lighter skinned blacks are more intelligent than darker skinned blacks.

I don't even think that all of them are racist. I think that they act racist as a form to troll. It gets people mad. Trolls feed off of others anger by posting stupid stuff and backing up for it because they know it pisses people off and it doesn't turn into a debate anymore. Just a flame war which they wanted all along. It gets easy to tell after a while. I'm in another forum at yuku and have seen similar scenarios. Every forum has its trolls.

Would you want Matthew or IanC teaching your children? Would you like to have any of our resident racists living next door to you? Would you like to put any of your relatives under the care of medical personnel who post racist vitriol on the INTERNET? Would you eat a hamburger prepared by Matthew...? I rest my case!

Ianc doesn't seem as bad as Matthew actually. Ianc is more of a racial predictor while Matthew is full of crap. Very arrogant to.
Racial predictor?????? What the hell is that? Come on Malikc6, don't get soft on these purveyors of racism.
My attention is mostly set on Matthew. In all honesty, Ianc isn't as bad as Matthew. (As far as i know, haven't seen too many of his posts)Matthew just tries to make other races look stupid with so called science and when he's wrong, he calls us close minded. Barely can keep a valid argument going then resorts to insults when losing. I've searched this board and seen a lot of his threads. This is actually very dangerous because some people are actually stupid and naive to believe people like Matthew and this keeps spreading. He gathers his "scientific data and tests" and people with already a bad view of the world believe what they want and so on. If it was up to me, he and that complete IDIOT shoot speeders would be IP banned from this site for spreading lies and propaganda about race. Too many gullible idiots that will fall for this trash.
Would you want Matthew or IanC teaching your children? Would you like to have any of our resident racists living next door to you? Would you like to put any of your relatives under the care of medical personnel who post racist vitriol on the INTERNET? Would you eat a hamburger prepared by Matthew...? I rest my case!
I wouldn't want them living next door, or you for that matter.
You need not worry about that! You don't have enough wealth to live next door to me!
Haven't been in the States in a while. I guess trailer parks have gotten pretty expensive then.
If the premise of this thread is true, poet must be very dark-skinned indeed.
If they would look at any of the data they'ed see that to be so. WTF wrong with these people? Do they enjoy seeing thousands of black teenagers being blown away and joining gangs? If they would speak up maybe we could do something!

75% of all murders in Chicago in 2009 were caused by blacks.

Statistics compiled by whites to serve a white agenda. Lies and sissy chatter.

How do you explain Detroit? Just look around you. Secondly, whites are the only ones that compiled such statistics.

How do you explain Appalachia, W. Virginia, and the Carolinas?????? There is absolutely no reason for poor white people in a system which favors them, disproportionately.


  • $poetry2.jpg
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blacks that have white ancestors in there bloodline are more intelligent than pure blacks.
Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic

From 2005? Really? What, your lips moving slowed you down for 8 years?

I thought all the anthropologists & forensics professionals agreed that people (the species) originated in the Great Rift Valley in Africa, & therefore all the original people were Black. If that's true, then "pure Blacks" - whatever that means - contained all the possible genome that is human, other than mutations after the origin of the species & once the diaspora began.

Also, if you follow the OP line of thought - if "white" blood makes you brilliant, then albino blood (no iron? no hemoglobin?) must make you a bloody genius! I know who I'm going to encourage my son to marry ...
Intelligence and ability is like a blanket that covers us all equally. There is no genetic predisposition of black people to be less intelligent. There is no genetic predisposition of Asians to be superior to white people. What there is, though, are various cultural values that predispose certain ethnicities to be less educated. Studious black kids in the inner city will be murdered by other black kids because reading and speaking correctly is acting white. Liberal white mothers believe that freedom of expression is more important than dusty facts.

Ten students from Irvine got perfect SAT scores and never bothered studying for the test.

10 Irvine high school students earn perfect ACT scores -

Jessica Huang, Krystal Lai, James Liao, Andrew Ma, Jiho Park, Neel Sabnis, James and William Xue, Alex Zivkovic and Jessica Zou. Two lonely white guys, the rest Asians. No blacks, no hispanics. It's not because blacks and hispanics are incapable. They certainly are. They just come from cultures that don't value education.

(My bold)

Nah, that's not it. The particular variants of Black & Hispanic culture @ Irvine @ that point in time may not value education. But there are Black & Hispanic doctors, lawyers, CPAs, engineers, mathematicians, writers, & on & on. The segments of those populations that do value education are the likely sources of professionals. US-born Blacks have to work around truly horrifying history of Blacks in the US, & a lot of rubbish surrounding their experience here. Hispanics have some history to overcome too. But sheer force of numbers has its own quality ...
by Brendan OíFlaherty & Rajiv Sethi

January 15, 2010

African-Americans are six times as likely as white Americans to die at the hands of a murderer, and roughly seven times as likely to murder someone...

The magnitude of the difference in murder and victimization rates far exceeds any difference in characteristics that appear to predispose people to kill and be killed: being poor, being a high school dropout, living in a dense urban environment, or being raised in a single-parent household, for instance. Blacks are about 2.75 times as likely as whites to be poor, 2.2 times as likely to be high-school dropouts, 2.9 times as likely to live in a large city, and 2.7 times as likely to grow up in a single parent household all ratios that are far below the observed ratios for murder victimization and offending.

Table 2. Homicide Offending by Race, 1976-2005, per 100,000 population
***** Black * White *Ratio
1976 * 46.6 * 4.9 ** 9.5
1980 * 51.5 * 6.4 ** 8.1
1984 * 33.1 * 5.3 ** 6.3
1988 * 41.2 * 4.9 ** 8.4
1992 * 47.0 * 5.2 ** 9.0
1996 * 35.9 * 4.5 ** 8.0
2000 * 25.6 * 3.5 ** 7.3
2004 * 24.1 * 3.6 ** 6.7
2005 * 26.5 * 3.5 ** 7.6
Source. US Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2007

Even that journal said most crime is intraracial. Why aren't you celebrating that most of the time blacks kill each other?

You Nazis are too stupid to even recognize good things for you. A lot of your type even deny the holocaust.
you are so,so,wrong!! we don't celebrate blacks killing anyone !!i do not attack anyone based on race !! i have great respect for asians,hispanics ,and other races,but the black race as a whole is failing in civilized societies !!so i will ask you what can be done to help the black community act like civilized human beings ??? does whitey need to pay more taxes ??does whitey need to just ignore the black crime,and illegitimacy rates ??should we pay reparations ??what will it take for the black community to get it's shit together ??

(My bold)

Nah, "Hispanic" isn't a race - it's an ethnicity. There are Black Hispanics, Caucasian-looking Hispanics, Mestizo-looking Hispanics - & there are pure-blood tribes still living in Mexico, C. & S. America - I don't know what they call themselves - likely not Hispanic.
Haven't you guys learned anything from my encounter with Matthew? Matthew is not a bright individual and the fact that he has the audacity to say whites are smarter and I have in numerous times demonstrated that he is an imbecile should show you that his theory is flawed....Watch he will point to statistics and not defend himself.

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