lighter skinned blacks are more intelligent than darker skinned blacks.

:doubt:Of course we all know there are no really stupid white people. Just those who didn't get a chance to have a good education and upbringing. Just those who were born poor, in an uneducated family with bad genes. Just those with no natural or environmental bonuses among the 'white' race are kinda stupid. But no matter how stupid a white person is, all black people are even dumber. Of course. So, no matter who you marry or fornicate with, no matter how many white plantation owners raped black slaves, no matter who, what or why it happened, just having 'white' blood is gonna improve your chances of having a higher intellect. Yep. Of course.:doubt:
yep ..
There's no escaping the statistics. Blacks commit far more crimes than any other race and have contributed less to the planet than any other race. And when you listen to their attitude, it's not difficult to understand why. They don't realize the Democratic Party has been systematically keeping them enslaved to welfare for almost a century now, for the purpose of harvesting their votes. For them not to see that indicates they ARE less intelligent than other cultures who reject socialism.
Or maybe they just don't care.
1. Whites from families with incomes of less than $10,000 had a mean SAT score of 980. This is 123 points higher than the national mean for all blacks.

2. Whites from families with incomes below $10,000 had a mean SAT test score that was 46 points higher than blacks whose families had incomes of between $80,000 and $100,000.

3. Blacks from families with incomes of more than $100,000 had a mean SAT score that was 142 points below the mean score for whites from families at the same income level.


Black and Latino students were collared in 95% of the 882 total arrests in city schools last year, while blacks and Latinos make up about 71% of the city’s student body of about a million pupils.

Read more: 95%*of last year's 882 NYPD school arrests involved minorities* - NY Daily News

Officials in New Orleans are considering tightening a youth curfew in the latest attempt to fight crime in a city with the nation's highest murder rate and what its mayor has called "a culture of death."
puts the city's rate at 10 times the national average. And this year promises more bloodshed. Twenty-five people were murdered in Orleans Parish in January, according to the coroner's office.

Read more:

Canada's independent prisons ombudsman has launched an inquiry into a 50 per cent spike in the proportion of black offenders filling federal jails over the last 10 years.

Howard Sapers, the federal correctional investigator, wants to study the possible causes behind the increase, which saw the proportion of black offenders in federal incarceration jump to 9.12 per cent in 2010-2011, from less than six per cent a decade earlier.

It amounts to a 52 per cent leap, with the most dramatic increase occurring over the last five years. Black people make up roughly 2.5 per cent of Canada's population.
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The scores, being released today, show that the achievement gap between the top-scoring students — Asians and whites — and the lowest scoring — African Americans, Hispanics and American Indians — has grown slightly between 2007 and 2011.

• for whites, 22.1 in 2007 to 22.4 in 2011
• for African Americans, the score remained at 17 for both years

2011 ACT scores show problems with college readiness - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

There isn't one piece of data that shows whites and blacks as equal...Honestly, there's at least solid data in support of my belief system, while none for yours.

Here is a chart from 2006-2010 of Whites, Asians, blacks, meso's
Average ACT Composite Test Scores by Race/Ethnicity, 2006

This shows the gap staying between 21-29 points.

Gap at age 17 increased. Which is most important when dealing with people going towards a higher education.

SAT scores for 2006

Reading-527, Math-536, Writing-519
Reading-434, Math-429, Writing-428

SAT scores for 2007

Reading-527, Math-534, Writing-518
Reading-433, Math-429, Writing-425

Average SAT Scores, 1972?2007 ?

SAT Ethnic Group Scores (Math/Verbal+total)

• African American-----426/431 (857)
• White-----534/529 (1063)


• African American ----16.9
• Caucasian---- 21.7

Quote from attached SAT/ACT article:

"Readiness for college science and math coursework was particularly low among
African American students. Only 5 percent of African American test-takers scored
at or above the college-readiness benchmark for college biology, and just 10
percent attained the readiness benchmark for college algebra. Ferguson said
Black students were less likely than others to take tough, college-prep courses
and "often don't receive the information and guidance they need to properly plan
for college."

Educators are expressing alarm that the performance gap between minority and white high school students continues to expand across the United States, with minority teenagers performing at academic levels equal to or lower than those of 30 years ago.

On average, African-American and Latino high school seniors perform math and read at the same level as 13-year-old white students.
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In the United States in 2005, 37,460 white females were sexually assaulted or raped by a black man, while between zero and ten black females were sexually assaulted or raped by a white man.
What this means is that every day in the United States, over one hundred white women are raped or sexually assaulted by a black man.

Here, look at the DOJ PDF yourself:

Look at table 42.

In Table 42, entitled "Personal crimes of violence, 2005, percent distribution of single-offender victimizations, based on race of victims, by type of crime and perceived race of offender," we learn that there were 111,590 white victims and 36,620 black victims of rape or sexual assault in 2005. (The number of rapes is not distinguished from those of sexual assaults; it is maddening that sexual assault, an ill-defined category that covers various types of criminal acts ranging from penetration to inappropriate touching, is conflated with the more specific crime of rape.) In the 111,590 cases in which the victim of rape or sexual assault was white, 44.5 percent of the offenders were white, and 33.6 percent of the offenders were black. In the 36,620 cases in which the victim of rape or sexual assault was black, 100 percent of the offenders were black, and 0.0 percent of the offenders were white. The table explains that 0.0 percent means that there were under 10 incidents nationally.


Poverty By Race/Ethnicity

Areas with a high incidence of poverty often reflect the low income of their racial/ethnic minorities. Nonmetro non-Hispanic Blacks had the highest incidence of poverty in 2010, at 32.9 percent (32.2 percent in 2009). The 2010 poverty rate for nonmetro Hispanics was 29.5 percent, which is 1.7 percentage points higher than in 2009. Both non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic poverty rates for 2010 were more than twice the rate for non-Hispanic Whites (13.1 percent), which was also the case in 2009.


Norweigian crime research shows that 25% of the Somali immigrants are criminal.

In Norway they have collected statistics of immigrant related crime. The study shows that one of five Somali immigrants have commited crimes in Norway. The Somalians are 3,78 times more criminal than the Norweigan populatiion at large. If you adjust the numbers to sex and age they are 2,61 times more criminal:
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:doubt:Of course we all know there are no really stupid white people. Just those who didn't get a chance to have a good education and upbringing. Just those who were born poor, in an uneducated family with bad genes. Just those with no natural or environmental bonuses among the 'white' race are kinda stupid. But no matter how stupid a white person is, all black people are even dumber. Of course. So, no matter who you marry or fornicate with, no matter how many white plantation owners raped black slaves, no matter who, what or why it happened, just having 'white' blood is gonna improve your chances of having a higher intellect. Yep. Of course.:doubt:
yep ..

LOL Perfect example of the superior white brain: only those with at least a modicum of intellect are able to get irony and satire.
There are far more good blacks than there are bad ones regardless of the statistical implications presented here! If all 35-40 million blacks were criminals, you can believe there would be extreme measures taken to address that. Most white people are aware of that and aren't going to be swayed by statistical propaganda to initiate civil war or triage against a majority composed of decent working and middle class blacks.
Your statistics are implying that no matter what good a black man does, he is responsible for the criminal activities of blacks nationwide! When you say "blacks" have the highest crime rate you are including the black postman, the black policeman, the black teacher, the black soldier, the black doctor and the black professionals everywhere. You can't seem to separate the good from the bad and that is a dangerous thing! Don't you realize that the good black citizen has no more power over black criminals than you have over white ones? The entire justice system has been biased and slanted against ALL blacks, good OR bad. Yes, the black tax dollars paid for police protection and other social benefits are often spent on keeping middle and upper middle class neighborhoods safe while neglecting black neighborhoods, leaving decent blacks therein to fend for themselves! In some black areas, where crime is rampant, martial law should have been declared a long time ago. Responsible black citizens would have welcomed that. Most black people want safe, clean neighborhoods but when their tax dollars are spent on white agendas, their resources are limited.
:doubt:Of course we all know there are no really stupid white people. Just those who didn't get a chance to have a good education and upbringing. Just those who were born poor, in an uneducated family with bad genes. Just those with no natural or environmental bonuses among the 'white' race are kinda stupid. But no matter how stupid a white person is, all black people are even dumber. Of course. So, no matter who you marry or fornicate with, no matter how many white plantation owners raped black slaves, no matter who, what or why it happened, just having 'white' blood is gonna improve your chances of having a higher intellect. Yep. Of course.:doubt:
yep ..

LOL Perfect example of the superior white brain: only those with at least a modicum of intellect are able to get irony and satire.
There are far more good blacks than there are bad ones regardless of the statistical implications presented here! If all 35-40 million blacks were criminals, you can believe there would be extreme measures taken to address that. Most white people are aware of that and aren't going to be swayed by statistical propaganda to initiate civil war or triage against a majority composed of decent working and middle class blacks.
Your statistics are implying that no matter what good a black man does, he is responsible for the criminal activities of blacks nationwide! When you say "blacks" have the highest crime rate you are including the black postman, the black policeman, the black teacher, the black soldier, the black doctor and the black professionals everywhere. You can't seem to separate the good from the bad and that is a dangerous thing! Don't you realize that the good black citizen has no more power over black criminals than you have over white ones? The entire justice system has been biased and slanted against ALL blacks, good OR bad. Yes, the black tax dollars paid for police protection and other social benefits are often spent on keeping middle and upper middle class neighborhoods safe while neglecting black neighborhoods, leaving decent blacks therein to fend for themselves! In some black areas, where crime is rampant, martial law should have been declared a long time ago. Responsible black citizens would have welcomed that. Most black people want safe, clean neighborhoods but when their tax dollars are spent on white agendas, their resources are limited.
Don't you think it would better to address the root cause of the problem head on instead of making excuses and trying to minimize it? The Democratic Party has blacks on the welfare plantation and they're content to be there. The answer isn't more tax dollars, the answer is LESS tax dollars. Stop paying them to be lazy and unproductive. But of course, if they made them stand on their own two feet, they might develop some self-esteem and start voting Republican.
There are far more good blacks than there are bad ones regardless of the statistical implications presented here! If all 35-40 million blacks were criminals, you can believe there would be extreme measures taken to address that. Most white people are aware of that and aren't going to be swayed by statistical propaganda to initiate civil war or triage against a majority composed of decent working and middle class blacks.
Your statistics are implying that no matter what good a black man does, he is responsible for the criminal activities of blacks nationwide! When you say "blacks" have the highest crime rate you are including the black postman, the black policeman, the black teacher, the black soldier, the black doctor and the black professionals everywhere. You can't seem to separate the good from the bad and that is a dangerous thing! Don't you realize that the good black citizen has no more power over black criminals than you have over white ones? The entire justice system has been biased and slanted against ALL blacks, good OR bad. Yes, the black tax dollars paid for police protection and other social benefits are often spent on keeping middle and upper middle class neighborhoods safe while neglecting black neighborhoods, leaving decent blacks therein to fend for themselves! In some black areas, where crime is rampant, martial law should have been declared a long time ago. Responsible black citizens would have welcomed that. Most black people want safe, clean neighborhoods but when their tax dollars are spent on white agendas, their resources are limited.
nearly half of all black males are felons .
There are far more good blacks than there are bad ones regardless of the statistical implications presented here! If all 35-40 million blacks were criminals, you can believe there would be extreme measures taken to address that. Most white people are aware of that and aren't going to be swayed by statistical propaganda to initiate civil war or triage against a majority composed of decent working and middle class blacks.
Your statistics are implying that no matter what good a black man does, he is responsible for the criminal activities of blacks nationwide! When you say "blacks" have the highest crime rate you are including the black postman, the black policeman, the black teacher, the black soldier, the black doctor and the black professionals everywhere. You can't seem to separate the good from the bad and that is a dangerous thing! Don't you realize that the good black citizen has no more power over black criminals than you have over white ones? The entire justice system has been biased and slanted against ALL blacks, good OR bad. Yes, the black tax dollars paid for police protection and other social benefits are often spent on keeping middle and upper middle class neighborhoods safe while neglecting black neighborhoods, leaving decent blacks therein to fend for themselves! In some black areas, where crime is rampant, martial law should have been declared a long time ago. Responsible black citizens would have welcomed that. Most black people want safe, clean neighborhoods but when their tax dollars are spent on white agendas, their resources are limited.

can we have a link to the tax dollars being spent on " white agendas" ?
:doubt:Of course we all know there are no really stupid white people. Just those who didn't get a chance to have a good education and upbringing. Just those who were born poor, in an uneducated family with bad genes. Just those with no natural or environmental bonuses among the 'white' race are kinda stupid. But no matter how stupid a white person is, all black people are even dumber. Of course. So, no matter who you marry or fornicate with, no matter how many white plantation owners raped black slaves, no matter who, what or why it happened, just having 'white' blood is gonna improve your chances of having a higher intellect. Yep. Of course.:doubt:

and having one drop of " black blood" eliminates the possibility of being a racist or responsible for your own actions and able to blame everything on whitey?


you were on a roll for a while until you played the slavery card.
:doubt:Of course we all know there are no really stupid white people. Just those who didn't get a chance to have a good education and upbringing. Just those who were born poor, in an uneducated family with bad genes. Just those with no natural or environmental bonuses among the 'white' race are kinda stupid. But no matter how stupid a white person is, all black people are even dumber. Of course. So, no matter who you marry or fornicate with, no matter how many white plantation owners raped black slaves, no matter who, what or why it happened, just having 'white' blood is gonna improve your chances of having a higher intellect. Yep. Of course.:doubt:

and having one drop of " black blood" eliminates the possibility of being a racist or responsible for your own actions and able to blame everything on whitey?


you were on a roll for a while until you played the slavery card.

PS Slavery and the tradition of white masters raping female slaves IS THE REASON why most American blacks have white blood.
:doubt:Of course we all know there are no really stupid white people. Just those who didn't get a chance to have a good education and upbringing. Just those who were born poor, in an uneducated family with bad genes. Just those with no natural or environmental bonuses among the 'white' race are kinda stupid. But no matter how stupid a white person is, all black people are even dumber. Of course. So, no matter who you marry or fornicate with, no matter how many white plantation owners raped black slaves, no matter who, what or why it happened, just having 'white' blood is gonna improve your chances of having a higher intellect. Yep. Of course.:doubt:

and having one drop of " black blood" eliminates the possibility of being a racist or responsible for your own actions and able to blame everything on whitey?


you were on a roll for a while until you played the slavery card.

PS Slavery and the tradition of white masters raping female slaves IS THE REASON why most American blacks have white blood.

can you prove it was rape and not consensual?

and there were really not that many slave owners.

and having one drop of " black blood" eliminates the possibility of being a racist or responsible for your own actions and able to blame everything on whitey?


you were on a roll for a while until you played the slavery card.

PS Slavery and the tradition of white masters raping female slaves IS THE REASON why most American blacks have white blood.

can you prove it was rape and not consensual?

and there were really not that many slave owners.


Consensual? Oh gawd, are you fucking serious? Have you never read anything? Unbelieveable.
Are lighter skinned Whites smarter than darker skinned Whites?

Just wondering how far you guys are willing to go in defence of your philosophy about White superiority.

Cause that would make POLES about the smartest people on earth as they are the WHITEST & BLONDEST ethnic on earth.

But for some reason HITLER didn't think they were even human, ya know?
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And how is what you've been blathering about here NOT racist?

You've been applying the same tired stereotype to an entire race in some screwed up attempt to explain why a race which you hate is seemingly less intelligent than another.

Intelligence comes from a whole variety of factors, most importantly from day one when infants are just starting out in life. Child development has A LOT to do with how well the kids will perform later in life and you cannot deny, white kids get a much better head start in this country than lots of other minorities. You obviously got dropped on your head when you were a baby which explains every post you write.

black babies adopted into white middle class families are better prepared to start school and yet the effect wears off and those babies end up resembling their birth parent rather than their adoptive parents in respect to intelligence.

Heat Start spent a lot of money with no improvement in cognitive abilitybut some improvement in social skills due to exposure to middle class social workers and MC values.

just how much black dysfunction is due to black culture dysfunction in large swathes of the black community? can (or should) outsiders go in and 'fix things'?

Your blanket unsubstantiated statements are "what's wrong" with American society. There are far too many people like you who seem oblivious to the millions of decent, honest ,Christian Black people around them. The Black middle class is alive and well. It is made up of dark and light skinned blacks who realize a professional commonality among themselves.
Until recently, though, poor blacks and middle class blacks were forced to share the same neighborhoods; unlike their white counterparts. Middle class white neighbor hoods are starkly different from those where poorer whites live. Could that simple observation be a link to the collective notion that all blacks are criminal morons because they did not segregate themselves by classes as whites have done?

I think I may at least partially agree with some of your ideas.

I support affirmative action when it is tied to individual achievement rather than racial quotas because I believe it is important to raise every capable black up into the middle class where they can not only help their own families into a better life but be an example of how success is attainable with hard work.

middle class values are transformative even for individuals who arent particularly bright. acceptance of even low level criminality has been a curse on black communities, which has taken out a large fraction of black males from even having the possibility of a 'good life'. doing time should not be a rite of passage into adulthood.

I agree that there are many black middle class individuals but they are not an overwhelming majority and their allegiance is often to race instead of common values. I hope that changes but so far it almost seems to be going in the other direction.

like I said before; Head Start didnt improve intelligence but it did improve socialization by exposing participants to middleclass values. that is also the reason why bussing was introduced, to show disadvantaged youth that there really was a better way to live. the Coleman report was right. school buildings and teachers are less influential than the students themselves are.
Are lighter skinned Whites smarter than darker skinned Whites?

Just wondering how far you guys are willing to go in defence of your philosophy about White superiority.

Cause that would make POLES about the smartest people on earth as they are the WHITEST & BLONDEST ethnic on earth.

But for some reason HITLER didn't think they were ever human, ya know?

a lot of nordic countries would disagree with you. besides jews (ashkenazi) are the smartest white group and they dont have a lot of blondes. Hitler really missed the boat on that one, huh?
Are lighter skinned Whites smarter than darker skinned Whites?

Just wondering how far you guys are willing to go in defence of your philosophy about White superiority.

Cause that would make POLES about the smartest people on earth as they are the WHITEST & BLONDEST ethnic on earth.

But for some reason HITLER didn't think they were ever human, ya know?

a lot of nordic countries would disagree with you. besides jews (ashkenazi) are the smartest white group and they dont have a lot of blondes. Hitler really missed the boat on that one, huh?

I too always thought the Nortic race was the blondest and whitest, IanC.

But according to at least some geneticists, no, apparently the focus of Whitest and Blondests people is in the region now found in Poland.

If you doubt that, know that I am likely dubious.

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