LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Republicans are busy targeting Muslims right now.

When they are finished, they will come back to targeting Hispanics.

They're saving gays for sometime after Christmas.

You tend to forget that some of us Republicans are married to Hispanics. Dumbass.

ICE dropping deportation cases because of backlog and funding and to save taxpayers money? All that tell us is that the we need more ICE agents and more money and not Comprehensive Immigration Reform and our immigration system is not broken, it is just not funded and not enough agents.If we don’t have enough manpower or funds then how can we expect the immigration enforcement system work? The solutions is not to do nothing and complain that the system is broken.
We have 20 million illegal aliens in this country because we have done nothing and nothing is not the solution and neither is Comprehensive Immigration Reform. (amnesty) Where will we get the funding for CIR or the man power to process 20 million into a path to citizenship. (amnesty)
How do we know the immigration system is broken when we have never had to funds or the manpower to test it? We don’t know if it is broken or not.

Enforcing our immigration laws are not high on our “list to do” things. We are selective about the laws we enforce. We chose to enforce the 14th Amendment but not the Federal Immigration and Nationality Acts that say illegal aliens are deportable. They are not even deporting criminals?

Feds to drop deportation of thousands of illegal immigrants
Aug 28, 2010 ... Feds to drop deportation of thousands of illegal immigrants, The Obama administration is moving to throw out deportation cases against ...
Feds to drop deportation of thousands of illegal immigrants
My ancestors came here as illegals on slave ships. Dammit, by proxy I am an illegal! This sucks.

No, THAT is what the 14th amendment is all about. Awarding citizenship to the offspring of those brought here against their will. It was not and should not be about today's anchor babies. Their parents came here, ILLEGALLY, of their own free will. Choosing to break our laws should not have ANY kind of reward, or even consideration, attached. Some liberals say the illegals are just coming here to work to better themselves and their families.

Well the same can and should be said of the many millions that have applied, legally, to come here but are denied by the influx of ILLEGALS.

Trying to secure the border is a waste of time and money. Lots of money and lots of time. Illegal aliens are caught, dropped off at the border and are caught again the next day or they make it across and into the interior and add to the 20 million already here. Why do we even bother catching them when they are caught crossing, released and cross again, caught again and released again,etc if we do nothing about the incentives that bring the here? Jobs. Securing the border depends on drying up the jobs that keep bringing them here. IF nothing is done about businesses desire for cheap labor, trying to securing the border is a waste of time and taxpayers money. If they know there were no jobs, they would leave and they would not attempt to cross the border unless they are smuggling drugs. Dry up the jobs and only those smuggling drugs will be attempting to cross. We waste time chasing illegal aliens all across the desert and drug smugglers are getting across.
They are not looking for a better life, they are looking for the good cushy life. Even crime pays better her than in Mexico.
Even a 5th grader can figure this one out, Obama. If they are crossing the border to get to jobs that are waiting for them, how do you stop them from crossing? Take away the bloody jobs. For Christ's sake.

If a mouse is trying to get to the cheese, take away the bloody cheese. Is that clear enough for you, Obama

The border is “more secure than ever” and yet illegal aliens are streaming across the border. “More secure than ever” is not stopping them. Border patrol agents are putting their lives on the line trying to stop illegal immigration and at the same time our government is encouraging more illegal immigration because of Obama’s promise of amnesty. Another incentive beside jobs, the 14th Amendment and freebies. Border patrol agents catch them and take the back across the border and they just turn around and try again and some of the get by and some are caught and released again.

With the promise of amnesty, and still jobs for them and the 14th Amendment still in place, NOTHING will stop them. With these incentives, securing the border “first” is just a dream.

Put this to you 5th grader and ask him or her what they think the solution is and they will tell you. And yet our government cannot.

The border is “more secure than ever” and yet illegal aliens are streaming across the border. “More secure than ever” is not stopping them. Border patrol agents are putting their lives on the line trying to stop illegal immigration and at the same time our government is encouraging more illegal immigration because of Obama’s promise of amnesty. Another incentive beside jobs, the 14th Amendment and freebies. Border patrol agents catch them and take the back across the border and they just turn around and try again and some of the get by and some are caught and released again.

With the promise of amnesty, and still jobs for them and the 14th Amendment still in place, NOTHING will stop them. With these incentives, securing the border “first” is just a dream.

Put this to you 5th grader and ask him or her what they think the solution is and they will tell you. And yet our government cannot.

Counter attack by offering to support the immigrating of people from the eastern hemisphere to Mexico. Let's see if Mexicans will enjoy the diversity that Americans have.
Arizona Now Has ‘Whopping 30’ Nation15 Billboard Signs Warning Citizens About Drug Cartels Operating on Public Lands
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
By Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer
al Guard Troops and
Bureau of Land Management sign in Arizona, "DANGER - PUBLIC WARNING, TRAVEL NOT RECOMMENDED, Visitors May Encounter Armed Criminals and Smuggling Vehicles Traveling at High Rates of Speed."( – Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu said requests by Arizona law enforcement personnel and Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) for 3,000 National Guard troops along the state’s border with Mexico have been answered so far with 1 percent of that number deployed there this week. - Arizona Now Has ?Whopping 30? National Guard Troops and 15 Billboard Signs Warning Citizens About Drug Cartels Operating on Public Lands
Survey charts 'sharp decline' in illegals
Economy, enforcement credited

The population of illegal immigrants clearly shrank in Florida, Nevada and Virginia, and may have fallen slightly in other states, the report said.

But Mr. Obama also has asked Congress to pass a bill legalizing most illegal immigrants and granting a path to citizenship. He argues that illegal immigrants already in the U.S. are unlikely to leave and their status can't be left in limbo.
Survey charts 'sharp decline' in illegals - Washington Times

When the economy went south, millions of illegal aliens went south. Obama do not want them to leave.

US Economy So Bad Illegal Aliens Heading Back to Mexico
Dec 24, 2007 ... Mexican illegal immigrant Lindi sat down with her husband Marco Antonio in the weeks before Christmas to decide when to go back to Mexico. ... - Cached - Similar

Illegal Immigrants Returning to Mexico in Record Numbers - Local ...
Aug 22, 2008 ... DALLAS — Illegal immigrants are returning home to Mexico in numbers ... Its research shows 1.3 million illegal immigrants have returned to ...
Illegal Immigrants Returning to Mexico in Record Numbers - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - - Cached - Similar

Obama don't have a clue.
Inspite of the promise of amnesty, they are leaving and going home. What good is amnesty if there is no work?
Arizona Now Has ‘Whopping 30’ Nation15 Billboard Signs Warning Citizens About Drug Cartels Operating on Public Lands
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
By Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer
al Guard Troops and
Bureau of Land Management sign in Arizona, "DANGER - PUBLIC WARNING, TRAVEL NOT RECOMMENDED, Visitors May Encounter Armed Criminals and Smuggling Vehicles Traveling at High Rates of Speed."( – Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu said requests by Arizona law enforcement personnel and Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) for 3,000 National Guard troops along the state’s border with Mexico have been answered so far with 1 percent of that number deployed there this week. - Arizona Now Has ?Whopping 30? National Guard Troops and 15 Billboard Signs Warning Citizens About Drug Cartels Operating on Public Lands

I heard they are removing all military forces on the border next month and replacing them with a boy scout troop.
Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Leave Nevada

LAS VEGAS -- For the first time in 20 years, illegal immigrants are crossing back over the border, leaving the United States in large numbers. And nowhere else is that more evident than in Nevada, where we are seeing the largest decrease.

A new study from the Pew Hispanic Center found more than 11 million illegal immigrants left the United States last year. Trailing only California with the highest illegal immigrant population, 50,000 illegal immigrants left Nevada.

Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Leave Nevada - KLAS-TV Channel 8 News Las Vegas

That means they are ALL gone since there were only 11 million here anyway? Actually there were 20 million here. And we did not have to round them up and put them on busses. And Obama said they were not going to leave?
Hi Lady:

Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Leave Nevada

LAS VEGAS -- For the first time in 20 years, illegal immigrants are crossing back over the border, leaving the United States in large numbers. And nowhere else is that more evident than in Nevada, where we are seeing the largest decrease ...

You people should realize that the 20 Million-Man Illegal Alien Labor Pool is supported by a rotating crew of Illegal Aliens that come and go as they please. Thousands of Illegal Aliens are always heading back to their home countries with their loot and passing the new Illegals joining the ranks here in the USA.

Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals are parasites that are killing the 'American Consumer Host.' Eventually there is not enough life blood in the American Consumer to support 20 million goddamned Illegal Aliens. The rats will continue escaping from the sinking American Ship, while the U.S. Economy continues to IMPLODE ...


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