lighter skinned blacks are more intelligent than darker skinned blacks.

as I have said so many times before; skin colour is determined by race, not race is determined by skin colour.

BS. I have a cousin, who is mulatto. Who, like President Obama is half-white and half-black, and who identifies as "black", although she could easily pass for white, and has been mistaken for white in the past.
And quite often race has been determined "in spite of" or contrary to skin color (i.e. "the one drop rule")

I am not particularly interested in the 'one drop rule'. I am only interested in the differences in the races, and what those differences cause in the social success of different groups.

of course there are cultural aspects involved as well but as far as I can see black culture is dysfunctional in many areas and leads to even more disparity.
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BS. I have a cousin, who is mulatto. Who, like President Obama is half-white and half-black, and who identifies as "black", although she could easily pass for white, and has been mistaken for white in the past.
And quite often race has been determined "in spite of" or contrary to skin color (i.e. "the one drop rule")

I am not particularly interested in the 'one drop rule'. I am only interested in the differences in the races, and what those differences cause in the social success of different groups.

of course there are cultural aspects involved as well but as far as I can see black culture is dysfunctional in many areas and leads to even more disparity.

Well, clearly, the culture you come from is not only dysfunctional, to have you thinking that way, but, obviously "invalid".
I didn't ask you if you were interested in the one drop rule.....I stated it as a "matter of fact". Your assertion is invalid and untrue.
Corporate welfare is socialism you moron. Catering to the rich, is socialism, stupid. You look up the definition, as you're the one in need.
"Corporate Welfare", a term invented by the idiot left to demonize business. You can't be taken seriously, you've shown yourself to be one of the dumbest mfers on this site.
LOLOLOLOL. And that's the weakest defense in answer to the question of "socialism", in this forum. Bitch, please. My IQ is 126-130, well above the national average.
bullshit !! it is obvious that you are blacker than a pile of shit in a snow field ,and that proves the premise of this thread .[ your IQ is below 90]
BS. I have a cousin, who is mulatto. Who, like President Obama is half-white and half-black, and who identifies as "black", although she could easily pass for white, and has been mistaken for white in the past.
And quite often race has been determined "in spite of" or contrary to skin color (i.e. "the one drop rule")

I am not particularly interested in the 'one drop rule'. I am only interested in the differences in the races, and what those differences cause in the social success of different groups.

of course there are cultural aspects involved as well but as far as I can see black culture is dysfunctional in many areas and leads to even more disparity.

Well, clearly, the culture you come from is not only dysfunctional, to have you thinking that way, but, obviously "invalid".
I didn't ask you if you were interested in the one drop rule.....I stated it as a "matter of fact". Your assertion is invalid and untrue.

obviously the english language should have more words to describe 'race' in different contexts. race to me means the continental cluster of origin for a person. to you it means something else, which probably changes according to what you want it to mean. I discuss the biological context, you discuss the political context. while the biological component surely affects the political, the political context has zero affect on the biological.
I am not particularly interested in the 'one drop rule'. I am only interested in the differences in the races, and what those differences cause in the social success of different groups.

of course there are cultural aspects involved as well but as far as I can see black culture is dysfunctional in many areas and leads to even more disparity.

Well, clearly, the culture you come from is not only dysfunctional, to have you thinking that way, but, obviously "invalid".
I didn't ask you if you were interested in the one drop rule.....I stated it as a "matter of fact". Your assertion is invalid and untrue.

obviously the english language should have more words to describe 'race' in different contexts. race to me means the continental cluster of origin for a person. to you it means something else, which probably changes according to what you want it to mean. I discuss the biological context, you discuss the political context. while the biological component surely affects the political, the political context has zero affect on the biological.
Non-Africans have an advantage of having 1-4% of Neanderthal DNA (East Asians 3%, Europeans 2.5%), which may have caused the genetic IQ differences between different races, and the Bell Curve (1994) stated that the average IQ of White was 103 and East Asian 106 and any Africans of mixed heritage have higher percentages of Neanderthal genes, corresponding to their higher IQ scores.

Considering the recent experimental discovery of Green et al that present-day non-Africans have 1 to 4% of their nuclear DNA of Neanderthal origin, we propose here a model which is able to quantify the genetic interbreeding between two subpopulations with equal fitness, living in the same geographic region. The model consists of a solvable system of deterministic ordinary differential equations containing as a stochastic ingredient a realization of the neutral Wright-Fisher process. By simulating the stochastic part of the model we are able to apply it to the interbreeding of the African ancestors of Eurasians and Middle Eastern Neanderthal subpopulations and estimate the only parameter of the model, which is the number of individuals per generation exchanged between subpopulations. Our results indicate that the amount of Neanderthal DNA in living non-Africans can be explained with maximum probability by the exchange of a single pair of individuals between the subpopulations at each 77 generations, but larger exchange frequencies are also allowed with sizeable probability. The results are compatible with a long coexistence time of 130,000 years, a total interbreeding population of order individuals, and with all living humans being descendants of Africans both for mitochondrial DNA and Y chromosome.
PLOS ONE: Extremely Rare Interbreeding Events Can Explain Neanderthal DNA in Living Humans
Depends on who's doing it and why, but it ain't socialism.

So bailing out a a FAILED or FAILING business is not a form of socialism?

What about subsidies too? How is that not socialism?
Carter bailed out Chrysler, Obama bailed out GM. Socialism is really about redistribution of wealth, right? Only in Obama's case, he redistributed the wealth to his campaign donors, not those who actually needed it. That's not socialism, that's robbery.

White collar robbery; USURY; oligarchy- words that are usually associated with right wing thieves, not the left! Further, if Obama's campaign donors got some kickback do you think it was any more than those who donated to Reagan or Bush? Those Bush tax cuts for the wealthy sure redistributed wealth from their poor fellow citizens didn't it?
as I have said so many times before; skin colour is determined by race, not race is determined by skin colour.

BS. I have a cousin, who is mulatto. Who, like President Obama is half-white and half-black, and who identifies as "black", although she could easily pass for white, and has been mistaken for white in the past.
And quite often race has been determined "in spite of" or contrary to skin color (i.e. "the one drop rule")[/QUOTE]

so she passed rather than failed?
So bailing out a a FAILED or FAILING business is not a form of socialism?

What about subsidies too? How is that not socialism?
Carter bailed out Chrysler, Obama bailed out GM. Socialism is really about redistribution of wealth, right? Only in Obama's case, he redistributed the wealth to his campaign donors, not those who actually needed it. That's not socialism, that's robbery.

White collar robbery; USURY; oligarchy- words that are usually associated with right wing thieves, not the left! Further, if Obama's campaign donors got some kickback do you think it was any more than those who donated to Reagan or Bush? Those Bush tax cuts for the wealthy sure redistributed wealth from their poor fellow citizens didn't it?
That's your rebuttal? Pretty weak.
The physical statistics do not lie there. The average IQ for whites in the USA is at about 100. For blacks in the USA it is 85. These stats hold true throughout the civilized world. Black's mean IQ in Africa is just over 70. These stats are adjusted for socioeconomic differences as well. One has to wonder if the higher IQ in the USA has anything to do with mixed race bloodlines. Blacks will say these tests are biased specifically against them, but other ethnic groups in the US , with less knowledge of the english language (IE Immigrants) consistently score higher than blacks do. Persons of Asian descent score the highest at almost 101 average. I am only listing the true statistics, not being a racist.

You're not a "racist" (your words, not mine) but insinuate that all blacks are genetically dumb. How do you know they're true? Do you only accept it because you agree with it? Look up Richard Lynn and see who he is affiliated with.

Have you ever taken an IQ test?

BTW nice copypasta w/o a source, very original.
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Look it up yourself. it is out there. I am 138 thank you very much. I did not insinuate that all blacks are dumb at all. I was listing scientifically proven facts. I will look up a link and post it tomorrow for you. I personally know several blacks that I think are very intelligent.

Where did you take your IQ test?
Look it up yourself. it is out there. I am 138 thank you very much. I did not insinuate that all blacks are dumb at all. I was listing scientifically proven facts. I will look up a link and post it tomorrow for you. I personally know several blacks that I think are very intelligent.

KR811 is a genius at putting words in other people's mouths
Look it up yourself. it is out there. I am 138 thank you very much. I did not insinuate that all blacks are dumb at all. I was listing scientifically proven facts. I will look up a link and post it tomorrow for you. I personally know several blacks that I think are very intelligent.

KR811 is a genius at putting words in other people's mouths

Thanks, I'm just following the example shown on this forum.
Look it up yourself. it is out there. I am 138 thank you very much. I did not insinuate that all blacks are dumb at all. I was listing scientifically proven facts. I will look up a link and post it tomorrow for you. I personally know several blacks that I think are very intelligent.

KR811 is a genius at putting words in other people's mouths

Thanks, I'm just following the example shown on this forum.

Carter bailed out Chrysler, Obama bailed out GM. Socialism is really about redistribution of wealth, right? Only in Obama's case, he redistributed the wealth to his campaign donors, not those who actually needed it. That's not socialism, that's robbery.

White collar robbery; USURY; oligarchy- words that are usually associated with right wing thieves, not the left! Further, if Obama's campaign donors got some kickback do you think it was any more than those who donated to Reagan or Bush? Those Bush tax cuts for the wealthy sure redistributed wealth from their poor fellow citizens didn't it?
That's your rebuttal? Pretty weak.

the truth is NEVER weak! Answer the question or shut up!
White collar robbery; USURY; oligarchy- words that are usually associated with right wing thieves, not the left! Further, if Obama's campaign donors got some kickback do you think it was any more than those who donated to Reagan or Bush? Those Bush tax cuts for the wealthy sure redistributed wealth from their poor fellow citizens didn't it?
That's your rebuttal? Pretty weak.

the truth is NEVER weak! Answer the question or shut up!
I don't answer questions that fucking stupid.
as I have said so many times before; skin colour is determined by race, not race is determined by skin colour.

And that premise is as flawed as anything I've ever heard! Skin color is determined by environmental influence to various populations over at least a ten thousand year period, just as other human variations are. To me, mankind's physical variations, including skin color, are not indicators of racial variance. It is a matter of adaptation to various environs by the same species; or, if you will, race... the human race!

how do we distinguish whether a varialble is cause or effect? we measure which relationship is stronger. eg does SES (socioeconomic status) cause higher IQ or does IQ cause higher SES? we measure the correlation in both directions and find that IQ has greater predictive power than SES therefore it is much more likely that intelligence is the cause rather than SES..

More BS! If your premise were true, the members of MENSA would hold all the wealth in the world. No, there is something else. I suspect that aggression and utter ruthlessness are keys to acquiring individual wealth. These kind of people usually employ people with high IQs. The leaders of most Asian countries are probably not the brightest, but the most aggressive and assertive. The bright Asians have only recently began to make their presence known to the world thanks to the opportunities opened up by the Civil Rights Era in the West!

I found a new blog that has an interesting discussion of the light skin/ dark skin question.

Hill's theory is a variant of what is known as “the sociologist’s fallacy” (Jensen, 1998) which consists of treating socio-economic and family variables as causes of the association between race and IQ and partialing them out, when these variables are correlates and effects rather than causes of the difference.

I don't see a reference to skin color here so, I'Il just ignore this as gobblygook!

There is something Lynn (2002b) doesn’t seem to have noticed however. The fact that the relationship between skin color and IQ has fallen after the inclusion of education and other variables is exactly what the genetic hypothesis would have predicted. It is not the skin color per se that drives the IQ level, but here the degree of ancestry which is tied to IQ. Controlling for education is like controlling for the variables that were initially causing education levels to vary. In other words, the explanatory variables such as IQ. That the influence of racial admixture diminished after the inclusion of SES is, perhaps counterintuitively, consistent with a genetic hypothesis. As I explained elsewhere, matching for SES does not make any sense. Indeed, if the link between skin color and IQ still remains, it would mean that skin color is linked to IQ when the degree of ancestry has been controlled. In this case, something that is tied to skin color but not to the degree of ancestry is causing IQ to vary....

The researchers who came up with this BS either have tunnel vision or are infected with the virus called "groupthink." Sub-Saharan African immigrants are now the most educated people in Britain as well as the United States! And, from close observation and study, I can tell you that there is very little European admixture among them.

BS. I have a cousin, who is mulatto. Who, like President Obama is half-white and half-black, and who identifies as "black", although she could easily pass for white, and has been mistaken for white in the past.
And quite often race has been determined "in spite of" or contrary to skin color (i.e. "the one drop rule")

I am not particularly interested in the 'one drop rule'. I am only interested in the differences in the races, and what those differences cause in the social success of different groups.

of course there are cultural aspects involved as well but as far as I can see black culture is dysfunctional in many areas and leads to even more disparity.

Your mission here has become clearer. Your use of an Asian avatar belies your true identity. However I see you now for who and what you really are!

Why are you so interested in differences between the "races?" Since your obsession is with black "dysfunction," why not pursue an analysis that details how pervasive it really is in black communities. Objectivity, though, has to be included in any empirical undertaking; otherwise, your work would be tainted by errors in judgement posited by others.

To be fair, you must separate the good from the bad. You'll find that most Blacks are hard working, God fearing Americans with aspirations hopes and dreams just like you have.
You're going to find that, while you have been feverishly trying to make a universal nexus between Blacks and dysfunction, most have been silently rising to meet the challenges of raising a family, wed or not, and making a living! God and the Bible are central themes in any Black community. A relatively few bad apples are the ones who make the evening news and generate bad statistics.
To be fair, you must separate the good from the bad. You'll find that most Blacks are hard working, God fearing Americans with aspirations hopes and dreams just like you have.
You're going to find that, while you have been feverishly trying to make a universal nexus between Blacks and dysfunction, most have been silently rising to meet the challenges of raising a family, wed or not, and making a living! God and the Bible are central themes in any Black community. A relatively few bad apples are the ones who make the evening news and generate bad statistics.
They just seem to have a disproportionate amount of "bad apples".

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