working with Democrats, so he pandered to them, it was purely for business.

Trump did not lie on his positions of the issues when he ran for president.

Unlike Obama, who ran as pro-immigration, anti-illegal immigration, and pro-traditional marriage, anti-gay marriage, and then did a 180 degree flip-flop once he was elected.

But those lies and deceptions from Obama are ok, according to the TDS afflicted.
Donald Trump was a second generation crony capitalist Democrat who switched parties because he knew he could never win the POTUS nomination running as a Democrat.

He was in a liberal Democrat state, working with Democrats, so he pandered to them, it was purely for business.

Trump did not lie on his positions of the issues when he ran for president.

Unlike Obama, who ran as pro-immigration, anti-illegal immigration, and pro-traditional marriage, anti-gay marriage, and then did a 180 degree flip-flop once he was elected.

But those lies and deceptions from Obama are ok, according to the TDS afflicted.
Unlike Obama, who ran as pro-immigration, anti-illegal immigration, and pro-traditional marriage, anti-gay marriage, and then did a 180 degree flip-flop once he was elected.

But those lie
I wasn't ignorant/gullible/stupid enough to vote for Obama OR Trump.
Were you?
Obama is long gone and Trump is his legacy.
Just because the former was corrupt and crooked doesn't mean the latter isn't even worse.
Does it?

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