LIKE A BOSS: Donald Trump Delivered Stunningly Impressive 'America First' Remarks In Mexico...

Wow! WTG Mr. Trump! Finally, an American Leader.

A fearless American went to Mexico and unapologetically nailed his position on the relationship between the U.S. and Mexico.

How good were the remarks? Well, lets just say… we can fully anticipate the liberal U.S. media to go into combat mode; because candidate Donald J Trump articulated a full-throated, unapologetic and yet resoundingly ‘diplomatic’ America-First message to Mexican President Peña Nieto….

….and that’s just what he did publicly.

When Donald Trump and President Nieto came to their collective podiums Trump was in hostile territory. Nieto speaking Spanish without a formal translator provided, and without presenting his remarks in advance to candidate Donald Trump, was obviously speaking to his domestic audience more than an American one...

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Like A Boss – Donald Trump Delivered Stunningly Impressive “America First” Remarks in Mexico…

Actually, the only reason he went to Mexico was to threaten the Mexican workers down there who make his dog shit suits to work faster or get fired.

Well that may be what CNN and NBC told you, but that assertion is dog shit. I respect Trump more than ever now.
Understandable given the fact you’re as much a bigot and liar as Trump.

Hop off your high horse and go hide in your 'Safe Space' son. You're voting for a corrupt witch and her serial rapist husband. So spare us the lame preachy shite. You're in no position to cast stones.
Wow! WTG Mr. Trump! Finally, an American Leader.

A fearless American went to Mexico and unapologetically nailed his position on the relationship between the U.S. and Mexico.

How good were the remarks? Well, lets just say… we can fully anticipate the liberal U.S. media to go into combat mode; because candidate Donald J Trump articulated a full-throated, unapologetic and yet resoundingly ‘diplomatic’ America-First message to Mexican President Peña Nieto….

….and that’s just what he did publicly.

When Donald Trump and President Nieto came to their collective podiums Trump was in hostile territory. Nieto speaking Spanish without a formal translator provided, and without presenting his remarks in advance to candidate Donald Trump, was obviously speaking to his domestic audience more than an American one...

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Like A Boss – Donald Trump Delivered Stunningly Impressive “America First” Remarks in Mexico…

It was a very good speech that clearly addressed all the important questions about how he will handle America's illegal immigration problems.

He didn't back down a bit. He showed great courage. Things do have to change. And we know Clinton's only gonna continue Obama's awful policies. Trump is the Boss on this.
Trump didn’t back down at all – he doubled-down on his bigotry, ignorance, stupidity, and hate.

Trump the idiot wants to build his ‘wall.’

Trump the liar says Mexico will ‘pay’ for his idiotic ‘wall.’

Trump supporters are as ridiculous as Trump, if not more so.
Wow! WTG Mr. Trump! Finally, an American Leader.

A fearless American went to Mexico and unapologetically nailed his position on the relationship between the U.S. and Mexico.

How good were the remarks? Well, lets just say… we can fully anticipate the liberal U.S. media to go into combat mode; because candidate Donald J Trump articulated a full-throated, unapologetic and yet resoundingly ‘diplomatic’ America-First message to Mexican President Peña Nieto….

….and that’s just what he did publicly.

When Donald Trump and President Nieto came to their collective podiums Trump was in hostile territory. Nieto speaking Spanish without a formal translator provided, and without presenting his remarks in advance to candidate Donald Trump, was obviously speaking to his domestic audience more than an American one...

Read More:
Like A Boss – Donald Trump Delivered Stunningly Impressive “America First” Remarks in Mexico…

It was a very good speech that clearly addressed all the important questions about how he will handle America's illegal immigration problems.

He didn't back down a bit. He showed great courage. Things do have to change. And we know Clinton's only gonna continue Obama's awful policies. Trump is the Boss on this.
Trump didn’t back down at all – he doubled-down on his bigotry, ignorance, stupidity, and hate.

Trump the idiot wants to build his ‘wall.’

Trump the liar says Mexico will ‘pay’ for his idiotic ‘wall.’

Trump supporters are as ridiculous as Trump, if not more so.
Can you clarify what exactly he said that is bigoted and hateful?
Wow! WTG Mr. Trump! Finally, an American Leader.

A fearless American went to Mexico and unapologetically nailed his position on the relationship between the U.S. and Mexico.

How good were the remarks? Well, lets just say… we can fully anticipate the liberal U.S. media to go into combat mode; because candidate Donald J Trump articulated a full-throated, unapologetic and yet resoundingly ‘diplomatic’ America-First message to Mexican President Peña Nieto….

….and that’s just what he did publicly.

When Donald Trump and President Nieto came to their collective podiums Trump was in hostile territory. Nieto speaking Spanish without a formal translator provided, and without presenting his remarks in advance to candidate Donald Trump, was obviously speaking to his domestic audience more than an American one...

Read More:
Like A Boss – Donald Trump Delivered Stunningly Impressive “America First” Remarks in Mexico…

It was a very good speech that clearly addressed all the important questions about how he will handle America's illegal immigration problems.

He didn't back down a bit. He showed great courage. Things do have to change. And we know Clinton's only gonna continue Obama's awful policies. Trump is the Boss on this.
Trump didn’t back down at all – he doubled-down on his bigotry, ignorance, stupidity, and hate.

Trump the idiot wants to build his ‘wall.’

Trump the liar says Mexico will ‘pay’ for his idiotic ‘wall.’

Trump supporters are as ridiculous as Trump, if not more so.

Sounds like you need a 'Safe Space' break son. He did double-down. And thank God for that. He didn't pull a 'Romney', and back down. The People are craving change. They want Border Security and Immigration reform. And they know the corrupt Clintons won't do it. Trump is their only hope for any real change. It is what it is.
Wow! WTG Mr. Trump! Finally, an American Leader.

A fearless American went to Mexico and unapologetically nailed his position on the relationship between the U.S. and Mexico.

How good were the remarks? Well, lets just say… we can fully anticipate the liberal U.S. media to go into combat mode; because candidate Donald J Trump articulated a full-throated, unapologetic and yet resoundingly ‘diplomatic’ America-First message to Mexican President Peña Nieto….

….and that’s just what he did publicly.

When Donald Trump and President Nieto came to their collective podiums Trump was in hostile territory. Nieto speaking Spanish without a formal translator provided, and without presenting his remarks in advance to candidate Donald Trump, was obviously speaking to his domestic audience more than an American one...

Read More:
Like A Boss – Donald Trump Delivered Stunningly Impressive “America First” Remarks in Mexico…

It was a very good speech that clearly addressed all the important questions about how he will handle America's illegal immigration problems.

He didn't back down a bit. He showed great courage. Things do have to change. And we know Clinton's only gonna continue Obama's awful policies. Trump is the Boss on this.
Trump didn’t back down at all – he doubled-down on his bigotry, ignorance, stupidity, and hate.

Trump the idiot wants to build his ‘wall.’

Trump the liar says Mexico will ‘pay’ for his idiotic ‘wall.’

Trump supporters are as ridiculous as Trump, if not more so.
Can you clarify what exactly he said that is bigoted and hateful?

Fair question. I'm curious too. Thanks.
If Hillary gave that immigration speech the left would be fully on board with America First.
I can't wrap my head around why not every single American can get on board with a "America First" message.

The message is bullshit, America WAS always first and I've never heard any politician propose that we concentrate on someone else's interests.

Trump is just trying to frame this thing as American interests (which he insinuates himself to represent) and not American interests that he insinuates Obama and Hillary to have. I think it's effective as far as perking up ears of clueless rubes with empty puffery goes, but it's also a lie.

Trump will be VERY disastrous to American interests if elected.
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I can't wrap my head around why not every single American can get on board with a "America First" message.

The message is bullshit, America WAS always first and I've never heard any politician propose that we concentrate on someone else's interests.

Trump is just trying to frame this thing as American interests (which he insinuates himself to represent) and not American interests that he insinuates Obama and Hillary to have. I think it's effective as far as perking up ears of clueless rubes with empty puffery goes, but it's also a lie.

Trump will be VERY disastrous to American interests if elected.

Right because the poor and middle class have done so well under Obama the past 8 years /SARCASM
LIKE A BOSS: Donald Trump Delivered Stunningly Impressive 'America First' Remarks In Mexico...

And.....then came back to the US and blew it all to hell.
I can't wrap my head around why not every single American can get on board with a "America First" message.

The message is bullshit, America WAS always first and I've never heard any politician propose that we concentrate on someone else's interests.

Trump is just trying to frame this thing as American interests (which he insinuates himself to represent) and not American interests that he insinuates Obama and Hillary to have. I think it's effective as far as perking up ears of clueless rubes with empty puffery goes, but it's also a lie.

Trump will be VERY disastrous to American interests if elected.
You're kidding right? We all voted to amass trillions of dollars of debt, we encouraged our "elected" officials to negotiate poor trade deals that we knew would harm us, we rallied together and encouraged our leaders to repeatedly drag us into foreign wars, we threaten to burn our cities down if nationalism is replaced by globalism, we love special interests groups/lobbyist/big corp running our country, we strongly support government corruption and we just adore the rich continuing to get richer as the middle class dwindles.

YES! YES! It's always been America first. We love what's happened to us. We love the political strife, the racial strife, the financial strife created by the government that has ALWAYs put us first. Let us continue on this course! Let our voices not be heard and may we be grateful for it, has always been us first.
He really threw the Communist/Progressive Press a big curve ball. They already proclaimed he was gonna pull a Romney, and back down on his Immigration Agenda. But it didn't go that way. Good on Trump big time. :thup:
The pussy didn't even have the balls to ask the Mexican president if he would be interested in throwing a few pesos his way for his imaginary wall. LOL.
Okay.....which is it?
Did they discuss it or not?
Keep your story straight.

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