lighter skinned blacks are more intelligent than darker skinned blacks.

randi is a racist nitwit.

It's so surprising that he'd make an asshole statement like that.


That is all racial egalitarians have to contribute to a discussion of racial differences. You cannot appeal to facts and logic so you resort to insults and try to suppress the discussion.
Well, no shit...

I wish we were all equal and shit but reality doesn't play well with lies.

As if your white supremacist ideology is based on reality

The reality is that blacks have been characterized everywhere in the world by crime and stupidity and they always have been. If these characteristics were caused environmentally they would not be so durable across time and space.
most blacks in America have a little white in them,and they hive slightly higher IQs than their pure breed bruthas in the mudda land. your excuse that slavery caused lower IQs is nullified.

Not only what you said was completely retarded, I never implied anything about IQ, stupid. And African Immigrants are pretty bright, I known some myself as neighbors from Nigeria, which that nation is part of the Next 11 by Goldman Sachs. Fuck you, puppet.
thats because of resources whites and Asians are harvesting ....the blacks are to stupid to do it themselves....does South Africa ring a bell shitskin ?

Who the fuck is talking about resources? What did that have to do with anything in my response? You can't even answer properly, now going into false tangents. R U mad, jizzskin?:eusa_whistle:

Answering your stupid tangent:
So all of Africa is rich in resources and full of fertile ground? Okay, dumbass. Yeah, Europeans only took slaves and absolutely no other valuable commodities in their their slave expeditions. Hell, Europe and America depend on foreign nations for resources to this day (globalization), so much for your national self reliance myth, bitch.
"In there"? You need to apply your "superior intelligence", and seek some assistance with how to compose an intelligent sentence.

You are SOOOO right, KAT. And to think these guys are the pillars of the trailer park community.

Indeed. There is a common trend here, and you do not have to look closely to see the obvious.

It is predominately the most illiterate, and uneducated lower rung types here who regurgitate and post the same so called "facts" in this forum.

Intellectually incapable of having a civil debate, and devoid of the mental acuity to post an original thought.

Kind of like watching a cartoon, starring the Beverly Hillbillies and Lil Abner.

that explains why you get offended
You hate black people. We get it.

I do not hate all blacks, just the criminals.

I also hate the lies whites are required to say in public about intrinsic racial differences. There should be no taboos and no sanctions against telling the truth about the Negro race.
Well, no shit...

I wish we were all equal and shit but reality doesn't play well with lies.

As if your white supremacist ideology is based on reality

The reality is that blacks have been characterized everywhere in the world by crime and stupidity and they always have been. If these characteristics were caused environmentally they would not be so durable across time and space.

"Characterized by crime and stupidity" isn't it "Characterized FOR crime and stupidity"?

Lol Nazi Grammar.

It is the environment, poverty begets crime and ignorance in almost every circumstance, Russia and Eastern European nations have higher murder rates than the US. And they're almost homogenous and very poor.

What's your excuse for other races being stupid (like you) and criminals?
What's your excuse for the blacks who are not stupid nor criminals?

Characterizations aren't always based on reality, monkey.
Intelligence and ability is like a blanket that covers us all equally. There is no genetic predisposition of black people to be less intelligent. There is no genetic predisposition of Asians to be superior to white people. What there is, though, are various cultural values that predispose certain ethnicities to be less educated. Studious black kids in the inner city will be murdered by other black kids because reading and speaking correctly is acting white. Liberal white mothers believe that freedom of expression is more important than dusty facts.

Ten students from Irvine got perfect SAT scores and never bothered studying for the test.

10 Irvine high school students earn perfect ACT scores -

Jessica Huang, Krystal Lai, James Liao, Andrew Ma, Jiho Park, Neel Sabnis, James and William Xue, Alex Zivkovic and Jessica Zou. Two lonely white guys, the rest Asians. No blacks, no hispanics. It's not because blacks and hispanics are incapable. They certainly are. They just come from cultures that don't value education.

If what you say is true racial differences would be more malleable.

People emphasize what they are good at. The reason the black culture does not value education is because it is a source of frustration to them.
You hate black people. We get it.

I do not hate all blacks, just the criminals.

I also hate the lies whites are required to say in public about intrinsic racial differences. There should be no taboos and no sanctions against telling the truth about the Negro race.

You're lying, because you characterized ALL (not some) black people to be either stupid or criminals. You do hate them, but too much of a bitch to admit that ON THE INTERNET.

There are taboos and sanctions against telling the truth about the "Negro" race because your type of people are a bunch of disingenuous assholes.
As if your white supremacist ideology is based on reality

The reality is that blacks have been characterized everywhere in the world by crime and stupidity and they always have been. If these characteristics were caused environmentally they would not be so durable across time and space.

"Characterized by crime and stupidity" isn't it "Characterized FOR crime and stupidity"?

Lol Nazi Grammar.

It is the environment, poverty begets crime and ignorance in almost every circumstance, Russia and Eastern European nations have higher murder rates than the US. And they're almost homogenous and very poor.

What's your excuse for other races being stupid (like you) and criminals?
What's your excuse for the blacks who are not stupid nor criminals?

Characterizations aren't always based on reality, monkey.

I have never said that all blacks are stupid and I have never said that all are criminals. Nevertheless, blacks have a rate of violent crime that is nearly eight times the white rate. Moreover, they tend to score poorly on all the mental aptitude tests however they are designed. Although the tests were designed by whites, Orientals tend to do better than white Gentiles.
You hate black people. We get it.

I do not hate all blacks, just the criminals.

I also hate the lies whites are required to say in public about intrinsic racial differences. There should be no taboos and no sanctions against telling the truth about the Negro race.

You're lying, because you characterized ALL (not some) black people to be either stupid or criminals. You do hate them, but too much of a bitch to admit that ON THE INTERNET.

There are taboos and sanctions against telling the truth about the "Negro" race because your type of people are a bunch of disingenuous assholes.

The only people you are impressing with your abusive language are people any decent person would be ashamed of to include as admirers. :redface:
that article didnt say they never studied for the test. I would imagine they probably were prepared, just like anyone should be if they want a good score. there are lots of practice tests on line or in the library.

why should non-black people pay a price because black culture discourages education? why is self destructive behaviour seemingly revered in black culture?

The article didn't say so. It came out in an interview. These kids studied so much that they didn't have to do anything extra to prepare.

I don't know why destructive behavior is so revered in black culture. It's considered selling out. You think you're better than us is a common phrase. Some black people who stay can become quite clever at hiding their education and intelligence. I knew a stock broker who did that. Nicest guy in the world. A stock picking ability that was almost supernatural. To his black world he was pure ghetto and scraped up a living by being a capper. He stayed because he couldn't get his grandma to move.

Very sad that there is no way to help. Worse to see the best and brightest among them killed for their effort and talent. It isn't genetic. It's a social phenomenon.
I do not hate all blacks, just the criminals.

I also hate the lies whites are required to say in public about intrinsic racial differences. There should be no taboos and no sanctions against telling the truth about the Negro race.

You're lying, because you characterized ALL (not some) black people to be either stupid or criminals. You do hate them, but too much of a bitch to admit that ON THE INTERNET.

There are taboos and sanctions against telling the truth about the "Negro" race because your type of people are a bunch of disingenuous assholes.

The only people you are impressing with your abusive language are people any decent person would be ashamed of to include as admirers. :redface:

I'm not trying to impress anyone. I use this language because your type of people (Matthew, S.J., Ydnar) will not allow a civil debate on anything. You guys are far from decent people. Don't even start with that victimization bullshit. Doing this is like you acting like a...(gasp)!:eusa_whistle:
Last edited:
by Brendan OíFlaherty & Rajiv Sethi

January 15, 2010

African-Americans are six times as likely as white Americans to die at the hands of a murderer, and roughly seven times as likely to murder someone...

The magnitude of the difference in murder and victimization rates far exceeds any difference in characteristics that appear to predispose people to kill and be killed: being poor, being a high school dropout, living in a dense urban environment, or being raised in a single-parent household, for instance. Blacks are about 2.75 times as likely as whites to be poor, 2.2 times as likely to be high-school dropouts, 2.9 times as likely to live in a large city, and 2.7 times as likely to grow up in a single parent household all ratios that are far below the observed ratios for murder victimization and offending.

Table 2. Homicide Offending by Race, 1976-2005, per 100,000 population
***** Black * White *Ratio
1976 * 46.6 * 4.9 ** 9.5
1980 * 51.5 * 6.4 ** 8.1
1984 * 33.1 * 5.3 ** 6.3
1988 * 41.2 * 4.9 ** 8.4
1992 * 47.0 * 5.2 ** 9.0
1996 * 35.9 * 4.5 ** 8.0
2000 * 25.6 * 3.5 ** 7.3
2004 * 24.1 * 3.6 ** 6.7
2005 * 26.5 * 3.5 ** 7.6
Source. US Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2007
All you need to do is listen to rap lyrics and you can see the culture of violence that blacks embrace.
All you need to do is listen to rap lyrics and you can see the culture of violence that blacks embrace.

Should I refer to bands like Cannibal Corpse and say that white people embrace that culture?

All blacks don't listen to the same music, asshole. Even if all blacks did listen to rap, that doesn't mean they'll actually do anything of what the lyrics depict.

You're like those NRA retards who blamed movies and video games as the sole reasons for gun violence. Fuck you.

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