Life in a right wing world

What the hell is that rant all about? I mean you are absolutely stupid. I equated your unfounded fear of a man in a woman's restroom to the boogie man under the bed of a child. Do you tell the child they are right and have them come sleep in your bed? Well yeah, your lazy ass probably does. I told you that unfounded fear was the reason the ERA failed to pass, and yet you cling on to it like a clutch of pearls and spout off about women's rights. Do you support equal pay provisions for women? Your party doesn't, I bet you don't either. Do you support a woman's right to control her body? Your party doesn't, I bet you don't. Republicans opposed the Violence Against Women Act, did you?

And my wife stays home because she wants to. She has a title around here, "Boss". She runs the household, manages the finances, plans the vacations, and I do as I am told. The exact opposite of the Holy Roller household where the man is king and the woman is supposed to be a dutiful servant to her husband. I would not have anything to do with a woman with that little self-esteem.

The so-called Equal Rights Amendment was defeated because common sense prevailed against the attempt to foist the feminazi empowerment of the state in violation of the imperatives of natural law, including the familial rights of the people, and biological realities.

Do you support equal pay provisions for women? Your party doesn't, I bet you don't either. Do you support a woman's right to control her body? Your party doesn't, I bet you don't. Republicans opposed the Violence Against Women Act, did you? --Winston​

Behold the doublespeak of statist bootlicks.

. . . a dutiful servant to her husband. --Winston​
That's helpmate to you, heathen.
I do as I am told. --Winston​

Natural law, familial rights, biological realities--all code words signaling ignorance and excuses. I don't understand how a man can call themselves a man if they have a fear of empowered women. Come to think about it, fear is the driving force behind almost all the positions of the right. Fear of people of color, fear of foreigners, fear of poor people, fear of vaccines, fear of the government. In fact, the only time the right is willing to accept government intervention is when they are afraid of something. And fear is nothing more than a sign of weakness and insecurity. No wonder you guys want to subjugate women, you sure as hell are not going to attract them with weakness and insecurity.

That is absolutely hilarious, coming from the most misogynistic prick I've met in years. You've made it clear that the only "empowerment" you want women to have is to happily go along with whatever you've decided they should think is best for them. It's painfully obvious to everyone by your hostility to a woman daring to hold an opinion you didn't authorize that YOU fear women who are truly empowered enough to think for themselves.

You can make accusations about others "subjugating women" when YOU aren't advocating policies to turn us into government property. Or even when you can manage to stop lecturing women long enough to listen to them.

You're a woman-hating bastard, Winston, and you're a bad person. You are none of the things you just pompously proclaimed yourself, and you are all the things you outrageously presumed to accuse others of being. You make women's lives worse. You are everything we have fought against for over a century. Some woman should kick you in your balls . . . if she can find them.
More likely? Oh, brudda. A boy pretending to be a girl would (and already does) dominate girls in sports while a girl pretending to be a boy wouldn't even make the team unless it's for a position that doesn't emphasize speed, agility, and strength. Have you SEEN or BEEN a 17 year old teenager? Let's see over the next few years how many boys pretending to be girls defeat biological girls in track, basketball and field hockey vs the number of girls pretending to boys who defeat biological boys in football, basketball and wrestling.

Exactly! It was precisely this that earned him the Baby Talk Alert! from me for one of his posts. He doesn't believe his rubbish either. We all know that it's males who are and will increasingly usurp the place of females in sports unless this fascist filth is stopped, not the other way around. Not even close.

Winston is a mindless slogan spouter. I loathe the arrogant, pseudo-intellectual pricks of lefty think.

There are somewhere between 150 and 200 trans females participating in NCAA sports, most without any damaging impact. Your "fears" are unfounded.

"I say there's no damaging impact, so that has now become reality!!! Never mind those dumb bitches who dare to disagree with me, because what do women know?!"

I'm sure plantation owners in the antebellum South declared there were no harmful effects to slavery in the exact same tones, because you ARE exactly the same type of person they were.
There are somewhere between 150 and 200 trans females participating in NCAA sports, most without any damaging impact. Your "fears" are unfounded.

"My fears"?! LOL! Lefties typically obscure matters by disparaging their opponents' motives. Men in dresses have most females at an unfair physiological advantage, an advantage they do not have against other men. Against most all male athletes, they are mediocre.

What he means is, there's no damage to HIM, or anything that matters to him, so fuck everyone else. Especially those dumb broads, because how dare they not be happy with what he tells them to?
Natural law, familial rights, biological realities--all code words signaling ignorance and excuses. I don't understand how a man can call themselves a man if they have a fear of empowered women. Come to think about it, fear is the driving force behind almost all the positions of the right. Fear of people of color, fear of foreigners, fear of poor people, fear of vaccines, fear of the government. . . . And fear is nothing more than a sign of weakness and insecurity. No wonder you guys want to subjugate women, you sure as hell are not going to attract them with weakness and insecurity.

You talk as one without the slightest clue about what natural law is, and the emboldened are all lies.

Empowered woman? Feminazis?! LOL!

Only fools don't fear the dangers of government.

Special treatment:

In fact, the only time the right is willing to accept government intervention is when they are afraid of something. --Winston​

Qualify this meaningless drivel.
More likely? Oh, brudda. A boy pretending to be a girl would (and already does) dominate girls in sports while a girl pretending to be a boy wouldn't even make the team unless it's for a position that doesn't emphasize speed, agility, and strength. Have you SEEN or BEEN a 17 year old teenager? Let's see over the next few years how many boys pretending to be girls defeat biological girls in track, basketball and field hockey vs the number of girls pretending to boys who defeat biological boys in football, basketball and wrestling.

Exactly! It was precisely this that earned him the Baby Talk Alert! from me for one of his posts. He doesn't believe his rubbish either. We all know that it's males who are and will increasingly usurp the place of females in sports unless this fascist filth is stopped, not the other way around. Not even close.

Winston is a mindless slogan spouter. I loathe the arrogant, pseudo-intellectual pricks of lefty think.

There are somewhere between 150 and 200 trans females participating in NCAA sports, most without any damaging impact. Your "fears" are unfounded.
Over time, inevitably, athletic records for girls' sports will be held by boys pretending to be girls and that will extend into adult women's sports as well. Men pretending to be women will easily dominate women's sports, and why wouldn't they? They are biologically superior when it comes to speed, strength and agility. The top tennis player will always be a biological man. The top basketball player likewise, as well as the fastest runner and the strongest weightlifter. We're going to be telling girls that they might as well not bother competing because a boy is just going to beat them anyway.
What the hell is that rant all about? I mean you are absolutely stupid. I equated your unfounded fear of a man in a woman's restroom to the boogie man under the bed of a child. Do you tell the child they are right and have them come sleep in your bed? Well yeah, your lazy ass probably does. I told you that unfounded fear was the reason the ERA failed to pass, and yet you cling on to it like a clutch of pearls and spout off about women's rights. Do you support equal pay provisions for women? Your party doesn't, I bet you don't either. Do you support a woman's right to control her body? Your party doesn't, I bet you don't. Republicans opposed the Violence Against Women Act, did you?

And my wife stays home because she wants to. She has a title around here, "Boss". She runs the household, manages the finances, plans the vacations, and I do as I am told. The exact opposite of the Holy Roller household where the man is king and the woman is supposed to be a dutiful servant to her husband. I would not have anything to do with a woman with that little self-esteem.

The so-called Equal Rights Amendment was defeated because common sense prevailed against the attempt to foist the feminazi empowerment of the state in violation of the imperatives of natural law, including the familial rights of the people, and biological realities.

Do you support equal pay provisions for women? Your party doesn't, I bet you don't either. Do you support a woman's right to control her body? Your party doesn't, I bet you don't. Republicans opposed the Violence Against Women Act, did you? --Winston​

Behold the doublespeak of statist bootlicks.

. . . a dutiful servant to her husband. --Winston​
That's helpmate to you, heathen.
I do as I am told. --Winston​

Natural law, familial rights, biological realities--all code words signaling ignorance and excuses. I don't understand how a man can call themselves a man if they have a fear of empowered women. Come to think about it, fear is the driving force behind almost all the positions of the right. Fear of people of color, fear of foreigners, fear of poor people, fear of vaccines, fear of the government. In fact, the only time the right is willing to accept government intervention is when they are afraid of something. And fear is nothing more than a sign of weakness and insecurity. No wonder you guys want to subjugate women, you sure as hell are not going to attract them with weakness and insecurity.

That is absolutely hilarious, coming from the most misogynistic prick I've met in years. You've made it clear that the only "empowerment" you want women to have is to happily go along with whatever you've decided they should think is best for them. It's painfully obvious to everyone by your hostility to a woman daring to hold an opinion you didn't authorize that YOU fear women who are truly empowered enough to think for themselves.

You can make accusations about others "subjugating women" when YOU aren't advocating policies to turn us into government property. Or even when you can manage to stop lecturing women long enough to listen to them.

You're a woman-hating bastard, Winston, and you're a bad person. You are none of the things you just pompously proclaimed yourself, and you are all the things you outrageously presumed to accuse others of being. You make women's lives worse. You are everything we have fought against for over a century. Some woman should kick you in your balls . . . if she can find them.

Freaking hilarious, as if you actually do think for yourself. You show me one damn example of a transgender female in a woman's restroom assaulting other women. Show me one or STFU. If you could pull your head out of your ass long enough, research the whole man in a woman's restroom scare, it was initiated by none other than Phyllis Schlafly. It was part of the STOP ERA movement, STOP standing for Stop Taking Our Privileges. Top of the list, women having separate bathrooms. Foolish.

Furthermore, I have never told you that you don't have the right to be a complete idiot. I have merely tried to show you that there is no damn boogieman under the bed. Your argument against transgender people going to the bathroom of the sex they identify with is unfounded and illogical. But if you want to be stupid, be stupid. Same for the sports argument. As I have mentioned in this thread, almost 200 transgender females currently participate in NCAA sports with almost no drama. Thankfully, the younger generation is much more receptive to diversity than your tired ass, old, soon to be gone, generation. And those transgender female athletes are required to go through a full year of testosterone reduction therapy before they can even participate. Then they are subject to testing with a maximum testosterone level somewhere close to one fifth that of a normal male. No perv is going to go through all that just to notch a win against women in some sporting competition. Your position on both issues is one of sheer ignorance and your continued howls only conflagrate that ignorance.
Natural law, familial rights, biological realities--all code words signaling ignorance and excuses. I don't understand how a man can call themselves a man if they have a fear of empowered women. Come to think about it, fear is the driving force behind almost all the positions of the right. Fear of people of color, fear of foreigners, fear of poor people, fear of vaccines, fear of the government. . . . And fear is nothing more than a sign of weakness and insecurity. No wonder you guys want to subjugate women, you sure as hell are not going to attract them with weakness and insecurity.

You talk as one without the slightest clue about what natural law is, and the emboldened are all lies.

Empowered woman? Feminazis?! LOL!

Only fools don't fear the dangers of government.

Special treatment:

In fact, the only time the right is willing to accept government intervention is when they are afraid of something. --Winston​

Qualify this meaningless drivel.

No problem. Immigration. The right waxes eloquently about the inability of government to do anything. Nope, the government is inept at almost everything they attempt to do. The "free market" is the vehicle of choice. Well, except for immigration. The fear of those people coming across the border, and of course it is the southern border that drives the fear, has driven the right into the arms of the government. Build us a wall the right says. Go ahead government, pick and choose your citizens. The antithesis of how this nation was founded. In fact, the founders would be absolutely horrified. It is that fear that initiates the cognitive dissonance of the right's position on immigration. Why can't the "free market" control that immigration. And in a sense, it already does far more than any government action. But fear, an illogical and unfounded fear, consumes the right to such a degree that they are willing to turn over control of who is actually a citizen of this nation, who can get in and who cannot, to the government. Comical if it weren't so serious.
What the hell is that rant all about? I mean you are absolutely stupid. I equated your unfounded fear of a man in a woman's restroom to the boogie man under the bed of a child. Do you tell the child they are right and have them come sleep in your bed? Well yeah, your lazy ass probably does. I told you that unfounded fear was the reason the ERA failed to pass, and yet you cling on to it like a clutch of pearls and spout off about women's rights. Do you support equal pay provisions for women? Your party doesn't, I bet you don't either. Do you support a woman's right to control her body? Your party doesn't, I bet you don't. Republicans opposed the Violence Against Women Act, did you?

And my wife stays home because she wants to. She has a title around here, "Boss". She runs the household, manages the finances, plans the vacations, and I do as I am told. The exact opposite of the Holy Roller household where the man is king and the woman is supposed to be a dutiful servant to her husband. I would not have anything to do with a woman with that little self-esteem.

The so-called Equal Rights Amendment was defeated because common sense prevailed against the attempt to foist the feminazi empowerment of the state in violation of the imperatives of natural law, including the familial rights of the people, and biological realities.

Do you support equal pay provisions for women? Your party doesn't, I bet you don't either. Do you support a woman's right to control her body? Your party doesn't, I bet you don't. Republicans opposed the Violence Against Women Act, did you? --Winston​

Behold the doublespeak of statist bootlicks.

. . . a dutiful servant to her husband. --Winston​
That's helpmate to you, heathen.
I do as I am told. --Winston​

Natural law, familial rights, biological realities--all code words signaling ignorance and excuses. I don't understand how a man can call themselves a man if they have a fear of empowered women. Come to think about it, fear is the driving force behind almost all the positions of the right. Fear of people of color, fear of foreigners, fear of poor people, fear of vaccines, fear of the government. In fact, the only time the right is willing to accept government intervention is when they are afraid of something. And fear is nothing more than a sign of weakness and insecurity. No wonder you guys want to subjugate women, you sure as hell are not going to attract them with weakness and insecurity.

That is absolutely hilarious, coming from the most misogynistic prick I've met in years. You've made it clear that the only "empowerment" you want women to have is to happily go along with whatever you've decided they should think is best for them. It's painfully obvious to everyone by your hostility to a woman daring to hold an opinion you didn't authorize that YOU fear women who are truly empowered enough to think for themselves.

You can make accusations about others "subjugating women" when YOU aren't advocating policies to turn us into government property. Or even when you can manage to stop lecturing women long enough to listen to them.

You're a woman-hating bastard, Winston, and you're a bad person. You are none of the things you just pompously proclaimed yourself, and you are all the things you outrageously presumed to accuse others of being. You make women's lives worse. You are everything we have fought against for over a century. Some woman should kick you in your balls . . . if she can find them.

Freaking hilarious, as if you actually do think for yourself. You show me one damn example of a transgender female in a woman's restroom assaulting other women. Show me one or STFU. If you could pull your head out of your ass long enough, research the whole man in a woman's restroom scare, it was initiated by none other than Phyllis Schlafly. It was part of the STOP ERA movement, STOP standing for Stop Taking Our Privileges. Top of the list, women having separate bathrooms. Foolish.

Furthermore, I have never told you that you don't have the right to be a complete idiot. I have merely tried to show you that there is no damn boogieman under the bed. Your argument against transgender people going to the bathroom of the sex they identify with is unfounded and illogical. But if you want to be stupid, be stupid. Same for the sports argument. As I have mentioned in this thread, almost 200 transgender females currently participate in NCAA sports with almost no drama. Thankfully, the younger generation is much more receptive to diversity than your tired ass, old, soon to be gone, generation. And those transgender female athletes are required to go through a full year of testosterone reduction therapy before they can even participate. Then they are subject to testing with a maximum testosterone level somewhere close to one fifth that of a normal male. No perv is going to go through all that just to notch a win against women in some sporting competition. Your position on both issues is one of sheer ignorance and your continued howls only conflagrate that ignorance.
More likely? Oh, brudda. A boy pretending to be a girl would (and already does) dominate girls in sports while a girl pretending to be a boy wouldn't even make the team unless it's for a position that doesn't emphasize speed, agility, and strength. Have you SEEN or BEEN a 17 year old teenager? Let's see over the next few years how many boys pretending to be girls defeat biological girls in track, basketball and field hockey vs the number of girls pretending to boys who defeat biological boys in football, basketball and wrestling.

Exactly! It was precisely this that earned him the Baby Talk Alert! from me for one of his posts. He doesn't believe his rubbish either. We all know that it's males who are and will increasingly usurp the place of females in sports unless this fascist filth is stopped, not the other way around. Not even close.

Winston is a mindless slogan spouter. I loathe the arrogant, pseudo-intellectual pricks of lefty think.

There are somewhere between 150 and 200 trans females participating in NCAA sports, most without any damaging impact. Your "fears" are unfounded.
Over time, inevitably, athletic records for girls' sports will be held by boys pretending to be girls and that will extend into adult women's sports as well. Men pretending to be women will easily dominate women's sports, and why wouldn't they? They are biologically superior when it comes to speed, strength and agility. The top tennis player will always be a biological man. The top basketball player likewise, as well as the fastest runner and the strongest weightlifter. We're going to be telling girls that they might as well not bother competing because a boy is just going to beat them anyway.

Bullshit. A year of testosterone suppression therapy. Constant mandatory testing. Only a serious transgender individual would subject themselves to that. Almost two hundred do just that and yet only a handful of "records" have fallen. Your fears are unfounded. And when it comes to professional sports, well any transgender individual that could be a star in the WBA could easily hang out in the D league of the NBA and possibly make more money.
What the hell is that rant all about? I mean you are absolutely stupid. I equated your unfounded fear of a man in a woman's restroom to the boogie man under the bed of a child. Do you tell the child they are right and have them come sleep in your bed? Well yeah, your lazy ass probably does. I told you that unfounded fear was the reason the ERA failed to pass, and yet you cling on to it like a clutch of pearls and spout off about women's rights. Do you support equal pay provisions for women? Your party doesn't, I bet you don't either. Do you support a woman's right to control her body? Your party doesn't, I bet you don't. Republicans opposed the Violence Against Women Act, did you?

And my wife stays home because she wants to. She has a title around here, "Boss". She runs the household, manages the finances, plans the vacations, and I do as I am told. The exact opposite of the Holy Roller household where the man is king and the woman is supposed to be a dutiful servant to her husband. I would not have anything to do with a woman with that little self-esteem.

The so-called Equal Rights Amendment was defeated because common sense prevailed against the attempt to foist the feminazi empowerment of the state in violation of the imperatives of natural law, including the familial rights of the people, and biological realities.

Do you support equal pay provisions for women? Your party doesn't, I bet you don't either. Do you support a woman's right to control her body? Your party doesn't, I bet you don't. Republicans opposed the Violence Against Women Act, did you? --Winston​

Behold the doublespeak of statist bootlicks.

. . . a dutiful servant to her husband. --Winston​
That's helpmate to you, heathen.
I do as I am told. --Winston​

Natural law, familial rights, biological realities--all code words signaling ignorance and excuses. I don't understand how a man can call themselves a man if they have a fear of empowered women. Come to think about it, fear is the driving force behind almost all the positions of the right. Fear of people of color, fear of foreigners, fear of poor people, fear of vaccines, fear of the government. In fact, the only time the right is willing to accept government intervention is when they are afraid of something. And fear is nothing more than a sign of weakness and insecurity. No wonder you guys want to subjugate women, you sure as hell are not going to attract them with weakness and insecurity.

This is what you're doing to women:



More likely? Oh, brudda. A boy pretending to be a girl would (and already does) dominate girls in sports while a girl pretending to be a boy wouldn't even make the team unless it's for a position that doesn't emphasize speed, agility, and strength. Have you SEEN or BEEN a 17 year old teenager? Let's see over the next few years how many boys pretending to be girls defeat biological girls in track, basketball and field hockey vs the number of girls pretending to boys who defeat biological boys in football, basketball and wrestling.

Exactly! It was precisely this that earned him the Baby Talk Alert! from me for one of his posts. He doesn't believe his rubbish either. We all know that it's males who are and will increasingly usurp the place of females in sports unless this fascist filth is stopped, not the other way around. Not even close.

Winston is a mindless slogan spouter. I loathe the arrogant, pseudo-intellectual pricks of lefty think.

There are somewhere between 150 and 200 trans females participating in NCAA sports, most without any damaging impact. Your "fears" are unfounded.
Over time, inevitably, athletic records for girls' sports will be held by boys pretending to be girls and that will extend into adult women's sports as well. Men pretending to be women will easily dominate women's sports, and why wouldn't they? They are biologically superior when it comes to speed, strength and agility. The top tennis player will always be a biological man. The top basketball player likewise, as well as the fastest runner and the strongest weightlifter. We're going to be telling girls that they might as well not bother competing because a boy is just going to beat them anyway.

Bullshit. A year of testosterone suppression therapy. Constant mandatory testing. Only a serious transgender individual would subject themselves to that. Almost two hundred do just that and yet only a handful of "records" have fallen. Your fears are unfounded. And when it comes to professional sports, well any transgender individual that could be a star in the WBA could easily hang out in the D league of the NBA and possibly make more money.
What again are the restrictions on boys pretending to be girls competing with biological girls? You say a year of drugs and continual testing. Where is that encoded into law?
Here's a peek into what it would be like if conservatives ruled the world...Second grade girl expelled from Christian school over girl crush, mom says
I'm a conservative and my world is pretty awesome. My daughter is/was bi and I couldn't have cared less. She also knows I am pretty conservative and she doesn't care. We certainly have our political disagreements but 10 minutes after the conversation is over it's water under the bridge. That's how human beings should be but we've come to this place where opinions equal enemies..
As to religion I have no time for that ORGANIZED SCAM but like my daughter I don't go out of my way to offend those who choose to be blinded by it.
More likely? Oh, brudda. A boy pretending to be a girl would (and already does) dominate girls in sports while a girl pretending to be a boy wouldn't even make the team unless it's for a position that doesn't emphasize speed, agility, and strength. Have you SEEN or BEEN a 17 year old teenager? Let's see over the next few years how many boys pretending to be girls defeat biological girls in track, basketball and field hockey vs the number of girls pretending to boys who defeat biological boys in football, basketball and wrestling.

Exactly! It was precisely this that earned him the Baby Talk Alert! from me for one of his posts. He doesn't believe his rubbish either. We all know that it's males who are and will increasingly usurp the place of females in sports unless this fascist filth is stopped, not the other way around. Not even close.

Winston is a mindless slogan spouter. I loathe the arrogant, pseudo-intellectual pricks of lefty think.

There are somewhere between 150 and 200 trans females participating in NCAA sports, most without any damaging impact. Your "fears" are unfounded.
Over time, inevitably, athletic records for girls' sports will be held by boys pretending to be girls and that will extend into adult women's sports as well. Men pretending to be women will easily dominate women's sports, and why wouldn't they? They are biologically superior when it comes to speed, strength and agility. The top tennis player will always be a biological man. The top basketball player likewise, as well as the fastest runner and the strongest weightlifter. We're going to be telling girls that they might as well not bother competing because a boy is just going to beat them anyway.

Bullshit. A year of testosterone suppression therapy. Constant mandatory testing. Only a serious transgender individual would subject themselves to that. Almost two hundred do just that and yet only a handful of "records" have fallen. Your fears are unfounded. And when it comes to professional sports, well any transgender individual that could be a star in the WBA could easily hang out in the D league of the NBA and possibly make more money.
What again are the restrictions on boys pretending to be girls competing with biological girls? You say a year of drugs and continual testing. Where is that encoded into law?

NCAA rules
More likely? Oh, brudda. A boy pretending to be a girl would (and already does) dominate girls in sports while a girl pretending to be a boy wouldn't even make the team unless it's for a position that doesn't emphasize speed, agility, and strength. Have you SEEN or BEEN a 17 year old teenager? Let's see over the next few years how many boys pretending to be girls defeat biological girls in track, basketball and field hockey vs the number of girls pretending to boys who defeat biological boys in football, basketball and wrestling.

Exactly! It was precisely this that earned him the Baby Talk Alert! from me for one of his posts. He doesn't believe his rubbish either. We all know that it's males who are and will increasingly usurp the place of females in sports unless this fascist filth is stopped, not the other way around. Not even close.

Winston is a mindless slogan spouter. I loathe the arrogant, pseudo-intellectual pricks of lefty think.

There are somewhere between 150 and 200 trans females participating in NCAA sports, most without any damaging impact. Your "fears" are unfounded.

What "fear". They are destroying womens sports. MEN, are stronger, faster, and have significant physical advantages over women. Only absolute science deniers, like you people, claim differently.
More likely? Oh, brudda. A boy pretending to be a girl would (and already does) dominate girls in sports while a girl pretending to be a boy wouldn't even make the team unless it's for a position that doesn't emphasize speed, agility, and strength. Have you SEEN or BEEN a 17 year old teenager? Let's see over the next few years how many boys pretending to be girls defeat biological girls in track, basketball and field hockey vs the number of girls pretending to boys who defeat biological boys in football, basketball and wrestling.

Exactly! It was precisely this that earned him the Baby Talk Alert! from me for one of his posts. He doesn't believe his rubbish either. We all know that it's males who are and will increasingly usurp the place of females in sports unless this fascist filth is stopped, not the other way around. Not even close.

Winston is a mindless slogan spouter. I loathe the arrogant, pseudo-intellectual pricks of lefty think.

There are somewhere between 150 and 200 trans females participating in NCAA sports, most without any damaging impact. Your "fears" are unfounded.
Over time, inevitably, athletic records for girls' sports will be held by boys pretending to be girls and that will extend into adult women's sports as well. Men pretending to be women will easily dominate women's sports, and why wouldn't they? They are biologically superior when it comes to speed, strength and agility. The top tennis player will always be a biological man. The top basketball player likewise, as well as the fastest runner and the strongest weightlifter. We're going to be telling girls that they might as well not bother competing because a boy is just going to beat them anyway.

Bullshit. A year of testosterone suppression therapy. Constant mandatory testing. Only a serious transgender individual would subject themselves to that. Almost two hundred do just that and yet only a handful of "records" have fallen. Your fears are unfounded. And when it comes to professional sports, well any transgender individual that could be a star in the WBA could easily hang out in the D league of the NBA and possibly make more money.

Does nothing to counter the YEARS of increased bone and muscle density that being a MAN, gives them. You are an ignorant clod.
What the hell is that rant all about? I mean you are absolutely stupid. I equated your unfounded fear of a man in a woman's restroom to the boogie man under the bed of a child. Do you tell the child they are right and have them come sleep in your bed? Well yeah, your lazy ass probably does. I told you that unfounded fear was the reason the ERA failed to pass, and yet you cling on to it like a clutch of pearls and spout off about women's rights. Do you support equal pay provisions for women? Your party doesn't, I bet you don't either. Do you support a woman's right to control her body? Your party doesn't, I bet you don't. Republicans opposed the Violence Against Women Act, did you?

And my wife stays home because she wants to. She has a title around here, "Boss". She runs the household, manages the finances, plans the vacations, and I do as I am told. The exact opposite of the Holy Roller household where the man is king and the woman is supposed to be a dutiful servant to her husband. I would not have anything to do with a woman with that little self-esteem.

The so-called Equal Rights Amendment was defeated because common sense prevailed against the attempt to foist the feminazi empowerment of the state in violation of the imperatives of natural law, including the familial rights of the people, and biological realities.

Do you support equal pay provisions for women? Your party doesn't, I bet you don't either. Do you support a woman's right to control her body? Your party doesn't, I bet you don't. Republicans opposed the Violence Against Women Act, did you? --Winston​

Behold the doublespeak of statist bootlicks.

. . . a dutiful servant to her husband. --Winston​
That's helpmate to you, heathen.
I do as I am told. --Winston​

Natural law, familial rights, biological realities--all code words signaling ignorance and excuses. I don't understand how a man can call themselves a man if they have a fear of empowered women. Come to think about it, fear is the driving force behind almost all the positions of the right. Fear of people of color, fear of foreigners, fear of poor people, fear of vaccines, fear of the government. In fact, the only time the right is willing to accept government intervention is when they are afraid of something. And fear is nothing more than a sign of weakness and insecurity. No wonder you guys want to subjugate women, you sure as hell are not going to attract them with weakness and insecurity.

That is absolutely hilarious, coming from the most misogynistic prick I've met in years. You've made it clear that the only "empowerment" you want women to have is to happily go along with whatever you've decided they should think is best for them. It's painfully obvious to everyone by your hostility to a woman daring to hold an opinion you didn't authorize that YOU fear women who are truly empowered enough to think for themselves.

You can make accusations about others "subjugating women" when YOU aren't advocating policies to turn us into government property. Or even when you can manage to stop lecturing women long enough to listen to them.

You're a woman-hating bastard, Winston, and you're a bad person. You are none of the things you just pompously proclaimed yourself, and you are all the things you outrageously presumed to accuse others of being. You make women's lives worse. You are everything we have fought against for over a century. Some woman should kick you in your balls . . . if she can find them.

Freaking hilarious, as if you actually do think for yourself. You show me one damn example of a transgender female in a woman's restroom assaulting other women. Show me one or STFU. If you could pull your head out of your ass long enough, research the whole man in a woman's restroom scare, it was initiated by none other than Phyllis Schlafly. It was part of the STOP ERA movement, STOP standing for Stop Taking Our Privileges. Top of the list, women having separate bathrooms. Foolish.

Furthermore, I have never told you that you don't have the right to be a complete idiot. I have merely tried to show you that there is no damn boogieman under the bed. Your argument against transgender people going to the bathroom of the sex they identify with is unfounded and illogical. But if you want to be stupid, be stupid. Same for the sports argument. As I have mentioned in this thread, almost 200 transgender females currently participate in NCAA sports with almost no drama. Thankfully, the younger generation is much more receptive to diversity than your tired ass, old, soon to be gone, generation. And those transgender female athletes are required to go through a full year of testosterone reduction therapy before they can even participate. Then they are subject to testing with a maximum testosterone level somewhere close to one fifth that of a normal male. No perv is going to go through all that just to notch a win against women in some sporting competition. Your position on both issues is one of sheer ignorance and your continued howls only conflagrate that ignorance.

Once again, you dishonestly obscure the matter as you arrogantly dismiss and belittle the moral concerns and the motives of your opponents. Women and children are not entitled to assert their inherent rights of free-association against the government, especially, under the most intimate circumstances?

Biological males in the locker rooms, showers and bathrooms of preadolescent and adolescent females?! No one said anything about the mentally disturbed abarrents of gender dysphoria going through "transitional processes" so they can sneak a peak or sexually assault females. They're mentally disturbed. The normalization of mental illness and sexual deviance is creepy and destructive. But normalizing deviance is lefty's thing.

The free market?!

What free market has any fascist punk like you or Obama ever respected? By executive fiat the latter imposed the depravity of transgenderism on public schools sans any legislative, let alone constitutional, concurrence of the people.

And you're still evading the real issue of biologically mature males directly competing against females. Testosterone levels are physiologically irrelevant by that time, and biologically immature males on antiandrogens prior to puberty stand no chance against male athletes in any event.
Natural law, familial rights, biological realities--all code words signaling ignorance and excuses. I don't understand how a man can call themselves a man if they have a fear of empowered women. Come to think about it, fear is the driving force behind almost all the positions of the right. Fear of people of color, fear of foreigners, fear of poor people, fear of vaccines, fear of the government. . . . And fear is nothing more than a sign of weakness and insecurity. No wonder you guys want to subjugate women, you sure as hell are not going to attract them with weakness and insecurity.

You talk as one without the slightest clue about what natural law is, and the emboldened are all lies.

Empowered woman? Feminazis?! LOL!

Only fools don't fear the dangers of government.

Special treatment:

In fact, the only time the right is willing to accept government intervention is when they are afraid of something. --Winston​

Qualify this meaningless drivel.

No problem. Immigration. The right waxes eloquently about the inability of government to do anything. Nope, the government is inept at almost everything they attempt to do. The "free market" is the vehicle of choice. Well, except for immigration. The fear of those people coming across the border, and of course it is the southern border that drives the fear, has driven the right into the arms of the government. Build us a wall the right says. Go ahead government, pick and choose your citizens. The antithesis of how this nation was founded. In fact, the founders would be absolutely horrified. It is that fear that initiates the cognitive dissonance of the right's position on immigration. Why can't the "free market" control that immigration. And in a sense, it already does far more than any government action. But fear, an illogical and unfounded fear, consumes the right to such a degree that they are willing to turn over control of who is actually a citizen of this nation, who can get in and who cannot, to the government. Comical if it weren't so serious.

The issue goes to the integrity of the people's national sovereignty. Just as any individual has the inherent right of free-association, so too does the body politic of any given country. Walk into my house without my consent and see what you get when you mindlessly scream free market! I'll beat your brains out or shoot you dead.

Turning it over to the government?! What are you talking about? Ours is a constitutional republic. The people, the citizens, not the government, ultimately determine the terms of citizenship, and when the government fails to enforce the people's will regarding those terms, it usurps their prerogative.

If it's not the citizens of the body politic who determine the terms of citizenship of any given country, then quite obviously it's an unchecked, renegade government doing so.

It's not the other way around, you braying jackass!
Natural law, familial rights, biological realities--all code words signaling ignorance and excuses. I don't understand how a man can call themselves a man if they have a fear of empowered women. Come to think about it, fear is the driving force behind almost all the positions of the right. Fear of people of color, fear of foreigners, fear of poor people, fear of vaccines, fear of the government. . . . And fear is nothing more than a sign of weakness and insecurity. No wonder you guys want to subjugate women, you sure as hell are not going to attract them with weakness and insecurity.

You talk as one without the slightest clue about what natural law is, and the emboldened are all lies.

Empowered woman? Feminazis?! LOL!

Only fools don't fear the dangers of government.

Special treatment:

In fact, the only time the right is willing to accept government intervention is when they are afraid of something. --Winston​

You are delusional. The people don't determine the terms of citizenship. At best, they elect people that set some guidelines. But in the end it is civil servants and governmental entities that determine who gets in and who does not. Just today, Biden increased the number of foreign refugees allowed in. Did you have a say in that? No, no you did not. Do you vote on who gets a tourist Visa? How about any Visa? Where is this place that I can go to that will help me determine the "terms of citizenship"?
Qualify this meaningless drivel.

No problem. Immigration. The right waxes eloquently about the inability of government to do anything. Nope, the government is inept at almost everything they attempt to do. The "free market" is the vehicle of choice. Well, except for immigration. The fear of those people coming across the border, and of course it is the southern border that drives the fear, has driven the right into the arms of the government. Build us a wall the right says. Go ahead government, pick and choose your citizens. The antithesis of how this nation was founded. In fact, the founders would be absolutely horrified. It is that fear that initiates the cognitive dissonance of the right's position on immigration. Why can't the "free market" control that immigration. And in a sense, it already does far more than any government action. But fear, an illogical and unfounded fear, consumes the right to such a degree that they are willing to turn over control of who is actually a citizen of this nation, who can get in and who cannot, to the government. Comical if it weren't so serious.

The issue goes to the integrity of the people's national sovereignty. Just as any individual has the inherent right of free-association, so too does the body politic of any given country. Walk into my house without my consent and see what you get when you mindlessly scream free market! I'll beat your brains out or shoot you dead.

Turning it over to the government?! What are you talking about? Ours is a constitutional republic. The people, the citizens, not the government, ultimately determine the terms of citizenship, and when the government fails to enforce the people's will regarding those terms, it usurps their prerogative.

If it's not the citizens of the body politic who determine the terms of citizenship of any given country, then quite obviously it's an unchecked, renegade government doing so.

It's not the other way around, you braying jackass!

You are delusional. The people don't determine the terms of citizenship. At best, they elect people that set some guidelines. But in the end it is civil servants and governmental entities that determine who gets in and who does not. Just today, Biden increased the number of foreign refugees allowed in. Did you have a say in that? No, no you did not. Do you vote on who gets a tourist Visa? How about any Visa? Where is this place that I can go to that will help me determine the "terms of citizenship"?
Here's a peek into what it would be like if conservatives ruled the world...Second grade girl expelled from Christian school over girl crush, mom says
I'm a conservative and my world is pretty awesome. My daughter is/was bi and I couldn't have cared less. She also knows I am pretty conservative and she doesn't care. We certainly have our political disagreements but 10 minutes after the conversation is over it's water under the bridge. That's how human beings should be but we've come to this place where opinions equal enemies..
As to religion I have no time for that ORGANIZED SCAM but like my daughter I don't go out of my way to offend those who choose to be blinded by it.

If you seek to empower the government like lefties, you're my enemy.

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