LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Illegal immigrants cannot serve in the military

It was with great interest that I recently listened to Congressman Jim Clyburn (6th U.S. District for S.C.) tell Fox News Sunday that “illegal immigrants served in our military in Iraq and Afghanistan.” He apparently made the statement in an attempt to chastise Arizona’s new anti–illegal immigration law and to gain sympathy and support for illegal immigrants.

As a U.S. congressman, he should have known better. The truth is that illegal immigrants cannot serve in our nation’s military forces. A quick search on the internet provides multiple sources stating the obvious—one must be a legal resident or legal immigrant to enter the U.S. military. Congressman Clyburn’s statement was either an oversight on his part or an effort to gain support for illegal immigrants. In any event, his statement is incorrect.

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Dream Act is a disaster to invite terrorist into our military.:

The rhetoric coming from the left leads you to think that because illegal aliens have served in our military so all illegal aliens should be on a path to citizenship. But the truth is illegals do not serve in our military?? "Hispanics" have served in the military and that do not give all Hispanics the right to citizenship.
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A Stunning Disclosure on Illegals in the Military March 1, 2004

"The Army has the highest number of unknowns - 9,055. The Navy has 6,531, the Air Force 444, the Marines one. Overall, 1,366,032 U.S. citizens and 35,662 legal immigrants serve in the U.S. military."

"The case of an Army private from Mexico, who enlisted using a fake green card and then served in Iraq, suggests some of the unknowns could be illegal immigrants. The military has no set procedure for handling these cases. U.S. congressional leaders are looking into the matter ... Some experts see a security risk. Military officials say they've had few problems so far, but the 9/11 terrorist attacks raised concerns."
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Serving in our military is not and should not be a prerequisite to qualifying for citizenship.
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Anti-US law called the Dream Act-- unconstitutional congress at work

December 1st, 2010 6:08 am CT.DHS will have the power of enforcement with this Act. This is a draconian act of immense costs and totally discriminates against US citizens. Not to mention it is unconstitutional, anti-US interests, and it further expands the control of gov't. Check this out:

Two Versions of DREAM Act Await Vote

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the 2 article's/posts of yours are contradicting no?

So do we, or do we not have illegals in the military?
the 2 article's/posts of yours are contradicting no?

So do we, or do we not have illegals in the military?

They are not contradictory. It is not legal for illegal aliens to serve in the US military. The military has dropped the ball and not made specific regulations on what to do when they catch one.
the 2 article's/posts of yours are contradicting no?

So do we, or do we not have illegals in the military?

That was my question.:confused: DO they serve and we don't know it or we know they do?:confused:

Did all the Mexicans run back to Mexico when the draft open for Vietnam?
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Illegal immigrants trying to leave Arizona hassled going southby Hugh Holub on Aug. 03, 2010, under SB 1070, border issues, politics

Until last year, the government only sporadically checked vehicles and pedestrians leaving the United States at all Mexican land ports. However, the Obama administration, in an effort to intercept weapons and cartel money, set up full-time checkpoints with barricades on southbound lanes.

Ramirez said the campaign has exceeded expectations in Arizona. Since September, inspectors have seized $4.7 million in southbound cash on the Arizona border ($7 million borderwide), and more than 12,000 rounds of ammunition on the Arizona border.

“On a weekly basis, we make multiple seizures and pick up people who have warrants for rape, child molestation and murder,” Ramirez said. He said inspectors, often supported by dogs trained to detect money and firearms, study southbound travelers for body language and bags, as well as other hints of lawbreaking.
Illegal immigrants trying to leave Arizona hassled going south - View From Baja Arizona


100% more than Bush did. They have been leaving since 2007. Reid is trying to entice them to stay with the promise of a path to citizenship (amnesty) and the Dream Act. They are leaving without us rounding them up, so let them leave.
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Only contribution illegal aliens make is to corporations who want unlimited supply of cheap labor without have to pay health insurance or unemployment benefits and future votes for democrats.

illegal aliens pay income tax and social security tax when they work, be it under false pretenses or not. THAT money goes into federal funds. are some the funds paid by illegals, yes, but not all. why don't you stop going after immigrants that want to work and support the programs that help YOU and go after the CORPORATIONS that are breaking the law. that would be republican supported CORPORATIONS. wake up Lil, your anger is misplaced.

Illegal aliens are low wage earners and pay very little in taxes any any and they collect benefits that far out weigh the taxes they pay. Healthcare via ER. Anchor babies education and social services. Incarcerations. Gangs.
I don't discriminate. I go after corporations, our government and ilegals.
Illegals killed 25 americans a day, rape 8 children a day not to mention other crimes committed. The price of illegal aliens is to high for americans to pay.
If they are paying my social security, why is social security going broke and I did not get my COLA last two years, and there are 20 million in this country?
They are not contributions to the economy either, it is failing. All the rhetoric you hear is coming from pro-illegal immigrants advocates and illegals.
They contribute absolute nothing to this country. I don't see it and I sure as hell don't feel it. They have bankrupt Calif and many hospitals. The reason why they should be deported is too many to mention.

stop flapping your gums and post FACTS about the things you claim. you didn't get your COLA because US corporations are shipping American jobs overseas....hence NO AMERICAN JOBS GAINED TO ADD TO SOCIAL SECURITY. i don't know if you have children but i'll bet they won't do lawn service in the 110 degree heat for 7.50 an hour. THOSE TAXES FOR THE PEOPLE WHO DO, GOES TO THE SOCIAL SECURITY FUND. IT IS ILLEGAL FOR THE EMPLOYERS TO NOT SEND IT TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, BE IT UNDER A FALSE SSI NUMBER OR NOT. get you facts straight, or shut the hell up.
stop flapping your gums and post FACTS about the things you claim. you didn't get your COLA because US corporations are shipping American jobs overseas....hence NO AMERICAN JOBS GAINED TO ADD TO SOCIAL SECURITY. i don't know if you have children but i'll bet they won't do lawn service in the 110 degree heat for 7.50 an hour. THOSE TAXES FOR THE PEOPLE WHO DO, GOES TO THE SOCIAL SECURITY FUND. IT IS ILLEGAL FOR THE EMPLOYERS TO NOT SEND IT TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, BE IT UNDER A FALSE SSI NUMBER OR NOT. get you facts straight, or shut the hell up.
What? You can't mow your own lawn so you justify it by allowing people in the country illegally to do it for you.
Brother, brother-in-law, nephew, son-in-law, two of my sons, and grandson-in-law.
These are the people in my family that own and operate their own lawn care businesses.
They are all white Americans and none of them employee Mexicans (legal or illegal).
So you can save the "they do work that we don't want" bullshit for somebody else.

Has not fixed social security and not anything and that’s another dead horse we need to stop beating.
We have 20 million tax paying illegal aliens in this country since the 1986 amnesty and we are in a recession with millions of Americans and illegal aliens unemployed, seniors haven’t got a COLA for two years, section 8 program is closed indefinitely and we have trillions in debt and cannot pay for two wars. So why the hell is Obama an Reid even considering the Dream Act that will add to our military debt and Comprehensive Immigration Reform that will put million of illegal aliens on a path to citizenship and cause the biggest Chain Migration this country has ever seen.
How do these dreamers intend to pay for the Dream Act and Comprehensive Immigration Reform?
It’s long past time for another “Operation Wet Back” to open up jobs for Americans and cut the cost of illegal immigration. Not the time for open borders and chain migration.
The old rhetoric that we need illegal aliens is beating another dead horse. The past 24 years since the last amnesty has proven that. Illegal aliens fixes nothing.
Barbara is now speaking about how much we need children of illegal aliens. If we need them so much, just think of how much Mexico needs them. No matter how long they have been here, Mexico is their home and Mexico need them. If they would make OUR country a better place, how much better they could make Mexico for all Mexicans so they will not have to come here against their will. Millions of Mexican children in Mexico needs a better life? No, the Deam Act is not the best thing for Mexico and Mexicans. Going home to Mexico is not a punishment, it is an honor to serve your country and make it a better place for all Mexicans. Dream Act is a nightmare for us and for Mexico.
IT IS NOT A PUNISHMENT. What about the MEXICAN DREAM? The Dream Act will kill the Mexican Dream.
Barbara is now speaking about how much we need children of illegal aliens. If we need them so much, just think of how much Mexico needs them. No matter how long they have been here, Mexico is their home and Mexico need them. If they would make OUR country a better place, how much better they could make Mexico for all Mexicans so they will not have to come here against their will. Millions of Mexican children in Mexico needs a better life? No, the Deam Act is not the best thing for Mexico and Mexicans. Going home to Mexico is not a punishment, it is an honor to serve your country and make it a better place for all Mexicans. Dream Act is a nightmare for us and for Mexico.
IT IS NOT A PUNISHMENT. What about the MEXICAN DREAM? The Dream Act will kill the Mexican Dream.

with obama he thinks he can change every thing.
Illegal aliens are low wage earners and pay very little in taxes any any and they collect benefits that far out weigh the taxes they pay. Healthcare via ER. Anchor babies education and social services. Incarcerations. Gangs.
I don't discriminate. I go after corporations, our government and ilegals.
Illegals killed 25 americans a day, rape 8 children a day not to mention other crimes committed. The price of illegal aliens is to high for americans to pay.
If they are paying my social security, why is social security going broke and I did not get my COLA last two years, and there are 20 million in this country?
They are not contributions to the economy either, it is failing. All the rhetoric you hear is coming from pro-illegal immigrants advocates and illegals.
They contribute absolute nothing to this country. I don't see it and I sure as hell don't feel it. They have bankrupt Calif and many hospitals. The reason why they should be deported is too many to mention.

stop flapping your gums and post FACTS about the things you claim. you didn't get your COLA because US corporations are shipping American jobs overseas....hence NO AMERICAN JOBS GAINED TO ADD TO SOCIAL SECURITY. i don't know if you have children but i'll bet they won't do lawn service in the 110 degree heat for 7.50 an hour. THOSE TAXES FOR THE PEOPLE WHO DO, GOES TO THE SOCIAL SECURITY FUND. IT IS ILLEGAL FOR THE EMPLOYERS TO NOT SEND IT TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, BE IT UNDER A FALSE SSI NUMBER OR NOT. get you facts straight, or shut the hell up.

Hello I do my own lawn work and I am 71 years old. I have never lived in 110 degree heat in my 71 years????
My social security is not being paid by illegal aliens. They don't pay for anything. So who's lip are flapping? Post the facts or shut the hell up.:eusa_liar:

The taxes they pay if any is very little and the benefits they and their children receive cancels that out.
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that nothing is put into the US treasury...and laugh as you might...they'll NEVER COLLECT on the taxes they pay in. but YOU get the benefit. that is sick.

The Dream Act helps children in this country illegally to get through college, after we have helped them get though high school, get on a path to citizenship and get a job and better serve this country? How about helping our own children get through college and get a job. Most of them enter the service only to get an education because they cannot get the help needed to get an education first and better serve this country.

Let Mexico worry about it’s own. No matter how they got here or how long they are been here they are still Mexican citizens.

Were are the jobs for them coming from? College graduates are not finding jobs now and you want our children and their parents to compete with those who are in this country illegally? Why make it harder for them by having them compete for jobs with illegals?

We don’t have jobs for them or their parents or for millions of our own. They do not create jobs or there would be jobs for the 20 million that are here.

Children of Mexico can better serve us by going home and making a better Mexico for all Mexicans so they do not have to come here for a better life.We don’t need them, but Mexico do.

If we have to keep them here, let them serve in our military first, then help them through college, then on a path to citizenship and them a job. Let them prove themselves and earn citizenship.
A vote on the DREAM Act is expected today and we must stop it. Call (202) 224-3121 and tell your Members of Congress to vote NO on the DREAM Act.

I don't have a phone with long distance. I am just a poor white American. Can I call collect?

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