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Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
How true is it that Israel deceitfully gave Ethiopian Jews birth control injections

When it was reported earlier this week that Israeli officials had been giving birth control to arriving Ethiopian Jews "without their consent", the international media had a field day. Twitter lapped it up, too. Here was hard evidence, observers said, of Israeli racism. Some even used the word "sterilisation" and haughtily reminded Israelis that the Holocaust, that thing they go on about all the time, also started with the sterilisation of "undesirables". Echoing Lib Dem MP David Ward's recent chastisement of "the Jews" for failing to learn anything from their experiences during the Holocaust, bloggers and observers accused Israel's sterilisers of repeating the very history that Israel's founders sought to escape from.

How true is it that Israel deceitfully gave Ethiopian Jews birth control injections? ? Telegraph Blogs

Like Israel, like America. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
5 Ways America Enables Israel's Atrocities
From green-lighting military operations in Gaza to giving unstinting diplomatic support at the United Nations, the U.S. government is wholly complicit in Israel's latest assault on Gaza.

Israeli Atrocities in Palestine, The Real Terrorism in Palestine
In 22 days over New Year 2009 Israeli snipers and tanks killed 400 Palestinian children, (and 900 adults).
What sort of people are these Israelis, snipers deliberately kill children and tank commanders fire shells into family apartments when they see people living there? It reminds me of the Nazis in Warsaw, 1939. They are as bad as Hitler's SS.
Up to 00:30hrs, 21 Nov. '12 - Israelis have killed 139 Palestinians, including, at least, 24 children. 5 Israelis have been killed.
Israeli Atrocities in Palestine, The Real Terrorism in Palestine

American mutilation of Japanese war dead
The mutilation of Japanese service personnel included the taking of body parts as “war souvenirs” and “war trophies”. Teeth and skulls were the most commonly taken "trophies", although other body parts were also collected.
American mutilation of Japanese war dead - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Racist Atrocities Soar as America Regurgitates Its Soul
A Dramatic Increase in Hate Crimes Has Been Reported Since the Election of Barack Obama
Racist Atrocities Soar as America Regurgitates Its Soul - Yahoo! Voices -

mississippi appendectomy
sterilization – black women
sterilization ? black women « mississippi appendectomy

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
The U.S. government's 40-year experiment on black men with syphilis
Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment (History, Facts, Bad Blood, Bad Science) ?

The Tuberculosis Experience of African-Americans
in Virginia
The Tuberculosis Experience of African-Americans in Virginia
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