Like I said Farcebook is for idiots, brilliant cop brags that AOC

110 degrees where?

Congress doesn't get SS protection, do they?

The heat index was 114 here the other day...………………….only 99 degrees though.

Where, sorry that requires a clearance above your 68 IQ

I know, he's your kinda guy.
Remember when your stupid miserable ass made a few posts condemning identity politics? Remember that you fucking moron? Remember that you deranged fucking loser?

You are the king of identity politics and the most partisan dipshit on here. More than me, which is saying something.

Your little passive aggressive style might be lost on the others but not me you dumb miserable hypocritical idiot.

No, many of us have sanctimonious fence-sitting Mac the faggot all figured out. :04:
Those of us who can think for ourselves expose you sheep for what you are.

Not my problem.

But admittedly, it's nice to know how many wingers I can trigger with so little effort.

Mac the sanctimonious fence-sitter sez wut? He likes that fence jammed up his ass because it elevates him above us, and also he just likes it up his ass.

Nothing rings of defeat more than making gay insults

Oo, looks like Gabbing Goober wants to be a target today! :spinner:
110 degrees where?

Congress doesn't get SS protection, do they?

The heat index was 114 here the other day...………………….only 99 degrees though.

Where, sorry that requires a clearance above your 68 IQ

I know, he's your kinda guy.
Remember when your stupid miserable ass made a few posts condemning identity politics? Remember that you fucking moron? Remember that you deranged fucking loser?

You are the king of identity politics and the most partisan dipshit on here. More than me, which is saying something.

Your little passive aggressive style might be lost on the others but not me you dumb miserable hypocritical idiot.

No, many of us have sanctimonious fence-sitting Mac the faggot all figured out. :04:
Those of us who can think for ourselves expose you sheep for what you are.

Not my problem.

But admittedly, it's nice to know how many wingers I can trigger with so little effort.

Mac the sanctimonious fence-sitter sez wut? He likes that fence jammed up his ass because it elevates him above us, and also he just likes it up his ass.

Nothing rings of defeat more than making gay insults
Hey, it's the best they can do.
Yawn, no heatstroke so now I need a 110 degree day to continue my testing.

Probably would have had a heatstroke 20 years ago

110 degrees where?

madonna is not law enforcement.

the cop is.

madonna has no access to a bomb.

the cop has access to a gun.

the secret service paid a visit to madonna & rightfully so.

they will do the same re: the cop & rightfully so.

Congress doesn't get SS protection, do they?

The heat index was 114 here the other day...………………….only 99 degrees though.

Where, sorry that requires a clearance above your 68 IQ

I know, he's your kinda guy.
Remember when your stupid miserable ass made a few posts condemning identity politics? Remember that you fucking moron? Remember that you deranged fucking loser?

You are the king of identity politics and the most partisan dipshit on here. More than me, which is saying something.

Your little passive aggressive style might be lost on the others but not me you dumb miserable hypocritical idiot.

No, many of us have sanctimonious fence-sitting Mac the faggot all figured out. :04:
Those of us who can think for ourselves expose you sheep for what you are.

Not my problem.

But admittedly, it's nice to know how many wingers I can trigger with so little effort.

Mac the sanctimonious fence-sitter sez wut? He likes that fence jammed up his ass because it elevates him above us, and also he just likes it up his ass.

You are truly a deplorable asshole
You can't speak your mind on Facebook, they'll crucify him, of course.

the poor cop....simply because he wants to kill democrats those evil liberals will crucify the poor guy......

Keep in mind the ratio of unhinged leftists taking up arms vs. conservatives thus far is much,much higher.

Ballfield shooting, Las Vegas, just last 13th a crazy leftist tried to firebomb an ICE detention facility and shoot at cops.

That cop never said he wanted to kill Democrats, not at all.
The heat index was 114 here the other day...………………….only 99 degrees though.

Where, sorry that requires a clearance above your 68 IQ

Remember when your stupid miserable ass made a few posts condemning identity politics? Remember that you fucking moron? Remember that you deranged fucking loser?

You are the king of identity politics and the most partisan dipshit on here. More than me, which is saying something.

Your little passive aggressive style might be lost on the others but not me you dumb miserable hypocritical idiot.

No, many of us have sanctimonious fence-sitting Mac the faggot all figured out. :04:
Those of us who can think for ourselves expose you sheep for what you are.

Not my problem.

But admittedly, it's nice to know how many wingers I can trigger with so little effort.

Mac the sanctimonious fence-sitter sez wut? He likes that fence jammed up his ass because it elevates him above us, and also he just likes it up his ass.

Nothing rings of defeat more than making gay insults

Oo, looks like Gabbing Goober wants to be a target today! :spinner:
Oh no! I am going to be the target of gay jokes from a brain dead partisan sheep.

How will I ever survive?

AOC does need a round. And I got something long and round right here I'd like to give her.
I know, he's your kinda guy.
Remember when your stupid miserable ass made a few posts condemning identity politics? Remember that you fucking moron? Remember that you deranged fucking loser?

You are the king of identity politics and the most partisan dipshit on here. More than me, which is saying something.

Your little passive aggressive style might be lost on the others but not me you dumb miserable hypocritical idiot.
Yikes. You're gonna have a stroke.

What you don't quite understand is that it's people like you who make it easy for the PC/Identity Politics zealots to push their crap on the rest of us.

All they have to do is point at you Trumpy nutters and say, "see?"

You'll never understand that, because you simply don't have that capacity.
And every last fucking thing every fucking left wing piece of shit says or does, we can all point to it and say it is not about caring about race but about bringing down this country you dumb fuck.

Or else go ahead and explain to us why you fucking miserable losers always either dismiss minority Trump voters or hate them more than they hate Trump himself.

Go ahead and explain it loser.

Let me take the fucking time to explain it you piece of shit. I am fucking done (long done) trying to be polite or understanding you assholes. You are all the most intolerant fucks around and you are all nothing but fucking hypocrites.

So, I will be more fucking intolerant and I pray for the day some fucking skinny spoiled white trust fund loser antifa pussy steps to me. I fucking pray for that day, and I can only hope that is a person just like yourself.

I will be waiting for you to explain why you fucking losers are such racists towards Trump minority supporters. Loser.
And zoom, right over your head. What a shock.

Okay. Dittos 'n MAGA 'n stuff.

The Regressive Left loves guys like you.

Why does anything matter since the left has declared that the World is ending in 11 years if we do not vote for the new green deal, then no democrap actually voted for the new green deal.

If you understand the above and agree you are psychotic.

Be happy it's all over and all you care about is your garbage disposal

Oh, look... yet another conservative with a pocket Constitution who doesn't understand it.
Remember when your stupid miserable ass made a few posts condemning identity politics? Remember that you fucking moron? Remember that you deranged fucking loser?

You are the king of identity politics and the most partisan dipshit on here. More than me, which is saying something.

Your little passive aggressive style might be lost on the others but not me you dumb miserable hypocritical idiot.
Yikes. You're gonna have a stroke.

What you don't quite understand is that it's people like you who make it easy for the PC/Identity Politics zealots to push their crap on the rest of us.

All they have to do is point at you Trumpy nutters and say, "see?"

You'll never understand that, because you simply don't have that capacity.
And every last fucking thing every fucking left wing piece of shit says or does, we can all point to it and say it is not about caring about race but about bringing down this country you dumb fuck.

Or else go ahead and explain to us why you fucking miserable losers always either dismiss minority Trump voters or hate them more than they hate Trump himself.

Go ahead and explain it loser.

Let me take the fucking time to explain it you piece of shit. I am fucking done (long done) trying to be polite or understanding you assholes. You are all the most intolerant fucks around and you are all nothing but fucking hypocrites.

So, I will be more fucking intolerant and I pray for the day some fucking skinny spoiled white trust fund loser antifa pussy steps to me. I fucking pray for that day, and I can only hope that is a person just like yourself.

I will be waiting for you to explain why you fucking losers are such racists towards Trump minority supporters. Loser.
And zoom, right over your head. What a shock.

Okay. Dittos 'n MAGA 'n stuff.

The Regressive Left loves guys like you.

Why does anything matter since the left has declared that the World is ending in 11 years if we do not vote for the new green deal, then no democrap actually voted for the new green deal.

If you understand the above and agree you are psychotic.

Be happy it's all over and all you care about is your garbage disposal

Oh, look... yet another conservative with a pocket Constitution who doesn't understand it.

Actually the constitution does not have anything to do with a schitzos belief that the World will end in 11 years unless we do exactly what she AOC says. However you feel free to deflect again from the schizzos that you voted for
You can't speak your mind on Facebook, they'll crucify him, of course.

As they should. He IDed himself on Facebook as a police officer, thus everything he says reflects on the police force.

If you worked for Coke and let it be known on FB and then did this you would get fired also.
I think I'm gonna set up a go fund me for this guy so he can get whatever he needs.

You go for it. The guy is a fucking moron and deserves to be fired. But you be a moron along with him and give him your hard earned money.

The country is filled with you morons.
Same people who sent money to the Build the Wall GoFundMe.....
I think I'm gonna set up a go fund me for this guy so he can get whatever he needs.
Oh? What does he need?

Mental health help
I was thinking more along the lines of an attorney... bail money... a new job....

Maybe Frannie will hire him.
Madonna said she was going to blow up the White House

No biggie there
And she got visited by the Secret Service.....
Yikes. You're gonna have a stroke.

What you don't quite understand is that it's people like you who make it easy for the PC/Identity Politics zealots to push their crap on the rest of us.

All they have to do is point at you Trumpy nutters and say, "see?"

You'll never understand that, because you simply don't have that capacity.
And every last fucking thing every fucking left wing piece of shit says or does, we can all point to it and say it is not about caring about race but about bringing down this country you dumb fuck.

Or else go ahead and explain to us why you fucking miserable losers always either dismiss minority Trump voters or hate them more than they hate Trump himself.

Go ahead and explain it loser.

Let me take the fucking time to explain it you piece of shit. I am fucking done (long done) trying to be polite or understanding you assholes. You are all the most intolerant fucks around and you are all nothing but fucking hypocrites.

So, I will be more fucking intolerant and I pray for the day some fucking skinny spoiled white trust fund loser antifa pussy steps to me. I fucking pray for that day, and I can only hope that is a person just like yourself.

I will be waiting for you to explain why you fucking losers are such racists towards Trump minority supporters. Loser.
And zoom, right over your head. What a shock.

Okay. Dittos 'n MAGA 'n stuff.

The Regressive Left loves guys like you.

Why does anything matter since the left has declared that the World is ending in 11 years if we do not vote for the new green deal, then no democrap actually voted for the new green deal.

If you understand the above and agree you are psychotic.

Be happy it's all over and all you care about is your garbage disposal

Oh, look... yet another conservative with a pocket Constitution who doesn't understand it.

Actually the constitution does not have anything to do with a schitzos belief that the World will end in 11 years unless we do exactly what she AOC says. However you feel free to deflect again from the schizzos that you voted for

Who's deflecting? I commented on a video you posted.
That explains it. Heatstroke does bad things to the mind.
Yawn, no heatstroke so now I need a 110 degree day to continue my testing.

Probably would have had a heatstroke 20 years ago

110 degrees where?

Madonna said she was going to blow up the White House

No biggie there

madonna is not law enforcement.

the cop is.

madonna has no access to a bomb.

the cop has access to a gun.

the secret service paid a visit to madonna & rightfully so.

they will do the same re: the cop & rightfully so.

Congress doesn't get SS protection, do they?

The heat index was 114 here the other day...………………….only 99 degrees though.

Where, sorry that requires a clearance above your 68 IQ

I know, he's your kinda guy.
Remember when your stupid miserable ass made a few posts condemning identity politics? Remember that you fucking moron? Remember that you deranged fucking loser?

You are the king of identity politics and the most partisan dipshit on here. More than me, which is saying something.

Your little passive aggressive style might be lost on the others but not me you dumb miserable hypocritical idiot.

No, many of us have sanctimonious fence-sitting Mac the faggot all figured out. :04:
Those of us who can think for ourselves expose you sheep for what you are.

Not my problem.

But admittedly, it's nice to know how many wingers I can trigger with so little effort.
Triggered loser...…………………...U proud of who u r
Oh? What does he need?

Mental health help
I was thinking more along the lines of an attorney... bail money... a new job....

Maybe Frannie will hire him.
Madonna said she was going to blow up the White House

No biggie there
And she got visited by the Secret Service.....
You try the same and see what happens...……………………….

Triple dog dare ya
And every last fucking thing every fucking left wing piece of shit says or does, we can all point to it and say it is not about caring about race but about bringing down this country you dumb fuck.

Or else go ahead and explain to us why you fucking miserable losers always either dismiss minority Trump voters or hate them more than they hate Trump himself.

Go ahead and explain it loser.

Let me take the fucking time to explain it you piece of shit. I am fucking done (long done) trying to be polite or understanding you assholes. You are all the most intolerant fucks around and you are all nothing but fucking hypocrites.

So, I will be more fucking intolerant and I pray for the day some fucking skinny spoiled white trust fund loser antifa pussy steps to me. I fucking pray for that day, and I can only hope that is a person just like yourself.

I will be waiting for you to explain why you fucking losers are such racists towards Trump minority supporters. Loser.
And zoom, right over your head. What a shock.

Okay. Dittos 'n MAGA 'n stuff.

The Regressive Left loves guys like you.

Why does anything matter since the left has declared that the World is ending in 11 years if we do not vote for the new green deal, then no democrap actually voted for the new green deal.

If you understand the above and agree you are psychotic.

Be happy it's all over and all you care about is your garbage disposal

Oh, look... yet another conservative with a pocket Constitution who doesn't understand it.

Actually the constitution does not have anything to do with a schitzos belief that the World will end in 11 years unless we do exactly what she AOC says. However you feel free to deflect again from the schizzos that you voted for

Who's deflecting? I commented on a video you posted.

Look the World is going to end in like 11 years unless you like do everything that AOC like says you should like do. So the World is going to blow up and all you are like worried about is like videos that I like post.

Like Wow...……………….


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