Like or dislike Sarah Palin?

Big Black Dog

Platinum Member
May 20, 2009
Forget about all the nasty slams directed towards Sarah Palin for a minute and tell me in an intelligent way why you either like or dislike Sarah Palin. This should be interesting.

I like Sarah Palin. I'd never vote for her in a Presidential election because I don't think she is Presidential but I do think that she is sincere and wants what she believes is best for America. However, like allpoliticians, she is doing all she can to make her money on the side too.
She seems sneaky. (The trooper thing)
She isn't very smart but is charismatic enough to make it look like she is.
She has no empathy for creatures that share this earth with us.
She seems a follower..not a leader.
She is a hypocrite in certain avenues and also cannot seem to make up her mind.
She is a parrot for someone more strong willed than she is.
She reminds me very much of Batiatus in Spartacus. She yearns, but is lacking.
I don't hate her.

Of course, I disagree with her on nearly every single issue. And I think she's populist nonsense. But she would never have had my vote anyway.

She's the far-right version of Alan Grayson.
I do not like her at all. I find her to be hypocritical, lacking in true Conservative ideals, and incapable of actually doing the job(s) that she undertakes.
Forget about all the nasty slams directed towards Sarah Palin for a minute and tell me in an intelligent way why you either like or dislike Sarah Palin. This should be interesting.

I like Sarah Palin. I'd never vote for her in a Presidential election because I don't think she is Presidential but I do think that she is sincere and wants what she believes is best for America. However, like allpoliticians, she is doing all she can to make her money on the side too.

I don't know much about her except what I hear from the MSM, so I don't have an opinion either way. The liberal media seems especially interested in writing story after story about her so she must be extremely important to them. I even learned she recently had a birthday, compliments of MSNBC. The few times I've heard her speak, I had to press the mute button. I don't even remember what she was talking about, but her voice was akin to fingernails scratching a blackboard to me.

Since I had no intention of voting for McCain in 2008, I didn't feel the need to learn more about her. But if she runs for President in 2012, I'll take a closer look.
She does not have a great speaking voice. She would do well to get some voice coaching.
She does not have a great speaking voice. She would do well to get some voice coaching.

She would do even better to get some coaching about trying to make her own life live up to the principles that come tumbling out of that mouth of hers.
She is not a polished politician nor a Washington insider.

We need more people like her in our government.

The regular citizen who loves our nation and want's the best for it.

Not more career obsessed political hacks who are only worried about re-election.
I like to look at Sarah. I don't really like to listen to her as both her high pitch and protestations grate upon me.
Like her just fine.

Would not vote for her for POTUS. Not bright enough, not well enough qualified for that level of a job, wrong temperament, foreign policy creds are nonexistent, divisive personality, Hell... I'll just say it: She's the right wing Obama.

OK I'd vote for her over Obama but in the meantime, in my free time I'll keep praying to every God everyone anywhere believes in that she is not the GOP nominee in 2012.
Forget about all the nasty slams directed towards Sarah Palin for a minute and tell me in an intelligent way why you either like or dislike Sarah Palin. This should be interesting.

I like Sarah Palin. I'd never vote for her in a Presidential election because I don't think she is Presidential but I do think that she is sincere and wants what she believes is best for America. However, like allpoliticians, she is doing all she can to make her money on the side too.

I think she's ignorant. And I think anyone who says things like there are "pro america parts of the country" doesn't belong in national politics.
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I disagree with most of her political positions and I don't like how she articulates, or "articulates", those positions.

But sometimes what we see in the spotlight can be a facade of the real person, whether that person intends it to be that way or not. So she may actually be someone I could share a few rounds with as long as politics was off the table. I mean, she's an Aquarius, and I usually get along with females of that sign. :D

In one sentence: I don't like Sarah Palin the celebetician but it's possible I could like Sarah Palin the person.
We need more people like her in our government.

Sunni, so you're perfectly fine having politicians who cannot live up to their own STATED BELIEFS?

This is a woman who goes on and on about abstinance education, then allows her own daughter to get pregnant IN HER HOME. This is a woman who CLAIMS to be a Conservative, yet chooses political office over her family (including her own newborn, special-needs child). Indeed, she agrees to run as the Veep to one of the LEAST Conservative members of the Republican Party.

She's a lot of hot air, bluster, and bustier. Nothing more. I wouldn't vote for her as Prom Queen, nevermind anything serious.

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