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LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Arizona boycotts will hurt Hispanics who make up the large part of the hospitality industry. A no win situation for all. But Arizona will recover and SB107 is not going away.

Arizona illegal aliens who are protesting will protest them selves out of jobs and out of the state saving Arizona billions in education, healthcare, law enforcement and welfare.

If illegal aliens are force to leave, either by SB1070 or boycotts, they will go to other state and they will have to provide jobs, healthcare, education, law enforcement and welfare. Costing those states.

If SB1070 is unconstitutional so is the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act that gives Arizona state and local officers the right to do exactly what SB1070 allows them to do. Federal Immigration and Nationality Act goes even farther to allow racial profiling. “Hispanic appearance” coupled with “reasonable suspicion.” I guess that does not make a difference since ICE do not process those illegal aliens Arizona turn over the them. They are released if there is no criminal act other than illegal entry.
Anchor Babies: born in the USA - Enormous taxpayer costs
Article by Stephany Gabbard and Frosty Wooldridge
July 9, 2004

If you don’t think our Congress is taking Americans for a ride, think again. According to Dr. Madeleine Cosman, "At least 300,000 to 350,000 anchor babies annually become citizens in California." In 1994, 74,987 anchor babies in maternity units cost taxpayers $215 million in Stockton, California. In 2003, 70 percent of the 2,300 babies born in San Joaquin General maternity ward were from illegal aliens. That number has exploded today with over three million illegal aliens residing in California.
The French economist Frederic Bastiat said, "The unseen is more expensive than the seen." In Stockton, California, the Silverio Family was featured in the Wall Street Journal in 2003. They were fruit pickers who arrived illegally from Oxtotilan, Mexico in 1997. The wife, Felipa had three kids, but popped an anchor baby named Flor. The child was premature and spent three months in a neonatal incubator at a cost to the San Joaquin Hospital of over $300,000.00. They conceived another, Christian. The second baby made them eligible for $1,000 per month welfare. Because Flor is disabled, she receives $600.00 monthly for asthma. Although the illegal aliens made $18,000.00 annually picking fruit, they collected $12,000.00 of your tax dollars for their anchor babies. One night the father, Cristobal crashed his van. He had no license or insurance. Taxpayers paid for all hospital bills. That’s why 77 hospitals in border states were going bankrupt in 2003, but Senator John McCain wrote a rider into the Medicaid Bill for $1.4 billion of your tax dollars. It passed. Not to finish the spending spree on these anchor babies, the children attend California schools at a cost of $7,000.00 per year over and above what their parents pay in taxes. The cost for all five of their children for one school year exceeds $35,000.00 times 18 years for a grand taxpayer total of $630,000.00. This is only one family. No wonder California is $38 billion in debt

By Frosty Wooldridge
August 20, 2009
... part-2.php

In 1994, 74,987 anchor babies in maternity units cost taxpayers $215 million in
Stockton, California. In 2003, 70 per cent of the 2,300 babies born in San Joaquin General maternity ward were from illegal aliens. That number has exploded today with over four million illegal aliens residing in California. Nine out of ten babies born in Parkland Hospital in Dallas, Texas stem from unlawful immigrant mothers. The figures for Chicago, New York City, Miami, Houston, Atlanta and other great cities run the same.

Be assured that scams and fraud run rampant. Over 500,000 ‘mentally disabled kids’ are on drugs for ADHD and ODD. One lady, Linda Torres was arrested in Bakersfield with $8,500.00 in small bills in her pocket. It was her SSI lump award for her disability, which was heroin addiction.
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If Obama was serious about fixing the immigration system illegal aliens have broken he would not be talking about another path to citizenship.(Amnesty) Big corporations is aiding and abetting illegal aliens to break the system, so go after them to fix the illegal immigration problem. Amnesty in 1986 did not fix the illegal immigration so why do he think another amnesty, in the form of Immigration Reform which is really amnesty by another name, will fix it?. The American people are not so stupid as not knowing the difference between enforcement and amnesty.
Obama is not listening to the American people if he thinks the majority want amnesty for 30 million illegal aliens who are taking their jobs, lowering their wages and destroying their American dream. The American people has been waiting since 1986 for border security and immigration enforcement.
“Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you.”
It is not enforcement first and then amnesty. It enforcement. Period.
Been there, done that, (1986) and do not trust you to go there again.

RealClearPolitics - Why Americans Oppose Amnesty for Illegal ...
Jun 2, 2010 ... Why Americans Oppose Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants. By Ed Koch. According to the May 20th New York Times, a little girl asked First Lady ...
www.realclearpolitics.com/.../why_americans_oppose_amnesty_for_illegal_immigrants.html - Cached

(Different time and different kind of immigrant.)

Immigrants of old entered this country legally through Ellis Island and registered. Those that came earlier was when we did not have immigration laws and borders.

Immigrants of old built this country and the did not ask what this country can do for them but what can they do for this country. They did not ask for free education, healthcare, welfare and housing. We are no longer into nation building but into nation survival. We do not have the natural resources or food to sustain the population growth of 30 million immigrants into this country every 20 years. We already have a water shortage and import much of our food. And where are the jobs for the growth going to come from? Not to mention 30 million low wage earners into our healthcare system. And their elderly parents will come over and go into our social security system without ever paying into it. SSI with full Medicaid. It will turn us into a third world country. We need limited and controlled immigration in order to survive.

The will pay taxes? They already pay taxes in spite of the rhetoric that they don’t. Very little if any and that will not change with amnesty. And don’t forget the crime that has come with immigrants and population growth. Gangs and drugs. It is not true that most illegal aliens are good hard working people who only want to take care of their families.

We will cease to be a democracy and become socialist or communist country because we will have no choice and the end of America as we know it.

Pro-amnesty advocates should think long and hard before they do amnesty for 30 million illegal aliens. Because once it begin, there will be no turning back.
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English, Irish, German, Scot, Welsh and Native American by blood here. 100% American at heart.

Speaking specifically of Hispanic Illegal Immigrants. Why does it seem like so many of them do not actually want to be Americans? They want to work here and send money home, Not learn the language, and not assimilate at all into our society. Not all of them by any means but it sure seems like more than any other group of immigrants. Maybe it is just because there are so many more of them than any other group. It just seems like when our ancestors came here, they came here to be Americans, Not to be Mexicans living in America and supporting Mexico.

Just saying.
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(Executive Director. National Immigration Forum)

Americans against illegal immigration is sick to death of hearing the same old lame rhetoric to excuse and support illegal immigration that the only choice we have is “ round them up and deport them or legalize them.” The other choice is go after business that is an incentive for illegal alien cheap labor or do what Arizona is doing. Enforce our immigration laws and they will self deport. Deportation by attrition.
Ali Noorani should be in jail for aiding and abetting illegal immigration.

Arizona laws to not allow officers to stop Hispanic looking people at “soccer games and ask for papers. Never has happen and never will happen. They are only asked for papers during a traffic violation or during a crime committed. How can you, Ali Noorani, sit their, on C-Span, with a straight face and spew this kind of rhetoric? Typical of pro-amnesty supporters.

How can Ali Noorani support illegal immigration knowing that black men are the hardest affected by illegal aliens. They take jobs black men use to do. Like construction.

Black Activists Joining Minutemen Against Illegal Immigration ...
Jun 13, 2010 ... While illegal aliens have continued to drive down wages and hurt those ... black -- in the Katrina recovery region were replaced by illegal ...
Black Activists Joining Minutemen Against Illegal Immigration : Diggers Realm - Cached - Similar
Barack Obama on Immigration
Click here for 42 full quotes on Immigration OR background on Immigration.

Crack down on employers who hire illegal immigrants. (Jul 2008)
America has nothing to fear from today’s immigrants. (Jun 2008)
We need comprehensive reform, like McCain used to support. (Jun 2008)
Recognize the humanity of immigrants: Todos somos Americanos. (Jun 2008)
GovWatch: Anti-immigrants fuel xenophobia, but 45% increase. (Jun 2008)
Encourage every student to learn a second language. (Feb 2008)
Need to look at different aspects of immigration reform. (Feb 2008)
Have border patrolled, surveillance, and deploy technology. (Feb 2008)
Increasing the legal fees on immigrants is not helping. (Feb 2008)
Deporting 12 million people is ridiculous and impractical. (Feb 2008)
Immigration raids are ineffective. (Feb 2008)
Solve the driver’s license issue with immigration reform. (Jan 2008)
Immigrants are scapegoats for high unemployment rates. (Jan 2008)
Health plan: not enough resources for illegal immigrants. (Jan 2008)
Illegals shouldn’t work; but should have path to citizenship. (Dec 2007)
Don’t deputize Americans to turn in illegal immigrants. (Dec 2007)
OK to provide government services in Spanish. (Dec 2007)
Comprehensive solution includes employers & borders. (Nov 2007)
Undocumented workers come here to work, not to drive. (Nov 2007)
Support granting driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. (Nov 2007)
FactCheck: Lightning IS likelier than employer prosecution. (Nov 2007)
Illegal immigrants’ lack of ID is a public safety concern. (Oct 2007)
Immigration system is broken for (by) legal immigrants. (Sep 2007)
Reform must include more border security, and border wall. (Sep 2007)
Sanctuary cities show that feds are not enforcing law. (Sep 2007)
Pathway to citizenship, but people have to earn it. (Aug 2007)
Let’s be a nation of laws AND a nation of immigrants. (Aug 2007)
Do a better job patrolling the Canadian and Mexican borders. (Jun 2007)
Give immigrants who are here a rigorous path to citizenship. (Jun 2007)
Extend welfare and Medicaid to immigrants. (Jul 1998)

Barack Obama on the Issues
Barack Obama on Immigration
Lil old lady is being pedantic yet again. The illegal aliens have won, with all due respect. They outbreed EVERYONE, they are future voters and they will inevitably be forced to pay taxes, either way. I think, they win. What laws they are breaking now, they will be forgiven for AND they will re-write future laws and history to favor themselves. The writing is already on the wall. I don’t like it better than the rest of you, either, but there it is.
My ancestors came here as illegals on slave ships. Dammit, by proxy I am an illegal! This sucks.
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My ass has been kicked so many times by wittier and faster people than you, you can’t imagine You can't fight these people, they will win. I tried, lord knows. Game over. But, you know what? I still have hope for the future, those poor Hispanic kids will realize just how fucking good they have it here, and 50 years from now, they will hold people like us in high regard. I know it, and they will regret this mess their parents are causing now. Those icky illegals. I mean. It might take a while. They will figure it out eventually.
My ass has been kicked so many times by wittier and faster people than you, you can’t imagine You can't fight these people, they will win. I tried, lord knows. Game over. But, you know what? I still have hope for the future, those poor Hispanic kids will realize just how fucking good they have it here, and 50 years from now, they will hold people like us in high regard. I know it, and they will regret this mess their parents are causing now. Those icky illegals. I mean. It might take a while. They will figure it out eventually.

Somehow I just don't see that future.
You don't see that future? Can I join that fantasy, too? I would love to join into that fantasy, but it ain't happening' sweetheart. Like it or not. I bet neither of us like it. Guess what? Hispanics don't give a holey shit what either of us think. I wish they did. Life aint fair, it never was. I love the sound of the pipes, by the way. The Mexicans next door like that Narcotráfico musica a bit to much and a bit to loud for my taste, but what is a poor gringo to do now a days? The cops laugh, boyo. You sign off, and I still live with em, sweeteart. It sucks the cosmic weeenier. They don't EVER go away. Ever. And they just grow stronger wilst YOU sleep. It's something I just deal with.
You don't see that future? Can I join that fantasy, too? I would love to join into that fantasy, but it ain't happening' sweetheart. Like it or not. I bet neither of us like it. Guess what? Hispanics don't give a holey shit what either of us think. I wish they did. Life aint fair, it never was. I love the sound of the pipes, by the way. The Mexicans next door like that Narcotráfico musica a bit to much and a bit to loud for my taste, but what is a poor gringo to do now a days? The cops laugh, boyo. You sign off, and I still live with em, sweeteart. It sucks the cosmic weeenier. They don't EVER go away. Ever. And they just grow stronger wilst YOU sleep. It's something I just deal with.

What are you babbling about? I don't see The kids of illegals 50 years form now giving a shit anymore than their parents do today. And since you must not know, my wife is of Mexican decent.
The earliest entry in my family bible is a record of a birth in Massachusetts in the late 1700's.

I think that qualifies me as native-born.

I don't know for certain how far back my family goes in America, however i do know that my Great great great great (?) Grandfather is the brother of Chief Justice John Marshall.
Too many immigrants too quickly is the problem.

Immigrants are boon to this society otherwise.

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