lighter skinned blacks are more intelligent than darker skinned blacks.

All you need to do is listen to rap lyrics and you can see the culture of violence that blacks embrace.

Should I refer to bands like Cannibal Corpse and say that white people embrace that culture?

All blacks don't listen to the same music, asshole. Even if all blacks did listen to rap, that doesn't mean they'll actually do anything of what the lyrics depict.

You're like those NRA retards who blamed movies and video games as the sole reasons for gun violence. Fuck you.
Most of you listen to that shit and you know it. Not only do you listen to it, you have to blast the shit so loud that everybody in the whole damn state has to listen to it. Is there some reason you have to do that?

I don't do any of that crap, in fact, my Latino friends do that more than anyone I know.
Should I refer to bands like Cannibal Corpse and say that white people embrace that culture?

All blacks don't listen to the same music, asshole. Even if all blacks did listen to rap, that doesn't mean they'll actually do anything of what the lyrics depict.

You're like those NRA retards who blamed movies and video games as the sole reasons for gun violence. Fuck you.
Most of you listen to that shit and you know it. Not only do you listen to it, you have to blast the shit so loud that everybody in the whole damn state has to listen to it. Is there some reason you have to do that?

I don't do any of that crap, in fact, my Latino friends do that more than anyone I know.
What are you, a racist?
by Brendan OíFlaherty & Rajiv Sethi

January 15, 2010

African-Americans are six times as likely as white Americans to die at the hands of a murderer, and roughly seven times as likely to murder someone...

The magnitude of the difference in murder and victimization rates far exceeds any difference in characteristics that appear to predispose people to kill and be killed: being poor, being a high school dropout, living in a dense urban environment, or being raised in a single-parent household, for instance. Blacks are about 2.75 times as likely as whites to be poor, 2.2 times as likely to be high-school dropouts, 2.9 times as likely to live in a large city, and 2.7 times as likely to grow up in a single parent household all ratios that are far below the observed ratios for murder victimization and offending.

Table 2. Homicide Offending by Race, 1976-2005, per 100,000 population
***** Black * White *Ratio
1976 * 46.6 * 4.9 ** 9.5
1980 * 51.5 * 6.4 ** 8.1
1984 * 33.1 * 5.3 ** 6.3
1988 * 41.2 * 4.9 ** 8.4
1992 * 47.0 * 5.2 ** 9.0
1996 * 35.9 * 4.5 ** 8.0
2000 * 25.6 * 3.5 ** 7.3
2004 * 24.1 * 3.6 ** 6.7
2005 * 26.5 * 3.5 ** 7.6
Source. US Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2007

Even that journal said most crime is intraracial. Why aren't you celebrating that most of the time blacks kill each other?

You Nazis are too stupid to even recognize good things for you. A lot of your type even deny the holocaust.
you are so,so,wrong!! we don't celebrate blacks killing anyone !!i do not attack anyone based on race !! i have great respect for asians,hispanics ,and other races,but the black race as a whole is failing in civilized societies !!so i will ask you what can be done to help the black community act like civilized human beings ??? does whitey need to pay more taxes ??does whitey need to just ignore the black crime,and illegitimacy rates ??should we pay reparations ??what will it take for the black community to get it's shit together ??

"I do not attack anyone based on race." Sure you don't puppet. Even if I gave you numerous of examples of blacks who don't follow your myopic view of you will blatantly ignore it.

Nice condescending way of giving solutions? You'll go far with that. You don't really give a shit about any societal problems, you just like to bitch like the whiny bitch you are.

BTW Hispanics don't have problems like blacks? Shut the fuck up.
Even that journal said most crime is intraracial. Why aren't you celebrating that most of the time blacks kill each other?

You Nazis are too stupid to even recognize good things for you. A lot of your type even deny the holocaust.
you are so,so,wrong!! we don't celebrate blacks killing anyone !!i do not attack anyone based on race !! i have great respect for asians,hispanics ,and other races,but the black race as a whole is failing in civilized societies !!so i will ask you what can be done to help the black community act like civilized human beings ??? does whitey need to pay more taxes ??does whitey need to just ignore the black crime,and illegitimacy rates ??should we pay reparations ??what will it take for the black community to get it's shit together ??

Some thoughts on these statistics. Poor people are more likely to be convicted of crimes. Black people in the US are more likely to be poor than whites or other races. Also, these statiscs account for a murder per person, not for someone who is a multiple murderer. These statistics make it appear equal between one person killing one person and one person killing many people. So, in these statistics, a black person who has killed one person is made equal to a serial killer or mass shooting killer, both of whom are more likely to be white.


So what's causing them to be so poor and violent? There's poor white area's that don't have anywhere near the crime rate as black area's.

What is holding them back from equalling us within black area's? It's like they don't even try.
I'm not clueless. The difference between someone like you and someone like me is that, first off, my view of the world does not have it's foundation in a psychotic need to prove that I am better racially, culturally, ethnically, etc., than others who are different from me. Therefore, I am able to see reality without bigotry blinders. I am also well educated and read widely. Much has been studied and written about the causes of dysfunction in various areas of all societies throughout the ages, including the present. You keep saying there is a wider proportion of violence with blacks, but if you look at inner city violence, most of which is gang related, you see that the violence among all gangs is pretty equal, and these gangs include Asian, Hispanic and white gangs. Also, you seem to have knowledge only about American culture. Look at the problems in some other countries. In some South American countries, violence is worse than in America, and these people are Hispanic, not African American. Look at the violence in Eastern European nations. Look at the violence perpetrated on Africa during the time of European Imperialism. Whole cultures were decimated by the violence of the European occupiers. One reason Africa has been such a mess, and still is in many places, is due to the nearly complete destruction of the cultures there. Look around you, see the whole picture around the world and throughout history. Study. Read the literature on this that has been produced by historians, scholars, anthropologists, etc. No one, except the dumbest and most racist of individuals, thinks that the cause of problems within the American black community are based on the fact that black people are innately lower in intelligence than white people. Only sick, crazy white supremacists believe that kind of thing. Which makes them very stupid people indeed.
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you are so,so,wrong!! we don't celebrate blacks killing anyone !!i do not attack anyone based on race !! i have great respect for asians,hispanics ,and other races,but the black race as a whole is failing in civilized societies !!so i will ask you what can be done to help the black community act like civilized human beings ??? does whitey need to pay more taxes ??does whitey need to just ignore the black crime,and illegitimacy rates ??should we pay reparations ??what will it take for the black community to get it's shit together ??

Some thoughts on these statistics. Poor people are more likely to be convicted of crimes. Black people in the US are more likely to be poor than whites or other races. Also, these statiscs account for a murder per person, not for someone who is a multiple murderer. These statistics make it appear equal between one person killing one person and one person killing many people. So, in these statistics, a black person who has killed one person is made equal to a serial killer or mass shooting killer, both of whom are more likely to be white.


So what's causing them to be so poor and violent? There's poor white area's that don't have anywhere near the crime rate as black area's.

What is holding them back from equalling us within black area's? It's like they don't even try.

Because rural areas are much smaller than inner cities. Less people, less crime. However rural areas have plenty of inbreeding, pedophilia, bestiality and meth labs. You should feel right at home, if you're not already familiar.:tongue:
There is no racial predisposition for intelligence. IQ is not a matter of race. I don't believe that the IQ test is an accurate indicator of intelligence in any case. Studies show that a person's IQ can be tested before he/she gets an advanced education. Then the same person, after university being tested again, his/her IQ will be higher than before going to university for 4 years. If education increases IQ, the idea that a simple IQ test determines intelligence becomes unsupportable. Intelligence has to do with various factors that cannot be tested by IQ tests. Culture and environment are the main factors.

Another point: the blatant and repulsive racism in this thread is literally sickening, I think the type of person who likes to think that they are superior to other races for whatever reason, that type of person is clearly less intelligent than those who look are able to look at things with a wider and more perceptive view of reality. In other words, posting a thread with the premise this thread has and agreeing with that premise is a sure indicator of low intelligence.

I would really like to see those studies. got some links?

do you consider culture to be an explanation or an excuse? if asian culture avoids crime and values education why should they be punished because black culture does not?
You are SOOOO right, KAT. And to think these guys are the pillars of the trailer park community.
that is a racist comment.
And how is what you've been blathering about here NOT racist?

You've been applying the same tired stereotype to an entire race in some screwed up attempt to explain why a race which you hate is seemingly less intelligent than another.

Intelligence comes from a whole variety of factors, most importantly from day one when infants are just starting out in life. Child development has A LOT to do with how well the kids will perform later in life and you cannot deny, white kids get a much better head start in this country than lots of other minorities. You obviously got dropped on your head when you were a baby which explains every post you write.

black babies adopted into white middle class families are better prepared to start school and yet the effect wears off and those babies end up resembling their birth parent rather than their adoptive parents in respect to intelligence.

Heat Start spent a lot of money with no improvement in cognitive abilitybut some improvement in social skills due to exposure to middle class social workers and MC values.

just how much black dysfunction is due to black culture dysfunction in large swathes of the black community? can (or should) outsiders go in and 'fix things'?
I would really like to see those studies. got some links?
Just Google it. This information is widely available and widely accepted. It isn't hard to find. Providing 'links' is appropriate for relatively unknown or obscure information, but this information is essentially general knowledge.
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Indeed. There is a common trend here, and you do not have to look closely to see the obvious.

It is predominately the most illiterate, and uneducated lower rung types here who regurgitate and post the same so called "facts" in this forum.

Intellectually incapable of having aG civil debate, and devoid of the mental acuity to post an original thought.

Kind of like watching a cartoon, starring the Beverly Hillbillies and Lil Abner.

that explains why you get offended

ROFLMAO! Offended by what? Since I have been visiting this forum, I have gotten more laughs than I ever thought possible, most of them at your expense.

False braggadocio which is par for the course for you.
Whites are smarter than blacks as a whole. It stands to reason that blacks mixed with whites would be smarter than the pure negro.
Studies of African Americans that correlate their IQ scores with the percentage of their genes that are "European": These are by far the most relevant studies. They are also relatively easy to do in the United States because America classifies individuals as "black" even when they have a very large percentage of "white" ancestors. As much as 30 percent of the "black" American gene pool consists of "European" genes. The conventional genetic hypothesis is that blacks with more European genes should have higher IQ scores. Of course, such a correlation could also arise for environmental reasons. Blacks with lighter skins and more Caucasian features might have social and economic advantages that would make it more likely that they would have high IQs. As a consequence, if there were to be very weak associations between degree of Europeanness and IQ, this would be particularly damaging to the genetic hypothesis.
I would really like to see those studies. got some links?
Just Google it. This information is widely available and widely accepted. It isn't hard to find. Providing 'links' is appropriate for relatively unknown or obscure information, but this information is essentially general knowledge.

I have actually read a lot on this topic so I know that your statement is basically unsubstantiated. it is yet another case of wishful thinking that there are some simple reasons for the very stubborn one standard deviation difference in measured intelligence between blacks and whites.
I would really like to see those studies. got some links?
Just Google it. This information is widely available and widely accepted. It isn't hard to find. Providing 'links' is appropriate for relatively unknown or obscure information, but this information is essentially general knowledge.

I have actually read a lot on this topic so I know that your statement is basically unsubstantiated. it is yet another case of wishful thinking ...

LMAO What total crap. Look it up you idiot. Education changes IQ levels. It is not an unsubstantiated claim. With one click of your computer, you will find a long list of studies that say just that.

Seriously, you are pathetic.
Studies of African Americans that correlate their IQ scores with the percentage of their genes that are "European": These are by far the most relevant studies. They are also relatively easy to do in the United States because America classifies individuals as "black" even when they have a very large percentage of "white" ancestors. As much as 30 percent of the "black" American gene pool consists of "European" genes. The conventional genetic hypothesis is that blacks with more European genes should have higher IQ scores. Of course, such a correlation could also arise for environmental reasons. Blacks with lighter skins and more Caucasian features might have social and economic advantages that would make it more likely that they would have high IQs. As a consequence, if there were to be very weak associations between degree of Europeanness and IQ, this would be particularly damaging to the genetic hypothesis.

Nisbett is just as biased on his take, and conclusions, as Murray is in his. I have seen a lot of background information on many of the studies that he cites in his presentation and most are small size and opposite to the majority of the findings in the field. if you have a good library in your location I would suggest Jensen's" 'g' factor" or "Bias in mental Testing" as definitive tomes for the science as of 2000, or 1980 in the later.
Just Google it. This information is widely available and widely accepted. It isn't hard to find. Providing 'links' is appropriate for relatively unknown or obscure information, but this information is essentially general knowledge.

I have actually read a lot on this topic so I know that your statement is basically unsubstantiated. it is yet another case of wishful thinking ...

LMAO What total crap. Look it up you idiot. Education changes IQ levels. It is not an unsubstantiated claim. With one click of your computer, you will find a long list of studies that say just that.

Seriously, you are pathetic.

and yet you dont want to make that one click. as usual I am willing to discuss the topics but the other side just resorts to ad homs

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