Like Steele, Crowdstrike Was Working For Comey / FBI...While Working For DNC


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
CrowdStrike, The DNC’s Security Firm, Was Under Contract With The FBI

'Claims of “Russian interference” have been ubiquitous in U.S. political discourse for almost a full year now; these often amount to a melange of allegations ranging from “hacking” to “influence campaigns” to “online trolls” sent by the Kremlin to harangue unsuspecting Midwestern voters. “Hacking,” however, remains the centerpiece of the narrative — the idea that Russian state actors “hacked” the Democratic National Committee and exfiltrated emails is routinely cited as the centerpiece of the overall “interference” thesis. After the alleged hacking, the DNC retained a private security firm — CrowdStrike — which made the determination that the Russian government was responsible, setting into motion a chain of Russia-related events that continue to unfold even now.

TYT can report that at the same time CrowdStrike was working on behalf of the DNC, the company was also under contract with the FBI for unspecified technical services. According to a US federal government spending database, CrowdStrike’s “period of performance” on behalf of the FBI was between July 2015 and July 2016. CrowdStrike’s findings regarding the DNC server breach — which continue to this day to be cited as authoritative by everyone from former FBI Director James Comey, to NBC anchor Megyn Kelly — were issued in June 2016, when the contract was still active.'

The FBI never looked at the DNC server - Crowdstrike, working on behalf of the DNC at the time did. Their report to the FBI, who they were also working for, was never substantiated / confirmed by the FBI.


CrowdStrike, The DNC’s Security Firm, Was Under Contract With The FBI

'In April 2016, two months before the June report was issued, former President Barack Obama appointed Steven Chabinsky, “general counsel and Chief Risk officer” for CrowdStrike, to a presidential “Commission for Enhancing Cybersecurity,” further demonstrating CrowdStrike’s intermingling with powerful Democratic Party factions.'

It always seems Obama is connected ... to all of it...
No wonder the liberoids shit chickens when God Emperor mentioned them in a tweet.
Any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now.........:abgg2q.jpg:
THAT is your pathetic response to Obama, Hillary, Comey, & Crowdstrike getting caught manufacturing the false narrative about the Russians hacking the DNC server?!

Proven Party-Before-Country, snowflake ... Pathetic.

CrowdStrike, The DNC’s Security Firm, Was Under Contract With The FBI

'Claims of “Russian interference” have been ubiquitous in U.S. political discourse for almost a full year now; these often amount to a melange of allegations ranging from “hacking” to “influence campaigns” to “online trolls” sent by the Kremlin to harangue unsuspecting Midwestern voters. “Hacking,” however, remains the centerpiece of the narrative — the idea that Russian state actors “hacked” the Democratic National Committee and exfiltrated emails is routinely cited as the centerpiece of the overall “interference” thesis. After the alleged hacking, the DNC retained a private security firm — CrowdStrike — which made the determination that the Russian government was responsible, setting into motion a chain of Russia-related events that continue to unfold even now.

TYT can report that at the same time CrowdStrike was working on behalf of the DNC, the company was also under contract with the FBI for unspecified technical services. According to a US federal government spending database, CrowdStrike’s “period of performance” on behalf of the FBI was between July 2015 and July 2016. CrowdStrike’s findings regarding the DNC server breach — which continue to this day to be cited as authoritative by everyone from former FBI Director James Comey, to NBC anchor Megyn Kelly — were issued in June 2016, when the contract was still active.'

The FBI never looked at the DNC server - Crowdstrike, working on behalf of the DNC at the time did. Their report to the FBI, who they were also working for, was never substantiated / confirmed by the FBI.


CrowdStrike, The DNC’s Security Firm, Was Under Contract With The FBI

Ron Paul Institute....

More and more about the Obama initiated/orchestrated election interference / coup attempt keeps coming out as time goes by.

No wonder Durham's criminal investigation is taking so long - there is just such a massive amount of evidence being exposed to investigate.

More and more about the Obama initiated/orchestrated election interference / coup attempt keeps coming out as time goes by.

No wonder Durham's criminal investigation is taking so long - there is just such a massive amount of evidence being exposed to investigate.

Yeah....Well guys like me have been saying ITOLDJASO! since Poppy Bush....And even today, GOP fanbois are still fool enough to believe that they can split the difference.
I have a feeling the Durham bombshell
is gonna be an 'October Surprise' that will be a crushing day
for the Democrats in the 2020 elections.

AG Barr estimates the Durham criminal investigation will likely
take months. It will give Comey and Brennan some extra sweating time for
going back over the transcripts of their testimonies under oath in 2017....that's how it is when you're lying your ass off.

Yeah....Well guys like me have been saying ITOLDJASO! since Poppy Bush....And even today, GOP fanbois are still fool enough to believe that they can split the difference.
The depth and breadth of Democrat / Leftist scandal, sedition, conspiracy, and crime that has been and continues to be exposed has never been seen before in this entire nation's history.

Yes, both parties and all politicians have been proven unethical, immoral, and even criminal at times, but to say the GOP is equally so compared to what has been exposed involving the Obama administration, Hillary, the DNC, Democrats, Crowdstrie, Steele, the US IG Reports, etc... Is delusional...IMHO.
Yeah....Well guys like me have been saying ITOLDJASO! since Poppy Bush....And even today, GOP fanbois are still fool enough to believe that they can split the difference.
The depth and breadth of Democrat / Leftist scandal, sedition, conspiracy, and crime that has been and continues to be exposed has never been seen before in this entire nation's history.

Yes, both parties and all politicians have been proven unethical, immoral, and even criminal at times, but to say the GOP is equally so compared to what has been exposed involving the Obama administration, Hillary, the DNC, Democrats, Crowdstrie, Steele, the US IG Reports, etc... Is delusional...IMHO.
Republicans are up to their asses in this shit too....They're all playing the game between the 40-yard lines, while the fanbois sit around and pretend that their team is totally different.

Smoke on this, dude....

Top Romney Adviser Worked With Hunter Biden On Board Of Ukrainian Energy Company
As I said, GOP is capable of corruption and crime, too, but we have NEVER seen the level of sedition, FISA Court Abuses, illegal spying on US citizens / reporters / the media / US Senators / USSC Justices, using known lying foreign spies & Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda, Crowdstrike, confessed extortion of a Ukrainian PM, Democrat House members proven to have taken cash from Russian born Arms dealers and Burisma attempting to suit a self-authored fictional account as evidence to take down a President, collaboration between Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI to affect a coup...

Never before seen in this country. This is Obama's, Hillary's, these criminal's real 'legacy'!

As I said, GOP is capable of corruption and crime, too, but we have NEVER seen the level of sedition, FISA Court Abuses, illegal spying on US citizens / reporters / the media / US Senators / USSC Justices, using known lying foreign spies & Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda, Crowdstrike, confessed extortion of a Ukrainian PM, Democrat House members proven to have taken cash from Russian born Arms dealers and Burisma attempting to suit a self-authored fictional account as evidence to take down a President, collaboration between Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI to affect a coup...

Never before seen in this country. This is Obama's, Hillary's, these criminal's real 'legacy'!

Whatabotism isn't an argument.

Drain ALL OF IT or STFU.
As I said, GOP is capable of corruption and crime, too, but we have NEVER seen the level of sedition, FISA Court Abuses, illegal spying on US citizens / reporters / the media / US Senators / USSC Justices, using known lying foreign spies & Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda, Crowdstrike, confessed extortion of a Ukrainian PM, Democrat House members proven to have taken cash from Russian born Arms dealers and Burisma attempting to suit a self-authored fictional account as evidence to take down a President, collaboration between Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI to affect a coup...

Never before seen in this country. This is Obama's, Hillary's, these criminal's real 'legacy'!

Whatabotism isn't an argument.

Drain ALL OF IT or STFU.
You want to claim they are all equal without making any effort to accurately compare the 2. That's not 'whataboutism' - that's refusing to substantiate / back up your claim. The FACTS show they are in no way equal.
As I said, GOP is capable of corruption and crime, too, but we have NEVER seen the level of sedition, FISA Court Abuses, illegal spying on US citizens / reporters / the media / US Senators / USSC Justices, using known lying foreign spies & Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda, Crowdstrike, confessed extortion of a Ukrainian PM, Democrat House members proven to have taken cash from Russian born Arms dealers and Burisma attempting to suit a self-authored fictional account as evidence to take down a President, collaboration between Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI to affect a coup...

Never before seen in this country. This is Obama's, Hillary's, these criminal's real 'legacy'!

Whatabotism isn't an argument.

Drain ALL OF IT or STFU.
You want to claim they are all equal without making any effort to accurately compare the 2. That's not 'whataboutism' - that's refusing to substantiate / back up your claim. The FACTS show they are in no way equal.
They are all equal....The republicans have been complicit with their silence and capitulation.
As I said, GOP is capable of corruption and crime, too, but we have NEVER seen the level of sedition, FISA Court Abuses, illegal spying on US citizens / reporters / the media / US Senators / USSC Justices, using known lying foreign spies & Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda, Crowdstrike, confessed extortion of a Ukrainian PM, Democrat House members proven to have taken cash from Russian born Arms dealers and Burisma attempting to suit a self-authored fictional account as evidence to take down a President, collaboration between Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI to affect a coup...

Never before seen in this country. This is Obama's, Hillary's, these criminal's real 'legacy'!

Whatabotism isn't an argument.

Drain ALL OF IT or STFU.
You want to claim they are all equal without making any effort to accurately compare the 2. That's not 'whataboutism' - that's refusing to substantiate / back up your claim. The FACTS show they are in no way equal.
They are all equal....The republicans have been complicit with their silence and capitulation.
'Capitulation' does not equate to perjury, sedition, treason, conspiracy, falsifying official documents / evidence, withholding evidence, illegally colluding with known untrustworthy foreign spies, knowingly using false Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda, destroying lives with lies, illegally spying on Americans, violating the Constitution, and attempting to affect multiple coups...

I know the point you are TRYING to make, but trying to claim 1 is equal to the other is simply proven not even close to being true.
This coup against president Trump and candidate Trump spread to more than one nation....with those nations Intel communities and governments in on it and assisting Comey and his bunch of Obama appointed clowns....just think of that....that makes watergate look like a parking ticket.....if the truth comes out it could destroy the democrat party for decades.....
Back to the Topic. - Undeniable evidence exists proving Crowdstrike worked for Obama and the FBI. They are the source if the narrative that Russians hacked the DNC server, which has never been confirmed by anyone NOT serving / connected to Obama and the already proven lying / fake narrative-creating FBI.

Steele, Crowdstrike, the Deputy US AG, NSA Director, CIA Director, FBI leadership, FISA Court fraud / Abuse, Impeachment, & refusing to submit those Articles...this will all be part of the Democrat Party's -legacy' recorded in history.


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