lighter skinned blacks are more intelligent than darker skinned blacks.

All you need to do is listen to rap lyrics and you can see the culture of violence that blacks embrace.

Should I refer to bands like Cannibal Corpse and say that white people embrace that culture?

All blacks don't listen to the same music, asshole. Even if all blacks did listen to rap, that doesn't mean they'll actually do anything of what the lyrics depict.

You're like those NRA retards who blamed movies and video games as the sole reasons for gun violence. Fuck you.

I'm not sure on the link between violence and video games or music, but you must admit that rap culture has permeated our media/culture more than any other form of music?

Rap influences the clothes we wear, the movies we watch, the way we talk, etc. Rap has a greater influence in American culture than most other forms of music. Watch Sesame Street, you'll see lots of "rap" songs from Elmo and the others, but never thrash, black, nu or death metal same with country.

Cannibal Corpse is not main stream like rap is. Rap as a culture has a much greater impact, and my guess is that it has a pretty large impact in black areas too. It would be like saying that black people did not vote for Obama. But they did, so when 95% of a demographic does the same thing, its a cultural thing.
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by Brendan OíFlaherty & Rajiv Sethi

January 15, 2010

African-Americans are six times as likely as white Americans to die at the hands of a murderer, and roughly seven times as likely to murder someone...

The magnitude of the difference in murder and victimization rates far exceeds any difference in characteristics that appear to predispose people to kill and be killed: being poor, being a high school dropout, living in a dense urban environment, or being raised in a single-parent household, for instance. Blacks are about 2.75 times as likely as whites to be poor, 2.2 times as likely to be high-school dropouts, 2.9 times as likely to live in a large city, and 2.7 times as likely to grow up in a single parent household all ratios that are far below the observed ratios for murder victimization and offending.

Table 2. Homicide Offending by Race, 1976-2005, per 100,000 population
***** Black * White *Ratio
1976 * 46.6 * 4.9 ** 9.5
1980 * 51.5 * 6.4 ** 8.1
1984 * 33.1 * 5.3 ** 6.3
1988 * 41.2 * 4.9 ** 8.4
1992 * 47.0 * 5.2 ** 9.0
1996 * 35.9 * 4.5 ** 8.0
2000 * 25.6 * 3.5 ** 7.3
2004 * 24.1 * 3.6 ** 6.7
2005 * 26.5 * 3.5 ** 7.6
Source. US Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2007

Even that journal said most crime is intraracial. Why aren't you celebrating that most of the time blacks kill each other?

You Nazis are too stupid to even recognize good things for you. A lot of your type even deny the holocaust.
"In there"? You need to apply your "superior intelligence", and seek some assistance with how to compose an intelligent sentence.

You are SOOOO right, KAT. And to think these guys are the pillars of the trailer park community.
that is a racist comment.
And how is what you've been blathering about here NOT racist?

You've been applying the same tired stereotype to an entire race in some screwed up attempt to explain why a race which you hate is seemingly less intelligent than another.

Intelligence comes from a whole variety of factors, most importantly from day one when infants are just starting out in life. Child development has A LOT to do with how well the kids will perform later in life and you cannot deny, white kids get a much better head start in this country than lots of other minorities. You obviously got dropped on your head when you were a baby which explains every post you write.
The reality is that blacks have been characterized everywhere in the world by crime and stupidity and they always have been. If these characteristics were caused environmentally they would not be so durable across time and space.

"Characterized by crime and stupidity" isn't it "Characterized FOR crime and stupidity"?

Lol Nazi Grammar.

It is the environment, poverty begets crime and ignorance in almost every circumstance, Russia and Eastern European nations have higher murder rates than the US. And they're almost homogenous and very poor.

What's your excuse for other races being stupid (like you) and criminals?
What's your excuse for the blacks who are not stupid nor criminals?

Characterizations aren't always based on reality, monkey.

I have never said that all blacks are stupid and I have never said that all are criminals. Nevertheless, blacks have a rate of violent crime that is nearly eight times the white rate. Moreover, they tend to score poorly on all the mental aptitude tests however they are designed. Although the tests were designed by whites, Orientals tend to do better than white Gentiles.

"Blacks have high rates of crime and illegitimacy and low average IQs. I can understand why someone would feel sorry for them. I cannot understand why anyone would like and respect them. The United States would be a far better country without them. They would be lost without us. They are incapable of creating civilized and well functioning societies."
- Friends

Again, you proved yourself to be a lying little prick.
Well, no shit...

I wish we were all equal and shit but reality doesn't play well with lies.

As if your white supremacist ideology is based on reality

The reality is that blacks have been characterized everywhere in the world by crime and stupidity and they always have been. If these characteristics were caused environmentally they would not be so durable across time and space.

You, sir, are a bona fide, POS, scum, racist and bigot....and have no business spreading your filth in a political debate forum.
blacks that have white ancestors in there bloodline are more intelligent than pure blacks.

Nigerian breaks academic record at John Hopkins University ? The Punch - Nigeria's Most Widely Read Newspaper

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. And some whites are stupider than those pure blacks, you mentioned.


16% of the black race is at the white avg.

Do you know what this means?
What's your INDIVIDUAL average? How do YOU AS AN INDIVIDUAL measure up? I'm willing to bet that most of the Black people on this forum have more intelligence, success, and class than you do.
It takes a real pussy to hide behind race and statistics, the reason they do that is so the spotlight isn't on them and their own deficiencies and defects. :lol:
that article didnt say they never studied for the test. I would imagine they probably were prepared, just like anyone should be if they want a good score. there are lots of practice tests on line or in the library.

why should non-black people pay a price because black culture discourages education? why is self destructive behaviour seemingly revered in black culture?

That's because you are focusing on a self destructive minority group within that "Black Culture". MY 'Black culture' from the 'Black side' of my family stresses family, education, hard work, discipline and patriotism. So did and does the 'White side' of my family. Being mixed race, i was taught to be proud of my family,heritage, and myself. My White family is from the Inner Hebrides and the Waterford area in Ireland.
As if your white supremacist ideology is based on reality

The reality is that blacks have been characterized everywhere in the world by crime and stupidity and they always have been. If these characteristics were caused environmentally they would not be so durable across time and space.

You, sir, are a bona fide, POS, scum, racist and bigot....and have no business spreading your filth in a political debate forum.

coming from you that is meaningless.

to you everything is a racist plot hatched by whitey to keep your pathetic ass down.

PS you don't make the rules around here
Hell, whitey doesn't need to keep you down. you do fine at that by yourself.
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The reality is that blacks have been characterized everywhere in the world by crime and stupidity and they always have been. If these characteristics were caused environmentally they would not be so durable across time and space.

You, sir, are a bona fide, POS, scum, racist and bigot....and have no business spreading your filth in a political debate forum.

coming from you that is meaningless.

to you everything is a racist plot hatched by whitey to keep your pathetic ass down.

PS you don't make the rules around here
Hell, whitey doesn't need to keep you down. you do fine at that by yourself.

Well, first of all, you need to get rid of the martini glass, because there is nothing classy or sophisticated about you. It's a front.
And you don't know me, so you can't say that anything coming from me is "meaningless", or what I believe about plots. I don't use racial pejoratives, so you, projecting your racism onto me, by using "whitey", as if I would use that ugly term, is proof that you're the racist and bigot, not I.
And, darling, I have transcended attempts by whites to keep me down, pathetic ass and all. Not only am I revered as a poet, writer and musician in Houston, I'm invited to the toniest parties, hosted by whites, as an "honored guest". I know you want your cohorts to believe you "put one over" on the black gay guy, but you didn't. You merely exposed yourself for the vile and craven racist and bigot that you are. You're welcome.
You're lying, because you characterized ALL (not some) black people to be either stupid or criminals. You do hate them, but too much of a bitch to admit that ON THE INTERNET.

There are taboos and sanctions against telling the truth about the "Negro" race because your type of people are a bunch of disingenuous assholes.

The only people you are impressing with your abusive language are people any decent person would be ashamed of to include as admirers. :redface:

I'm not trying to impress anyone. I use this language because your type of people (Matthew, S.J., Ydnar) will not allow a civil debate on anything. You guys are far from decent people. Don't even start with that victimization bullshit. Doing this is like you acting like a...(gasp)!:eusa_whistle:

Uh-uh....blacks don't act that way. I don't know where you ever got that notion, or where you were going with that...but you are way off.
You are SOOOO right, KAT. And to think these guys are the pillars of the trailer park community.

Indeed. There is a common trend here, and you do not have to look closely to see the obvious.

It is predominately the most illiterate, and uneducated lower rung types here who regurgitate and post the same so called "facts" in this forum.

Intellectually incapable of having aG civil debate, and devoid of the mental acuity to post an original thought.

Kind of like watching a cartoon, starring the Beverly Hillbillies and Lil Abner.

that explains why you get offended

ROFLMAO! Offended by what? Since I have been visiting this forum, I have gotten more laughs than I ever thought possible, most of them at your expense.
There is no racial predisposition for intelligence. IQ is not a matter of race. I don't believe that the IQ test is an accurate indicator of intelligence in any case. Studies show that a person's IQ can be tested before he/she gets an advanced education. Then the same person, after university being tested again, his/her IQ will be higher than before going to university for 4 years. If education increases IQ, the idea that a simple IQ test determines intelligence becomes unsupportable. Intelligence has to do with various factors that cannot be tested by IQ tests. Culture and environment are the main factors.

Another point: the blatant and repulsive racism in this thread is literally sickening, I think the type of person who likes to think that they are superior to other races for whatever reason, that type of person is clearly less intelligent than those who look are able to look at things with a wider and more perceptive view of reality. In other words, posting a thread with the premise this thread has and agreeing with that premise is a sure indicator of low intelligence.
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by Brendan OíFlaherty & Rajiv Sethi

January 15, 2010

African-Americans are six times as likely as white Americans to die at the hands of a murderer, and roughly seven times as likely to murder someone...

The magnitude of the difference in murder and victimization rates far exceeds any difference in characteristics that appear to predispose people to kill and be killed: being poor, being a high school dropout, living in a dense urban environment, or being raised in a single-parent household, for instance. Blacks are about 2.75 times as likely as whites to be poor, 2.2 times as likely to be high-school dropouts, 2.9 times as likely to live in a large city, and 2.7 times as likely to grow up in a single parent household all ratios that are far below the observed ratios for murder victimization and offending.

Table 2. Homicide Offending by Race, 1976-2005, per 100,000 population
***** Black * White *Ratio
1976 * 46.6 * 4.9 ** 9.5
1980 * 51.5 * 6.4 ** 8.1
1984 * 33.1 * 5.3 ** 6.3
1988 * 41.2 * 4.9 ** 8.4
1992 * 47.0 * 5.2 ** 9.0
1996 * 35.9 * 4.5 ** 8.0
2000 * 25.6 * 3.5 ** 7.3
2004 * 24.1 * 3.6 ** 6.7
2005 * 26.5 * 3.5 ** 7.6
Source. US Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2007

Even that journal said most crime is intraracial. Why aren't you celebrating that most of the time blacks kill each other?

You Nazis are too stupid to even recognize good things for you. A lot of your type even deny the holocaust.
you are so,so,wrong!! we don't celebrate blacks killing anyone !!i do not attack anyone based on race !! i have great respect for asians,hispanics ,and other races,but the black race as a whole is failing in civilized societies !!so i will ask you what can be done to help the black community act like civilized human beings ??? does whitey need to pay more taxes ??does whitey need to just ignore the black crime,and illegitimacy rates ??should we pay reparations ??what will it take for the black community to get it's shit together ??
You, sir, are a bona fide, POS, scum, racist and bigot....and have no business spreading your filth in a political debate forum.

coming from you that is meaningless.

to you everything is a racist plot hatched by whitey to keep your pathetic ass down.

PS you don't make the rules around here
Hell, whitey doesn't need to keep you down. you do fine at that by yourself.

Well, first of all, you need to get rid of the martini glass, because there is nothing classy or sophisticated about you. It's a front.
And you don't know me, so you can't say that anything coming from me is "meaningless", or what I believe about plots. I don't use racial pejoratives, so you, projecting your racism onto me, by using "whitey", as if I would use that ugly term, is proof that you're the racist and bigot, not I.
And, darling, I have transcended attempts by whites to keep me down, pathetic ass and all. Not only am I revered as a poet, writer and musician in Houston, I'm invited to the toniest parties, hosted by whites, as an "honored guest". I know you want your cohorts to believe you "put one over" on the black gay guy, but you didn't. You merely exposed yourself for the vile and craven racist and bigot that you are. You're welcome.

All you need to do is listen to rap lyrics and you can see the culture of violence that blacks embrace.

Should I refer to bands like Cannibal Corpse and say that white people embrace that culture?

All blacks don't listen to the same music, asshole. Even if all blacks did listen to rap, that doesn't mean they'll actually do anything of what the lyrics depict.

You're like those NRA retards who blamed movies and video games as the sole reasons for gun violence. Fuck you.
Most of you listen to that shit and you know it. Not only do you listen to it, you have to blast the shit so loud that everybody in the whole damn state has to listen to it. Is there some reason you have to do that?
by Brendan OíFlaherty & Rajiv Sethi

January 15, 2010

African-Americans are six times as likely as white Americans to die at the hands of a murderer, and roughly seven times as likely to murder someone...

The magnitude of the difference in murder and victimization rates far exceeds any difference in characteristics that appear to predispose people to kill and be killed: being poor, being a high school dropout, living in a dense urban environment, or being raised in a single-parent household, for instance. Blacks are about 2.75 times as likely as whites to be poor, 2.2 times as likely to be high-school dropouts, 2.9 times as likely to live in a large city, and 2.7 times as likely to grow up in a single parent household all ratios that are far below the observed ratios for murder victimization and offending.

Table 2. Homicide Offending by Race, 1976-2005, per 100,000 population
***** Black * White *Ratio
1976 * 46.6 * 4.9 ** 9.5
1980 * 51.5 * 6.4 ** 8.1
1984 * 33.1 * 5.3 ** 6.3
1988 * 41.2 * 4.9 ** 8.4
1992 * 47.0 * 5.2 ** 9.0
1996 * 35.9 * 4.5 ** 8.0
2000 * 25.6 * 3.5 ** 7.3
2004 * 24.1 * 3.6 ** 6.7
2005 * 26.5 * 3.5 ** 7.6
Source. US Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2007

Even that journal said most crime is intraracial. Why aren't you celebrating that most of the time blacks kill each other?

You Nazis are too stupid to even recognize good things for you. A lot of your type even deny the holocaust.
you are so,so,wrong!! we don't celebrate blacks killing anyone !!i do not attack anyone based on race !! i have great respect for asians,hispanics ,and other races,but the black race as a whole is failing in civilized societies !!so i will ask you what can be done to help the black community act like civilized human beings ??? does whitey need to pay more taxes ??does whitey need to just ignore the black crime,and illegitimacy rates ??should we pay reparations ??what will it take for the black community to get it's shit together ??

Some thoughts on these statistics. Poor people are more likely to be convicted of crimes. Black people in the US are more likely to be poor than whites or other races. Also, these statiscs account for a murder per person, not for someone who is a multiple murderer. These statistics make it appear equal between one person killing one person and one person killing many people. So, in these statistics, a black person who has killed one person is made equal to a serial killer or mass shooting killer, both of whom are more likely to be white.

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