Lies......Democrats Can't Exist Without Them

They're also the folks that claim Trump was lying when he said he saw thousands of Muslims cheering the bringing down of the WTC....and just this month the video proving Trump's claims surfaced again...So Politifact hasn't been exactly accurate in their claims.
Trump said he saw Muslims in New Jersey cheering and celebrating in the streets on 9/11. If you are not lying and can prove Trump was not lying please post the video or a link for the video. Otherwise, this is just another example of how much of a liar you yourself are.
They're also the folks that claim Trump was lying when he said he saw thousands of Muslims cheering the bringing down of the WTC....and just this month the video proving Trump's claims surfaced again...So Politifact hasn't been exactly accurate in their claims.
Trump said he saw Muslims in New Jersey cheering and celebrating in the streets on 9/11. If you are not lying and can prove Trump was not lying please post the video or a link for the video. Otherwise, this is just another example of how much of a liar you yourself are.
They showed Muslims in Jersey, around the world, and in the Middle East cheering and show me where that is a lie.
They're also the folks that claim Trump was lying when he said he saw thousands of Muslims cheering the bringing down of the WTC....and just this month the video proving Trump's claims surfaced again...So Politifact hasn't been exactly accurate in their claims.
Trump said he saw Muslims in New Jersey cheering and celebrating in the streets on 9/11. If you are not lying and can prove Trump was not lying please post the video or a link for the video. Otherwise, this is just another example of how much of a liar you yourself are.
They showed Muslims in Jersey, around the world, and in the Middle East cheering and show me where that is a lie.
So, you claimed you knew of a video proving Trump did not lie about seeing Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on 9/11 and when requested to provide the video or a link to the video you can't, proving you are a liar shoveling bullshit and confirmation from a diehard Trump supporter, you dumb ass, of Trump telling a malicious lie.
Liberals follow Satan, the father of the lie.
Ask yourself if you need someone to lie to you or you want someone to be honest to you.
Democrats will tell you what you want to hear.
Republicans can't get away with that.
Ask yourself if you need someone to lie to you or you want someone to be honest to you.
Democrats will tell you what you want to hear.
Republicans can't get away with that.
Is that why Trump switched parties?
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
PolitiFact is BS.

Says a super partisan Little Trumpster, your judgement and credibility are ZERO.
Why don't you get off your lazy ass and prove that PolitiFact and the Washintong Post are lying about Trump's pathological lies.
Denying without any proof is your consistent M.O.
Been there....done that.
The Washington Post is owned by an extreme liberal asshole (Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos) who hates Trump with a passion. Most stories about Trump originate from the Washington Post and are circulated as fact by the rest of the media. Bob Woodward, a fierce Trump critic, is one of the WaPo's top reporters.

Politifact was the media source that circulated the lie that Sarah Palin was lying about death panels. Turns out the Affordable Care Act had death panels, just another word for socialized medicine.

The UK has this form of health care fully established where family members have no choice in what should be private health care decisions, whether or not to treat their kids born with birth defects. The government refused to allow treatment that they considered useless or unnecessary, and literally pulled the plug on their kid against the family's wishes.

Politifact also dubbed the claim that the ACA is government takeover of health care the lie of the year. Now we found out how correct that assumption was because of the constant talk from Democrats to switch to single-payer.

They're also the folks that claim Trump was lying when he said he saw thousands of Muslims cheering the bringing down of the WTC....and just this month the video proving Trump's claims surfaced again...So Politifact hasn't been exactly accurate in their claims.

You still didn't prove PolitiFact and WP have included items that weren't lies by Trump.
It figures. Ignorant and just plain lazy.
Also, could you provide me a link to video showing thousands of Muslims dancing on the roof tops in New Jersey on 9/11?
They're also the folks that claim Trump was lying when he said he saw thousands of Muslims cheering the bringing down of the WTC....and just this month the video proving Trump's claims surfaced again...So Politifact hasn't been exactly accurate in their claims.
Trump said he saw Muslims in New Jersey cheering and celebrating in the streets on 9/11. If you are not lying and can prove Trump was not lying please post the video or a link for the video. Otherwise, this is just another example of how much of a liar you yourself are.
They showed Muslims in Jersey, around the world, and in the Middle East cheering and show me where that is a lie.
So, you claimed you knew of a video proving Trump did not lie about seeing Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on 9/11 and when requested to provide the video or a link to the video you can't, proving you are a liar shoveling bullshit and confirmation from a diehard Trump supporter, you dumb ass, of Trump telling a malicious lie.
So....your claim is because I didn't produce a video for you personally...I'm a liar. Are you claiming that Muslims never celebrated the downing of the WTC now????????
Sorry if I have better things to do that shovel shit to a little internet pissaint who has no intention of believing any proof I provide them with anyway.

I suggest you try doing a search on this site or try Bing. Google has those crazy algorithms that won't allow a reliable search.
Without lies Democrats wouldn't exist in government.

Most of what they talk about during political campaigns is based on lies.
They're primary defense against their political opposition is that their opponents are bigger liars than they are.
They can't be honest about what their plans are without losing elections.
The only time they can be honest is when they are firmly in power and there's nothing you can do to get rid of them.
People that have a habit of lying to get ahead in life tend to run as Democrats because they know that Republican voters would reject them...and their primary goal is to convince Republican voters that their leaders are liars.
Their top priority right now is make everything seem racist.....after 3 solid years of lying about Russian Collusion. So the flag is racist. All White people are racist. The founding of this country is racist. Excellence is racist.

Democrats can't cope with life without lying to themselves.
They can't handle reality.
They instead make their own reality to suit themselves.

Diversity is a solution to an America dominated by white people:

"A few years ago, TV celebrity Rachel Maddow was at Rockefeller University to hand out a prize that's given each year to a prominent female scientist. As Maddow entered the auditorium, someone overheard her say, "What is up with the dude wall?"

She was referring to a wall covered with portraits of scientists from the university who have won either a Nobel Prize or the Lasker Award, a major medical prize.

"One hundred percent of them are men. It's probably 30 headshots of 30 men. So it's imposing," says Leslie Vosshall, a neurobiologist with the university and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

"I think every institution needs to go out into the hallway and ask, 'What kind of message are we sending?' "

Leslie Vosshall, neurobiologist, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Vosshall says Maddow's remark, and the word "dude wall," crystallized something that had been bothering her for years. As she travels around the country to give lectures and attend conferences at scientific institutions, she constantly encounters lobbies, conference rooms, passageways, and lecture halls that are decorated with portraits of white men.

"It just sends the message, every day when you walk by it, that science consists of old white men," says Vosshall. "I think every institution needs to go out into the hallway and ask, 'What kind of message are we sending with these oil portraits and dusty old photographs?'"

She's now on a committee that's redesigning that wall of portraits at Rockefeller University, to add more diversity. And this is hardly the only science or medical institution that's reckoning with its dude wall.

At Yale School of Medicine, for example, one main building's hallways feature 55 portraits: three women and 52 men. They're all white.

"I don't necessarily always have a reaction. But then there are times when you're having a really bad day — someone says something racist to you, or you're struggling with feeling like you belong in the space — and then you see all those photos and it kind of reinforces whatever you might have been feeling at the time," says Max Jordan Nguemeni Tiako, a medical student at Yale." Academic Science Rethinks All-Too-White 'Dude Walls' Of Honor


Ask yourself if you want a doctor operating on you that is a product of diversity or a product of excellence.
I'll take excellence any day.

Note that diversity is only at issue when whites are considered the majority. You don't hear of diversity in countries where people of color are the majority. It's not even a consideration. And in those countries...women are almost always second-class citizens. But for some strange reason.....America is the worst country in the world even though everything changed in the 60s and 70s. Women are doing jobs that were male dominated in the past.

This is just one example of how Democrats have to lie to exist. To make themselves feel better about the world around them.
They cannot accept the world as it is because they feel excluded.

Well, instead of bitching and complaining about it, do something about it. Become successful and accomplished at something.
Nope....this isn't what Democrats do. They like shortcuts. They can't appeal to people if they tell them to go out and do something great. They lower the standards instead.
So essentially, Democrats can't exist in a world where reality exists at the same time.
So, if you ever wondered why Democrats always seem so crabby, it's because they cannot exist in a world without lying about it to others and to themselves.

Okay, let play spot the lie....grifter style.

First, an example from just the last few days. During a press conference at the G7 on Monday, Trump was asked about his previous claim that there were phone calls being exchanged by top-level US and Chinese aides over a possible end to the trade war. Here's how he responded:

"You've had many calls over the last 24 hours but certainly over the last 48 hours. We've had many calls, not just one. This isn't one. And these are high-level calls. They want to make a deal."

Except, it turns out that wasn't true. Here's CNN's White House team on the phone call claims:
"Though Trump and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin insisted there had been 'communication,' aides privately conceded the phone calls Trump described didn't happen they way he said they did.

"Instead, two officials said Trump was eager to project optimism that might boost markets, and conflated comments from China's vice premier with direct communication from the Chinese."

So, the Chinese vice premier said in a statement that he hoped they could find a way to have a "calm" negotiation, and Trump turned that into "many ... high level calls."

So, that's a lie.
Last edited:
Ask yourself if you need someone to lie to you or you want someone to be honest to you.
Democrats will tell you what you want to hear.
Republicans can't get away with that.
Ask yourself if you need someone to lie to you or you want someone to be honest to you.
Democrats will tell you what you want to hear.
Republicans can't get away with that.
Is that why Trump switched parties?
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
PolitiFact is BS.

Says a super partisan Little Trumpster, your judgement and credibility are ZERO.
Why don't you get off your lazy ass and prove that PolitiFact and the Washintong Post are lying about Trump's pathological lies.
Denying without any proof is your consistent M.O.
Been there....done that.
The Washington Post is owned by an extreme liberal asshole (Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos) who hates Trump with a passion. Most stories about Trump originate from the Washington Post and are circulated as fact by the rest of the media. Bob Woodward, a fierce Trump critic, is one of the WaPo's top reporters.

Politifact was the media source that circulated the lie that Sarah Palin was lying about death panels. Turns out the Affordable Care Act had death panels, just another word for socialized medicine.

The UK has this form of health care fully established where family members have no choice in what should be private health care decisions, whether or not to treat their kids born with birth defects. The government refused to allow treatment that they considered useless or unnecessary, and literally pulled the plug on their kid against the family's wishes.

Politifact also dubbed the claim that the ACA is government takeover of health care the lie of the year. Now we found out how correct that assumption was because of the constant talk from Democrats to switch to single-payer.

They're also the folks that claim Trump was lying when he said he saw thousands of Muslims cheering the bringing down of the WTC....and just this month the video proving Trump's claims surfaced again...So Politifact hasn't been exactly accurate in their claims.

You still didn't prove PolitiFact and WP have included items that weren't lies by Trump.
It figures. Ignorant and just plain lazy.
Also, could you provide me a link to video showing thousands of Muslims dancing on the roof tops in New Jersey on 9/11?'s just that if you consider the source you can usually judge the content coming from that source.
In otherwords...Politifact and the Washington Compost are fake news. They have no credibility.

Besides.....I have better things to do than disprove every fucking lie they posted.
Without lies Democrats wouldn't exist in government.

Most of what they talk about during political campaigns is based on lies.
They're primary defense against their political opposition is that their opponents are bigger liars than they are.
They can't be honest about what their plans are without losing elections.
The only time they can be honest is when they are firmly in power and there's nothing you can do to get rid of them.
People that have a habit of lying to get ahead in life tend to run as Democrats because they know that Republican voters would reject them...and their primary goal is to convince Republican voters that their leaders are liars.
Their top priority right now is make everything seem racist.....after 3 solid years of lying about Russian Collusion. So the flag is racist. All White people are racist. The founding of this country is racist. Excellence is racist.

Democrats can't cope with life without lying to themselves.
They can't handle reality.
They instead make their own reality to suit themselves.

Diversity is a solution to an America dominated by white people:

"A few years ago, TV celebrity Rachel Maddow was at Rockefeller University to hand out a prize that's given each year to a prominent female scientist. As Maddow entered the auditorium, someone overheard her say, "What is up with the dude wall?"

She was referring to a wall covered with portraits of scientists from the university who have won either a Nobel Prize or the Lasker Award, a major medical prize.

"One hundred percent of them are men. It's probably 30 headshots of 30 men. So it's imposing," says Leslie Vosshall, a neurobiologist with the university and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

"I think every institution needs to go out into the hallway and ask, 'What kind of message are we sending?' "

Leslie Vosshall, neurobiologist, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Vosshall says Maddow's remark, and the word "dude wall," crystallized something that had been bothering her for years. As she travels around the country to give lectures and attend conferences at scientific institutions, she constantly encounters lobbies, conference rooms, passageways, and lecture halls that are decorated with portraits of white men.

"It just sends the message, every day when you walk by it, that science consists of old white men," says Vosshall. "I think every institution needs to go out into the hallway and ask, 'What kind of message are we sending with these oil portraits and dusty old photographs?'"

She's now on a committee that's redesigning that wall of portraits at Rockefeller University, to add more diversity. And this is hardly the only science or medical institution that's reckoning with its dude wall.

At Yale School of Medicine, for example, one main building's hallways feature 55 portraits: three women and 52 men. They're all white.

"I don't necessarily always have a reaction. But then there are times when you're having a really bad day — someone says something racist to you, or you're struggling with feeling like you belong in the space — and then you see all those photos and it kind of reinforces whatever you might have been feeling at the time," says Max Jordan Nguemeni Tiako, a medical student at Yale." Academic Science Rethinks All-Too-White 'Dude Walls' Of Honor


Ask yourself if you want a doctor operating on you that is a product of diversity or a product of excellence.
I'll take excellence any day.

Note that diversity is only at issue when whites are considered the majority. You don't hear of diversity in countries where people of color are the majority. It's not even a consideration. And in those countries...women are almost always second-class citizens. But for some strange reason.....America is the worst country in the world even though everything changed in the 60s and 70s. Women are doing jobs that were male dominated in the past.

This is just one example of how Democrats have to lie to exist. To make themselves feel better about the world around them.
They cannot accept the world as it is because they feel excluded.

Well, instead of bitching and complaining about it, do something about it. Become successful and accomplished at something.
Nope....this isn't what Democrats do. They like shortcuts. They can't appeal to people if they tell them to go out and do something great. They lower the standards instead.
So essentially, Democrats can't exist in a world where reality exists at the same time.
So, if you ever wondered why Democrats always seem so crabby, it's because they cannot exist in a world without lying about it to others and to themselves.

Okay, let play spot the lie....grifter style.

First, an example from just the last few days. During a press conference at the G7 on Monday, Trump was asked about his previous claim that there were phone calls being exchanged by top-level US and Chinese aides over a possible end to the trade war. Here's how he responded:
"You've had many calls over the last 24 hours but certainly over the last 48 hours. We've had many calls, not just one. This isn't one. And these are high-level calls. They want to make a deal."
Except, it turns out that wasn't true. Here's CNN's White House team on the phone call claims:
"Though Trump and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin insisted there had been 'communication,' aides privately conceded the phone calls Trump described didn't happen they way he said they did.
"Instead, two officials said Trump was eager to project optimism that might boost markets, and conflated comments from China's vice premier with direct communication from the Chinese."

So, the Chinese vice premier said in a statement that he hoped they could find a way to have a "calm" negotiation, and Trump turned that into "many ... high level calls." So, that's a lie.
So you want to believe Communist News Network and the Communists government of China....instead of believing Trump.

That's your option....but even the people of China, better yet Hong Kong, will tell you that is pure folly.
Without lies Democrats wouldn't exist in government.

Most of what they talk about during political campaigns is based on lies.
They're primary defense against their political opposition is that their opponents are bigger liars than they are.
They can't be honest about what their plans are without losing elections.
The only time they can be honest is when they are firmly in power and there's nothing you can do to get rid of them.
People that have a habit of lying to get ahead in life tend to run as Democrats because they know that Republican voters would reject them...and their primary goal is to convince Republican voters that their leaders are liars.
Their top priority right now is make everything seem racist.....after 3 solid years of lying about Russian Collusion. So the flag is racist. All White people are racist. The founding of this country is racist. Excellence is racist.

Democrats can't cope with life without lying to themselves.
They can't handle reality.
They instead make their own reality to suit themselves.

Diversity is a solution to an America dominated by white people:

"A few years ago, TV celebrity Rachel Maddow was at Rockefeller University to hand out a prize that's given each year to a prominent female scientist. As Maddow entered the auditorium, someone overheard her say, "What is up with the dude wall?"

She was referring to a wall covered with portraits of scientists from the university who have won either a Nobel Prize or the Lasker Award, a major medical prize.

"One hundred percent of them are men. It's probably 30 headshots of 30 men. So it's imposing," says Leslie Vosshall, a neurobiologist with the university and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

"I think every institution needs to go out into the hallway and ask, 'What kind of message are we sending?' "

Leslie Vosshall, neurobiologist, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Vosshall says Maddow's remark, and the word "dude wall," crystallized something that had been bothering her for years. As she travels around the country to give lectures and attend conferences at scientific institutions, she constantly encounters lobbies, conference rooms, passageways, and lecture halls that are decorated with portraits of white men.

"It just sends the message, every day when you walk by it, that science consists of old white men," says Vosshall. "I think every institution needs to go out into the hallway and ask, 'What kind of message are we sending with these oil portraits and dusty old photographs?'"

She's now on a committee that's redesigning that wall of portraits at Rockefeller University, to add more diversity. And this is hardly the only science or medical institution that's reckoning with its dude wall.

At Yale School of Medicine, for example, one main building's hallways feature 55 portraits: three women and 52 men. They're all white.

"I don't necessarily always have a reaction. But then there are times when you're having a really bad day — someone says something racist to you, or you're struggling with feeling like you belong in the space — and then you see all those photos and it kind of reinforces whatever you might have been feeling at the time," says Max Jordan Nguemeni Tiako, a medical student at Yale." Academic Science Rethinks All-Too-White 'Dude Walls' Of Honor


Ask yourself if you want a doctor operating on you that is a product of diversity or a product of excellence.
I'll take excellence any day.

Note that diversity is only at issue when whites are considered the majority. You don't hear of diversity in countries where people of color are the majority. It's not even a consideration. And in those countries...women are almost always second-class citizens. But for some strange reason.....America is the worst country in the world even though everything changed in the 60s and 70s. Women are doing jobs that were male dominated in the past.

This is just one example of how Democrats have to lie to exist. To make themselves feel better about the world around them.
They cannot accept the world as it is because they feel excluded.

Well, instead of bitching and complaining about it, do something about it. Become successful and accomplished at something.
Nope....this isn't what Democrats do. They like shortcuts. They can't appeal to people if they tell them to go out and do something great. They lower the standards instead.
So essentially, Democrats can't exist in a world where reality exists at the same time.
So, if you ever wondered why Democrats always seem so crabby, it's because they cannot exist in a world without lying about it to others and to themselves.

How about all those "awards" for some more grifter lies...

Two weeks ago, Trump falsely claimed to once have been named "Man of the Year in Michigan." There is no evidence this ever happened.
Last week, he was asked a tough question about his administration's actions to make it easier for companies to discriminate against LGBT people. He had a quick reply: he'd just gotten "an award and an endorsement" from the Log Cabin Republicans, an LGBT conservative group.
We knew about the endorsement, but the "award" made us suspicious given Trump's past with "awards."
And, yep, there was no award. "Just our endorsement," Log Cabin Republicans national spokesman Charles Moran told us.
Without lies Democrats wouldn't exist in government.

Most of what they talk about during political campaigns is based on lies.
They're primary defense against their political opposition is that their opponents are bigger liars than they are.
They can't be honest about what their plans are without losing elections.
The only time they can be honest is when they are firmly in power and there's nothing you can do to get rid of them.
People that have a habit of lying to get ahead in life tend to run as Democrats because they know that Republican voters would reject them...and their primary goal is to convince Republican voters that their leaders are liars.
Their top priority right now is make everything seem racist.....after 3 solid years of lying about Russian Collusion. So the flag is racist. All White people are racist. The founding of this country is racist. Excellence is racist.

Democrats can't cope with life without lying to themselves.
They can't handle reality.
They instead make their own reality to suit themselves.

Diversity is a solution to an America dominated by white people:

"A few years ago, TV celebrity Rachel Maddow was at Rockefeller University to hand out a prize that's given each year to a prominent female scientist. As Maddow entered the auditorium, someone overheard her say, "What is up with the dude wall?"

She was referring to a wall covered with portraits of scientists from the university who have won either a Nobel Prize or the Lasker Award, a major medical prize.

"One hundred percent of them are men. It's probably 30 headshots of 30 men. So it's imposing," says Leslie Vosshall, a neurobiologist with the university and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

"I think every institution needs to go out into the hallway and ask, 'What kind of message are we sending?' "

Leslie Vosshall, neurobiologist, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Vosshall says Maddow's remark, and the word "dude wall," crystallized something that had been bothering her for years. As she travels around the country to give lectures and attend conferences at scientific institutions, she constantly encounters lobbies, conference rooms, passageways, and lecture halls that are decorated with portraits of white men.

"It just sends the message, every day when you walk by it, that science consists of old white men," says Vosshall. "I think every institution needs to go out into the hallway and ask, 'What kind of message are we sending with these oil portraits and dusty old photographs?'"

She's now on a committee that's redesigning that wall of portraits at Rockefeller University, to add more diversity. And this is hardly the only science or medical institution that's reckoning with its dude wall.

At Yale School of Medicine, for example, one main building's hallways feature 55 portraits: three women and 52 men. They're all white.

"I don't necessarily always have a reaction. But then there are times when you're having a really bad day — someone says something racist to you, or you're struggling with feeling like you belong in the space — and then you see all those photos and it kind of reinforces whatever you might have been feeling at the time," says Max Jordan Nguemeni Tiako, a medical student at Yale." Academic Science Rethinks All-Too-White 'Dude Walls' Of Honor


Ask yourself if you want a doctor operating on you that is a product of diversity or a product of excellence.
I'll take excellence any day.

Note that diversity is only at issue when whites are considered the majority. You don't hear of diversity in countries where people of color are the majority. It's not even a consideration. And in those countries...women are almost always second-class citizens. But for some strange reason.....America is the worst country in the world even though everything changed in the 60s and 70s. Women are doing jobs that were male dominated in the past.

This is just one example of how Democrats have to lie to exist. To make themselves feel better about the world around them.
They cannot accept the world as it is because they feel excluded.

Well, instead of bitching and complaining about it, do something about it. Become successful and accomplished at something.
Nope....this isn't what Democrats do. They like shortcuts. They can't appeal to people if they tell them to go out and do something great. They lower the standards instead.
So essentially, Democrats can't exist in a world where reality exists at the same time.
So, if you ever wondered why Democrats always seem so crabby, it's because they cannot exist in a world without lying about it to others and to themselves.

Okay, let play spot the lie....grifter style.

First, an example from just the last few days. During a press conference at the G7 on Monday, Trump was asked about his previous claim that there were phone calls being exchanged by top-level US and Chinese aides over a possible end to the trade war. Here's how he responded:
"You've had many calls over the last 24 hours but certainly over the last 48 hours. We've had many calls, not just one. This isn't one. And these are high-level calls. They want to make a deal."
Except, it turns out that wasn't true. Here's CNN's White House team on the phone call claims:
"Though Trump and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin insisted there had been 'communication,' aides privately conceded the phone calls Trump described didn't happen they way he said they did.
"Instead, two officials said Trump was eager to project optimism that might boost markets, and conflated comments from China's vice premier with direct communication from the Chinese."

So, the Chinese vice premier said in a statement that he hoped they could find a way to have a "calm" negotiation, and Trump turned that into "many ... high level calls." So, that's a lie.
So you want to believe Communist News Network and the Communists government of China....instead of believing Trump.

That's your option....but even the people of China, better yet Hong Kong, will tell you that is pure folly.

That must be an award for lying about lying!

Grift on man...
Without lies Democrats wouldn't exist in government.

Most of what they talk about during political campaigns is based on lies.
They're primary defense against their political opposition is that their opponents are bigger liars than they are.
They can't be honest about what their plans are without losing elections.
The only time they can be honest is when they are firmly in power and there's nothing you can do to get rid of them.
People that have a habit of lying to get ahead in life tend to run as Democrats because they know that Republican voters would reject them...and their primary goal is to convince Republican voters that their leaders are liars.
Their top priority right now is make everything seem racist.....after 3 solid years of lying about Russian Collusion. So the flag is racist. All White people are racist. The founding of this country is racist. Excellence is racist.

Democrats can't cope with life without lying to themselves.
They can't handle reality.
They instead make their own reality to suit themselves.

Diversity is a solution to an America dominated by white people:

"A few years ago, TV celebrity Rachel Maddow was at Rockefeller University to hand out a prize that's given each year to a prominent female scientist. As Maddow entered the auditorium, someone overheard her say, "What is up with the dude wall?"

She was referring to a wall covered with portraits of scientists from the university who have won either a Nobel Prize or the Lasker Award, a major medical prize.

"One hundred percent of them are men. It's probably 30 headshots of 30 men. So it's imposing," says Leslie Vosshall, a neurobiologist with the university and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

"I think every institution needs to go out into the hallway and ask, 'What kind of message are we sending?' "

Leslie Vosshall, neurobiologist, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Vosshall says Maddow's remark, and the word "dude wall," crystallized something that had been bothering her for years. As she travels around the country to give lectures and attend conferences at scientific institutions, she constantly encounters lobbies, conference rooms, passageways, and lecture halls that are decorated with portraits of white men.

"It just sends the message, every day when you walk by it, that science consists of old white men," says Vosshall. "I think every institution needs to go out into the hallway and ask, 'What kind of message are we sending with these oil portraits and dusty old photographs?'"

She's now on a committee that's redesigning that wall of portraits at Rockefeller University, to add more diversity. And this is hardly the only science or medical institution that's reckoning with its dude wall.

At Yale School of Medicine, for example, one main building's hallways feature 55 portraits: three women and 52 men. They're all white.

"I don't necessarily always have a reaction. But then there are times when you're having a really bad day — someone says something racist to you, or you're struggling with feeling like you belong in the space — and then you see all those photos and it kind of reinforces whatever you might have been feeling at the time," says Max Jordan Nguemeni Tiako, a medical student at Yale." Academic Science Rethinks All-Too-White 'Dude Walls' Of Honor


Ask yourself if you want a doctor operating on you that is a product of diversity or a product of excellence.
I'll take excellence any day.

Note that diversity is only at issue when whites are considered the majority. You don't hear of diversity in countries where people of color are the majority. It's not even a consideration. And in those countries...women are almost always second-class citizens. But for some strange reason.....America is the worst country in the world even though everything changed in the 60s and 70s. Women are doing jobs that were male dominated in the past.

This is just one example of how Democrats have to lie to exist. To make themselves feel better about the world around them.
They cannot accept the world as it is because they feel excluded.

Well, instead of bitching and complaining about it, do something about it. Become successful and accomplished at something.
Nope....this isn't what Democrats do. They like shortcuts. They can't appeal to people if they tell them to go out and do something great. They lower the standards instead.
So essentially, Democrats can't exist in a world where reality exists at the same time.
So, if you ever wondered why Democrats always seem so crabby, it's because they cannot exist in a world without lying about it to others and to themselves.

Okay, let play spot the lie....grifter style.

First, an example from just the last few days. During a press conference at the G7 on Monday, Trump was asked about his previous claim that there were phone calls being exchanged by top-level US and Chinese aides over a possible end to the trade war. Here's how he responded:
"You've had many calls over the last 24 hours but certainly over the last 48 hours. We've had many calls, not just one. This isn't one. And these are high-level calls. They want to make a deal."
Except, it turns out that wasn't true. Here's CNN's White House team on the phone call claims:
"Though Trump and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin insisted there had been 'communication,' aides privately conceded the phone calls Trump described didn't happen they way he said they did.
"Instead, two officials said Trump was eager to project optimism that might boost markets, and conflated comments from China's vice premier with direct communication from the Chinese."

So, the Chinese vice premier said in a statement that he hoped they could find a way to have a "calm" negotiation, and Trump turned that into "many ... high level calls." So, that's a lie.
So you want to believe Communist News Network and the Communists government of China....instead of believing Trump.

That's your option....but even the people of China, better yet Hong Kong, will tell you that is pure folly.

That must be an award for lying about lying!

Grift on man...
Somehow coming from a person who supported Hillary and Obama, that just rings hollow.
Is that why Trump switched parties?
It's simple. He was working with Democrats. Political party affiliation is everything to a dem.

If Trump presented himself as a Republican, those dems in high positions would have ignored him, or tried to destroy him. He'd never of gotten his TV show on NBC if they thought he was a Republican.
Democrats act like only Democrats can be good people or smart people.

Trump used to be a Democrat.
He's like Ronald Reagan.....who couldn't stomach his own party anymore.
But the difference is Trump isn't a Republican really either.
The Republicans treat him like shit.....but he doesn't care.
He's in the White House to do what he believes is right, not what is good for either party.
Trump used to be a Democrat.
He's like Ronald Reagan.....who couldn't stomach his own party anymore.
But the difference is Trump isn't a Republican really either.
The Republicans treat him like shit.....but he doesn't care.
He's in the White House to do what he believes is right, not what is good for either party.
Are you convinced Trump has the knowledge base and intelligence to "do what's right?"

Donald Trump's Bankruptcies

It seems more likely Trump is a low IQ grifter/con man who had neither the temperament nor the attention span required to function effectively as POTUS?
I'm not surprised that a person like yourself doesn't understand what the purpose of bankruptcy is.
That it's a protection against creditors that has saved businesses.
It's just a tool that protects people from evil predatory lenders.
I'm not surprised that a person like yourself doesn't understand what the purpose of bankruptcy is.
That it's a protection against creditors that has saved businesses.
It's just a tool that protects people from evil predatory lenders.
Apparently, you're someone who doesn't care when an EVIL, gold-plated, crony capitalist loots his businesses for hundreds of millions of dollars then declares bankruptcy, putting thousands of productive employees out of jobs.

Trump’s Atlantic City debacle: He racked up debts that no honest man could pay

"Monday at dawn marks the end of the Donald Trump era in Atlantic City, the New Jersey seaside resort from which he extracted hundreds of millions of dollars while doing as little as he could for the town.

'About 3,000 workers will lose their jobs when the Trump Taj Mahal casino hotel, a business involved in six bankruptcies and one privately negotiated deal to escape paying the debts Trump ran up, closes."
The grifter hospital lies certainly would qualify for tragedy lies...

Hospitals and Dayton and El Paso
Trump said of his visits to hospitals in Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas, after mass shootings in both cities, "Not only did they meet with me, they were pouring out of the room. The doctors were coming out of the operating rooms." -- August 21 exchange with reporters

Facts First: Doctors did not leave any active operating rooms, spokespeople for both the El Paso and Dayton hospitals said. The Dayton spokesperson said doctors did not even leave any patient rooms.

Fact check: Trump falsely accuses Sherrod Brown, Dayton mayor of misrepresenting his hospital visit

"At no time did (or would) physicians or staff leave active operating rooms during the presidential visit. Our priority is always patient care," said Ryan Mielke, director of public affairs for the University Medical Center of El Paso.

"Our physicians and staff at no time leave an active operating room, procedural area, or patient room to greet anyone," said Ben Sutherly, director of system communications for the Premier Health network, of which Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton is a part.
They're also the folks that claim Trump was lying when he said he saw thousands of Muslims cheering the bringing down of the WTC....and just this month the video proving Trump's claims surfaced again...So Politifact hasn't been exactly accurate in their claims.
Trump said he saw Muslims in New Jersey cheering and celebrating in the streets on 9/11. If you are not lying and can prove Trump was not lying please post the video or a link for the video. Otherwise, this is just another example of how much of a liar you yourself are.
They showed Muslims in Jersey, around the world, and in the Middle East cheering and show me where that is a lie.
So, you claimed you knew of a video proving Trump did not lie about seeing Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on 9/11 and when requested to provide the video or a link to the video you can't, proving you are a liar shoveling bullshit and confirmation from a diehard Trump supporter, you dumb ass, of Trump telling a malicious lie.
So....your claim is because I didn't produce a video for you personally...I'm a liar. Are you claiming that Muslims never celebrated the downing of the WTC now????????
Sorry if I have better things to do that shovel shit to a little internet pissaint who has no intention of believing any proof I provide them with anyway.

I suggest you try doing a search on this site or try Bing. Google has those crazy algorithms that won't allow a reliable search.
You are posting on a messageboard viewed by an international audience and claiming you have access to a video proving the President of the United States was not lying when he claimed he saw Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on TV on 9/11. And, you are doing this in a thread you started accusing Democrats of being liars.
You have no video. You are a lame dude who claims to be Special Forces trained and just ambushed yourself. Maybe you just missed the day ambushes were being explained.
Let's go for trade lies....

Unions and the USMCA

"So, we're going to be significantly expanding our trading relationship when the USMCA gets done and completed. Our farmers love it. The unions love it. The workers love it." -- August 25 meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Facts First: On the whole, American unions do not "love" Trump's North American Trade Agreement. The AFL-CIO, a large labor federation made up of 55 unions, says changes must be made to the agreement before it can possibly be supportive.

Asked by Politico in June about a previous version of Trump's claim that unions love the agreement, AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka said, "Maybe he's talking about the unions in some other country?" Trumka said he didn't have a "clue" where Trump had gotten that impression.

"Our position hasn't changed," AFL-CIO spokesman John Weber told CNN on Monday. "The only way this agreement will earn the support of the labor movement -- and the only way it will have any chance of passing -- is if it's enforceable. That won't happen without changes to the text of the agreement."

As The New York Times has reported, the United Automobile Workers and United Steelworkers, among other unions, have also demanded changes to the agreement.

Grifters gotta grift...

Says a super partisan Little Trumpster, your judgement and credibility are ZERO.
Why don't you get off your lazy ass and prove that PolitiFact and the Washintong Post are lying about Trump's pathological lies.
Denying without any proof is your consistent M.O.
Been there....done that.
The Washington Post is owned by an extreme liberal asshole (Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos) who hates Trump with a passion. Most stories about Trump originate from the Washington Post and are circulated as fact by the rest of the media. Bob Woodward, a fierce Trump critic, is one of the WaPo's top reporters.

Politifact was the media source that circulated the lie that Sarah Palin was lying about death panels. Turns out the Affordable Care Act had death panels, just another word for socialized medicine.

The UK has this form of health care fully established where family members have no choice in what should be private health care decisions, whether or not to treat their kids born with birth defects. The government refused to allow treatment that they considered useless or unnecessary, and literally pulled the plug on their kid against the family's wishes.

Politifact also dubbed the claim that the ACA is government takeover of health care the lie of the year. Now we found out how correct that assumption was because of the constant talk from Democrats to switch to single-payer.

They're also the folks that claim Trump was lying when he said he saw thousands of Muslims cheering the bringing down of the WTC....and just this month the video proving Trump's claims surfaced again...So Politifact hasn't been exactly accurate in their claims.

You still didn't prove PolitiFact and WP have included items that weren't lies by Trump.
It figures. Ignorant and just plain lazy.
Also, could you provide me a link to video showing thousands of Muslims dancing on the roof tops in New Jersey on 9/11?'s just that if you consider the source you can usually judge the content coming from that source.
In otherwords...Politifact and the Washington Compost are fake news. They have no credibility.

Besides.....I have better things to do than disprove every fucking lie they posted.

Just like I thought, you're never going to do a fact check on yourself, because it would clearly show that your a gullible goose-stepper.
I did my own fact check on your claim that a video was released a show time ago that showed thousands (hundreds/a dozen?) of Muslim dancing on roof tops after the planes struck the twin towers. There is no video, liar.
Let's play...
Immigration Lies for $500 Alex

Family separation

"I am the one that kept the families together. OK? You remember that, right? Just remember I said it. And now it gets even better. President Obama and others brought the families apart. But I'm the one who kept the families together." -- August 21 exchange with reporters

Facts First: Trump did not inherit an Obama policy of routinely separating migrant children from their parents. Separations were rare under Obama. Trump made them standard.

It is technically true that Trump ended the separation policy: in June 2018, he signed an executive order to detain families together. But he was ending his own policy, not Obama's, and he only signed the order after a furious public outcry.
Is that why Trump switched parties?
It's simple. He was working with Democrats. Political party affiliation is everything to a dem.

If Trump presented himself as a Republican, those dems in high positions would have ignored him, or tried to destroy him. He'd never of gotten his TV show on NBC if they thought he was a Republican.
It's simple. He was working with Democrats. Political party affiliation is everything to a dem.

If Trump presented himself as a Republican, those dems in high positions would have ignored him, or tried to destroy him. He'd never of gotten his TV show on NBC if they thought he was a Republican
You don't know much about NBC if you think party affiliation has anything to do with getting a job. The main qualification is a willingness to say whatever your are being paid to say.

Donald Trump was a second generation crony capitalist Democrat who switched parties because he knew he could never win the POTUS nomination running as a Democrat.

Just as Hillary knew she would never become the Republican standard bearer.
Let's go for border wall lies....

The border wall

Trump said "tremendous numbers of miles of wall" and "large sections of wall" are being built on the Mexican border. (Facts First: No new miles have been built during Trump's presidency, though about 50 miles of replacement barriers had been built as of July, the Washington Examiner reported.)
Hey I bet the grifter lies about History too...So here it is historical lies...

Greenland and Harry Truman

"President Truman said, 'What about Greenland?' And he talked about it very openly and it was a big deal at the time." -- August 21 exchange with reporters

Facts First: Truman was not open about his desire to purchase Greenland. As the Washington Post reported, Truman's 1946 offer to Denmark, $100 million in gold, "didn't become public knowledge until 1991, when a Copenhagen newspaper came across declassified documents in the National Archives."

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