Like Women Who Claim To Have Been Sexually Assaulted, Not All 'Whistle Blowers' Should Be Believed


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...according to Democrats, especially those protecting Joe Biden.

Hillary Clinton once declared 'All Women MUST Be Believed'...something she never said when her husband was accused multiple times of sexually harassing, sexually assaulting, and raping women.

During the despicable Kavanaugh attempted assassination Democrats declared 'All Women MUST Be Believed'.

As soon as Joe Biden was accused of ACTUALLY grabbing a woman., an intern, by the pu$$y, Democrats 'did a '180' - 'NOT all women should be believed'

During the attempted Democrat faux Impeachment coup attempt in which they claim a 'Whistle Blower', Democrats - led by proven liar / false evidence-manufacturing D-Adam Schiff - declared 'EVERY 'Whistle Blower MUST Be Believed!' After several million more tax dollars were spent and hearings were held the TRUTH was exposed: There was no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses! I was so bad Adam Schiff was caught manufacturing false evidence and attempting to submit it to the committee as REAL evidence ... but every Whistle Blower should be heard and believed.....


Not just 1 'Whistle Blower' with already-proven 1st-Hand-Account knowledge AND evidence against the Biden's have come forward - there are 3 (THREE). Last night CNN, ABC, and other 'major' media sources REFUSED to attend / cover the 'biggest' whistle blower of them all, one who has 1st-hand account of discussions and has hard evidence of the Biden's crimes.

Adam Schiff wishes he had just 1 'Whistle Blower' as credible as any of these 3 during the faux Impeachment coup attempt.

The 'major' left wing Democrat Party propaganda surrogate media has REFUSED to cover any of the unfolding Biden scandals and crime while the 3 Big Pro-Biden Socialist Tech Internet and Social Media have continued black out any and all reports of the scandal, has censored all attempts to share it on their platforms, and has deleted the accounts of anyone whoever refers to the scandal - to include the President and his administration members. They are all taking a page right out of the ChiCom Media Control Playbook.

In an attempt to protect Biden, his family, and - most importantly - Joe's chance at winning this election they are turning the US into a 3rd World Socialist Banana Republic!

3 Whistle Blowers with 1st-Hand Account knowledge of the Biden Family crimes AND with solid evidence in-hand....and the Democrats, Fake News Media, 'Socialist 3' Big Tech refuse to ignore them, refuse to cover the scandal, and ponce again protect proven criminals who belong in a jail cell and not on a ballot come election day.

Like victims of DEMOCRAT sexual misconduct, 'Whistle Blowers' with actual1st-hand account knowledge and evidence of Democrat crimes are to be ignored, shunned, silenced, NOT covered by the media.

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