Light the world


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Feb 22, 2004
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Dec. 16: Jesus showed compassion

“And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick.”

Matthew 14:14

Bearing one another's burdens is one of the hallmarks of being a Christian. When we are baptized we make a promise to mourn with those that mourn and comfoet those who need comfort.
This is how Jesus the Luciferous one intends on lightingting the world.
2Peter 3:10 by blowing up the earth in a ball of fire.

OF course he's the sun god, so he already luciferously lights up the world.

Sun exploding (2Peter 3:10 and what is the thief of the Night?=the sun)"Seeds" the galaxy to rebirth life. (1 Corinthians 15:36.)

The Baal cross is the cross with the (sun) circle behind it.
The RCC has more elaborate versions of the baal cross with firey sun symbol behind it.
Notice in prayer the priest raises his arms extending his hands to absorb the suns rays, because the Nazarenes believed their god was the mystical luciferous rays of light between the sun & earth.
To this day the sun worshipers raise their hands in all the sects to absorb that ray of light from their holy spirit the sun god. Just be happy they didn't raise their cucumbers and corn husks to their harvest god, that would just look silly.
Nazarenes thought their god was the mystical luciferous rays of light between the sun and earth. Hence physical light teachings throughout the NT and John's remnant surviving followers called Mandeans a sect of Sabians.
Also why you see luciferous rays of light eminating from the cross, eucharist, iconographs of the sacred heart and Mary and Jesus portraits. So it was easy combining and integrating the cult into the fold of Sun worship religions like the harvest god baal who's birthday out of a cave was Dec 25th -winter Solstice.
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Dec. 17: Jesus cared for his mother

“25 Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene.

26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son!

27 Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home.”

John 19:25–27
But the figure who's mother was Mary is a character in 100bc who was stoned and hanged, the crucified christ at the Herod era and the other christ by the Jordan in the AD era are totally different characters being fused as one (trinity) under the mythologies of Baal and Mithra and Horus and Osiris.
The one world religion = Christianity banding all messianic cults and mystery religion mythologies into one mix of knowledge that is good and evil (helpful & harmful).
This is how Jesus the Luciferous one intends on lightingting the world.
2Peter 3:10 by blowing up the earth in a ball of fire.

OF course he's the sun god, so he already luciferously lights up the world.

Sun exploding (2Peter 3:10 and what is the thief of the Night?=the sun)"Seeds" the galaxy to rebirth life. (1 Corinthians 15:36.)

The Baal cross is the cross with the (sun) circle behind it.
The RCC has more elaborate versions of the baal cross with firey sun symbol behind it.
Notice in prayer the priest raises his arms extending his hands to absorb the suns rays, because the Nazarenes believed their god was the mystical luciferous rays of light between the sun & earth.
To this day the sun worshipers raise their hands in all the sects to absorb that ray of light from their holy spirit the sun god. Just be happy they didn't raise their cucumbers and corn husks to their harvest god, that would just look silly.
Nazarenes thought their god was the mystical luciferous rays of light between the sun and earth. Hence physical light teachings throughout the NT and John's remnant surviving followers called Mandeans a sect of Sabians.
Also why you see luciferous rays of light eminating from the cross, eucharist, iconographs of the sacred heart and Mary and Jesus portraits. So it was easy combining and integrating the cult into the fold of Sun worship religions like the harvest god baal who's birthday out of a cave was Dec 25th -winter Solstice.
Man, were the 60's good to you.
This is how Jesus the Luciferous one intends on lightingting the world.
2Peter 3:10 by blowing up the earth in a ball of fire.

OF course he's the sun god, so he already luciferously lights up the world.

Sun exploding (2Peter 3:10 and what is the thief of the Night?=the sun)"Seeds" the galaxy to rebirth life. (1 Corinthians 15:36.)

The Baal cross is the cross with the (sun) circle behind it.
The RCC has more elaborate versions of the baal cross with firey sun symbol behind it.
Notice in prayer the priest raises his arms extending his hands to absorb the suns rays, because the Nazarenes believed their god was the mystical luciferous rays of light between the sun & earth.
To this day the sun worshipers raise their hands in all the sects to absorb that ray of light from their holy spirit the sun god. Just be happy they didn't raise their cucumbers and corn husks to their harvest god, that would just look silly.
Nazarenes thought their god was the mystical luciferous rays of light between the sun and earth. Hence physical light teachings throughout the NT and John's remnant surviving followers called Mandeans a sect of Sabians.
Also why you see luciferous rays of light eminating from the cross, eucharist, iconographs of the sacred heart and Mary and Jesus portraits. So it was easy combining and integrating the cult into the fold of Sun worship religions like the harvest god baal who's birthday out of a cave was Dec 25th -winter Solstice.
Man, were the 60's good to you.

Not my scene, but your ad hominem reply has now trapped you by that notion of a drugged out hippy which the Jesus character fit into. Jesus was a:
Long hair unshaven sandal wearing peace and love claiming LIBERAL sexual deviant drug user.
A newly translated Gnostic gospel, entitled The Secret Book of Judas of Kerioth, According to this seemingly authentic early Cainite-Ophite text, translated from the Coptic by Mohammed al-Murtada and Francis Bendik, said Jesus and the disciples had taken psychedelic mushrooms & had an active bisexual love life,including relationswith John, under age Lazarus, and Mary Magdelene.
How else do you explain 12 dedicated devotees falling asleep over watching to protect their Charlie Manson like cult leader? Like Charlie Manson, Jesus used drugs & sex to entice his followers.
The demonizing of Judas was done to deligitimize anything he said just as you demonize any archeologist or theologist who has proof against your claims.
It's called using ad hominem attacks to smokescreen and hide from unpopular truth you can not refute. This is discussed in my very first chapter of my FREE book, how people avoid unpopular truths by using ad hominem tactics. You seen it in politics, but you act blind to it in religious debate, because now you are the demonizer using the excuses.
*food for thought*
This is how Jesus the Luciferous one intends on lightingting the world.
2Peter 3:10 by blowing up the earth in a ball of fire.

OF course he's the sun god, so he already luciferously lights up the world.

Sun exploding (2Peter 3:10 and what is the thief of the Night?=the sun)"Seeds" the galaxy to rebirth life. (1 Corinthians 15:36.)

The Baal cross is the cross with the (sun) circle behind it.
The RCC has more elaborate versions of the baal cross with firey sun symbol behind it.
Notice in prayer the priest raises his arms extending his hands to absorb the suns rays, because the Nazarenes believed their god was the mystical luciferous rays of light between the sun & earth.
To this day the sun worshipers raise their hands in all the sects to absorb that ray of light from their holy spirit the sun god. Just be happy they didn't raise their cucumbers and corn husks to their harvest god, that would just look silly.
Nazarenes thought their god was the mystical luciferous rays of light between the sun and earth. Hence physical light teachings throughout the NT and John's remnant surviving followers called Mandeans a sect of Sabians.
Also why you see luciferous rays of light eminating from the cross, eucharist, iconographs of the sacred heart and Mary and Jesus portraits. So it was easy combining and integrating the cult into the fold of Sun worship religions like the harvest god baal who's birthday out of a cave was Dec 25th -winter Solstice.
Man, were the 60's good to you.

Not my scene, but your ad hominem reply has now trapped you by that notion of a drugged out hippy which the Jesus character fit into. Jesus was a:
Long hair unshaven sandal wearing peace and love claiming LIBERAL sexual deviant drug user.
A newly translated Gnostic gospel, entitled The Secret Book of Judas of Kerioth, According to this seemingly authentic early Cainite-Ophite text, translated from the Coptic by Mohammed al-Murtada and Francis Bendik, said Jesus and the disciples had taken psychedelic mushrooms & had an active bisexual love life,including relationswith John, under age Lazarus, and Mary Magdelene.
How else do you explain 12 dedicated devotees falling asleep over watching to protect their Charlie Manson like cult leader? Like Charlie Manson, Jesus used drugs & sex to entice his followers.
The demonizing of Judas was done to deligitimize anything he said just as you demonize any archeologist or theologist who has proof against your claims.
It's called using ad hominem attacks to smokescreen and hide from unpopular truth you can not refute. This is discussed in my very first chapter of my FREE book, how people avoid unpopular truths by using ad hominem tactics. You seen it in politics, but you act blind to it in religious debate, because now you are the demonizer using the excuses.
*food for thought*
Blasphemous and profane.
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Dec 18: Jesus honored the Sabbath And so can you

“11 And he said unto them, What man shall there be among you, that shall have one sheep, and if it fall into a pit on the sabbath day, will he not lay hold on it, and lift it out?

12 How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days.

13 Then saith he to the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it forth; and it was restored whole, like as the other.”

Matthew 12:11–13
Dec 18: Jesus honored the Sabbath And so can you

“11 And he said unto them, What man shall there be among you, that shall have one sheep, and if it fall into a pit on the sabbath day, will he not lay hold on it, and lift it out?

12 How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days.

13 Then saith he to the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it forth; and it was restored whole, like as the other.”

Matthew 12:11–13

You are to keep the sheva (7th) day holy in rememberance of the name
(of the HaSheva).
You are forbidden to partake of IeSous(the swine) at all times especially Shabbos and Holidays.
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Dec. 19: Jesus calmed the storm and so can you

And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full.

38 And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish?

39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

40 And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?”

Mark 4:37–40
Last time I checked the compass on the map to guide you was an Evening Star (8ray crossed out cross sign of birth & life) as is the symbol in every court room and Judges bench.
The son of perdition however uses the symbol of the mark of the beast (cross) sign of death and destruction.
Therefore your captain steered you
towards thousands of wars and over 50 million murders in his name. Because, you are the 1/3 the fish in the sea fallen with the son of perdition (Acts 2:27, 1 Peter 3:19)and thus the deceived in this image of a man made illusion of a perfect man.
-Ezekiel 28:14-15.
Lest none should forget they are all under the Roman boot as the Romans conquered them all in one way or another... Gd is not without a sense of humour given the shape of Italy itself and its progenitor
Producers of Nero & "Caligula" =“Little Boot ”
They were destined to fall without morality while with autocratic rule.
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Dec. 21: Jesus forgave others and so can you

“21 Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?

22 Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.”

Matthew 18:21–22

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