Light the world

Why do you keep posting to yourself in another post name when the mods can see you use the same ISP?
I'm pretty sure no one else is using my IP. Why don't you report me? If you are right, they can ban me, right? If they don't you will then know you were wrong.

How many Jews are you having conversations with on these boards right now? How many Christians are you having conversations with on these boards right now?

What do you discuss with Jews in these conversations? What do you discuss with Christians in these conversations?

You are no Jewish prophet. You are nut.
Ding you keep calling everyone who disagrees with your view a nut does that come with being a " fool" for Christ .. at least nuts are nutritious for you and full of protein and helps keep the body healthy.... Being a fool gives you nothing but an empty promise and hope.... wink...
Only the ones that I can prove.

Yep you proved very well that Jesus was a nut, we get it. However since you can't prove Jesus to be a singular historical personan nor name his Hebrew birth name, nor father in heaven name then itcs safe to say you are calling all Christians insane for believing in a creator who forgot to create or remember his own name and can't find the door to this forum to defend himself. :)

Personally I don't understand why you find pleasure in cussing out and getting angry with disabled people. That is a disturbing trend that Shimon pointed out. Not just you but many Christians on this board USE the drug and insanity demonization tactic and excuse as their ad hominem response missing refutation of choice.
Truth needs no bashing of mentally disabled people only the sadistic and lies do such things. So you managed to share both lies and sadism with us revealing collectively what your faith leaves us.
Please clean up your act, there are kids here and elderly who don't need to hear cussing.
And depressed people who don't need your mommy dearest abusive routine.
Why do you keep posting to yourself in another post name when the mods can see you use the same ISP?
I'm pretty sure no one else is using my IP. Why don't you report me? If you are right, they can ban me, right? If they don't you will then know you were wrong.

How many Jews are you having conversations with on these boards right now? How many Christians are you having conversations with on these boards right now?

What do you discuss with Jews in these conversations? What do you discuss with Christians in these conversations?

You are no Jewish prophet. You are nut.
Ding you keep calling everyone who disagrees with your view a nut does that come with being a " fool" for Christ .. at least nuts are nutritious for you and full of protein and helps keep the body healthy.... Being a fool gives you nothing but an empty promise and hope.... wink...
Only the ones that I can prove.

Yep you proved very well that Jesus was a nut, we get it. However since you can't prove Jesus to be a singular historical personan nor name his Hebrew birth name, nor father in heaven name then itcs safe to say you are calling all Christians insane for believing in a creator who forgot to create or remember his own name and can't find the door to this forum to defend himself. :)

Personally I don't understand why you find pleasure in cussing out and getting angry with disabled people. That is a disturbing trend that Shimon pointed out. Not just you but many Christians on this board USE the drug and insanity demonization tactic and excuse as their ad hominem response missing refutation of choice.
Truth needs no bashing of mentally disabled people only the sadistic and lies do such things. So you managed to share both lies and sadism with us revealing collectively what your faith leaves us.
Please clean up your act, there are kids here and elderly who don't need to hear cussing.
And depressed people who don't need your mommy dearest abusive routine.
Your concern for others is touching. You make an excellent Messiah for Christians.
So you admit Jesus made a nice christos for the pagans? :)
"stop hitting yourself"
Joseph and Mary aren't Jewish names. :D

Second, you give 10% of your earnings to the Mormon Church, don't you?

Finally, Americans, especially in the bible belt south, would rather chew their own nuts off rather than worship a brown dude.

Of course Mary and Joseph aren't Jewish names. They are English translations.

I pay tithing to God without hesitation. I've found that His promise from Malachi is worth far more than 10% of what He gave me.

I don't think southerners are as stupid as you'd like them to be.
Southerners are only slightly less dense than Mormons because you folks have been conned by the dumbest shit of all, the Fake Book of Mormon. Sorry brah, that's just the way it is.

Your insults might have more sting if you bothered studying the Book of Mormon. But as it's obvious you haven't and because Jesus would want me to anyway, I will simply follow the example He set and ask Father to forgive you because you don't know what you are saying.
I've read some of the Fake Book of Mormon, it's a bunch of made up stories... But I guess it's easier for you to pretend that I'm ignorant, lol, then to deal with people who've read the stuff and still think that it's unprovable nonsense. There are even websites with lists of absurdities in the FB of M.

I didn't ask if you could reference websites made by people who haven't read it claiming to debunk it. In fact I didn't ask anything. You've demonstrated absolutely no knowledge that gives any informed person reason to believe you've read it let alone studied and understood it.

Who is the main character of the Book of Mormon?

What's your fav story? What's your least favorite?

What doctrine does it teach that you find false?

What is the climactic event of the Book of Mormon?

Can you answer even these basic questions without looking?
Answer me this first, do you have any real proof that anything in the Fake Book of Mormon is real? I think that would be the most important question, because if you have no real proof, all you'll have in what's known as fiction. Ok, go...
Joseph and Mary aren't Jewish names. :D

Second, you give 10% of your earnings to the Mormon Church, don't you?

Finally, Americans, especially in the bible belt south, would rather chew their own nuts off rather than worship a brown dude.
You are only slightly less insane than HaShev, but it is really close.
Are you pretending to be totally ignorant? Because at first, you seemed to be at least coherent and make sense, even if i didn't agree with it. But lately, I don't know... Have you changed your meds recently?
What exactly is it that you believe I have been incoherent on, brah?
Pretty much everything you've said in the past week. At least.
Ahhh... nice blanket statement. It's like you aren't even trying.
Ok, your whole theory of our existence makes no sense. You're trying again to explain it in another thread, I'm looking forward to a renewed attempt to explain your theory, but buddy, it's going a little slow. :D
Joseph and Mary aren't Jewish names. :D

Second, you give 10% of your earnings to the Mormon Church, don't you?

Finally, Americans, especially in the bible belt south, would rather chew their own nuts off rather than worship a brown dude.
You are only slightly less insane than HaShev, but it is really close.
Are you pretending to be totally ignorant? Because at first, you seemed to be at least coherent and make sense, even if i didn't agree with it. But lately, I don't know... Have you changed your meds recently?
What exactly is it that you believe I have been incoherent on, brah?
Pretty much everything you've said in the past week. At least.

Btw your answer here is a cop out non answer. He can't address anything you have issues with if you refuse to be specific. Usually a tactic by someone who is unable to be specific
It's true, pretty much any theory he's put forward makes no sense. Kinda like the Fake Book of Mormon, just pick any story, it's total nonsense with no proof to back it up.
You are only slightly less insane than HaShev, but it is really close.
Are you pretending to be totally ignorant? Because at first, you seemed to be at least coherent and make sense, even if i didn't agree with it. But lately, I don't know... Have you changed your meds recently?
What exactly is it that you believe I have been incoherent on, brah?
Pretty much everything you've said in the past week. At least.
Ahhh... nice blanket statement. It's like you aren't even trying.
Ok, your whole theory of our existence makes no sense. You're trying again to explain it in another thread, I'm looking forward to a renewed attempt to explain your theory, but buddy, it's going a little slow. :D
And yet you are drawn to it like a moth to a flame.
Are you pretending to be totally ignorant? Because at first, you seemed to be at least coherent and make sense, even if i didn't agree with it. But lately, I don't know... Have you changed your meds recently?
What exactly is it that you believe I have been incoherent on, brah?
Pretty much everything you've said in the past week. At least.
Ahhh... nice blanket statement. It's like you aren't even trying.
Ok, your whole theory of our existence makes no sense. You're trying again to explain it in another thread, I'm looking forward to a renewed attempt to explain your theory, but buddy, it's going a little slow. :D
And yet you are drawn to it like a moth to a flame.
I am always interested in someone else's theory of the universe, and trying to understand how they can believe such unproven nonsense? You, you're obnoxious, that's why I like to step on your tail. :D
What exactly is it that you believe I have been incoherent on, brah?
Pretty much everything you've said in the past week. At least.
Ahhh... nice blanket statement. It's like you aren't even trying.
Ok, your whole theory of our existence makes no sense. You're trying again to explain it in another thread, I'm looking forward to a renewed attempt to explain your theory, but buddy, it's going a little slow. :D
And yet you are drawn to it like a moth to a flame.
I am always interested in someone else's theory of the universe, and trying to understand how they can believe such unproven nonsense? You, you're obnoxious, that's why I like to step on your tail. :D
Of course Mary and Joseph aren't Jewish names. They are English translations.

I pay tithing to God without hesitation. I've found that His promise from Malachi is worth far more than 10% of what He gave me.

I don't think southerners are as stupid as you'd like them to be.
Southerners are only slightly less dense than Mormons because you folks have been conned by the dumbest shit of all, the Fake Book of Mormon. Sorry brah, that's just the way it is.

Your insults might have more sting if you bothered studying the Book of Mormon. But as it's obvious you haven't and because Jesus would want me to anyway, I will simply follow the example He set and ask Father to forgive you because you don't know what you are saying.
I've read some of the Fake Book of Mormon, it's a bunch of made up stories... But I guess it's easier for you to pretend that I'm ignorant, lol, then to deal with people who've read the stuff and still think that it's unprovable nonsense. There are even websites with lists of absurdities in the FB of M.

I didn't ask if you could reference websites made by people who haven't read it claiming to debunk it. In fact I didn't ask anything. You've demonstrated absolutely no knowledge that gives any informed person reason to believe you've read it let alone studied and understood it.

Who is the main character of the Book of Mormon?

What's your fav story? What's your least favorite?

What doctrine does it teach that you find false?

What is the climactic event of the Book of Mormon?

Can you answer even these basic questions without looking?
Answer me this first, do you have any real proof that anything in the Fake Book of Mormon is real? I think that would be the most important question, because if you have no real proof, all you'll have in what's known as fiction. Ok, go...

First, I apologize for taking so long to respond. I didn't want to respond on my phone and I've been busy moving the last couple weeks so I haven't had a chance to respond sooner.

Now what exactly do you consider real proof? Because there are a number of evidences for the Book of Mormon. In fact as we learn more we fine more evidences. Which is pretty amazing since, of it was fake, there should be no evidence whatsoever and more information should make it less credible.

But since you say you are familiar with it, I'm not sure anything I can tell you will be a surprise.

You probably already know about locations for nhm and bountiful being found precisely where the Book of Mormon says they should be.

I'm sure you know about semetic and Egyptian names unknown in the 19th century frontier beong found in the book of Mormon.

Or Hebrew poetry not only being found but being restored on some areas.

You probably already know that textual analysis shows four main writers, precisely where the various writers say they change.

Or the clearly biblical principles oound in the Book of Mormon, like priesthood and the premortal life, that not found in much of Christianity.

These are just a few evidences. You can find countless scholarly discussions of issues in the Book of Mormon at Book of Mormon Central

However, the ultimate evidence for the Book of Mormon comes from the promise Moroni gave:

"Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.

4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."(Moroni 10:3-5)

The Lord will give any honest seeker of truth a witness of the Book of Mormon for those who follow this promise. He gave me a witness. When the Holy Spirit tells you a truth, you know it. No matter what others believe or say. The Holy Spirit touches our Spirit. And those impressions are more powerful than any other experience we can have.

Brigham young once shared:

" “When I saw a man without eloquence, or talents for public speaking, who could only say, ‘I know, by the power of the Holy Ghost, that the Book of Mormon is true, that Joseph Smith is a Prophet of the Lord,’ the Holy Ghost proceeding from that individual illuminate[d] my understanding, and light, glory, and immortality [were] before me.” He said that he was encircled and filled by them, and he knew for himself that the testimony of the man was true "

When I had the same experience i could describe it much the same. The Lord enlightened me. He taught me. And more importantly He enlarged my heart and let me feel His love for me.

Anyone who follows those verses can know for themselves. Just like Jesus said, do what He says and you will know if it comes from the Father.

I hope you will realize that there is more to the Book of Mormon than a superficial glance can tell you. I invite you not to take my word for it but do a serious investigation. Especially if you were unaware of any those evidences. The Book of Mormon is true. And it will change your life for the better and make you happier than you can imagine If you make the effort to find out for yourself. Study the Book of Mormon. Try to understand the doctrine it teaches and seek the Holy Spirit. You will never regret it.
Southerners are only slightly less dense than Mormons because you folks have been conned by the dumbest shit of all, the Fake Book of Mormon. Sorry brah, that's just the way it is.

Your insults might have more sting if you bothered studying the Book of Mormon. But as it's obvious you haven't and because Jesus would want me to anyway, I will simply follow the example He set and ask Father to forgive you because you don't know what you are saying.
I've read some of the Fake Book of Mormon, it's a bunch of made up stories... But I guess it's easier for you to pretend that I'm ignorant, lol, then to deal with people who've read the stuff and still think that it's unprovable nonsense. There are even websites with lists of absurdities in the FB of M.

I didn't ask if you could reference websites made by people who haven't read it claiming to debunk it. In fact I didn't ask anything. You've demonstrated absolutely no knowledge that gives any informed person reason to believe you've read it let alone studied and understood it.

Who is the main character of the Book of Mormon?

What's your fav story? What's your least favorite?

What doctrine does it teach that you find false?

What is the climactic event of the Book of Mormon?

Can you answer even these basic questions without looking?
Answer me this first, do you have any real proof that anything in the Fake Book of Mormon is real? I think that would be the most important question, because if you have no real proof, all you'll have in what's known as fiction. Ok, go...

First, I apologize for taking so long to respond. I didn't want to respond on my phone and I've been busy moving the last couple weeks so I haven't had a chance to respond sooner.

Now what exactly do you consider real proof? Because there are a number of evidences for the Book of Mormon. In fact as we learn more we fine more evidences. Which is pretty amazing since, of it was fake, there should be no evidence whatsoever and more information should make it less credible.

But since you say you are familiar with it, I'm not sure anything I can tell you will be a surprise.

You probably already know about locations for nhm and bountiful being found precisely where the Book of Mormon says they should be.

I'm sure you know about semetic and Egyptian names unknown in the 19th century frontier beong found in the book of Mormon.

Or Hebrew poetry not only being found but being restored on some areas.

You probably already know that textual analysis shows four main writers, precisely where the various writers say they change.

Or the clearly biblical principles oound in the Book of Mormon, like priesthood and the premortal life, that not found in much of Christianity.

These are just a few evidences. You can find countless scholarly discussions of issues in the Book of Mormon at Book of Mormon Central

However, the ultimate evidence for the Book of Mormon comes from the promise Moroni gave:

"Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.

4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."(Moroni 10:3-5)

The Lord will give any honest seeker of truth a witness of the Book of Mormon for those who follow this promise. He gave me a witness. When the Holy Spirit tells you a truth, you know it. No matter what others believe or say. The Holy Spirit touches our Spirit. And those impressions are more powerful than any other experience we can have.

Brigham young once shared:

" “When I saw a man without eloquence, or talents for public speaking, who could only say, ‘I know, by the power of the Holy Ghost, that the Book of Mormon is true, that Joseph Smith is a Prophet of the Lord,’ the Holy Ghost proceeding from that individual illuminate[d] my understanding, and light, glory, and immortality [were] before me.” He said that he was encircled and filled by them, and he knew for himself that the testimony of the man was true "

When I had the same experience i could describe it much the same. The Lord enlightened me. He taught me. And more importantly He enlarged my heart and let me feel His love for me.

Anyone who follows those verses can know for themselves. Just like Jesus said, do what He says and you will know if it comes from the Father.

I hope you will realize that there is more to the Book of Mormon than a superficial glance can tell you. I invite you not to take my word for it but do a serious investigation. Especially if you were unaware of any those evidences. The Book of Mormon is true. And it will change your life for the better and make you happier than you can imagine If you make the effort to find out for yourself. Study the Book of Mormon. Try to understand the doctrine it teaches and seek the Holy Spirit. You will never regret it.
Then how do you explain that "there is a general consensus among archaeologists that the archaeological record does not substantiate the Book of Mormon account.

Non-Mormon scholars, historians, and archaeologists have concluded that the body of evidence found does not substantiate the conclusions of Mormon apologists and the historical authenticity of the Book of Mormon itself.

An example of the mainstream archaeological opinion of Mormon archaeology is summarized by historian and journalist Hampton Sides:

Yale's Michael Coe likes to talk about what he calls "the fallacy of misplaced concreteness," the tendency among Mormon theorists like Sorenson to keep the discussion trained on all sorts of extraneous subtopics ... while avoiding what is most obvious: that Joseph Smith probably meant "horse" when he wrote down the word "horse". "
Archaeology and the Book of Mormon - Wikipedia

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