lighter skinned blacks are more intelligent than darker skinned blacks.

There are far more good blacks than there are bad ones regardless of the statistical implications presented here! If all 35-40 million blacks were criminals, you can believe there would be extreme measures taken to address that. Most white people are aware of that and aren't going to be swayed by statistical propaganda to initiate civil war or triage against a majority composed of decent working and middle class blacks.
Your statistics are implying that no matter what good a black man does, he is responsible for the criminal activities of blacks nationwide! When you say "blacks" have the highest crime rate you are including the black postman, the black policeman, the black teacher, the black soldier, the black doctor and the black professionals everywhere. You can't seem to separate the good from the bad and that is a dangerous thing! Don't you realize that the good black citizen has no more power over black criminals than you have over white ones? The entire justice system has been biased and slanted against ALL blacks, good OR bad. Yes, the black tax dollars paid for police protection and other social benefits are often spent on keeping middle and upper middle class neighborhoods safe while neglecting black neighborhoods, leaving decent blacks therein to fend for themselves! In some black areas, where crime is rampant, martial law should have been declared a long time ago. Responsible black citizens would have welcomed that. Most black people want safe, clean neighborhoods but when their tax dollars are spent on white agendas, their resources are limited.
nearly half of all black males are felons .

Lies and sissy chatter. Most serial killers and mass murderers are "white".
There are far more good blacks than there are bad ones regardless of the statistical implications presented here! If all 35-40 million blacks were criminals, you can believe there would be extreme measures taken to address that. Most white people are aware of that and aren't going to be swayed by statistical propaganda to initiate civil war or triage against a majority composed of decent working and middle class blacks.
Your statistics are implying that no matter what good a black man does, he is responsible for the criminal activities of blacks nationwide! When you say "blacks" have the highest crime rate you are including the black postman, the black policeman, the black teacher, the black soldier, the black doctor and the black professionals everywhere. You can't seem to separate the good from the bad and that is a dangerous thing! Don't you realize that the good black citizen has no more power over black criminals than you have over white ones? The entire justice system has been biased and slanted against ALL blacks, good OR bad. Yes, the black tax dollars paid for police protection and other social benefits are often spent on keeping middle and upper middle class neighborhoods safe while neglecting black neighborhoods, leaving decent blacks therein to fend for themselves! In some black areas, where crime is rampant, martial law should have been declared a long time ago. Responsible black citizens would have welcomed that. Most black people want safe, clean neighborhoods but when their tax dollars are spent on white agendas, their resources are limited.
Don't you think it would better to address the root cause of the problem head on instead of making excuses and trying to minimize it? The Democratic Party has blacks on the welfare plantation and they're content to be there. The answer isn't more tax dollars, the answer is LESS tax dollars. Stop paying them to be lazy and unproductive. But of course, if they made them stand on their own two feet, they might develop some self-esteem and start voting Republican.

Lies. The Republican Party is in demise.
Your blanket unsubstantiated statements are "what's wrong" with American society. There are far too many people like you who seem oblivious to the millions of decent, honest ,Christian Black people around them. The Black middle class is alive and well. It is made up of dark and light skinned blacks who realize a professional commonality among themselves.
Until recently, though, poor blacks and middle class blacks were forced to share the same neighborhoods; unlike their white counterparts. Middle class white neighbor hoods are starkly different from those where poorer whites live. Could that simple observation be a link to the collective notion that all blacks are criminal morons because they did not segregate themselves by classes as whites have done?
poor white neighborhoods have nowhere near the crime rate that poor black neighborhoods have .

If they would look at any of the data they'ed see that to be so. WTF wrong with these people? Do they enjoy seeing thousands of black teenagers being blown away and joining gangs? If they would speak up maybe we could do something!

75% of all murders in Chicago in 2009 were caused by blacks.

Statistics compiled by whites to serve a white agenda. Lies and sissy chatter.
There are far more good blacks than there are bad ones regardless of the statistical implications presented here! If all 35-40 million blacks were criminals, you can believe there would be extreme measures taken to address that. Most white people are aware of that and aren't going to be swayed by statistical propaganda to initiate civil war or triage against a majority composed of decent working and middle class blacks.
Your statistics are implying that no matter what good a black man does, he is responsible for the criminal activities of blacks nationwide! When you say "blacks" have the highest crime rate you are including the black postman, the black policeman, the black teacher, the black soldier, the black doctor and the black professionals everywhere.

I would like to agree, and I think you make a point worth discussing. Aside from the type of "nuts" you are referring to, do you feel that those types of whites in this forum are actually more representative of the "mainstream" than they are outside of the norm? It appears that the majority of them who post here, are convinced that even the gainfully employed, productive member of society who happens to be black is prone to corruption.

You can't seem to separate the good from the bad and that is a dangerous thing! Don't you realize that the good black citizen has no more power over black criminals than you have over white ones? The entire justice system has been biased and slanted against ALL blacks, good OR bad. Yes, the black tax dollars paid for police protection and other social benefits are often spent on keeping middle and upper middle class neighborhoods safe while neglecting black neighborhoods, leaving decent blacks therein to fend for themselves! In some black areas, where crime is rampant, martial law should have been declared a long time ago. Responsible black citizens would have welcomed that. Most black people want safe, clean neighborhoods but when their tax dollars are spent on white agendas, their resources are limited.

Personally, I do not know nor do I have a single person in my own family or circle of friends who has ever been incarcerated, the majority are college graduates, dating back to my grandparents, who were products of the depression era.

I think that given the beliefs that some of these self proclaimed "experts" on so called "black culture" harbor, that quite a few of them dwell on the lower rung of society themselves, possibly they stand in line at the welfare office, or have been in police lineups, side by side with the same "blacks" that they revile so much.

I recall one of them even once posting about " the kind of blacks he encountered in the joint".

Maybe he is more "typical" of the types you are describing who post here.

Your thoughts?
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can you prove it was rape and not consensual?

and there were really not that many slave owners.


Consensual? Oh gawd, are you fucking serious? Have you never read anything? Unbelieveable.

looks like you have read the NOI version of history

Even if you haven't, and it appears you haven't, read the history of slavery in America, logic dictates that slaves would not be consensual sex partners to the white master. Do you really think all those women, most barely out of childhood, wanted to be the sexual partner of much older white men who despised them and treated them like little better than animals? Obviously your racism will lead you to believe what you want to believe. It's really despicable.
The word "slave" is derived from "slavic" people. They were highly prized by the rulers and people in the east and middle east.
Are lighter skinned Whites smarter than darker skinned Whites?

Just wondering how far you guys are willing to go in defence of your philosophy about White superiority.

Cause that would make POLES about the smartest people on earth as they are the WHITEST & BLONDEST ethnic on earth.

But for some reason HITLER didn't think they were ever human, ya know?

a lot of nordic countries would disagree with you. besides jews (ashkenazi) are the smartest white group and they dont have a lot of blondes. Hitler really missed the boat on that one, huh?

I too always thought the Nortic race was the blondest and whitest, IanC.

But according to at least some geneticists, no, apparently the focus of Whitest and Blondests people is in the region now found in Poland.

If you doubt that, know that I am likely dubious.

it may well be true, but the difference would be small. a lot of fluff pieces get media attention only to found that they arent quite true. remember when redheads were going to disappear in two or three generations?
There are far more good blacks than there are bad ones regardless of the statistical implications presented here! If all 35-40 million blacks were criminals, you can believe there would be extreme measures taken to address that. Most white people are aware of that and aren't going to be swayed by statistical propaganda to initiate civil war or triage against a majority composed of decent working and middle class blacks.
Your statistics are implying that no matter what good a black man does, he is responsible for the criminal activities of blacks nationwide! When you say "blacks" have the highest crime rate you are including the black postman, the black policeman, the black teacher, the black soldier, the black doctor and the black professionals everywhere. You can't seem to separate the good from the bad and that is a dangerous thing! Don't you realize that the good black citizen has no more power over black criminals than you have over white ones? The entire justice system has been biased and slanted against ALL blacks, good OR bad. Yes, the black tax dollars paid for police protection and other social benefits are often spent on keeping middle and upper middle class neighborhoods safe while neglecting black neighborhoods, leaving decent blacks therein to fend for themselves! In some black areas, where crime is rampant, martial law should have been declared a long time ago. Responsible black citizens would have welcomed that. Most black people want safe, clean neighborhoods but when their tax dollars are spent on white agendas, their resources are limited.
nearly half of all black males are felons .

Got proof of that? Never mind, you don't give facts or data.:eusa_whistle:
In the United States in 2005, 37,460 white females were sexually assaulted or raped by a black man, while between zero and ten black females were sexually assaulted or raped by a white man.
What this means is that every day in the United States, over one hundred white women are raped or sexually assaulted by a black man.

Here, look at the DOJ PDF yourself:

Look at table 42.

In Table 42, entitled "Personal crimes of violence, 2005, percent distribution of single-offender victimizations, based on race of victims, by type of crime and perceived race of offender," we learn that there were 111,590 white victims and 36,620 black victims of rape or sexual assault in 2005. (The number of rapes is not distinguished from those of sexual assaults; it is maddening that sexual assault, an ill-defined category that covers various types of criminal acts ranging from penetration to inappropriate touching, is conflated with the more specific crime of rape.) In the 111,590 cases in which the victim of rape or sexual assault was white, 44.5 percent of the offenders were white, and 33.6 percent of the offenders were black. In the 36,620 cases in which the victim of rape or sexual assault was black, 100 percent of the offenders were black, and 0.0 percent of the offenders were white. The table explains that 0.0 percent means that there were under 10 incidents nationally.


Poverty By Race/Ethnicity

Areas with a high incidence of poverty often reflect the low income of their racial/ethnic minorities. Nonmetro non-Hispanic Blacks had the highest incidence of poverty in 2010, at 32.9 percent (32.2 percent in 2009). The 2010 poverty rate for nonmetro Hispanics was 29.5 percent, which is 1.7 percentage points higher than in 2009. Both non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic poverty rates for 2010 were more than twice the rate for non-Hispanic Whites (13.1 percent), which was also the case in 2009.

USDA ERS - Page Not Found


Norweigian crime research shows that 25% of the Somali immigrants are criminal.

In Norway they have collected statistics of immigrant related crime. The study shows that one of five Somali immigrants have commited crimes in Norway. The Somalians are 3,78 times more criminal than the Norweigan populatiion at large. If you adjust the numbers to sex and age they are 2,61 times more criminal:

Why do you post invalid urls as references? You look really dumb doing that. At least the DOJ pdf is present. 1/3, better than your last attempt.
poor white neighborhoods have nowhere near the crime rate that poor black neighborhoods have .

If they would look at any of the data they'ed see that to be so. WTF wrong with these people? Do they enjoy seeing thousands of black teenagers being blown away and joining gangs? If they would speak up maybe we could do something!

75% of all murders in Chicago in 2009 were caused by blacks.

Statistics compiled by whites to serve a white agenda. Lies and sissy chatter.

How do you explain Detroit? Just look around you. Secondly, whites are the only ones that compiled such statistics.
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There are far more good blacks than there are bad ones regardless of the statistical implications presented here! If all 35-40 million blacks were criminals, you can believe there would be extreme measures taken to address that. Most white people are aware of that and aren't going to be swayed by statistical propaganda to initiate civil war or triage against a majority composed of decent working and middle class blacks.
Your statistics are implying that no matter what good a black man does, he is responsible for the criminal activities of blacks nationwide! When you say "blacks" have the highest crime rate you are including the black postman, the black policeman, the black teacher, the black soldier, the black doctor and the black professionals everywhere. You can't seem to separate the good from the bad and that is a dangerous thing! Don't you realize that the good black citizen has no more power over black criminals than you have over white ones? The entire justice system has been biased and slanted against ALL blacks, good OR bad. Yes, the black tax dollars paid for police protection and other social benefits are often spent on keeping middle and upper middle class neighborhoods safe while neglecting black neighborhoods, leaving decent blacks therein to fend for themselves! In some black areas, where crime is rampant, martial law should have been declared a long time ago. Responsible black citizens would have welcomed that. Most black people want safe, clean neighborhoods but when their tax dollars are spent on white agendas, their resources are limited.
Don't you think it would better to address the root cause of the problem head on instead of making excuses and trying to minimize it? The Democratic Party has blacks on the welfare plantation and they're content to be there. The answer isn't more tax dollars, the answer is LESS tax dollars. Stop paying them to be lazy and unproductive. But of course, if they made them stand on their own two feet, they might develop some self-esteem and start voting Republican.

Lies. The Republican Party is in demise.

You think pure socialism is somehow good for blacks? :eek:
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Don't you think it would better to address the root cause of the problem head on instead of making excuses and trying to minimize it? The Democratic Party has blacks on the welfare plantation and they're content to be there. The answer isn't more tax dollars, the answer is LESS tax dollars. Stop paying them to be lazy and unproductive. But of course, if they made them stand on their own two feet, they might develop some self-esteem and start voting Republican.

Lies. The Republican Party is in demise.

You think pure socialism is somehow good for blacks? :eek:

Socialism has been practiced since FDR...and one of the greatest socialists was Ronald knock off the snide commentary. You, yourself benefit from the socialist practices of the U.S. Government. Stop playing.
Lies. The Republican Party is in demise.

You think pure socialism is somehow good for blacks? :eek:

Socialism has been practiced since FDR...and one of the greatest socialists was Ronald knock off the snide commentary. You, yourself benefit from the socialist practices of the U.S. Government. Stop playing.
Reagan believed in less government controll of our lives ...i'll bet you are one of those stupid ghetto poets that stands in a bar spouting militant angry so called poetry ,while blacks and guilt ridden whites tell you how brilliant your stupid black ass is.

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