Light the world

This verse in Mathew 5:9 is very problematic for Christians that claim Jesus as the only offspring of Gd and shows also that good deeds can place a man or a women in an enviable position ...The problem today though is the followers of Jesus think that verse reads blessed are the piece makers as all of them are trying to take apiece of gds land Israel and they think by giving it away they will have peace.... Pretty funny and shows just another mistaken teaching in the New Testament that just doesn't work in the real world and shows Jesus once again sending his flock in the wrong direction...The Romans would be proud as they always taught divide and conquer or I came I saw I conquered one little piece at a time....

You are the wrong direction.
The followers of Jesus don't think for a minute that giving away God's land is a good idea. We know better. We have read the last chapter. Israel will be:
Surrounded by your enemies
Invaded by Russia and her Muslim allies. `
small nuked
Jewish population decimated.
Not one thing left alive on this earth if the/your Messiah doesn't show up when He does.
You had better hope Jesus is who He said He is. He is your only hope.
Even so, Netanyahu is willing to give land for peace. And in return the Jews will build a new Temple. That will all be hunky dory until the very one that talked the Jews into the false 3 and 1/2 year peace, defiles the Temple. Then the shit hits the fan.
All eyes will be on that little sliver of land.
All nations on earth will go against Israel.
You don't have to believe these prophesies, you are beginning to live them.
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  • #62
Could you be more specific?
Jesus, your prophet, was a brown guy.
If you say so. Why would that matter?
Because for sure if Americans knew that Jesus was brown and arab looking, they'd shit their collective pants when they realized that they've been worshipping a brown guy all this time. So spread the word! :D

First, Jews aren't really Arab looking.

Second, I don't think people are as stupid as you think they are.

Finally, what Christ looks like is not as important as what he did and still does for us
Joseph and Mary aren't Jewish names. :D

Second, you give 10% of your earnings to the Mormon Church, don't you?

Finally, Americans, especially in the bible belt south, would rather chew their own nuts off rather than worship a brown dude.

Of course Mary and Joseph aren't Jewish names. They are English translations.

I pay tithing to God without hesitation. I've found that His promise from Malachi is worth far more than 10% of what He gave me.

I don't think southerners are as stupid as you'd like them to be.
Your actions say otherwise, lol.

Thank you for fulfilling me:
1QM v, 1-2) States:He (Michael)will not have much room to act as Royal Messiah while battling the Sons of Darkness. (He'd be too busy debunking myths and smoke screens to get an outlet for his true works of social understanding), but then also adds:
“God himself is a supreme agent of salvation and after him in importance is Michael.”

Thank you for fulfilling Judaic scripture and validating it's perspective on human behavior:
Ezekiel 34:18 Is it not enough for you to feed on the good pasture? Must you also trample the rest of your pasture with your feet? Is it not enough for you to drink clear water? Must you also muddy the rest with your feet?

Thanksgiving Hymn 12
I seek thee and sure as the night that gives light to me.
Thou appearest as reflected light to me.
Teachers of lies have misled thy people with words,
and false prophets have led them astray;
they perish without understanding for their works are in folly.
For I am despised by them and they have no esteem for me that thou manifest thy might through me.
They have banished me from my land like a bird from it nest;
all my friends and Brethren are driven far from me and hold me for a broken vessel.
And they, teachers of lies and seers of falsehood,
have schemed against me a devilish scheme,
to exchange the Law engraved on my heart by thee for the smooth things which they speak to thy people.
And they withhold from the Thirsty the trend of knowledge (I.E. They keep info from the followers)......
But thou, O God, dost despise all Belial's designs....(Belial=Bel the fallen angel/SATAN/Sun-Son god)
Hymn 13 Wicked and fierce have stormed against me with their afflictions, they have pounded my soul all day. But Thou, oh my God, has change the tempest to a breeze; Thou has delivered the soul of the poor one like
a bird from the "NET" and like prey from the mouth of “Lions”.
Hymn 14 But I have been iniquity to those who contend with me, dispute and quarreling to my friends, Wrath to the members of my covenant and murmuring and protest to all my companions. All who had eaten my bread (taken my concepts, ideas, words, & insight) have lifted their heel against me, and all those joined to my Council have mocked me with wicked lips. The members of my covenant have rebelled and have murmured round about me, they have gone as talebearers before the children of mischief concerning the mystery which Thou hast hidden in me. And to show thy greatness through me, and because of their guilt, thou has hidden in the fountain of understanding and the counsel of truth.............
they let fly those poisonous darts, vipers venom against which there is no charm; (in other words countering or protecting from this behavior, or exposing it, will not seem gracious) and this has brought incurable pain, and malignant scourge within the body of thy servant, causing his spirit to faint and draining his strength so that he maintains no firm Stand.......
They sound my censor upon a “HARP” and their murmuring and storming upon a Zither.....
According to the mysteries of sin, they change the works of God by their transgression.

They are liars--Jeremiah 50:36.
Are mad (lost their reason)
upon their idols--Jeremiah 50:38.
Believes they are gods--Isaiah 47:8, 10
Breaks bones of God's people--Jeremiah 50:17
Builds great image of man
for all to worship--Daniel 3:1-7.
Make Metal idols Leviticus 19:4,
1 Kings 14:9, Isaiah 48:5
Makes a graven image that they be their own witness to: Isiah44;9
Carpenter creates a wood idol: Isaiah44;13
And the residue thereof he maketh a god-Even his graven image that ;He falleth down unto it and worshippeth it. and prayeth unto it and saith Deliver me; for this art my GOD- Isiah44;17
Casts out God's people--Jeremiah 51:34
Causes God's people to be slain--Jeremiah 51:49
Completely removes all precious vessels --2 Kings 25:13-17
Connected with hell--Isaiah 14:9
Pierced dragon-Isaiah
Pierced morning star Isaiah 14:12-19
Crushes God's people-Jeremiah 51:34 Cuts down people as trees-Isaiah 14:8
Defiles sacred vessels and precious things of God's design--Daniel 5:2-4.Destroys all the earth--Jeremiah 51:25. Destroys God's heritage--Jeremiah 50:11.Devours God's people--Jeremiah 51:34.
Does evil among God's people--Jeremiah 51:24.Does not consider her possible destruction (does not lay these things to heart)--Isaiah 47:7. Does not glorify God--Daniel 5:23. Does not remember warnings given about her destruction--Isaiah 47:7.
Dwells upon many waters--Jeremiah 51:13.Employs reapers to harvest fields (sown with seeds of falsehood)--Jeremiah 50:16.Employs sowers (to spread seeds of falsehood)--Jeremiah 50:16.Fears not the Lord--2 Kings 17:25.
Full of falsehoods--Jeremiah 51:17.Full of pomp--Isaiah 14:11.Full of unclean birds--Jeremiah 50:39.Full of wild beasts--Jeremiah 50:39.Full of vanity--Jeremiah 51:18.Gentiles have not yet seen the face of G0d- Isaiah 66:19
Her men are brutish in their own knowledge--Jeremiah 51:17. Her mighty men are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57. Her princes are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57.Her rulers are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57.Her waves (ministers--those raised up above the level of the sea or people) do roar--Jeremiah 51:55.Her wise men are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57.Highest leader becomes angry when his will is disregarded for God's will--Daniel 3:19..Highest leader makes hasty decisions--Daniel 2:15..Holds God's people captive--Jeremiah 50:33.
Her cry (glory) is found in ships(Romes army was called ships)-Isaiah 43:14.
Oppresses--Isaiah 14:4; Jeremiah 50:16, 33.Persecutes by fire all who do not bow and worship image of man--Daniel 3:6.Places relatives in high positions of leadership (nepotism)--2 Kings 24:17.Practices abundant enchantments--Isaiah 47:8, 12.Practices divination--Ezekiel 21:21.Practices sorcery--Isaiah 47:9, 12.
Practice divination, soothsayer, augur sorcerer, 11 charmer, medium, wizard, necromancer- Deut 18:10
Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree" also read Deuteronomy 21:22
they that be cursed of Him shall be cut off-(Psalm 37:22)
Gave praise and glory to another G0d and created an idol for this other -"Isaiah 42:8 we can't pray to any image of anything physical- Exodus 20:3-7 and Deuteronomy 5:8-10
God is not a man nor form-(Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9, Deuteronomy 4:11-12 and the 13 major principles of the Jewish faith based on the Rambam's teaching of "ain lo demus haguf ve'ayno guf" -- that Hashem has no physical form.)
They profane the name of G0d- Deut. 12:3
Given to pleasure--Isaiah 47:8.
lo ish el vichazev u-vein-adam v'yitnecham
Meaning: God is not a man, nor will he lie, nor is he mortal, nor will he relent.(Jesus was a mere man who lied and who relented).- Numbers 23:19A day in store for all the proud and lofty, for all that is exalted (and they will be humbled)," (Isaiah 2:12).
They will be shameless and arrogant, (Midrash Rabbah on Song of Songs 2:29 )
truthfulness will all but disappear. (Mishnah Sota 9:15)
Nations assemble,and peoples plot vain things;kings of the earth take their stand,and regents intrigue togetheragainst the LORD and against His anointed- Psalms 2
your own sword hath devoured your prophets, like a destroying lion.” Jeremiah 2:30
Ruining spiritual & intellectual nourishment by mucking it up to cover up from others consumption- Ezekiel 34:18
GOD ABHORS (hates for the simple) DECEITFUL men-(Psalm 5:6)
boast, of mischief done against the godly? All the day 2 you are plotting destruction. Your tongue is like a sharp razor, you worker of treachery. 3 You love evil more than good, and lying more than speaking the truth. -Psalm 52:1 -3
These false prophets who do not speak for G-d. -Ezekiel CH 13, Deut 18:20-22, Isa. 30:10, Jer. 5:30-31, 14:14, 23:16, 26, 31-32
vanity unto thee, whiles “they divine a lie unto thee”, to bring thee upon the necks of [them that are] slain, of the wicked, whose day is come, when their iniquity [shall have] an end.-Ezekiel 21:29
Your actions say otherwise, lol.

Thank you for fulfilling me:
1QM v, 1-2) States:He (Michael)will not have much room to act as Royal Messiah while battling the Sons of Darkness. (He'd be too busy debunking myths and smoke screens to get an outlet for his true works of social understanding), but then also adds:
“God himself is a supreme agent of salvation and after him in importance is Michael.”

Thank you for fulfilling Judaic scripture and validating it's perspective on human behavior:
Ezekiel 34:18 Is it not enough for you to feed on the good pasture? Must you also trample the rest of your pasture with your feet? Is it not enough for you to drink clear water? Must you also muddy the rest with your feet?

Thanksgiving Hymn 12
I seek thee and sure as the night that gives light to me.
Thou appearest as reflected light to me.
Teachers of lies have misled thy people with words,
and false prophets have led them astray;
they perish without understanding for their works are in folly.
For I am despised by them and they have no esteem for me that thou manifest thy might through me.
They have banished me from my land like a bird from it nest;
all my friends and Brethren are driven far from me and hold me for a broken vessel.
And they, teachers of lies and seers of falsehood,
have schemed against me a devilish scheme,
to exchange the Law engraved on my heart by thee for the smooth things which they speak to thy people.
And they withhold from the Thirsty the trend of knowledge (I.E. They keep info from the followers)......
But thou, O God, dost despise all Belial's designs....(Belial=Bel the fallen angel/SATAN/Sun-Son god)
Hymn 13 Wicked and fierce have stormed against me with their afflictions, they have pounded my soul all day. But Thou, oh my God, has change the tempest to a breeze; Thou has delivered the soul of the poor one like
a bird from the "NET" and like prey from the mouth of “Lions”.
Hymn 14 But I have been iniquity to those who contend with me, dispute and quarreling to my friends, Wrath to the members of my covenant and murmuring and protest to all my companions. All who had eaten my bread (taken my concepts, ideas, words, & insight) have lifted their heel against me, and all those joined to my Council have mocked me with wicked lips. The members of my covenant have rebelled and have murmured round about me, they have gone as talebearers before the children of mischief concerning the mystery which Thou hast hidden in me. And to show thy greatness through me, and because of their guilt, thou has hidden in the fountain of understanding and the counsel of truth.............
they let fly those poisonous darts, vipers venom against which there is no charm; (in other words countering or protecting from this behavior, or exposing it, will not seem gracious) and this has brought incurable pain, and malignant scourge within the body of thy servant, causing his spirit to faint and draining his strength so that he maintains no firm Stand.......
They sound my censor upon a “HARP” and their murmuring and storming upon a Zither.....
According to the mysteries of sin, they change the works of God by their transgression.

They are liars--Jeremiah 50:36.
Are mad (lost their reason)
upon their idols--Jeremiah 50:38.
Believes they are gods--Isaiah 47:8, 10
Breaks bones of God's people--Jeremiah 50:17
Builds great image of man
for all to worship--Daniel 3:1-7.
Make Metal idols Leviticus 19:4,
1 Kings 14:9, Isaiah 48:5
Makes a graven image that they be their own witness to: Isiah44;9
Carpenter creates a wood idol: Isaiah44;13
And the residue thereof he maketh a god-Even his graven image that ;He falleth down unto it and worshippeth it. and prayeth unto it and saith Deliver me; for this art my GOD- Isiah44;17
Casts out God's people--Jeremiah 51:34
Causes God's people to be slain--Jeremiah 51:49
Completely removes all precious vessels --2 Kings 25:13-17
Connected with hell--Isaiah 14:9
Pierced dragon-Isaiah
Pierced morning star Isaiah 14:12-19
Crushes God's people-Jeremiah 51:34 Cuts down people as trees-Isaiah 14:8
Defiles sacred vessels and precious things of God's design--Daniel 5:2-4.Destroys all the earth--Jeremiah 51:25. Destroys God's heritage--Jeremiah 50:11.Devours God's people--Jeremiah 51:34.
Does evil among God's people--Jeremiah 51:24.Does not consider her possible destruction (does not lay these things to heart)--Isaiah 47:7. Does not glorify God--Daniel 5:23. Does not remember warnings given about her destruction--Isaiah 47:7.
Dwells upon many waters--Jeremiah 51:13.Employs reapers to harvest fields (sown with seeds of falsehood)--Jeremiah 50:16.Employs sowers (to spread seeds of falsehood)--Jeremiah 50:16.Fears not the Lord--2 Kings 17:25.
Full of falsehoods--Jeremiah 51:17.Full of pomp--Isaiah 14:11.Full of unclean birds--Jeremiah 50:39.Full of wild beasts--Jeremiah 50:39.Full of vanity--Jeremiah 51:18.Gentiles have not yet seen the face of G0d- Isaiah 66:19
Her men are brutish in their own knowledge--Jeremiah 51:17. Her mighty men are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57. Her princes are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57.Her rulers are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57.Her waves (ministers--those raised up above the level of the sea or people) do roar--Jeremiah 51:55.Her wise men are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57.Highest leader becomes angry when his will is disregarded for God's will--Daniel 3:19..Highest leader makes hasty decisions--Daniel 2:15..Holds God's people captive--Jeremiah 50:33.
Her cry (glory) is found in ships(Romes army was called ships)-Isaiah 43:14.
Oppresses--Isaiah 14:4; Jeremiah 50:16, 33.Persecutes by fire all who do not bow and worship image of man--Daniel 3:6.Places relatives in high positions of leadership (nepotism)--2 Kings 24:17.Practices abundant enchantments--Isaiah 47:8, 12.Practices divination--Ezekiel 21:21.Practices sorcery--Isaiah 47:9, 12.
Practice divination, soothsayer, augur sorcerer, 11 charmer, medium, wizard, necromancer- Deut 18:10
Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree" also read Deuteronomy 21:22
they that be cursed of Him shall be cut off-(Psalm 37:22)
Gave praise and glory to another G0d and created an idol for this other -"Isaiah 42:8 we can't pray to any image of anything physical- Exodus 20:3-7 and Deuteronomy 5:8-10
God is not a man nor form-(Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9, Deuteronomy 4:11-12 and the 13 major principles of the Jewish faith based on the Rambam's teaching of "ain lo demus haguf ve'ayno guf" -- that Hashem has no physical form.)
They profane the name of G0d- Deut. 12:3
Given to pleasure--Isaiah 47:8.
lo ish el vichazev u-vein-adam v'yitnecham
Meaning: God is not a man, nor will he lie, nor is he mortal, nor will he relent.(Jesus was a mere man who lied and who relented).- Numbers 23:19A day in store for all the proud and lofty, for all that is exalted (and they will be humbled)," (Isaiah 2:12).
They will be shameless and arrogant, (Midrash Rabbah on Song of Songs 2:29 )
truthfulness will all but disappear. (Mishnah Sota 9:15)
Nations assemble,and peoples plot vain things;kings of the earth take their stand,and regents intrigue togetheragainst the LORD and against His anointed- Psalms 2
your own sword hath devoured your prophets, like a destroying lion.” Jeremiah 2:30
Ruining spiritual & intellectual nourishment by mucking it up to cover up from others consumption- Ezekiel 34:18
GOD ABHORS (hates for the simple) DECEITFUL men-(Psalm 5:6)
boast, of mischief done against the godly? All the day 2 you are plotting destruction. Your tongue is like a sharp razor, you worker of treachery. 3 You love evil more than good, and lying more than speaking the truth. -Psalm 52:1 -3
These false prophets who do not speak for G-d. -Ezekiel CH 13, Deut 18:20-22, Isa. 30:10, Jer. 5:30-31, 14:14, 23:16, 26, 31-32
vanity unto thee, whiles “they divine a lie unto thee”, to bring thee upon the necks of [them that are] slain, of the wicked, whose day is come, when their iniquity [shall have] an end.-Ezekiel 21:29
Who exactly are you preaching to? The Christians? You are preaching to Christians right now, right? That is what you are doing, right? If not the Christians, then who are you preaching to? Are you the Messiah of the Christians?
This forum goes far and wide, you'd be surprised who reads these, therefore the church cringes everytime they see the resulting behavior of their teachings and how people are willing to throw Jesus & the NT under the bus in order vent their hate and anger at posters-human ego 101.
This verse in Mathew 5:9 is very problematic for Christians that claim Jesus as the only offspring of Gd and shows also that good deeds can place a man or a women in an enviable position ...The problem today though is the followers of Jesus think that verse reads blessed are the piece makers as all of them are trying to take apiece of gds land Israel and they think by giving it away they will have peace.... Pretty funny and shows just another mistaken teaching in the New Testament that just doesn't work in the real world and shows Jesus once again sending his flock in the wrong direction...The Romans would be proud as they always taught divide and conquer or I came I saw I conquered one little piece at a time....

You are the wrong direction.
The followers of Jesus don't think for a minute that giving away God's land is a good idea. We know better. We have read the last chapter. Israel will be:
Surrounded by your enemies
Invaded by Russia and her Muslim allies. `
small nuked
Jewish population decimated.
Not one thing left alive on this earth if the/your Messiah doesn't show up when He does.
You had better hope Jesus is who He said He is. He is your only hope.
Even so, Netanyahu is willing to give land for peace. And in return the Jews will build a new Temple. That will all be hunky dory until the very one that talked the Jews into the false 3 and 1/2 year peace, defiles the Temple. Then the shit hits the fan.
All eyes will be on that little sliver of land.
All nations on earth will go against Israel.
You don't have to believe these prophesies, you are beginning to live them.
Too funny is that the nonsense they teach you... Jesus is just a word on a piece of paper from the amalgamated lives of a few fables and converged myths and personas... You are your own witnesses and there is nothing to prove this fantasy man exsisited outside your own book..Now that being said didn't Jesus in your book teach for 3 and a half years and didn't his teachings according to your book result in the destruction of the temple and the dispersion of my people... If this is the case then this event has already passed.... Further as I have pointed out before the fighting in Syria is on land that used to belong to ancient Israel it is not affecting the Jews who live in a little truncated piece of land in their former glory as they have waxed thin( their borders are extremely narrow and everyone including Kerry would like to make them thinner yet... Wink...) It is the Syrians who may or may not be Israelites who are being dispersed and killed in this land by a combined group of nations and peace is being sought... Regardless these things will play out as they are supposed to your Jesus will not be saving anyone certainly according to your book he couldn't save his followers and certainly he couldn't save himself and need I remind you that those events were supposed to occur in his generation not ours.. That is what we call a false hope and a con job which the little fishes have swallowed hook line and sinker to make it quite the stinker to say the least...
Haven't heard from you in some time Hobe or should I say " Hobelim" despiser of Vineyards but you do have a garden of your own that you do like to tend or so you have said...Hard to believe you since Irosie caught you in that lie regarding studying the Talmud in New York... We could have an interesting debate you and I on animal sacrifices leaning towards the views of Mamoniadies or Nachmaides( excuse the spelling) These have been discussed many times on these forums and you seem to be a one trick pony but I prefer to remember that you like following in your ancestors path of urinating on other people's property if you disagree with their view shows how childish your behaviour and antics can be at times..
You are still out of your mind. Go figure.

Rosie never caught me in any lie. Before there was an internet there were graduate research facilities and I had a card. Amazing isn't it?

A lame deflection from a guy who thinks that the closest living being next to God himself is hashev who wants to reinstate the ignorance and superstitious barbarity of killing farm animals in a temple dedicated to the Lord.

some messiah....

You might as well have covered yourself with gasoline and set yourself on fire.
Same old Hobe.. Same old fixation... Same one trick pony.. And it is not gasoline you use but your own urine and vile just like your ancestor did all those years ago.. We already told you the temple would be a platform for teaching and fixing mistaken ideas and ideologies for all peoples it is you that only see the sacrificing of animals as its only purpose as I said before you are the one fixated and deflecting your own ignorance and superstitions.. Too bad you have not grown at all....
This forum goes far and wide, you'd be surprised who reads these, therefore the church cringes everytime they see the resulting behavior of their teachings and how people are willing to throw Jesus & the NT under the bus in order vent their hate and anger at posters-human ego 101.[/QUOTE?.........I see .. Ned Ryerson from Groundhog Day is still going Ding.... Ding.... Ding at the end of each question and still can't get his answers right... Ding you never answered me Do you sell insurance like Ned Ryerson ?
Is HaShev your prophet? Don't be afraid to admit it.

You haven't heard?

Hashev has proclaimed to be the real messiah, shimon is a brown nose dork, his very own bonafide mini-me without a soul.

They both dream of the day when a temple is rebuilt so they can save the world by circumcising infants, outlawing bacon, and slaughtering farm animals in the name of the lord.
No. I have not heard that. I am asking him if that is what he believes, but he won't answer the question. Did he tell you that he was the Messiah?

Yes, he claims to be the awaited Jewish Messiah, the highest form of life next to God, who has come to dethrone Jesus and usher in the messianic age where he will be heralded as the real messiah and high priest of a temple dedicated to slaughtering farm animals in the name of the Lord like some glorified butcher in a slaughterhouse defiled and contaminated with the stench of bloody entrails..

Under his wisdom and divinely inspired leadership everyone will all live happily ever after,

I think he lost his mind many decades ago...

You'd think if that was true he would be too busy to be online trolling threads
That is an interesting thinking you made.. Tell me smarty pants did we not just elect a man as president who spent a vast amount of his valuable time on television as a reality host running s business and hiring and firing people making him an interesting fit for his new job as chief executive... Don't you think that doing this is training as well and who knows what job people get offered or falls in their laps when NEW positions open up that weren't there before.. After all people send in their resumes and usually the best man for the Job is hired.......hmmmmm...
Haven't heard from you in some time Hobe or should I say " Hobelim" despiser of Vineyards but you do have a garden of your own that you do like to tend or so you have said...Hard to believe you since Irosie caught you in that lie regarding studying the Talmud in New York... We could have an interesting debate you and I on animal sacrifices leaning towards the views of Mamoniadies or Nachmaides( excuse the spelling) These have been discussed many times on these forums and you seem to be a one trick pony but I prefer to remember that you like following in your ancestors path of urinating on other people's property if you disagree with their view shows how childish your behaviour and antics can be at times..
You are still out of your mind. Go figure.

Rosie never caught me in any lie. Before there was an internet there were graduate research facilities and I had a card. Amazing isn't it?

A lame deflection from a guy who thinks that the closest living being next to God himself is hashev who wants to reinstate the ignorance and superstitious barbarity of killing farm animals in a temple dedicated to the Lord.

some messiah....

You might as well have covered yourself with gasoline and set yourself on fire.
Same old Hobe.. Same old fixation... Same one trick pony.. And it is not gasoline you use but your own urine and vile just like your ancestor did all those years ago.. We already told you the temple would be a platform for teaching and fixing mistaken ideas and ideologies for all peoples it is you that only see the sacrificing of animals as its only purpose as I said before you are the one fixated and deflecting your own ignorance and superstitions.. Too bad you have not grown at all....

If a temple is ever rebuilt you will again have defiled yourselves with the work of human hands.

When the Messiah appears to lead people back to "The sanctuary of God", it is not about leading people to or overseeing the construction of any man made building where animals are slaughtered.

Any person who would ever do such a thing will always be a false messiah.

Teaching from God has already gone out from Jerusalem to every corner of the world through the very Jesus who you despise.

Sadly the good news seems to remain above your grasp because you have been blinded by this hatred and instead of reaching out for life in the light you have made your nest where the sun don't shine, deep up hashev's untidy butt.
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This forum goes far and wide, you'd be surprised who reads these, therefore the church cringes everytime they see the resulting behavior of their teachings and how people are willing to throw Jesus & the NT under the bus in order vent their hate and anger at posters-human ego 101.
Oh, so you believe that by preaching against Christianity, Jews will be drawn to their faith? That somehow, they will say, gee Christianity is wrong, so Judaism must be true? That is some seriously messed up logic. We don't paint a picture of what it is not, we paint a picture of what it is. You are no prophet.
This forum goes far and wide, you'd be surprised who reads these, therefore the church cringes everytime they see the resulting behavior of their teachings and how people are willing to throw Jesus & the NT under the bus in order vent their hate and anger at posters-human ego 101.
Oh, so you believe that by preaching against Christianity, Jews will be drawn to their faith? That somehow, they will say, gee Christianity is wrong, so Judaism must be true? That is some seriously messed up logic. We don't paint a picture of what it is not, we paint a picture of what it is. You are no prophet.

He's trying to convince Christians that Jesus is a false messiah and he is the real messiah because the majority of rational Jews out there wouldn't listen to a word he says because they think he's a nut job.

I never met a Jew (except shimon) who would salivate over the prospect of another era of darkness under a compulsory observance of Mosaic law with this self indulgent egocentric moron as their leader.
This forum goes far and wide, you'd be surprised who reads these, therefore the church cringes everytime they see the resulting behavior of their teachings and how people are willing to throw Jesus & the NT under the bus in order vent their hate and anger at posters-human ego 101.
Oh, so you believe that by preaching against Christianity, Jews will be drawn to their faith? That somehow, they will say, gee Christianity is wrong, so Judaism must be true? That is some seriously messed up logic. We don't paint a picture of what it is not, we paint a picture of what it is. You are no prophet.

He's trying to convince Christians that Jesus is a false messiah and he is the real messiah because the majority of rational Jews out there wouldn't listen to a word he says because they think he's a nut job.

I never met a Jew (except shimon) who would salivate over the prospect of another era of darkness under a compulsory observance of Mosaic law with this self indulgent egocentric moron as their leader.
Right. He is ministering to Christians, not Jews. He behaves like he is a Christian Messiah, not a Jewish Messiah.
I wonder what Jewish prophecy has to say about what a Jewish Messiah would do. Does Jewish prophecy say that a Jewish prophet will lead others to Judaism or does it say he will raise up the Jewish people. Two different things.
I wonder what Jewish prophecy has to say about what a Jewish Messiah would do. Does Jewish prophecy say that a Jewish prophet will lead others to Judaism or does it say he will raise up the Jewish people. Two different things.

Interesting point. When I read in scripture about God 'raising up' a prophet the implication that they are raised from among the dead seems obvious to me..
I wonder what Jewish prophecy has to say about what a Jewish Messiah would do. Does Jewish prophecy say that a Jewish prophet will lead others to Judaism or does it say he will raise up the Jewish people. Two different things.

Interesting point. When I read in scripture about God 'raising up' a prophet the implication that they are raised from among the dead seems obvious to me..
That wasn't my take on it. I always thought their take on it was someone like King David.
I wonder what Jewish prophecy has to say about what a Jewish Messiah would do. Does Jewish prophecy say that a Jewish prophet will lead others to Judaism or does it say he will raise up the Jewish people. Two different things.

Interesting point. When I read in scripture about God 'raising up' a prophet the implication that they are raised from among the dead seems obvious to me..
That wasn't my take on it. I always thought their take on it was someone like King David.

OK, but if they will be raised up by anyone, where will they be raised up from if not from the world below, the realm of the dead?

The people who have walked in darkness have seen a great light, the blind see, the paralyzed walk, the dead come to life and all that....
I wonder what Jewish prophecy has to say about what a Jewish Messiah would do. Does Jewish prophecy say that a Jewish prophet will lead others to Judaism or does it say he will raise up the Jewish people. Two different things.

Interesting point. When I read in scripture about God 'raising up' a prophet the implication that they are raised from among the dead seems obvious to me..
That wasn't my take on it. I always thought their take on it was someone like King David.

OK, but if they will be raised up by anyone, where will they be raised up from if not from the world below, the realm of the dead?
The simplest answer is usually the correct answer. The simplest answer is a world redeemer born into this world the usual way.
I wonder what Jewish prophecy has to say about what a Jewish Messiah would do. Does Jewish prophecy say that a Jewish prophet will lead others to Judaism or does it say he will raise up the Jewish people. Two different things.

Interesting point. When I read in scripture about God 'raising up' a prophet the implication that they are raised from among the dead seems obvious to me..
That wasn't my take on it. I always thought their take on it was someone like King David.

OK, but if they will be raised up by anyone, where will they be raised up from if not from the world below, the realm of the dead?
The simplest answer is usually the correct answer. The simplest answer is a world redeemer born into this world the usual way.

Of course. When Christ appeared the first time he said that he came down from heaven but everyone knows that he was born into this world in the usual way..

My point was that if anyone is raised up by God, either an individual, a nation, or the entire world, where are they raised up from if not the dead?
Why do you keep posting to yourself in another post name when the mods can see you use the same ISP?

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