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LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Still, the debate could resonate in Texas, where not only 1.5 million illegal immigrants are estimated to reside but at least 60,000 babies are added to their households annually.

Parkland Memorial Hospital delivers more of those babies than any other hospital in the state. Last year at Parkland, 11,071 babies were born to women who were noncitizens, about 74 percent of total deliveries. Most of these women are believed to be in the country illegally.

Across Texas, 60,000 babies of noncitizens get U.S. birthright | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Latest News

60,000 births paid for by the taxpayers. 60,000 children receiving healthcare and education. 120,000 parents using these children as an argument for amnesty. Stop the madness already.

Send the bill to Mexico!
The sad thing about all this is it will go on as usual. Nothing will change no matter how much we complain until it hits the white house and congress personally. If an illegal alien raped or killed one of their family members only then can we maybe see a change. A white house drive by.
I thought the Constitution was not to be changed, but obeyed?

Well, that's what everybody keeps saying.. Or, just obey what you see fit?


Chinese pay $20,000 to come to this country, have their babies and go home and that child is a U.S. citizenship for ever. Other wealthy foreigners does the same thing.

Mexican women pay to be brought across the border to an American hospital just to have their baby so it can be a U.S. citizen.

This is what the 14th amendment does to U.S. citizenship. It causes mis-use and cheapens U.S. citizenship. That is a very good, sound and economically reason why the 14th Amendment should be correctly interpreted, rescinded, repealed retroactive. Nullify and void all automatic birthright citizenship since 1868.

Illegal aliens steal across the border with children, but when they want to take them back to Mexico with them, they go to the embassy and get papers to get them in legally. They do not sneak them into Mexico. Because Mexico will not take the B.S. that we do.

Right..........you want to repeal the 14th ammendment retroactively to 1868.

Lemmie guess, you want all the Native Americans to be kicked out as well? That, and freed slaves is why it was passed in the first place!

Don't tell me......lemmie guess.......you're one of them tea baggin racists that only stands up for white people.

Careful Big Ol Bitch, your true colors are showing.
In does not need to be repealed; just interpreted CORRECTLY.

In 1889, the Wong Kim Ark Supreme Court case once again, in a ruling based strictly on the 14th Amendment, concluded that the status of the parents was crucial in determining the citizenship of the child. The current misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment is based in part upon the presumption that the Wong Kim Ark ruling encompassed illegal aliens. In fact, it did not address the children of illegal aliens and non-immigrant aliens, but rather determined an allegiance for legal immigrant parents based on the meaning of the word domicil(e). Since it is inconceivable that illegal alien parents could have a legal domicile in the United States, the ruling clearly did not extend birthright citizenship to children of illegal alien parents. Indeed, the ruling strengthened the original intent of the 14th Amendment.

The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution - Fourteenth Amendment - anchor babies and birthright citizenship - interpretations and misinterpretations - US Constitution
Hi Abb:

This should be an important integral part of Comprehensive Immigration Reform. However since, those 3 words arent really about doing what is best for the United States and it's citizens.....it will be opposed tooth and nail by the Left, its gaggle of minority groups...also known as the Democrat Party.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform is the Open Border Lobby buzzword for "Illegal Amnesty." We already had 'Comprehensive Amnesty' handed out in 1986, which gave us the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (Wiki). The USA needs NO Immigration Reform. ZERO!!!! The USA needs 'enforcement' of perfectly good Immigration, Employment and Document Fraud Laws already on the books!

Congress and the Obama Administration have NO CREDIBILITY in the enforcement department! Handing out Illegal Amnesty to more than a million Illegal Aliens 'and' their Illegal Employers 'and' those aiding, abetting and harboring them, gave us 20 Million goddamned Illegal Aliens acting as the Corporate America Illegal Alien Labor Pool. The unscrupulous Americans 'hiring' the Illegal Aliens are in bed with both Houses of the corrupt Congress and the out-of-control Fascist Obama Administration, which is the reason so many law-abiding Americans are out of work.

Just the idea of handing out a new round of "Illegal Amnesty" as a reward to those coming here in the middle of the night through the back door is enough to make me puke up my cookies. Giving away U.S. Citizenship to 20 Million goddamned Illegal Aliens will give us 100 Million Illegals before you can blink an eye ...




Chinese pay $20,000 to come to this country, have their babies and go home and that child is a U.S. citizenship for ever. Other wealthy foreigners does the same thing.

Mexican women pay to be brought across the border to an American hospital just to have their baby so it can be a U.S. citizen.

This is what the 14th amendment does to U.S. citizenship. It causes mis-use and cheapens U.S. citizenship. That is a very good, sound and economically reason why the 14th Amendment should be correctly interpreted, rescinded, repealed retroactive. Nullify and void all automatic birthright citizenship since 1868.

Illegal aliens steal across the border with children, but when they want to take them back to Mexico with them, they go to the embassy and get papers to get them in legally. They do not sneak them into Mexico. Because Mexico will not take the B.S. that we do.

Right..........you want to repeal the 14th ammendment retroactively to 1868.

Lemmie guess, you want all the Native Americans to be kicked out as well? That, and freed slaves is why it was passed in the first place!

Don't tell me......lemmie guess.......you're one of them tea baggin racists that only stands up for white people.

Careful Big Ol Bitch, your true colors are showing.

Actually Native Americans did not automatically qualify.

And no one is calling for anything retroactive. If you're a US citizen now, you won't lose your citizenship if the Amendment is clarified.
The US has always been a lot about money.

You used to be able to buy your way out of being drafted for military service. Openly and above board not like during Nam.


Chinese pay $20,000 to come to this country, have their babies and go home and that child is a U.S. citizenship for ever. Other wealthy foreigners does the same thing.

Mexican women pay to be brought across the border to an American hospital just to have their baby so it can be a U.S. citizen.

This is what the 14th amendment does to U.S. citizenship. It causes mis-use and cheapens U.S. citizenship. That is a very good, sound and economically reason why the 14th Amendment should be correctly interpreted, rescinded, repealed retroactive. Nullify and void all automatic birthright citizenship since 1868.
Illegal aliens steal across the border with children, but when they want to take them back to Mexico with them, they go to the embassy and get papers to get them in legally. They do not sneak them into Mexico. Because Mexico will not take the B.S. that we do.

Right..........you want to repeal the 14th ammendment retroactively to 1868.

Lemmie guess, you want all the Native Americans to be kicked out as well? That, and freed slaves is why it was passed in the first place!

Don't tell me......lemmie guess.......you're one of them tea baggin racists that only stands up for white people.

Careful Big Ol Bitch, your true colors are showing.

Actually Native Americans did not automatically qualify.

And no one is calling for anything retroactive. If you're a US citizen now, you won't lose your citizenship if the Amendment is clarified.

What part of the big bolded part did you miss Con Hog? If she's got her way, ALL Native Americans and almost ALL blacks will be stripped of their citizenship.
I thought the Constitution was not to be changed, but obeyed?

Well, that's what everybody keeps saying.. Or, just obey what you see fit?

When the constitution was written, our forefathers expect it to be rewritten every so often as they admitted that they could not know the future.

The 14th Amendment specifically says "under the jurisdiction thereof", since the first thing we have to do when we arrest an illegal is call the Mexican consulate, it's pretty clear they aren't under our jurisdiction and this goes for their kids as well.

Those that came thorough Ellis Island registered and were admitted legally. They were immigrants and those that steal across the border are Illegal Aliens and the are not welcome as the inscription on the statue of liberty say;

"Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Illegal aliens do not fit any of the above. They are neither poor or starving, tired, imprisoned, refuse or homeless. They are not refugees seeking political asylum. They just want a better life than they have in Mexico. I want a better life than I have but it do not give me the right to break the law and steal. Our prisons are full of thieves.

They come for a better life, the steal across the border, steal jobs, education, citizenship for their children, welfare benefits, etc

Poverty do not justify thief. Those who love GOD and neighbor realize that stealing is never justified. Mark 12;28-31. Being poor is not an excuse for breaking the law.

Automatic Birthright Citizenship is stealing.

If they work for legit businesses they pay taxes. According to rhetoric they pay lots of taxes and they don’t pay taxes. Depending who it benefits at the time. Sometimes they are paid under the table and that will not stop with amnesty. Some Americans are paid under the table for some jobs. If they are legalized they will pay LESS taxes because of earned tax breaks and income tax returns because they are law wage earners and pay very little in taxes if any. Plus their anchor babies receive more in benefits than they parent pay in taxes.
They are needed to pay social security for baby bombers? If they are legalizes who will pay their social security and social security for their anchor babies?
Legalized aliens will receive more in social security benefits then they ever could have paid into the system. And if they bring their elderly parents here, they will receive benefit and never had paid into the system.
No way will Americans win when 20 million illegal aliens are made legal.
Illegals also buy and sell to each other thus avoiding the tax. They buy and sell at garage sales thus avoiding the tax. They have home based businesses thus avoiding the tax. They don't pay fees or get inspections on their food carts they push around town either.

I was at a small "mom and pop" grocery store at the California/Nevada and bought a few snack items. The total didn't include tax so I asked the girl behind the counter why. She turned around to talk to an older woman behind the counter in spanish then said to me: "No tax".

Unless the illegals buy something at a legitimate store like a WalMart or 7/11, they're not paying taxes.
Let's see. I live alone in a 2-flat and pay almost twice what a single family home pays. No American in their right mind would rent to these people unless you have a death wish.

One of the many owners of a single family home converted it into a Tamale Hilton. The normal living space that one walks up a flight of stairs to is one family. The basement is now for a second family. And the attic is for a third family. Three families that split the taxes on a single family home and me in my 2 flat paying almost SIX TIMES what the Tamale Hilton pays. That is justice. MEXICAN JUSTICE.

Oh And of course the many children there will get that free K-12 education that cost around $185,000/student a few years ago. And most of that will be paid by state and federal funds. Only 25% is local/real estate taxes.

Now tell us how those Mexicans pay their FAIR SHARE?
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If they work for legit businesses they pay taxes. According to rhetoric they pay lots of taxes and they don’t pay taxes. Depending who it benefits at the time. Sometimes they are paid under the table and that will not stop with amnesty. Some Americans are paid under the table for some jobs. If they are legalized they will pay LESS taxes because of earned tax breaks and income tax returns because they are law wage earners and pay very little in taxes if any. Plus their anchor babies receive more in benefits than they parent pay in taxes.
They are needed to pay social security for baby bombers? If they are legalizes who will pay their social security and social security for their anchor babies?
Legalized aliens will receive more in social security benefits then they ever could have paid into the system. And if they bring their elderly parents here, they will receive benefit and never had paid into the system.
No way will Americans win when 20 million illegal aliens are made legal.
SS payments are based on what you paid in...and non-Americans don't get SS benefits.

Are you going to post this shit every week?

Illegals also buy and sell to each other thus avoiding the tax. They buy and sell at garage sales thus avoiding the tax. They have home based businesses thus avoiding the tax. They don't pay fees or get inspections on their food carts they push around town either.

I was at a small "mom and pop" grocery store at the California/Nevada and bought a few snack items. The total didn't include tax so I asked the girl behind the counter why. She turned around to talk to an older woman behind the counter in spanish then said to me: "No tax".

Unless the illegals buy something at a legitimate store like a WalMart or 7/11, they're not paying taxes.

If they work for legit businesses they pay taxes. According to rhetoric they pay lots of taxes and they don’t pay taxes. Depending who it benefits at the time. Sometimes they are paid under the table and that will not stop with amnesty. Some Americans are paid under the table for some jobs. If they are legalized they will pay LESS taxes because of earned tax breaks and income tax returns because they are law wage earners and pay very little in taxes if any. Plus their anchor babies receive more in benefits than they parent pay in taxes.
They are needed to pay social security for baby bombers? If they are legalizes who will pay their social security and social security for their anchor babies?
Legalized aliens will receive more in social security benefits then they ever could have paid into the system. And if they bring their elderly parents here, they will receive benefit and never had paid into the system.
No way will Americans win when 20 million illegal aliens are made legal.
SS payments are based on what you paid in...and non-Americans don't get SS benefits.

Are you going to post this shit every week?


Absolutely wrong! My neighbor's child gets $674 a month from the gov and he never worked a day in his life, but he is Mexican.:razz:

So, we should be in a never ending boom right? I mean Illegals are beyond great for the country. But wait, with 18 million illegals I'm going to have to ask, when does the ecconomy stop tanking?
Illegal Immigrants are Paying a Lot More Taxes Than You Think

Eight million illegals pay Social Security, Medicare, and income taxes
Reason Foundation - Illegal Immigrants are Paying a Lot More Taxes Than You Think

I don't believe they pay as much in taxes as alleged and they do receive more in benefits than they pay into the system.

Tha maroon is pertinent. The rest is not. They're here ILLEGALLY. That means they have broken the law.

This stuff is really simple, ya know.

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