Lies have become the weapons of choice. And the GOP and Russia are winning.

U.S. government loses to Russia's disinformation campaign: advisers

The U.S. government spent more than a decade preparing responses to malicious hacking by a foreign power but had no clear strategy when Russia launched a disinformation campaign over the internet during the U.S. election campaign, current and former White House cyber security advisers said.

Over the last several years, U.S. intelligence agencies tracked Russia's use of coordinated hacking and disinformation in Ukraine and elsewhere, the advisers and intelligence experts said, but there was little sustained, high-level government conversation about the risk of the propaganda coming to the United States.


That's where the country messed up. With such outlets as Breitbart and Fox, you would think the US had plenty of experience with propaganda.

During an interview with on the writers of fake news, he said it's impossible to get the left to take the bait. They just don't believe it. That left the Democrats terribly unprepared for this election.

But the right? Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Child sex ring from a pizza parlor. It's clear they will believe the most ridiculous nonsense. There is a poll that many Republicans believe it was Obama that did a poor job after Katrina. If you can get them to believe that, they can be manipulated into believe anything.

And now the King of Lies will be president. No, not Satan, Trump.


"Is it wrong of me to delight in the butthurt from threads like these? Nah"
U.S. government loses to Russia's disinformation campaign: advisers

The U.S. government spent more than a decade preparing responses to malicious hacking by a foreign power but had no clear strategy when Russia launched a disinformation campaign over the internet during the U.S. election campaign, current and former White House cyber security advisers said.

Over the last several years, U.S. intelligence agencies tracked Russia's use of coordinated hacking and disinformation in Ukraine and elsewhere, the advisers and intelligence experts said, but there was little sustained, high-level government conversation about the risk of the propaganda coming to the United States.


That's where the country messed up. With such outlets as Breitbart and Fox, you would think the US had plenty of experience with propaganda.

During an interview with on the writers of fake news, he said it's impossible to get the left to take the bait. They just don't believe it. That left the Democrats terribly unprepared for this election.

But the right? Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Child sex ring from a pizza parlor. It's clear they will believe the most ridiculous nonsense. There is a poll that many Republicans believe it was Obama that did a poor job after Katrina. If you can get them to believe that, they can be manipulated into believe anything.

And now the King of Lies will be president. No, not Satan, Trump.

Fast and Furious got people killed

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