LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Illegal aliens make no contribution.

And this is coming from an old lady who, by her own admission, gets 23 k from the government JUST FOR BEING A NATIVE AMERICAN!!

Talk about being a leech on society!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Don't get me wrong... I'm all for compensating the native inhabitants of the american continent for their territorial losses but the irony was just too rich to ignore.

"José Illegal" has probably contrituted more to the american economy in one day of work than many native americans (and whites, blacks, etc...) during their entire lives. :D
I haven't really looked at the Dream Act, but if it doesn't include fast-tracking to citizenship (the wait is now an average of 3 years AFTER payment of hundreds of dollars for application fees along the way), illegal immigrants from Mexico will continue to cross the border.

That, and I don't know why we can't just go back to the structural bussing to and from the border areas of seasonal workers to do the planting of various fruits and vegetables across the country, and then the harvesting. Anyone remember Caesar Chavez? He was a lone lobbyist for fair wages for California's grape pickers, but those pickers weren't here illegally: They were here on work visas, and it worked out very well.
Cesar Chavez was againsti illegal entry therefore against illegals!!! He claimed they lowered wages for those here LEGALLY!
José;3033247 said:
Illegal aliens make no contribution.

And this is coming from an old lady who, by her own admission, gets 23 k from the government JUST FOR BEING A NATIVE AMERICAN!!

Talk about being a leech on society!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Don't be stupid. :cuckoo:Native Americans lost millions of acres of land to the Federal Government and the $23,000 come from land leased to the government owned by the Chickasaw Nation.
You white people are the ones who get money just for being white. MY BAD.The Okla Land Grab was stolen land from the Indians and given to the white man.
Those on the Trail of Tears had their land stolen from them when they were forced from their land and sent west.
Free Loading Pendajo, the feds will never compensate native americans for what the stole or for the hundreds of years for free labor contributed by the black slaves.
SHUT THE #%$# UP YOU #$*! #%$# LEECH.
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How the Land of Northeast Ohio Was Stolen from Indigenous Peoples
How Indian Land Was Stolen

In one of the saddest episodes of our brief history, men, women, and children were taken from their land, herded into makeshift forts with minimal facilities and food, then forced to march a thousand miles(Some made part of the trip by boat in equally horrible conditions). Under the generally indifferent army commanders, human losses for the first groups of Cherokee removed were extremely high. John Ross made an urgent appeal to Scott, requesting that the general let his people lead the tribe west. General Scott agreed. Ross organized the Cherokee into smaller groups and let them move separately through the wilderness so they could forage for food. Although the parties under Ross left in early fall and arrived in Oklahoma during the brutal winter of 1838-39, he significantly reduced the loss of life among his people. About 4000 Cherokee died as a result of the removal. The route they traversed and the journey itself became known as "The Trail of Tears" or, as a direct translation from Cherokee, "The Trail Where They Cried" ("Nunna daul Tsuny").

The Trail of Tears - Cherokee Indians forcibly removed from North Georgia

Land run (sometimes "land rush" ) usually refers to an historical event in which previously-restricted land of the United States was opened for homesteading on a first arrival basis. Some newly opened lands were sold first-come, sold by bid, or won by lottery, or by means other than a run. The settlers, no matter how they acquired occupancy, purchased the land from the United States Land Office. For former Indian lands, the Land Office distributed the funds to the various tribal entities according to previously negotiated terms. The Oklahoma Land Run of 1889 was the most prominent of the land runs, although there were several others enumerated below.

There were seven land runs in Oklahoma:

Land run - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I haven't really looked at the Dream Act, but if it doesn't include fast-tracking to citizenship (the wait is now an average of 3 years AFTER payment of hundreds of dollars for application fees along the way), illegal immigrants from Mexico will continue to cross the border.

That, and I don't know why we can't just go back to the structural bussing to and from the border areas of seasonal workers to do the planting of various fruits and vegetables across the country, and then the harvesting. Anyone remember Caesar Chavez? He was a lone lobbyist for fair wages for California's grape pickers, but those pickers weren't here illegally: They were here on work visas, and it worked out very well.

With 30 million illegals in this country why are farmers always complaint they don't have enough help.:confused:
At least the Okla Native American who owned black slaves upon releasing them gave them "40 acres and a mule" which the white slave owners promised but never delivered. And many black ex-slaves were adopted into the Indian nations as citizens. For 40 years ex-slaves were not citizens at all.
José;3033257 said:
Don't get me wrong... I'm all for compensating the native inhabitants of the american continent for their territorial losses but the irony was just too rich to ignore.

"José Illegal" has probably contrituted more to the american economy in one day of work than many native americans (and whites, blacks, etc...) during their entire lives. :D

You cannot conceivablely be that stupid and unimformed.:confused::eusa_hand:

Jose, Maria and junior illegal are first class Free Loaders and never be more than Free Loaders. Only reason they are here is for the freebies because there is work in Mexico, there is healthcare and there is education. Other reason they are here is because this is America.
I would like to see Family Illegal do without Americans for one day. No freebies for one day.:eusa_hand:

A Day Without An Americanself ^ | 5/2/06 | LS

Posted on Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Yesterday, we were treated to an example of "a day without a Mexican," as one of the posters at my university put it. Odd, I really didn't notice their absence, or conversely, their presence, except, perhaps, that we had homemade chili for dinner.

But let's consider a "happening" with momentous impact: a day without an American.

A Day Without An American
The real problem would be if there had never been an Africa. Blacks contributed more to civilization than any other race long before there were any other race.
Read; Before the Mayflower.
But of course that was then and this is now so let not make a mistake a bigger mistake with the Dream Act, Comprehensive Immigration Reform and continuing with automatic birthright citizenship for children of illegals.
We cannot fix one problem by creating another problem.
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Good God LilOlLady, talk about throwing random(crazy) myths out there just hoping something'll stick!

You white people are the ones who get money just for being white.

No I don't. I have to earn my money and pay taxes on it like all the yellow, brown, and black citizens of the U.S.

With 30 million illegals in this country why are farmers always complaint they don't have enough help.:confused:

30 million!?! At most 15...

At least the Okla Native American who owned black slaves upon releasing them gave them "40 acres and a mule" which the white slave owners promised but never delivered. And many black ex-slaves were adopted into the Indian nations as citizens. For 40 years ex-slaves were not citizens at all.

Ah, one of the best that's out there. If you'd like to know how this myth came about you may want to research General Sherman and his march from Atlanta to Savannah...
I haven't really looked at the Dream Act, but if it doesn't include fast-tracking to citizenship (the wait is now an average of 3 years AFTER payment of hundreds of dollars for application fees along the way), illegal immigrants from Mexico will continue to cross the border.

That, and I don't know why we can't just go back to the structural bussing to and from the border areas of seasonal workers to do the planting of various fruits and vegetables across the country, and then the harvesting. Anyone remember Caesar Chavez? He was a lone lobbyist for fair wages for California's grape pickers, but those pickers weren't here illegally: They were here on work visas, and it worked out very well.

With 30 million illegals in this country why are farmers always complaint they don't have enough help.:confused:

The small farmers who have been driven out of competition by the mega agrifarms can't even afford illegal help, or they would. Some of the larger dairy farms in VT employ a few Mexicans, but even those are hanging on only as a result of the NE Dairy Pact.
Good God LilOlLady, talk about throwing random(crazy) myths out there just hoping something'll stick!

You white people are the ones who get money just for being white.

No I don't. I have to earn my money and pay taxes on it like all the yellow, brown, and black citizens of the U.S.

With 30 million illegals in this country why are farmers always complaint they don't have enough help.:confused:

30 million!?! At most 15...

At least the Okla Native American who owned black slaves upon releasing them gave them "40 acres and a mule" which the white slave owners promised but never delivered. And many black ex-slaves were adopted into the Indian nations as citizens. For 40 years ex-slaves were not citizens at all.

Ah, one of the best that's out there. If you'd like to know how this myth came about you may want to research General Sherman and his march from Atlanta to Savannah...

Have you read Chickasaw Freedman? What do you know about Olka history? I know what I am talking about because my people lived it.

"Each citizen shall select from his allotment forty acres of land as a homestead , ... In re Land of Five Civilized Tribes, supra. Oats v. Freeman, 57 Okla. ... - Cached - Simila

1885 Choctaw & Chickasaw Freedmen Admitted To Citizenship1885 Choctaw & Chickasaw Freedmen Admitted To Citizenship ... below are those Choctaw and Chickasaw Freedmen adopted in 1885, by the Choctaw Nation. ... 1885 census taken the year of the formal adoption of the Africans into the nation. ...
1885 Choctaw & Chickasaw Freedmen Admitted To Citizenship - Cached - Similar

“The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about”
I take that back, White people has contributed blood, sweat and tears to building this country along with other races. American built this country. period.
Good God LilOlLady, talk about throwing random(crazy) myths out there just hoping something'll stick!

You white people are the ones who get money just for being white.

No I don't. I have to earn my money and pay taxes on it like all the yellow, brown, and black citizens of the U.S.

30 million!?! At most 15...

At least the Okla Native American who owned black slaves upon releasing them gave them "40 acres and a mule" which the white slave owners promised but never delivered. And many black ex-slaves were adopted into the Indian nations as citizens. For 40 years ex-slaves were not citizens at all.

Ah, one of the best that's out there. If you'd like to know how this myth came about you may want to research General Sherman and his march from Atlanta to Savannah...

Have you read Chickasaw Freedman? What do you know about Olka history? I know what I am talking about because my people lived it.

"Each citizen shall select from his allotment forty acres of land as a homestead , ... In re Land of Five Civilized Tribes, supra. Oats v. Freeman, 57 Okla. ... - Cached - Simila

1885 Choctaw & Chickasaw Freedmen Admitted To Citizenship1885 Choctaw & Chickasaw Freedmen Admitted To Citizenship ... below are those Choctaw and Chickasaw Freedmen adopted in 1885, by the Choctaw Nation. ... 1885 census taken the year of the formal adoption of the Africans into the nation. ...
1885 Choctaw & Chickasaw Freedmen Admitted To Citizenship - Cached - Similar

“The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about”

How much do I know about Oklahoma history? Enough to keep me in trouble since I've lived here off and on for many moons :razz: and on my mother's side were Sooners(yeah not a proud part of my family history).
As for your nation adopting freedman and giving land, do you realize the nonsense your Nation went through to try and stop it?
Some Creeks had owned slaves prior to 1865, and the tribe was required to adopt them as freedmen by the treaty that restored U.S.-Creek relations after the Civil War. Although intermarriage and social acceptance was much more common among the Creeks than other tribes, there was widespread opposition to giving the former slaves citizenship rights and a share of the tribal land. The federal government's insistence that the freedmen be enrolled was a constant source of contention between the tribal officials and the Dawes Commission and among the Creeks themselves. The identity of the slaves was a major point of disagreement. In 1867 J. W. Dunn, the Creek agent at Fort Gibson, prepared a roll of 1,774 blacks he felt were entitled to citizenship. Tribal officials argued that many of these people had returned to the Creek Nation too late to take advantage of the treaty and others were "state negroes" who came with them to take advantage of economic opportunities. Full-bloods charged that officials of the three "colored towns" were always trying to include the names of these ineligible people on their town rolls. On August 4, 1896, the National Council was asked to establish a Special Census Commission to make a census of the "colored citizens."69

How some Creek Freedmen acquired tribal status.

From the sound of it the Freedman of your Nation has the Federal Government to thank for the land... You should read more from the site I provided if for anything else to enlighten you on your people... To use your words; “The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about"
The Choctaw Freedmen of Oklahoma1885 The Sixty-Nine Choctaw Freedmen Who Elected to Leave the Nation ... the Choctaw Nation finally adopted their former slaves as citizens into the nation. ...
The Choctaw Freedmen of Oklahoma - Cached - Similar

Black Indians and Cherokee Freedmen

More than 20000 Africans were adopted into these nations before the end of .... Oklahoma's Black Indians and their hundreds of thousands of descendents are ...
Black Indians and Cherokee Freedmen - Cached - Similar

Freedmen Only 4 of the 5 tribes (Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek and Seminole), the Chickasaw being the one tribe that did not adopt their slaves. ...
Freedmen - Cached - Similar

The mix-blood Chickasaw slave were adopted.
The Choctaw Freedmen of Oklahoma1885 The Sixty-Nine Choctaw Freedmen Who Elected to Leave the Nation ... the Choctaw Nation finally adopted their former slaves as citizens into the nation. ...
The Choctaw Freedmen of Oklahoma - Cached - Similar

Black Indians and Cherokee Freedmen

More than 20000 Africans were adopted into these nations before the end of .... Oklahoma's Black Indians and their hundreds of thousands of descendents are ...
Black Indians and Cherokee Freedmen - Cached - Similar

Freedmen Only 4 of the 5 tribes (Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek and Seminole), the Chickasaw being the one tribe that did not adopt their slaves. ...
Freedmen - Cached - Similar

The mix-blood Chickasaw slave were adopted.

Well LilOlLady, first let me apologize for not focusing on the OP and continuously addressing only on the Native American/freedman point of your posts, I find the subject fascinating and have nothing but the utmost respect for many of the tribes... But this adoption of the freedman was not all sunshine and roses as your cut and paste examples may express. There was hostility before/during/after the integration that seems to still exsist today, especially now that the tribes are making serious money with the casinos.
30 Million Illegal Immigrants Already in U.S.,
Claims New Book
New York, NY (PRWEB) July 31, 2006

New book "Minutemen" contends true number of illegal aliens is nearly triple Washington's official estimate of 11-12 million, or approximately one-tenth of the entire U.S. population. Are supporters of amnesty covering up this fact from the American people?
30 Million Illegal Immigrants Already in U.S., Claims New Book
Information on our illegal immigration numbers
Our illegal immigration numbers are based on an estimated twenty million illegal aliens having been present in our nation as of January 1, 2004.

The Tucson sector Border Patrol union local 2544 on the number of illegal aliens in our nation: "There are currently 15 to 20 million illegal aliens in this country by many estimates, but the real numbers could be much higher and the numbers increase every day because our borders are not secure (no matter what the politicians tell you - don't believe them for a second)". (Visit the local's website).

Numbers of illegal aliens in the U.S. by Fred Elbel - THE AMERICAN RESISTANCE FOUNDATION - Information on illegal immigration numbers

Illegal aliens make no contributions to this country what so ever. The benefits they receive by way of their anchor babies, welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, public housing and section 8 housing, and the benefits of free emergency room medical care. Canceled out any taxes they may pay.
They are low income earners and pay very little taxes if any. They take jobs from Americans and lower wages.
They do not pay my social security because social security is going broke and were is my social security COLA?

The Dream Act will cause “chain migration” of millions of immigrants that we don’t have jobs for. 15 million Americans are unemployed and we don’t know how many illegal aliens are unemployed or collecting unemployment.
If the Dream act put millions into our military, they will be paid and eventually qualify for all veterans benefits.

Only contribution illegal aliens make is to corporations who want unlimited supply of cheap labor without have to pay health insurance or unemployment benefits and future votes for democrats.

Illegal aliens are still entering this country daily in hope of benefiting from the promise of Comprehensive Immigration Reform (amnesty) and there is no work for them and they turn to committing crimes. One such we was ask why he committed crime said because there is not work. Crimes are on the increase with the unemployment of illegal alien.
With illegal immigration comes more gang violence and drug smuggling and dealing.

Law enforcement seeing increase of illegal immigrants jailed across Treasure Coast
September 5th, 2010 by
Law enforcement seeing increase of illegal immigrants jailed across Treasure Coast | Treasure Coast Talk
The Dream Act will cause “chain migration” of millions of immigrants???

I rather doubt this. Very few illegal immigrants would qualify.

Just to qualify the person would have to have proof that they lived here for 5 years and entered the country prior to the age of 16 and have a clean record. In addition the person would also have to graduate from High School and been accepted into a college. They also have to be between the ages of 12 and 35 at time the bill was enacted so anchor babies would not qualify. The granting of citizenship depends on getting an honorable discharge from military service or graduation from college. plus other requirement. Any criminal activity and they're out.

DREAM Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To qualifty for citizenship

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