lighter skinned blacks are more intelligent than darker skinned blacks.

Wrong. Reagan reduced taxes across the board by 25%, not just the wealthy.

Inflation fell from 12.4% to 2%.

The deficit DID go up after the Democrats made a deal to cut spending in exchange for a tax hike, then welched on the deal, like they always do.

20 million jobs were created under Reagan.

We were well into a recession when Reagan was inaugurated. It lasted about 2 years, then the largest economic peacetime expansion took place under his policies. Anyone who says Reagan was a socialist is either lying or is misinformed. That is absolutely absurd.

Of course, according to the "Reagan Foundation" website. If you visit further you will find that the backside of his economic policies cancelled many of his mythical "gains". is a liberal website disguised as non-partisan. Those who weren't around during the Reagan presidency will not get accurate information on him. I've seen some pretty twisted stories about his policies and actions. He vetoed a lot of wasteful spending bills, only to be overridden by both parties running for re-election. There was the "Clean Water Bill" and the "Highway Bill", to name a couple. He had to compromise on tax reduction. For example, in order to get lower rates, he had to agree to eliminate credit card interest deductions. Overall, he made great progress and fundamental changes that lasted well into the 90's. Democrats are still trying to destroy his legacy, but to call him a socialist is utterly ridiculous.

Reagan: The Great American Socialist

Read it and weep.
Statistics compiled by whites to serve a white agenda. Lies and sissy chatter.

I tend to agree with you POET! If the problem is as bad as it looks on paper MARTIAL LAW
would be the only viable answer. Yet, there is no talk of that. BTW, blacks don't storm schools and kill little kids en masse. when are the repubs going to address that problem

you mean like this?

LAPD, Torrance Police Shot At Innocent People In Frenzied Hunt For Former Cop Christopher Dorner

"blacks don't storm schools and kill little kids en masse"

And you posted that?

Are you even trying?
White are predominantly mass murderers or serial killers. There have been plenty of black mass murderers, but whitey has the lead in that one. However;

"From the FBI's perspective, there has never been a generic profile of a serial killer and no set of characteristics that someone can 'look out for,' '' she said. "Further, serial killers span all racial groups. There are white, African-American, Hispanic and Asian serial killers. The racial diversification of serial killers generally mirrors that of the overall U.S. population.''

Louis B. Schlesinger, Ph.D., a professor of forensic psychology at John Jay College of Criminal Justice at the City University of New York. He and several other scholars recently completed the study "Ritual and Signature in Serial Sexual Homicide,'' done in conjunction with the FBI's Behavioral Science Unit, which appeared in The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. The article studied signature clues that serial killers leave behind at murder scenes.

"That is a total, total myth that there are no black serial killers,'' said Dr. Schlesinger, who has been studying serial killers and extraordinary crimes since the 1970s. "There have been black serial killers for many, many years, but they haven't been publicized. The media simply chooses not to focus on them.''

It's also not true that serial killers are of above-average intelligence, he said.

"Their intelligence copies the normal distribution of the general population,'' he said. "Some serial killers are very smart, which is very, very, very rare. Most are of average intelligence. Most are within the low-average range. What happens is the media attributes high intelligence to these guys when they haven't been quickly apprehended.''
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I tend to agree with you POET! If the problem is as bad as it looks on paper MARTIAL LAW
would be the only viable answer. Yet, there is no talk of that. BTW, blacks don't storm schools and kill little kids en masse. when are the repubs going to address that problem

you mean like this?

LAPD, Torrance Police Shot At Innocent People In Frenzied Hunt For Former Cop Christopher Dorner

"blacks don't storm schools and kill little kids en masse"

And you posted that?

Are you even trying?

what difference does it make if it's a school or not?

the victims are just as dead
Wrong. Reagan reduced taxes across the board by 25%, not just the wealthy.

Inflation fell from 12.4% to 2%.

The deficit DID go up after the Democrats made a deal to cut spending in exchange for a tax hike, then welched on the deal, like they always do.

20 million jobs were created under Reagan.

We were well into a recession when Reagan was inaugurated. It lasted about 2 years, then the largest economic peacetime expansion took place under his policies. Anyone who says Reagan was a socialist is either lying or is misinformed. That is absolutely absurd.

Of course, according to the "Reagan Foundation" website. If you visit further you will find that the backside of his economic policies cancelled many of his mythical "gains". is a liberal website disguised as non-partisan. Those who weren't around during the Reagan presidency will not get accurate information on him. I've seen some pretty twisted stories about his policies and actions. He vetoed a lot of wasteful spending bills, only to be overridden by both parties running for re-election. There was the "Clean Water Bill" and the "Highway Bill", to name a couple. He had to compromise on tax reduction. For example, in order to get lower rates, he had to agree to eliminate credit card interest deductions. Overall, he made great progress and fundamental changes that lasted well into the 90's. Democrats are still trying to destroy his legacy, but to call him a socialist is utterly ridiculous.

And what support the theory that factcheck is a "liberal website?"
Of course, according to the "Reagan Foundation" website. If you visit further you will find that the backside of his economic policies cancelled many of his mythical "gains".

Those who weren't around during the Reagan presidency will not get accurate information on him.

Why is that? Everything that he did should be available on the Internet, unless you believe that he is a "posthumous" victim of an Internet conspiracy to discredit him.

And yes, I was around during both of his terms and was far past the legal.
age to vote.

Reagan: The Great American Socialist

Read it and weep.
Prove that I'm an idiot, fucking or otherwise, moron.
You just proved it yourself, you dumb fuck. Reagan, a socialist? Prove that, asshole.

Iran Contra. Support for Gorbachev. Busting the Airlines. Tax reform for the wealthy.
The Neo-Con movement started in his administration by Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, and Bill Kristol. Now run along.
Iran/Contra? What's socialist about that?

Support for Gorbachev? Reagan kicked Gorby's ass and forced his country into bankruptcy. How is that socialist? And it was the Democrats who loved Gorbachev and took his side during arms control talks.

Busting the airlines? You mean the Air Traffic Controllers Union? How is it socialist to fire employees who go on strike after signing an agreement not to?

Tax reform for the wealthy? It was across the board, dumbshit. Everyone got tax cuts, and tax cuts are NOT socialist, you idiot.

I think you need to look up the definition of "socialism".
I tend to agree with you POET! If the problem is as bad as it looks on paper MARTIAL LAW
would be the only viable answer. Yet, there is no talk of that. BTW, blacks don't storm schools and kill little kids en masse. when are the repubs going to address that problem

you mean like this?

LAPD, Torrance Police Shot At Innocent People In Frenzied Hunt For Former Cop Christopher Dorner

"blacks don't storm schools and kill little kids en masse"

And you posted that?

Are you even trying?

Blacks are less likely to kill large numbers of strangers for unaccountable reasons than whites, but they do have a much higher murder rate.

Black drug dealers kill other drug dealers over market share. They kill others over status conflicts. Sometimes they kill in the process of an armed robbery either if the victim resists, or to keep him from identifying the robber.
You just proved it yourself, you dumb fuck. Reagan, a socialist? Prove that, asshole.

Iran Contra. Support for Gorbachev. Busting the Airlines. Tax reform for the wealthy.
The Neo-Con movement started in his administration by Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, and Bill Kristol. Now run along.
Iran/Contra? What's socialist about that?

Support for Gorbachev? Reagan kicked Gorby's ass and forced his country into bankruptcy. How is that socialist? And it was the Democrats who loved Gorbachev and took his side during arms control talks.

Busting the airlines? You mean the Air Traffic Controllers Union? How is it socialist to fire employees who go on strike after signing an agreement not to?

Tax reform for the wealthy? It was across the board, dumbshit. Everyone got tax cuts, and tax cuts are NOT socialist, you idiot.

I think you need to look up the definition of "socialism".

The Iran/Contra scandal isn't socialist it's corrupt, like Fast and Furious.

And didn't the Soviet Union had a internal collapse? I bet you think Reagan was also responsible for tearing down the Berlin Wall too.
Of course, according to the "Reagan Foundation" website. If you visit further you will find that the backside of his economic policies cancelled many of his mythical "gains". is a liberal website disguised as non-partisan. Those who weren't around during the Reagan presidency will not get accurate information on him. I've seen some pretty twisted stories about his policies and actions. He vetoed a lot of wasteful spending bills, only to be overridden by both parties running for re-election. There was the "Clean Water Bill" and the "Highway Bill", to name a couple. He had to compromise on tax reduction. For example, in order to get lower rates, he had to agree to eliminate credit card interest deductions. Overall, he made great progress and fundamental changes that lasted well into the 90's. Democrats are still trying to destroy his legacy, but to call him a socialist is utterly ridiculous.

And what support the theory that factcheck is a "liberal website?"
This is who funds factcheck.or.

Chicago Annenberg Challenge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iran Contra. Support for Gorbachev. Busting the Airlines. Tax reform for the wealthy.
The Neo-Con movement started in his administration by Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, and Bill Kristol. Now run along.
Iran/Contra? What's socialist about that?

Support for Gorbachev? Reagan kicked Gorby's ass and forced his country into bankruptcy. How is that socialist? And it was the Democrats who loved Gorbachev and took his side during arms control talks.

Busting the airlines? You mean the Air Traffic Controllers Union? How is it socialist to fire employees who go on strike after signing an agreement not to?

Tax reform for the wealthy? It was across the board, dumbshit. Everyone got tax cuts, and tax cuts are NOT socialist, you idiot.

I think you need to look up the definition of "socialism".

The Iran/Contra scandal isn't socialist it's corrupt, like Fast and Furious.

And didn't the Soviet Union had a internal collapse? I bet you think Reagan was also responsible for tearing down the Berlin Wall too.
They had an internal collapse because they were bankrupt, trying to keep up with the arms race. And as a matter of fact, Reagan WAS responsible for the wall coming down, that's why there's a section of if at the Reagan Library.
Iran/Contra? What's socialist about that?

Support for Gorbachev? Reagan kicked Gorby's ass and forced his country into bankruptcy. How is that socialist? And it was the Democrats who loved Gorbachev and took his side during arms control talks.

Busting the airlines? You mean the Air Traffic Controllers Union? How is it socialist to fire employees who go on strike after signing an agreement not to?

Tax reform for the wealthy? It was across the board, dumbshit. Everyone got tax cuts, and tax cuts are NOT socialist, you idiot.

I think you need to look up the definition of "socialism".

The Iran/Contra scandal isn't socialist it's corrupt, like Fast and Furious.

And didn't the Soviet Union had a internal collapse? I bet you think Reagan was also responsible for tearing down the Berlin Wall too.
They had an internal collapse because they were bankrupt, trying to keep up with the arms race. And as a matter of fact, Reagan WAS responsible for the wall coming down, that's why there's a section of if at the Reagan Library.

Because the Germans obviously didn't want it tore down before Reagan came along.

At the Reagan Library? Seems legit.

"blacks don't storm schools and kill little kids en masse"

And you posted that?

Are you even trying?

Blacks are less likely to kill large numbers of strangers for unaccountable reasons than whites, but they do have a much higher murder rate.

Black drug dealers kill other drug dealers over market share. They kill others over status conflicts. Sometimes they kill in the process of an armed robbery either if the victim resists, or to keep him from identifying the robber.

What drug dealer doesn't kill other drug dealers over market share?

Many people has killed others over status conflicts?

Many robbers have killed innocent people while stealing and either killed or intimidated witnesses.

How are those things racially exclusive?

Some of these people are defending the USSR. Damn.

Can you even read?

The Soviet Union had an internal collapse because their economic policies are fundamentally flawed and I'm sure other factors played a part as well. Just because I don't suck Reagan's cock doesn't mean I support Communists. You resemble Communists more with your collectivist attitude.

Some of these people are defending the USSR. Damn.

The Soviet government carried Russia from semi feudalism to the space age. Along the way it did most of the fighting and dying to defeat Nazi Germany.

[ame=]Fall of Berlin with Soviet Anthem - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Soviet National Anthem(With Lyrics) - YouTube[/ame]

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