lighter skinned blacks are more intelligent than darker skinned blacks.

we may be using different definitions for the word trait. I am looking at behavioral traits rather than personality traits. long term family cohesion rather than gregariousness for example.

I don't see much of a distinction. Nature v. Nurture? Damn hard to pinpoint which has the most impact, though, if pressed, I pick Locke's theory of tabula rasa.

black children adopted into white middle class homes get a better start when they are young but that bonus dwindles as the child gets older and starts to chose his own environment. by the time that child is a adult they resemble their birth parents both physically and mentally and behaviourally, and do not resemble their adoptive parents at all.

nature beats out nurture almost every time. which is something that any parent with more than one child could tell you.
IanC, I wasn't going to reveal your identity, but you left me no choice. I've been reading your recent posts and comparing them to old posts written by Matthew. The same grammatical mistakes, miss spelled words, extreme obsession with a perceived inferiority of Blacks, among other things, leads the observant reader to he conclusion that your alter ego is none other than our resident racist, Matthew.

I don't see much of a distinction. Nature v. Nurture? Damn hard to pinpoint which has the most impact, though, if pressed, I pick Locke's theory of tabula rasa.

black children adopted into white middle class homes get a better start when they are young but that bonus dwindles as the child gets older and starts to chose his own environment. by the time that child is a adult they resemble their birth parents both physically and mentally and behaviourally, and do not resemble their adoptive parents at all.

nature beats out nurture almost every time. which is something that any parent with more than one child could tell you.
IanC, I wasn't going to reveal your identity, but you left me no choice. I've been reading your recent posts and comparing them to old posts written by Matthew. The same grammatical mistakes, miss spelled words, extreme obsession with a perceived inferiority of Blacks, among other things, leads the observant reader to he conclusion that your alter ego is none other than our resident racist, Matthew.


At least I'm right. You're a blind fool. :eusa_liar:
you are so,so,wrong!! we don't celebrate blacks killing anyone !!i do not attack anyone based on race !! i have great respect for asians,hispanics ,and other races,but the black race as a whole is failing in civilized societies !!so i will ask you what can be done to help the black community act like civilized human beings ??? does whitey need to pay more taxes ??does whitey need to just ignore the black crime,and illegitimacy rates ??should we pay reparations ??what will it take for the black community to get it's shit together ??

Some thoughts on these statistics. Poor people are more likely to be convicted of crimes. Black people in the US are more likely to be poor than whites or other races. Also, these statiscs account for a murder per person, not for someone who is a multiple murderer. These statistics make it appear equal between one person killing one person and one person killing many people. So, in these statistics, a black person who has killed one person is made equal to a serial killer or mass shooting killer, both of whom are more likely to be white.


So what's causing them to be so poor and violent? There's poor white area's that don't have anywhere near the crime rate as black area's.

What is holding them back from equalling us within black area's? It's like they don't even try.

Really? What about Bulger's neighborhood?
Troll thread. This is like me testing blondes and brunettes and saying that brunettes are smarter. You honestly think color somehow has an effect on the brain? Lol
Troll thread. This is like me testing blondes and brunettes and saying that brunettes are smarter. You honestly think color somehow has an effect on the brain? Lol
I don't think that anyone thinks color has an effect on intelligence. Race seems to be another matter though. Neither political correctness nor wishful thinking are going change that. Genetics and nature itself do not much concern themselves with the like.
Troll thread. This is like me testing blondes and brunettes and saying that brunettes are smarter. You honestly think color somehow has an effect on the brain? Lol

You're a clueless fool. lol

Hair color isn't the same as the development of the brain or the bone structure that developed within a different environement. Blacks are different from whites in the sane way that different kinds of dog is different from another. Different environments.

Skin color has a lot to do with environment
bone structure, same.

Who's to say that brain development wasn't effeced??? I'm one of the biggest science nuts on this board. So try me.
I don't see much of a distinction. Nature v. Nurture? Damn hard to pinpoint which has the most impact, though, if pressed, I pick Locke's theory of tabula rasa.

black children adopted into white middle class homes get a better start when they are young but that bonus dwindles as the child gets older and starts to chose his own environment. by the time that child is a adult they resemble their birth parents both physically and mentally and behaviourally, and do not resemble their adoptive parents at all.

nature beats out nurture almost every time. which is something that any parent with more than one child could tell you.
IanC, I wasn't going to reveal your identity, but you left me no choice. I've been reading your recent posts and comparing them to old posts written by Matthew. The same grammatical mistakes, miss spelled words, extreme obsession with a perceived inferiority of Blacks, among other things, leads the observant reader to he conclusion that your alter ego is none other than our resident racist, Matthew.


my idiosyncratic grammar is unique. Matthew is anti-black, I am anti-stupid. Matthew believes in global warming, I am a skeptic or perhaps a lukewarmist. he is young, I am old. but we both like science. I suppose to an idiot like you that makes us exactly alike.
explaining why intelligence is a more important factor than SES, and how the process works is beyond the scope of this message board. I will point out an example though. the best players in the NBA are not necessarily the tallest but there are very few great players that are less than six feet tall.

You need not attempt to explain your nonsense to me. Im not buying it. The NBA has nothing to do with Natural Selection. Those guys would have been tall even if the NBA never existed! So much for you analogy and your lame premises!

I am sorry that you cannot comprehend a simple analogy without it being explained. height is not an overwhelming factor in great NBA players except that you have to be over six feet tall to get in at all (yes I know there are very rare exceptions). intelligence works in the same way. there are many thresholds in life where intelligence does not seem to be the overwhelming factor as long as you have enough of it to get into the game.
Troll thread. This is like me testing blondes and brunettes and saying that brunettes are smarter. You honestly think color somehow has an effect on the brain? Lol

You're a clueless fool. lol

Hair color isn't the same as the development of the brain or the bone structure that developed within a different environement. Blacks are different from whites in the sane way that different kinds of dog is different from another. Different environments.

Skin color has a lot to do with environment
bone structure, same.

Who's to say that brain development wasn't effeced??? I'm one of the biggest science nuts on this board. So try me.

I know skin has to do with the environment. I also know that thousands of years ago, everyone had dark skin in Africa. After migration, people's skin turned different depending on the environment. That's skin. The brain and capability of a human doesn't change. I've seen your posts before. Your also one of the most hated people on this forum. Yeah I am trying you.
Some of the most vile white racists on the planet are posting on this thread and anywhere they can garner an audience. Likely, these anti-Black cretins are marginalized in their own communities and they have found a place to vent. Race Baiting is probably an understatement for what they do; but, clearly. that term defines their agenda. Matthew/IanC, Yiddar and several others have saturated the race relations forum
with all the racist swill they can muster.

Their subject material is not new. From the time of the first message boards, racist cowards have exploited the anonymity afforded by the INTERNET to spread their poison.
Hardly a day passes without a new thread heralding the inferiority of Blacks. Statistics and studies are thrown about with wild enthusiasm when they seemingly support a racist cause. But there is a dearth of data presented here when it comes to good news and contributions by Black folks.

The proliferation of white supremacists on this board seems to emanate from a core group that creates and disperses racist propaganda all across the INTERNET. That scenario has been going on for decades. Any response to them only empowers them. My suggestion is to ignore them. Don't give these racist losers a platform from which to launch their hate filled diatribes.
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I don't even think that all of them are racist. I think that they act racist as a form to troll. It gets people mad. Trolls feed off of others anger by posting stupid stuff and backing up for it because they know it pisses people off and it doesn't turn into a debate anymore. Just a flame war which they wanted all along. It gets easy to tell after a while. I'm in another forum at yuku and have seen similar scenarios. Every forum has its trolls.
Some of the most vile white racists on the planet are posting on this thread and anywhere they can garner an audience. Likely, these anti-Black cretins are marginalized in their own communities and they have found a place to vent. .

In other words, the cowards would never open their mealy little mouths in the real world so they come here to wallow in impotence and frustration.
I don't even think that all of them are racist. I think that they act racist as a form to troll. It gets people mad. Trolls feed off of others anger by posting stupid stuff and backing up for it because they know it pisses people off and it doesn't turn into a debate anymore. Just a flame war which they wanted all along. It gets easy to tell after a while. I'm in another forum at yuku and have seen similar scenarios. Every forum has its trolls.

Would you want Matthew or IanC teaching your children? Would you like to have any of our resident racists living next door to you? Would you like to put any of your relatives under the care of medical personnel who post racist vitriol on the INTERNET? Would you eat a hamburger prepared by Matthew...? I rest my case!
I don't even think that all of them are racist. I think that they act racist as a form to troll. It gets people mad. Trolls feed off of others anger by posting stupid stuff and backing up for it because they know it pisses people off and it doesn't turn into a debate anymore. Just a flame war which they wanted all along. It gets easy to tell after a while. I'm in another forum at yuku and have seen similar scenarios. Every forum has its trolls.

Would you want Matthew or IanC teaching your children? Would you like to have any of our resident racists living next door to you? Would you like to put any of your relatives under the care of medical personnel who post racist vitriol on the INTERNET? Would you eat a hamburger prepared by Matthew...? I rest my case!
I wouldn't want them living next door, or you for that matter.
I don't even think that all of them are racist. I think that they act racist as a form to troll. It gets people mad. Trolls feed off of others anger by posting stupid stuff and backing up for it because they know it pisses people off and it doesn't turn into a debate anymore. Just a flame war which they wanted all along. It gets easy to tell after a while. I'm in another forum at yuku and have seen similar scenarios. Every forum has its trolls.

Would you want Matthew or IanC teaching your children? Would you like to have any of our resident racists living next door to you? Would you like to put any of your relatives under the care of medical personnel who post racist vitriol on the INTERNET? Would you eat a hamburger prepared by Matthew...? I rest my case!
I wouldn't want them living next door, or you for that matter.
You need not worry about that! You don't have enough wealth to live next door to me!
Hey Matthew, we both know skin goes down to the environment. Can you prove to me how this has an effect on a persons free will and choice?
I don't even think that all of them are racist. I think that they act racist as a form to troll. It gets people mad. Trolls feed off of others anger by posting stupid stuff and backing up for it because they know it pisses people off and it doesn't turn into a debate anymore. Just a flame war which they wanted all along. It gets easy to tell after a while. I'm in another forum at yuku and have seen similar scenarios. Every forum has its trolls.

Would you want Matthew or IanC teaching your children? Would you like to have any of our resident racists living next door to you? Would you like to put any of your relatives under the care of medical personnel who post racist vitriol on the INTERNET? Would you eat a hamburger prepared by Matthew...? I rest my case!

Ianc doesn't seem as bad as Matthew actually. Ianc is more of a racial predictor while Matthew is full of crap. Very arrogant to.

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