lighter skinned blacks are more intelligent than darker skinned blacks.

Haven't you guys learned anything from my encounter with Matthew? Matthew is not a bright individual and the fact that he has the audacity to say whites are smarter and I have in numerous times demonstrated that he is an imbecile should show you that his theory is flawed....Watch he will point to statistics and not defend himself.
stats are racist.
Haven't you guys learned anything from my encounter with Matthew? Matthew is not a bright individual and the fact that he has the audacity to say whites are smarter and I have in numerous times demonstrated that he is an imbecile should show you that his theory is flawed....Watch he will point to statistics and not defend himself.
stats are racist.

Only when they come from Stormfront
Well, first of all, you need to get rid of the martini glass, because there is nothing classy or sophisticated about you. It's a front.
And you don't know me, so you can't say that anything coming from me is "meaningless", or what I believe about plots. I don't use racial pejoratives, so you, projecting your racism onto me, by using "whitey", as if I would use that ugly term, is proof that you're the racist and bigot, not I.
And, darling, I have transcended attempts by whites to keep me down, pathetic ass and all. Not only am I revered as a poet, writer and musician in Houston, I'm invited to the toniest parties, hosted by whites, as an "honored guest". I know you want your cohorts to believe you "put one over" on the black gay guy, but you didn't. You merely exposed yourself for the vile and craven racist and bigot that you are. You're welcome.

you complain about people acting as if they know you then whine about white privilege as if you know every white person and what experiences they have had in life. in fact, you hate white people because you are jealous of them.

In addition, i know exactly who you are. You are aaronssongs from the other political forum. You have been banned from at least two other forums.

you also over-rate yourself, just like the typical black person :eusa_hand:

LOL...Please. You must have mistaken me for someone who gives a good goddamn about what you think. Whine? I never whine... I "wax, philosophical", potato. I never claimed to know "every white person and what experiences they have had....I merely comment on the persons in this forum who are totally misguided, racist, clueless and arrogant to the point of delusion. Since you know my alias is Aaronssongs....Google me, bitch. Go to my Facebook page and through my friends list and note all of the white friends I have. Then go to My MySpace page, and note all the world citizens (not only white people) that I'm connected to, and get back with me. And on the contrary, I've been banned from scores of forums for speaking truth to "imagined power". I don't abide stupid, arrogant, racist white people, anymore than I would abide such from any other race, creed or color....bitch.
Truth of the matter is that "you", are fastly becoming the "new minority"....get used to it.
You don't run anything. Your clout is vanishing. You're becoming impotent, as people of color are rising in clout, and power, and authority. This is 2013, you stupid bitch. Not 1954. Didn't you recognize the results of the last election? Everything is starting to be "in color", other than "white". Acceptance is the key. You might need an Advil, though.
Get with the program. (or not).

your new authority will be squandered just like everything else you touch


for the record you were banned from PF for repeated violations of the TOS and for no other reason. In fact they gave you more leeway over there than just about anyone ever had and you still felt you were better than everyone else.

Revered as a poet my ass.
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Even that journal said most crime is intraracial. Why aren't you celebrating that most of the time blacks kill each other?

You Nazis are too stupid to even recognize good things for you. A lot of your type even deny the holocaust.
you are so,so,wrong!! we don't celebrate blacks killing anyone !!i do not attack anyone based on race !! i have great respect for asians,hispanics ,and other races,but the black race as a whole is failing in civilized societies !!so i will ask you what can be done to help the black community act like civilized human beings ??? does whitey need to pay more taxes ??does whitey need to just ignore the black crime,and illegitimacy rates ??should we pay reparations ??what will it take for the black community to get it's shit together ??

(My bold)

Nah, "Hispanic" isn't a race - it's an ethnicity. There are Black Hispanics, Caucasian-looking Hispanics, Mestizo-looking Hispanics - & there are pure-blood tribes still living in Mexico, C. & S. America - I don't know what they call themselves - likely not Hispanic.
i know there are non white hispanics .if you turn on the news and look at the mug shots of hispanic criminals most of them have flat noses and thick lips .:eusa_eh:
Is the proposition, then, that melanin content affects intelligence?

Geneticists will be surprised (and incredulous).
Is the proposition, then, that melanin content affects intelligence?

Geneticists will be surprised (and incredulous).

yup, that 's why albino blacks have as many Nobel Physics Prizes as all the other blacks combined.
Something is radically "wrong" with you.

perhaps you have no sense of humour

No....not when you are making light of "race".

I was poking fun at yet another idiot who mistakenly believes that a phenotype (skin colour) is the same thing as the genotype (race). race causes skin colour. skin colour does not cause race.

and my comment on albino blacks is perfectly true, hahahaha
I took that as humor. Let's not be too "uptight", especially if we genuinely feel that there is, after all, only one race. It could have been that 'black' American women have won as many Nobel prizes in physics as 'white' American women have. Obviously, he's making fun of jokers trying to say one race is inferior or superior to another.
I took that as humor. Let's not be too "uptight", especially if we genuinely feel that there is, after all, only one race. It could have been that 'black' American women have won as many Nobel prizes in physics as 'white' American women have. Obviously, he's making fun of jokers trying to say one race is inferior or superior to another.

I apologize for calling you an idiot. it is possible that you were just joking as well.

your statement is correct with the term 'american' but not just for women, black or white.

and I dont use the terms 'inferior' or 'superior' but there is a difference in the strengths and weaknesses associated with the different races.
I took that as humor. Let's not be too "uptight", especially if we genuinely feel that there is, after all, only one race. It could have been that 'black' American women have won as many Nobel prizes in physics as 'white' American women have. Obviously, he's making fun of jokers trying to say one race is inferior or superior to another.

I apologize for calling you an idiot. it is possible that you were just joking as well.

your statement is correct with the term 'american' but not just for women, black or white.

and I dont use the terms 'inferior' or 'superior' but there is a difference in the strengths and weaknesses associated with the different races.

Actually, I never thought it was even aimed at me, but rather at earlier posts. No problem and, of course, my post was being sarcastic.
I took that as humor. Let's not be too "uptight", especially if we genuinely feel that there is, after all, only one race. It could have been that 'black' American women have won as many Nobel prizes in physics as 'white' American women have. Obviously, he's making fun of jokers trying to say one race is inferior or superior to another.

I apologize for calling you an idiot. it is possible that you were just joking as well.

your statement is correct with the term 'american' but not just for women, black or white.

and I dont use the terms 'inferior' or 'superior' but there is a difference in the strengths and weaknesses associated with the different races.

Actually, I never thought it was even aimed at me, but rather at earlier posts. No problem and, of course, my post was being sarcastic.

thanks, it was aimed at people who mistake skin colour for race but when I re-read my post, it could be mistaken for calling you an idiot
perhaps you have no sense of humour

No....not when you are making light of "race".

I was poking fun at yet another idiot who mistakenly believes that a phenotype (skin colour) is the same thing as the genotype (race). race causes skin colour. skin colour does not cause race.

and my comment on albino blacks is perfectly true, hahahaha

Wikipedia said:
The genotype–phenotype distinction is drawn in genetics. "Genotype" is an organism's full hereditary information. "Phenotype" is an organism's actual observed properties, such as morphology, development, or behavior. This distinction is fundamental in the study of inheritance of traits and their evolution.

If you are going to use these terms, use them in their full context. Anything less makes you look foolish! or lazy!

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